Lab Report - 1111 PDF

Title Lab Report - 1111
Author Mert Cetin
Course Program Outputs
Institution Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Pages 12
File Size 581.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 39
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2019 FALL

Atterberg (Consistency) Limits (100 point) 1. Cover Page: must include name and number of the student, lab no., name(s) of the experiment(s), date. 2. Table of Contents 3. Introduction: aim of the test, type of soils on which the test can be done, summary of possible uses of the test results. 4. Equipment: Not full list of equipment only the important ones, and a figure of illustration. 5. Methodology: The lab instruction sheets will have a complete step-by-step procedure already. This section of your report needs just a summary (all done important steps), highlighting any step of the procedure that is done differently from what is written in the instruction sheets. 6. Results and Calculations: - Report the Liquid limit and Plastic limit values, rounded to the nearest integer %. - Report Plasticity index - Classify this soil according to USCS. Show this soil’s location on the plasticity chart. This section includes raw data recorded on the data sheets provided with the instruction sheets, as well as any visual observation you made during the test. 7. Interpretation of results and conclusion: Interpret the results, If the results are not acceptable, make suggestions by using your own engineering properties, Why is it important?, Where is it used? (MOST IMPORTANT) 8. References(according to APA style)

NOTE: -Write report on computer. - Write your report with your own words. Copy and paste will not be taken into account. - Submit your reports as a hardcopy. -Deadline of the report is 29/11/19 at 12.00. -Write report as short as possible. (Logic is important) (Core of report 3-4 page, except data sheet and before introduction) -Grading is according to your interest in the learning the topic. -I think cheating is undesirable action.


2019 FALL

Report of Consolidation (100 point) Cover Page: It must include name and number of the student, lab no., name(s) of the experiment(s), date.

Table of Contents Introduction: Aim of the test, type of soils on which the test can be done, summary of possible uses of the test results.

Equipment: Not full list of equipment only the important ones, and a figure of illustration.

Methodology: The lab instruction sheets will have a complete step-by-step procedure already. This section of your report needs just a summary (all done important steps), highlighting any step of the procedure that is done differently from what is written in the instruction sheets.

R e s u l t s an d C a l c u l at i o n s : This section includes raw data recorded on the data sheets provided with the instruction sheets, as well as any visual observation you made during the test. -Plot deformation vs t^0.5 (for 50, 100 and 200 kPa) -Plot deformation vs log t (for 50, 100 and 200 kPa) -Plot e vs log ’ -Plot e vs ’ - Find t50 and t90 from Taylor’s method - Find kind of soil according to av (Cc), Cv, k and Mv.( Search from internet how to find these value to understand logic, then write in interpolation of results)

Interpretation of results and conclusion::

(MOST IMPORTANT) Interpret the results, If the results are not acceptable, make suggestions by using your own engineering properties. Note: Clay is normally consolidated Ankara clay. Compare the characteristic of Ankara clay with our sample ( add reference graph examples). Then, make suggestion about possible correction or error.


2019 FALL

References (according to APA style)

NOTE: -Write report on computer. - Write your report with your own words. Copy and paste will not be taken into account. - Submit your reports as a hardcopy. -Deadline of the report is 27/12/19 at 13.30 (until laboratory session start). -Write the report as short as possible. (Logic is important) (Core of the report is 3-4 page at maximum, except data sheet and before introduction) -Grading is according to your interest in the learning the topic. -I think cheating is undesirable action.


2019 FALL

Report of Constant Head Permeability Test (100 point) Cover Page: It must include name and number of the student, lab no., name(s) of the experiment(s), date.

T ab l e o f C o nt e n t s Introduction: Aim of the test, type of soils on which the test can be done, summary of possible uses of the test results.

Equipment: Not full list of equipment only the important ones, and a figure of illustration.

Methodology: The lab instruction sheets will have a complete step-by-step procedure already. This section of your report needs just a summary (all done important steps), highlighting any step of the procedure that is done differently from what is written in the instruction sheets.

R e s u l t s an d C a l c u l at i o n s : This section includes raw data recorded on the data sheets provided with the instruction sheets, as well as any visual observation you made during the test.

