LAW Objective Questions Quiziz PDF

Title LAW Objective Questions Quiziz
Author Nur Rabiatul
Course Business Law
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 8
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LAW OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS1, while semi-conscious because of high fever, agreed to sell a bungalow worth of RM 1 million to Michel, her personal nurse, for just RM 100,000 contract may be rescinded on the basis ofA. Fraud C. MisrepresentationB. Undue influence D. Coercion2. Murad, a 17 year old student...


LAW OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS 1.Noisy, while semi-conscious because of high fever, agreed to sell a bungalow worth of RM 1 million to Michel, her personal nurse, for just RM 100,000.This contract may be rescinded on the basis of A. Fraud

C. Misrepresentation

B. Undue influence

D. Coercion

2. Murad, a 17 year old student recently bought an expensive mountain bike for RM1000 from Bobo Bicycles. He paid RM350 as deposit and the remainder was to be paid when he received his study loan. Murad later refused to pay. The contract between Murad and Bobo Bicycles is void as laid down in A. section 10(1) of Contract Act 1950 B. section 12(1) of Contract Act 1950

C. section 11 of Contract Act 1950 D. Mohori Bibee Vs. Dharmodas Ghose

3. Every person is competent to contract if he is..............., who is of................and not ............... from contracting by any law to which he is subject. A. an adult, stable income, misrepresented B. minor, unsound mind, corrupted

C. an adult, unsound mind, disqualifieda D. an adult, sound mind, disqualified

4. Rosh agreed to sell his car to Josh after Josh threatened to injure him. Rosh may rescind the contract if he wishes to do so. This contract is ...............on the ground of............... A. void, undue influence B. voidable, coercion

C. voidable, undue influence D. void, coercion

5. Amit offered to sell his computer to Kiran for RM1 ,000. Kiran, however, agreed to buy the computer at RM900. Kiran is making A. an invitation to treat B. a cross-offer

C. an acceptance D. a counter offer

6. A person to whom the money has been paid, or anything delivered by mistake or under coercion, must repay or return it, according to A. Section 71 of Contract Act 1950 B. Section 73 of Contract Act 1950

C. Section 72 of Contract Act 1950 D. Section 66 of Contract Act 1950

7. A _____________ agreement is one, which is enforceable at the option of one party. 0 ANSWER : voidable 8. Which of the following is not true? A. Coercion is defined in section 15 of Contract Act 1950 B. Undue influence is defined in section 16 of Contract Act 1950 C.Fraud is defined in section 18 of Contract Act 1950 D. Mistake is defined in section 19,20 and 21 of Contract Act 1950 9. The case of Raghunath Prasad v Sarju Prasad [1924] AIR 1924 PC 60 relates with A. Postal rule B. Undue InfluencE

C. Past consideration D.Domestic arrangement

10. By virtue of section 10(1) of Contract Act 1950, a minor has no legal capacity to enter into a contract. However we do have exceptions which include: A. insurance contractS B. beneficial contracts C. contract for necessaries D. contract for luxurious goods 11.A minor can enter into a contract for necessaries. What are "necessaries" would depend on: A. the minor's needs, the price of the goods and the minor's condition in life B. the status of the minor's parents and the price of the goods C. the minor's needs, the nature of the goods and the minor's ability to pay D. the nature of the goods, the minor's needs and the minor's condition in life 12.An old woman who was fully illiterate and relied entirely upon her nephew for everything, even for her food and clothes, and left the management of her affairs to him was allowed to set aside her contract when she executed a deed of gift of landed property in favour of the nephew. This relate with the case of A. Allcard v Skinner [1887] 57 LT 61 CA B. Inche Noriah v Shaikh Allie bin Omar [1929] AC 127 C. Chait Singh v Budin bin Abdullah [1918] 1 FMSLR348 D.Salwath Haneem v Hadjee Abdullah [1894] SSLR 57 13. In Allcard v Skinner [1887] 57 LT 61 CA, the case failed because A. The defendant managed to discharge the burder of proof showing no undue influence B. The influence was not undue C. The case was time-barred D. The transfer of property was on her on will 14. Which of the following is not about coercion? A. Section 15 of Contract Act 1950 B. Nur Asia Sdn Bhd v Fosis Corp Sdn Bhd [2006] 3 MLJ 249 C. Bell v Lever Bros Ltd [1932] AC 161 D. Confined to offences under the Penal code and does not extend to tortious act or offences under any other law 16. Section 14 of Contract Act 1950 defines consent as two or more persons agree upon the same thing in the same sense. A. True

