Lab Quiz PDF

Title Lab Quiz
Course Exercise Physiology II
Institution University of Ottawa
Pages 18
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Lab Section Notes For The Final Lab Quiz...


Lab One Margaria-K Margaria-Kalamen alamen Alactic Anaerobic P Power ower T Test(Lab est(Lab 8)

Background Determination of Anaerobic (non-oxidative) Power and Capacity Anaerobic (non-oxidative) resynthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the muscle can occur in two ways: ● By creatine phosphate (CP) combining with adenosinediphosphate (ADP), which does not result in the formation of lactic acid and is therefore termed alactic anaerobic (immediate) metabolism. ● By the breakdown of glycogen (glycolysis), which results in the formation of lactic acid and therefore is called lactic anaerobic (non-oxidative) metabolism.

Theory Behind Tests ● The alactic (immediate) component of anaerobic (non-oxidative) metabolism is exhausted as a pathway to generate significant amounts of ATP after 7-10 seconds of all-out exercise ● The lactic (non-o (non-oxidative) xidative) component is thought to function for up to 60-120 seconds during intense exercise before the ever-increasing cellular acidity (from lactic acid production) effectively shuts down the metabolic pathway. Based on this differentiation, most sport scientists agree that tests should distinguish between these two components, especially in view of the specific demands of various sports. ● Alactic anaerobic capacity – the total energy output during 10 seconds of maximal effort; ● Alactic anaerobic power – the maximum rate of energy output during 10 seconds of maximal effort, e.g., highest energy output in any seconds; ● Lactic anaerobic capac capacity ity – the total energy output during a maximal effort lasting 60-120 seconds; 1

● Lactic anaerobic power – the maximum rate of energy output during a maximal effort lasting 60-120 seconds but occurring during the lactic phase e.g., after the first 15 seconds at least.

Figure 1. Energy sources for muscle as a function of activity duration. Schematic presentation showing how long each of the major energy systems can endure in supporting all-out wor. (Adapted from Brooks & al. 2000)

The Margaria-Kalamen Test This test has been used for many years to measure alactic anaerobic power by means of a simple stair-climbing test that requires a maximal explosive effort over less than a second’s time.


Equipment: ● Sports clothes ● ● ● ●

Sports shoes Lab coat Safety glasses or face shield Facial mask

● Covid-19 screening questionnaire ● Juice or a quick snack for after exercise ● Two switch mats connected to a time recorder (that can measure to 0.01) ● A staircase with 12 consecutive stairs. (For safety, the stairs should have risers to prevent trapping a foot in a stair at high speed)

Protocol 1. Have students perform a short warm-up (5 minutes). 2. Place switch mats on the 3rd and 9th stairs. 3. The student stands 6 meters in front of the staircase and on the command “GO” runs up the stairs as fast as possible, taking 3 stairs at a time. 4. The best score from several trials is used to calculate the power output. 5. Allow 2-3 minutes recovery in between each trial.

Calculations Absolute Alactic Anaerobic Powe Power(W r(W r(Watts/K atts/K atts/Kg): g): P(abs)= (W (Wx9 x9 x9.8xD)/T .8xD)/T


P(abs) P(abs): Atlantic Power(watts) W: Weight of subject in (Kg) D: Vert height between mats(m) T:fastest of the time between mats(s) Relative Alactic Anaerobic P Power(W ower(W ower(Watts/kg) atts/kg) P(rel)= (9 (9.8xD)/T .8xD)/T D: Vert height between mats(m) T: the time between mats(s)

Lab Questions Static S Stretching tretching ● Decrease motor unit activation, increase in time which ● We calculate relative power because absolute power is the power not standardized by the individual’s weight ● Sports: explosive sports that involve jumping( High Jump)

Lab T Two wo Wingate Anaerobic T Test(Lab est(Lab 9) It is a maximal 30-second performance on a cycle ergometer which provides an indication of: ● Mean power from the determination of the average power output that is sustained over the 30 seconds 4

○ This is likely linked to lactic anaerobic power; ● Peak power from determining the highest power output during the test ○ This is likely linked most closely to alactic anaerobic power, even though lactic acid production is probably occurring during the time period that peak power is usually observed: the second 5 seconds interval; ● A fatigue index measured by the difference between the peak power and the lowest value and expressed as a percentage of peak power.