Interpretation of results and conclusion::

(MOST IMPORTANT) Interpret the results, If the results are not acceptable, make suggestions by using your own engineering properties, -Give examples about where the compaction of soil is used in the field, and how? -What is the importance of max dry density in application?

R e f e re n c e s ( ac c o rd i n g to A P A s ty l e )


2019 FALL

BONUS: (15 point) -Explain this test logic with Darcy’s Law. -Explain this test logic also with Bernouli Equation. -To define exact permeability of a soil, how to conduct this test, which steps are important.

NOTE: -Write report on computer. - Write your report with your own words. Copy and paste will not be taken into account. - Submit your reports as a hardcopy. -Deadline of the report is 17/12/19 at 13.30 until laboratory session start. -Write report as short as possible. (Logic is important) (Core of report 3-4 page, except data sheet and before introduction) -Grading is according to your interest in the learning the topic. -I think cheating is undesirable action.


2019 FALL

Determination off Specific Gravity of Solids Report (80 point) 1. Cover Page: must include name and number of the student, lab no., name(s) of the experiment(s), date. 2. Table of Contents 3. Introduction: aim of the test, type of soils on which the test can be done, summary of possible uses of the test results. 4. Equipment: Not full list of equipment only the important ones, and a figure of illustration. 5. Methodology: The lab instruction sheets will have a complete step-by-step procedure already. This section of your report needs just a summary (most important steps), highlighting any step of the procedure that is done differently from what is written in the instruction sheets. 6. Results and Calculations: This section includes raw data recorded on the data sheets provided with the instruction sheets, as well as any visual observation you made during the test. 7. Interpretation of results and conclusion: If the results are not acceptable, make suggestions calculations using the test data to obtain engineering properties. 8. References -I sent you ‘’Determination of Water Content’’ handout. You should copy this handout as handwritten paper. (Do not write on computer) (20 point)

*BONUS -SG is important, why? , where is it used?

(5 point)

-What is the relative density (specific gravity!) for oven-dry aggregate, saturated surface- dry aggregate and apparent relative density?, … differences(put picture)? (5 point)

NOTE: -Write report on computer -Deadline of the reports 05/11/19. -Write report as short as possible. (Logic is important) -Grading is according to your interest in the learning the topic. -I think cheating is undesirable action.


2019 FALL

Report of Direct Shear (100 point) Cover Page: It must include name and number of the student, lab no., name(s) of the experiment(s), date.

Table of Contents Introduction: Aim of the test, type of soils on which the test can be done, summary of possible uses of the test results.

Equipment: Not full list of equipment only the important ones, and a figure of illustration.

Methodology: The lab instruction sheets will have a complete step-by-step procedure already. This section of your report needs just a summary (all done important steps), highlighting any step of the procedure that is done differently from what is written in the instruction sheets.

Re su l t s a n d C a l c ul a t i o n s: This section includes raw data recorded on the data sheets provided with the instruction sheets, as well as any visual observation you made during the test. -Plot Shear Stress vs Shear displacement -Plot Vertical displacement vs Shear displacement -Plot Shear strength vs Normal stress log ’ (Do not forget soil sample is clean sand) - Find soil condition and consolidation condition ( overconsolidation or normal soil ) according to friction angle and cohesion

Interpretation of results and conclusion::


Interpret the results, if the results are not acceptable, make suggestions by using your own engineering properties.

References (according to APA style)

NOTE: -Write report on computer. - Write your report with your own words. Copy and paste will not be taken into account.


2019 FALL

- Submit your reports as a hardcopy. -Deadline of the report is 31/12/19 at 13.30 (until laboratory session start). -Write the report as short as possible. (Logic is important) (Core of the report is 3-4 page at maximum, except data sheet and before introduction) -Grading is according to your interest in the learning the topic. -I think cheating is undesirable action.


2019 FALL

Hydrometer (100 point) 1. Cover Page: must include name and number of the student, lab no., name(s) of the experiment(s), date. 2. Table of Contents 3. Introduction: aim of the test, type of soils on which the test can be done, summary of possible uses of the test results. 4. Equipment: Not full list of equipment only the important ones, and a figure of illustration. 5. Methodology: The lab instruction sheets will have a complete step-by-step procedure already. This section of your report needs just a summary (most important steps), highlighting any step of the procedure that is done differently from what is written in the instruction sheets. 6. Results and Calculations: This section includes raw data recorded on the data sheets provided with the instruction sheets, as well as any visual observation you made during the test. 7. Interpretation of results and conclusion: Interpret the results, If the results are not acceptable, make suggestions by using your own engineering properties, Why is it important?, Where is it used? (MOST IMPORTANT) 8. References

*BONUS (10 point) -Research, than Explain logic of hydrometer. -Read ASTM and put some important points that attract your attention.