B. False

17.The court in Rajeswary & Anor v Balakrishnan & Ors did not follow the principle laid down in Mohori Bibee v Dharmodos Ghose, as it falls under exception. A. True

B. False

18. A minor who falsely represents himself to be a major and thereby induces another person to enter into a contract with him, cannot plead minority as a defence. The infant is estopped from setting up infancy. A. True B. False

19. According to section 2 of the Age of Majority Act 1971, a minor is the one who is ______________ A. below 18 years old B .18 years old and above C .18 years old and below D .No answer 20. A person with unsound mind who seeks to avoid a contract on the ground of his insanity A .Must prove his insanity and knowledge of the plaintiff of that fact B .Must prove his insanity only C .Must prove that he had entered into the contract to his detriment D .Must prove his incompetency 21. The right to withdraw an offer before it is accepted is A. revocation C .counter offer

B .termination D consideration

22. Tick each of the three elements of a legally enforceable contract: A .Offer and Acceptance, Invitation to Treat, Consideration B .Invitation to Treat, Consideration, Intention to create legal relations C .Offer and acceptance, Consideration, Intention to be legally bound 23. Consideration is... A .A set of mutual promises in which each party agrees to give up something to the benefit of the other - each agrees to give something and get something B .The principle that an offer must be accepted on its terms without being a counter-offer C .The idea that both parties must intend to be legally bound by their promises D .The element of a contract that says the value of what each party is giving up must be equal. 24 .Dan offered Mrs. Jacobs a lawn-cutting special for only $30 per week for 10 weeks. Dan told Mrs. Jacobs, "I will start cutting your lawn by next Tuesday if I do not hear from you." Is this a valid contract? A .no, the offer is too vague or uncertain B .no, it is a counter-offer not an acceptance C .no, there is no acceptance because silence does not constitute a valid acceptance D .no, no consideration has been given as Mrs Jacobs isn't getting a benefit 26. Choose the 3 types of consideration. A .Executed Consideration C .Executory Consideration

B .Past Consideration D .Future Consideration

27. What is executory consideration? A .An act or promise that will be done in future B .Something wholly performed before the promise was made C .An act which has been done to fulfill the contract D .A promise in return for counter promise

28. B promised to pay A if A completed his house renovation. What type of consideration is this? A .Executory consideration C .Executed Consideration

B .Beyond Consideration D .Past Consideration

29. Adam Danish promised to reward RM2000 to anyone who finds and returns his wallet. Sara Aleesya found and returned it to Adam. This is considered as which type of consideration? A .Federal Constitution C .Past Consideration

B .Executed Consideration D .Executory Consideration

30. A owes B RM 1,000 but the debt is barred by limitation. A signs a written promise to pay B RM 500 on account of the debt. This is a valid contract. A .True �

B .False �

31These are various rules governing the law of consideration in Malaysia which are: A .Waiver of performance is recognised in Malaysia under section 64 of Contract Act 1950 B .Consideration must be sufficient but need not be adequate. C .Consideration need not move from the promisee. D .Natural love and affection is NOT a valid consideration 32_____________________ is the central idea that both parties in a contract need to benefit from it. A .Consent C .Bilateral contract

B .Invitation to treat D .Consideration

33. If the offeror mails an offer to the offeree, and the offeree faxes the acceptance, when will the contract come into effect? A . When the offer received by the offeree B .When the fax for acceptance is received by the offeror C .When the fax for acceptance is sent by the offeree D .When the acceptance is written by the offeree 34. A contract that amounts to nothing and has no legal effect is A .unenforceable B .voidable C .waivable D .no answer 35. Which of the following is not a part of requirements for a valid offer? A . made with intention C .put in writing

B .definite and certain D .communicated to offeree

36. People sometimes enter into contracts without exchanging any words. We call it as A .expressed contract C .bilateral contract

B .implied contract D .unilateral contract

37. Which of the following is TRUE about performance of an existing public or contractual duty? A. Can normally be offered as consideration B .Deemed insufficient because merely repeating an existing obligation C .The consideration must be something more than what the promisee is already bound to do under by law. D .All are correct 38. ......................... clause is generally construed to mean that the parties are still in a state of negotiation, do not intend to be bound until & unless a formal contract is exchanged. A .Subject to contract alternatives