Equipment ● Ergometer ● Stopwatch ● Rev Counter

Protocol 1. Take a resting (prior to warm up) blood lactate concentration sample. 2. Adjust seat height 3. The subject is given a 5-minute warm-up (4 minutes 80% and 1 minute 40%). 4. About 5 minutes of rest (minimal movements other than light stretching) should follow the warm-up before the test begins. 5. During that time, the appraiser sets the resistance on the bike or adds weight in the basket(Resistance 0.09 kp/kgxMass(Kg)+ Basket(1.5) 6. Countdown


7. All out pedaling for 30-secs 8. pedal at about 80-90 rpm, 5-second intervals are being counted 9. Remove Weights 10. Post Blood Test, 5min, 30min after 11. Cannot leave the lab for at least 20min


Resistance esistance: Mass(kg)x0.09

Questions ● Margaria-Kalamen is incomparable to the Wingate test ○ Margaria-Kalamen test measure alactic anaerobic power, through a simple stair climbing test that requires a maximal explosive effort over less than a second’s time. ○ The purpose of the Wingate test is to measure mean power, mean power, and fatigue index via a maximal 30-second performance on a cycle ergometer. ■ Mean power is the average power output sustainable over 30


seconds, due to lactic anaerobic power. ■ Peak power is the highest power output during the test. This is linked most closely to alactic anaerobic power, even though ○ lactic acid production is probably occurring during the time period that peak power is usually observed at the 5 seconds interval.

● FI: affected by whether the person is endurance or resistance-trained, and whether the subject gives maximum effort at the start ● Pre-test Pre-test, Post warmup(Rest): ○ Maximize ATP and CP anaerobic ○ Eliminate lactate build-up ● Cool Down ○ Prevent the loss of conscioness ○ Prevent pooling of blood lactate ○ Blood sent to the brain, via contraction ● Blood Lactate LLe evel ○ Rest: 1.2mmol/L ○ During the increase in the build-up ○ Decrease after dependant on intensity/duration

Lab 3 Oxidative Energy System Du During ring Ex Exercise(Lab ercise(Lab 10) Potential oxidative energy sources for muscle include ● ● ● ●

sugars, Carbohydrates Fats amino acids

Muscle tissue, in healthy-fed individuals, has significant reserves of glycogen This fuel source can be supplemented by: ● glucose supplied from the blood;


● liver glycogen, which can be broken down to glucose and delivered to muscle through the circulation; ● fats and amino acids, which exist in muscle as well as in other deposits around the body. Oxidative mechanisms allow far more energy to be liberated from a glucose molecule

Energy Equivalent (kcal) Glycogen in muscle


Glycogen in liver


Fat (adipose triglyceride)

141 000

Body proteins

24 000

Substrate Utilization During Exercise ● The power output is the most important factor in determining the fuels used during exercise. ● Other factors, such as diet, training status, gender, and age, are of secondary Resting muscles and the remainder of the body utilize lipids predominantly as fuels. At low to moderate-intensity exercise, CHO and fat both play major roles as energy substrates. However, when relative aerobic power output reaches 60 – 65%, the CHO becomes increasingly important and lipids become less important. ● The total amount of calories (cal) available from plasma does not change in relation to exercise intensity.


VO2max assessment Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) is known as the best physiological parameter to evaluate cardiorespiratory fitness and monitoring o oxygen xygen consumption (V (VO2) O2) ● Golden St Standard andard

Theory As the power output increase, the body has to produce more energy to sustain the workload. Therefore, o oxygen xygen consumption progress very linearly with power output.