NOTE: -Write report on computer. - Submit your reports as a hardcopy. -Deadline of the report is 19/11/19 at 13.30 until lab session start. (1 day delay is 50 point reduction, 2 day delay is 80 point reduction, and 3 date delay is not acceptable.) -Write report as short as possible. (Logic is important) (Core of report 2-3 page, except data sheet, before introduction) -Grading is according to your interest in the learning the topic. -I think cheating is undesirable action.


2019 FALL

Sieve Analysis (95 point) 1. Cover Page: must include name and number of the student, lab no., name(s) of the experiment(s), date. 2. Table of Contents 3. Introduction: aim of the test, type of soils on which the test can be done, summary of possible uses of the test results. 4. Equipment: Not full list of equipment only the important ones, and a figure of illustration. 5. Methodology: The lab instruction sheets will have a complete step-by-step procedure already. This section of your report needs just a summary (most important steps), highlighting any step of the procedure that is done differently from what is written in the instruction sheets. 6. Results and Calculations: This section includes raw data recorded on the data sheets provided with the instruction sheets, as well as any visual observation you made during the test. 7. Interpretation of results and conclusion: Interpret the results, If the results are not acceptable, make suggestions by using your own engineering properties, Why is it important?, Where is it used? (MOST IMPORTANT) 8. References

*ADDITIONAL (20 point) -Define Cu and Cc. (2 point) -Explain well graded, poorly graded and gap graded soil. (3 point) -Research and report 2 gradation examples in TS or ASTM. One is used in highway with asphalt. The other is used in Building with cement. (10 point)

NOTE: -Write report on computer. - Submit your reports as a hardcopy. -Deadline of the report is 12/11/19 at 13.30 until lab session start. -Write report as short as possible. (Logic is important) -Grading is according to your interest in the learning the topic. -I think cheating is undesirable action.


2019 FALL

Report of Standard Proctor Compaction (100 point) 1.

C o v e r Pa g e : must include name and number of the student, lab no., name(s) of the experiment(s), date.

2. T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s 3. I n t r o d u c t i o n : aim of the test, type of soils on which the test can be done, summary of possible uses of the test results. 4. 5.

Eq u i p m e n t : Not full list of equipment only the important ones, and a figure of illustration. Me t h o d o l o g y : The lab instruction sheets will have a complete step-by-step procedure already. This section of your report needs just a summary (all done important steps), highlighting any step of the procedure that is done differently from what is written in the instruction sheets.

6. R e s u l t s a n d C a l c u l a t io n s : - Plot the isosaturation curves and the five compaction data points on a single graph.

- Join the five data points with a curve. Mark its peak (it may or may nor be on a data point).Then, obtain “optimum water content” and “maximum dry density’’ with standard compaction effort. This section includes raw data recorded on the data sheets provided with the instruction sheets, as well as any visual observation you made during the test. 7.

I n t e r p r e t a t i o n o f re s u l t s a n d c o n c lu s i o n : (MOST IMPORTANT)

Interpret the results, If the results are not acceptable, make suggestions by using your own engineering properties, -Give examples about where the compaction of soil is used in the field, and how? -What is the importance of max dry density in application?

8. R e f e r e n c e s ( a c c o rd i n g t o A PA s t y l e )


2019 FALL

BONUS: - Relate permeability and compressive strength with max dry density of soil in the fields. Write one paragraph about it taken from an article. (Give reference) (10 point)

NOTE: -Write report on computer. - Write your report with your own words. Copy and paste will not be taken into account. - Submit your reports as a hardcopy. -Deadline of the report is 10/12/19 at 13.30 until laboratory session start. -Write report as short as possible. (Logic is important) (Core of report 3-4 page, except data sheet and before introduction) -Grading is according to your interest in the learning the topic. -I think cheating is undesirable action....

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