40. What is the definition of an invitation to treat? A .An invitation to another party to negotiate B .It is not an offer, it falls short of being an offer C .An indication of one party's willingness to enter into a contract with the party to whom its addressed as soon as the latter accepts its terms D .An invitation to the other party to make an offer SET 2 (OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE)

1.The right to withdraw an offer before it is accepted is A .revocation

B .a counteroffer

C .termination

D .consideration

2. Generally defined ______________ are agreements between two or more parties that create obligations. A .offers

B .contracts

C .treaties

D .agendas

3. The person to whom an offer is made is the __________________. A .offer

B .contracts

C .offeree

D .offeror

4.The person who makes the offer is termed the _____________________. A .offeree

B .contracts

C .offeror

D .offer

5. A offer may be made to a group, the public, or a _______ A. Individual C .Country

B .Family D .Inanimate Object

6. What lack of communication can not be used to constitute an acceptance? A .Silence C .Verbal

B .Email D .Telephone

7. To whom must an acceptance be communicated

A .Offeror C .Anyone

B .Offeree D .Bystander

8 .What is required to form a legally binding contract? A .Offer, Acceptance, Consideration, Intention, Certainty. B .Duty, Breach, Causation, Damages C .Offer, Acceptance, Collateral, Sufficiency. D .Invitation to treat, Offer, Counter Offer, Acceptance. 9. What is the definition of an offer? A .An expression of willingness to negotiate. B .A declaration that one party will contract with another. C .Expression of willingness to contract with the party to whom it is addressed, as soon as the latter accepts its terms. D .An invitation for other parties to consider whether they are able to purchase the goods/services. 10. What is the definition of an invitation to treat?Select all options that apply! A .An invitation to another party to negotiate. B .An indication of one party's willingness to enter into a contract with the party to whom its addressed as soon as the latter accepts its terms. C .It is not an offer, it falls short of being an offer. D .An invitation to the other party to make an offer. 11. Which of the following describes a revocation or termination of an offer? A .Rejection B .Failure to satisfy or perform conditions. C .Counter offer or rejection of the offer. D .The offer may be terminated by passage of time or death of the offeree/offeror E. All of the above are correct. 12. What is a counter offer? A .A further offer made by the original offeror. B .Where a party seeks to introduce a secondary or ancillary agreement to the original contract. C .Where a party seeks to change or vary terms of the original offer or seeks to introduce a new term(s). D .A rejection and withdrawal of the original offer. 13. What is the general rule of the postal acceptance rule? A. The offer will be accepted once the letter is received by the offeror. B .When the seal of the letter is broken by the offeror. C .When the letter is posted by the offeree. D .When the offeree gets notification from the Royal Mail or Courier that his letter has been received.

14. The postal rule applies to modern, instantaneous forms of communication. True


SET 3 1 .What is discharge of contract? A .A contract may be discharge by agreement, performance, frustration and by breach.alternatives B .Terminationof the contractual relationship between the parties. C .A contract is said to be discharged when it ceases to operate D .Thedischarge of a contract happens when these obligations come to an end 2. A contract may be discharged by... A .breach C .frustration

B .performance D .agreement

3. What is contract discharge by agreement? A .elements of offer and acceptance. B .voidable contract at the options of parties of contract. C .a thing may be destroyed in the same manner in which it is constituted. D .halfway contract 4. Which one is the types of Contract that is discharge by Agreement? A .Novation C .Rescission

B .Alteration D .Remission

E. Waiver

5. What is contract discharge by performance? A .the common object of a contract can no longer be achieved or when the contract, after it is made, becomes impossible of performance due to circumstances beyond the control B .alternatives C . .Impossible performance D .contract can no longer achievedue to beyond control 6. Example of discharge of frustration are... A .Person to perform dies or falls ill B .frust in love C .Subject matter destroyed D. frustration during war 7. What are the effect of Contract in Discharge of frustration? -VOID

8. What is discharge by breach? A .breaking of the obligation which a contract imposesalternatives B .It occurs when a party to the contract without lawful excuse does not fulfill his contractual obligation C .¡by his own act makes it impossible that he should perform his obligation under it. D .A party express its intention not to perform 9. 2 types of breach of contract? A .Actual breach of contract C .Contract of Law

B .Anticipatory or constructive breach of contract D .Contract of Acceptance

10. A lends RM500 to B. He later tells B that he need not repay the amount, the contract is discharged by A .breach B .waiver C .novation D .love...

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