Lab exam 2020-2021 - itis 103 lab exam PDF

Title Lab exam 2020-2021 - itis 103 lab exam
Course Introduction to Information Systems
Institution University of Bahrain
Pages 4
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itis 103 lab exam...



ITIS103-Assignment 2 Access 2016

Notes:  Read the questions carefully.  You have the “uob-bookshop” ready. Only download it and do the requirements to the database.  Do not forget to save the database with your name and ID.  You have to finish the exam within 2 Hours.  The solved database should be submitted to the blackboard before 11: 00 o’clock.

PART A: Fields and Properties (7 marks) In your database, you have three ready tables. You are required to do the following:  Define a Primary Key for each table.  Add 2 new fields (Payment Type and Available?) to the table Sales as shown in the below picture with defining their suitable Data Type. Fill the data inside the fields.

1st semester 2020/2021

 Define the following field properties:  Make sure that ISBN field cannot accept more than 5 characters and Cust_ID not more than 2 characters.  The field Title in the table Books should always be in uppercase letter.  Dates should have the format dd-mmm-yyyy.  The currency sign should be in BD.  Identify a field that you can define a look up Wizard (Payment Type).

PART B: Relationship (1 mark) Create relationships among tables (Books, Customers, sales) with defining their cardinality (1 to many, many to many...).

1st semester 2020/2021

PART C: Queries (5 marks)  Query1: Create a query that will show a new field called Profit witch calculate the profit for each book according to the following equation: (Price – Cost) * NOC. Profit should be displayed in decreasing order with BD currency.  Query 2: Create a query that shows maximum and minimum price for each subject.  Query 3: Create a query that will ask the user about a specific customer ID and will display the ISBN, Title of the book, payment type and the date he/she purchased that book.

PART D: Creating Form (3 marks)  Create a datasheet form for the Books and Sales Tables and name it as “Book details”.  View your data using a form with a sub form.  Do the required modifications so that your form looks as follow:

1st semester 2020/2021

PART E: Creating Report (4 marks) Create the following report and save it as “Book report”. Do the required modifications according to the following:

This is part of the required report. Do the required grouping level (On Subject), sorting (on NOC) and summary options (sum of NOC, Max of Price). Note that the Profit should be provided using the query 1 in Part C and it’s not necessary to get same values in the above picture (May be your values are different).

Good Luck 1st semester 2020/2021...

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