Pre-Test Regulations(Safety) ● Ve (Expired volume of air) should be between ≈ 8 to 12 L/min ● FeO2 (Fraction of expired oxygen) should be between ≈ 16% to 19% ● FeCO2 (Fraction of expired carbon dioxide) should be between ≈ 1% to 5% ● VO VO2 2/kg should be slightly above 3.5 ml/kg/min

Measuring of VO2max or VO2peak ● Maximum aerobic capacity (VO2max) is attained when oxygen uptake plateaus or does not increase by more than 150 ml/min with further increase in workload (When When a plateau is not attained, we use the term V VO2peak O2peak O2peak). ● Failure of HR to increase with further increase in exercise intensity. ● A post-ex post-exercise ercise venous lactic acid concentration of more than 8 mmol/L. ● A respiratory exchange ratio > 1. 1.15(RER) 15(RER) ● A rating of perceived ex exertion ertion of more than 9 (0-10 scale). ● The subject can no longer maintain the rhythm (cannot maintain RPM) *must have most of the criteria to get a VO2max.


When To STOP Test!!! ● The onset of angina or angina-like symptoms ● Drop-in systolic blood pressure > 10 mmHg from baseline blood pressure despite an increase in workload or if SBP decreases below the value obtained in the same position prior to testing ● Excessive rise in blood pressure: systolic pressure > 250 mmHg or diastolic pressure > 115 mmHg ● Shortness of breath, wheezing, leg cramps, or claudication ● Signs of poor perfusion perfusion: light-headedness, confusion, ataxia, pallor, cyanosis, nausea, or cold and clammy skin, ● Failure of heart rate to increase with increased exercise intensity ● Noticeable change in heart rate rhythm by palpation or auscultation ● Subject requests to stop ● Physical or verbal manifestations of severe fatigue ● Failure of the testing equipment

Calculation Calculate the percentage VO2 reserve following a maximal oxygen consumption test. VO2max(Highest Highest VO V Value alue) ( VO2) (ml/kg/min) = ____________ % VO2 reserve = [(VO2 max – 3.5) x fraction of the desired % ] + 3.5 % of VO2 reserve (ml/kg/min) = _____________ According to the graded exercise test, define the closest intensity equivalent to the % of VO2 reserve. Speed and grade of the treadmill at % = _____________ RPM and resistance of the bike at % = ___________



LAB 4 Average RER to Caloric Equivalent ● 0.90= 4.924 ● 0.94=4.973 ○ 0.94-0.94= 4.973-4.924=0.049 ■ 0.049/4=0.01225 ● 0.91= 4.924+0.01225 ● ● ● ● ●

○ =4.936Kcal/LO2 Caloric Equivalent (Total; LO2/min) = 4.776Kcal/LO2(41.34LO2/min) =197.43984Kcal/min =6910.39Kcal


Caloric contribution of carbohydrate (CHO) and fat(Avg RER)

The relative contribution of each energy substrate (fat vs carbohydrate) at each 5 minutes interval during exercise.(Avg RER)

● Correction of VO2 and VCO2 for the rate of protein oxidation(Avg): VO2 corrected (L/min) = VO2 (L/min) – [1.01 (L/g) x 0.06 (g/min)] VCO2 corrected (L/min) = VCO2 (L/min) – [0.843 (L/g) x 0.06 (g/min)]

● Quantity of lipids metabolized (g/min) = - 1.7 x VCO2 corrected (L/min) + 1.7 x VO2 corrected (L/min)

● Quantity of CHO metabolized (g/min) = 4.59 x VCO2 corrected (L/min) – 3.23 x VO2 corrected (L/min) AVERAGE!

Questions ● Intensity on substrate utilization 12

○ More lipids % at 30%, but the total kcal/min is roughly equal between 30% and 70% intensity vice versa of carbs ● Lower intensity and lowering of body fat percentage ○ The factor that modulates muscular glucose utilization during exercise is intensity and duration duration. ○ less quick energy and a higher percentage of fat is burned. ○ burn fewer calories than you would if, for the same amount of time, you work out at a higher intensity This is because fat has more than twice the number of calories compared to carbs; more oxygen is needed to burn fat compared to carbs due to its higher density and; carbs become the preferred fuel

Lab 5 Finding the energy expenditure A MET is the ratio of individuals working metabolic rate relative to their resting metabolic rate.


Metabolic rate is the rate of energy expended over time. It can be used to evaluate the intensity of an exercise or activity. One MET is the energy you spend sitting at rest (basal metabolic rate). This means that when a subject is participating in an activity, that results in a MET value of 4 it means they are exerting four times the energy than they would at rest

Calculation ● Kcal = METS x kg x time (hours) ● (∑ Sum of energy expended (Kcal) for each activity/#total number of activities) ● Resting: 3.5ml O2/kg/min= 1Met

Lab 8 Blood Sample 1. All examiners must wear gloves and labcoats at all times while performing these tests. You must change gloves between each test. 2. You must dispose of all lancets (needles), glucose or lactate test strips, gauze, and gloves that came in contact with blood in a Sharps container. 3. When performing a test, follow these steps:

A. Ensure that you have all necessary supplies: gauze, glucose or lactate test strips, lancets, alcohol swabs, gloves and band-aids. B. Ensure that the area in which you are working is clean C. Put on your gloves and labcoat D. Place the test strip in the glucose or lactate analyzer


E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O.

Clean the subject’s finger with an alcohol wipe. Let it dry. Remove the safety stop/cap of the lancet Hold the subject’s finger in such a way that traps blood in the fingertip Poke the subject with the lancet Wipe off the first drop of blood with gauze Hold the analyzer up to the finger so that it can pull in a sufficient quantity of blood Place gauze over the finger and instruct the subject to hold it firmly in place Place all used items in the sharps container Remove the test strip once the analyzer has given a value, and place in the sharps container Clean the blood on your labcoat with cold water and put it in the bag. Remove your gloves and place in the appropriate container if they have come in contact with blood. If they have not come in contact with blood you can throw them in the regular garbage.

** Squeezing or “milking” the finger to get sufficient blood will not produce accurate results. If you do not get enough blood, try again.


Lab R Reminders eminders ● Sports clothes ● Sports shoes ● ● ● ●

Lab coat Safety glasses or face shield Facial mask Covid-19 screening questionnaire

● Juice or a quick snack for after exercise ● The proper lab protocol printed from Brightspace (lab 8, 9 or 10)

Lab Screening Sheet


Washing of hands frequently, and cleaning stations

Cant perform lab with HR greater than 99 or SBP and DBP greater than 160;90

CLEANING PROCEDURES - Mouthpiece 1- With gloves on, completely disassemble the mouthpiece in the sink 2- Brush all the pieces of the mouthpiece 3- Put and leave all the pieces of the mouthpiece in the disinfecting solution for 10 minutes! 4- Rinse in the WATER bin, then in the WATER + SOAP bin. Skip the bin closest to the sink (that is for the other items) 5- Rinse at the sink (do not put the pieces in the sink!!!) 17

6- Place all the pieces on the tray

Heart Rate Monitor and Forehead Cushion 1- Clean the heart rate monitor (not the watch!) and the forehead cushion in the bin closest to the sink (water and soap) 2- Immediately rinse at the sink 3- Dry the heart rate monitor (plastic portion)– put it away in the storage bin 4- Place the heart rate monitor’s elastic band on the screen door by the sink 5- Place the forehead cushion on the left of the sink… but not on the tray!!

CLEANING PROCEDURES – Nose Clip, Headgear, Blood Pressure Cuff, Stopwatch, Stethoscope, Treadmill, etc. You must wear gloves when using the sanitizer. With the sanitizer wipe, clean the piece of equipment. The disinfectant spay can also be applied on a cloth for cleaning this equipment. Your facilitator will show you the procedure to follow.


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