LBSL IPO Update on Queen South Textile mills Ltd PDF

Title LBSL IPO Update on Queen South Textile mills Ltd
Author alrafi antor
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Institution Southeast University Bangladesh
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IPO Note on Queen South Texle Mills Ltd. IPO Size Post IPO shares Shares with no lock-in

DSE CODE : QUEENSOUTH Debut Trading Date : 13 March , 2018 Offer Price : BDT 10

H1FY’18 NAVPS : BDT 18.07 FY’18 EPS : BDT 1.78 (annualized)

Analyst Quazi Naureen Ahmed [email protected]

Company Overview

Table: Company Snapshot Established in


Started commercial operaon in


Paid-up Capital - Before IPO (BDT mn) Capital issued as IPO (BDT mn)

851.50 150.00

Paid-up Capital - Post IPO (BDT mn) Total No. of Securies - Post IPO (mn) Face Value per share (BDT) Category Sector Year end

1001.50 100.15 10 N Texle June Alpha Capital Management Limited

Issue Manager

: BDT 150 mn : 100.15 mn : 11.25 mn

Source: LBSL Research and Company Prospectus

Queen South Texle Mills Limited (QSTML) is a 100% export oriented yarn dyeing Industry located in Dhaka Export Processing Zone, Savar. The company is engaged in dyeing of different counts of Coon, Polyester, Viscose, Acrylic, Nylon and Blended yarn to market the processed yarn as deemed exporter. The company was incorporated in 2003 and started operaon in mid-2005. QSTML’s producon machineries are equipped with the State of the art technology, including Central Controlling and Monitoring System, Laboratory is equipped with computer matching machine and dispensing machines, monitored by qualified expert technicians. IPO proceeds plan of Queen South Texle Mills Limited QSTML has issued 15,000,000 shares at BDT 10 to raise BDT 150mn through Inial Public Offering (IPO). The proceedings will be primarily used to procure plant and machineries for BDT 74.64mn (49.8% of total proceeds). BDT 56.01mn (37.3% of IPO proceeds) will be used for acquision and installaon of new machineries for modernizaon of the exisng factory unit and BDT 6.34mn (4.2% of IPO proceeds) of the fund will be used for paral loan repayment. Rest of the funds( BDT 13.00mn) will cover IPO expenses.

Chart: Shareholding Paern (Post IPO)

Lock-in Provisions

Source: LBSL Research and Company Prospectus

Out of 100.15 million shares, 11.25 million shares (7.5% shares allocated to general public and 50% shares of the EIS) will have no lock-in and they will be available for trading on 13 March, 2018.

53.31 million shares (53.2% shares allocated to Sponsors and Directors ) will become free from lock-in on December 10, 2020.

1.87 million shares (25% of the 7.5% shares allocated to the Eligible Investors) will become free from lock-in on June 10, 2018.

Table: Plan for IPO proceed ulizaon Parculars Construcon of automac warehouse System acquision and installaon of new machineries

BDT mn 74.64







8.7% 100.0%

Paral Loan repayment IPO Expenses Total

% of total issue


1.87 million shares (other 25% of the 7.5% shares allocated to Eligible Investors) will become free from lock-in on September 10, 2018.

31.84 million shares (31.8% shares allocated to shareholders other than sponsors, directors and EI) will become free from lock-in on December 10, 2018

Source: LBSL Research and Company Prospectus

Table: Lock-In Provisions Parculars

No. of Shares

Duraon of Lock-in

Lock-In Expiry*

11,250,000 53,314,000

No Lock-In 3 Years

N/A December 10, 2020

25% of the 7.5% shares allocated to EI


6 months

June 10, 2018

other 25% of the 7.5% shares allocated to EI

1,875,300 31,837,685

9 months 1 Year

September 10, 2018 December 10, 2018

7.5% shares allocated to General public and 50% shares of the EIS 53.2% shares allocated to Sponsors

31.8% shares allocated to shareholders other than sponsors, directors and EI

*Lock-In Duraon is counted from the Issue Date of Prospectus

Source: LBSL Research and Company Prospectus


IPO Note on Queen South Texle Mills Ltd. Principal Products and Services Queen South Texle Mills Limited operates its business as a backward linkage industry. QSTML sells its products through L/Cs to the 100% export oriented sweater manufacturers who consume the dyed yarn as raw material for producon of readymade sweater to export abroad. Therefore, the final desnaon of the company’s products is overseas market. Queen South Texle Mills Limited ulmately produces yarn for renowned sweater manufacturers which are later on consumed by the world-famous brand. Queen South Texle Mills Limited has ample scope for diversificaon and the company has aimed to serve other industries also who requires dyed yarn for other texles goods. Table : Current Dyed Yarn Producon Capacity and Projecon by the company Parculars Producon Capacity/day (MT) Capacity Ulizaon/day (MT) Ulizaon (%)

Actual Projected Current FY’18 FY’19 FY’20 42 57 57 57 31.08 44.8 47.3 48.3 74.0% 78.6% 83.0% 84.7%

Source: Company Prospectus

Capacity Queen South Texle Mills Limited has been using State of the Art machineries and technologies in order to dye of (acrylic, nylon, coon, viscose) yarn. Its manufacturing process is heavily technology driven, dynamic in nature with cung edge technology. QSTML currently produces 31.08 MT and has a capacity of producing 42 MT dyed yarn per day. Factory of the company is located on a 10,166.67 sq. meters area at Dhaka Export Processing Zone, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Financial Overview

Table: Principal Suppliers of Raw Material Supplier Name Gain Plus Agents Limited Queensin Limited Kingpro Trading Limited Viet Coon Yarn Investment Trading Jsc T and T Iindustries Ltd. Kohinoor Spinning Mills Ltd. Duy Nam Spinning Jsc. Bhalchandram Clothing Limited Le Merite Exports Pvt. Ltd. Laho Overseas Limited Jiangsu Guo Tai Internaonal Group Guo Mao Co. Ltd. Huntsman (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

Country of Origin Hongkong Hongkong Hongkong Vietnam Taiwan Pakistan Vietnam India India India

The company posted 10.3% Gross Margin, 7.5% Operang Margin and 4.1% Net Margin in its latest H1FY’18 statements. Gross and Net margin grew by 4.0% and 9.6% respecvely from H1FY’17.

Company’s Gross, Operang and Net profit increased by 14.6% and 21.7% respecvely in H1FY’18 from H1FY’17. Operang and Net Profit were much larger than the Gross profit as the company has managed to reduce its operang expenses.

The major poron of the IPO proceeds will be ulized for modernizaon of the company’s exisng producon plant and automaon of its warehouse system. Such capacity expansion and adopon of technical advancement should enable the company to perform beer in near future.

The company has set aside BDT 6.34 million from IPO funds for loan repayment. This would decrease the company’s exisng debt balance.

Chaina Singapore

Source: Company Prospectus

Table: Capital Structure of the Company Parculars Paid-up Capital (Prior to IPO) Capital to be issued as IPO Paid-up Capital (aer IPO)

Table: Key Raos Amount (BDT mn 851.50 150.00 1001.50

Source: Company Prospectus

Parculars Gross Profit Margin

Dec’17 (6 months) Dec’16 (6 months) 10.3% 9.9%

FY’15 9.2%

Net Profit Margin








ROA Debt to Equity

2.4% 1.08

2.2% 1.06

4.2% 1.60

Source: LBSL Research and Company Prospectus

Table: Source and Requirement of Ulies Parculars




3530 KW

The required power for producon including expansion will be met through R.E.B through DEPZ. In addion to R.E.B there are 2 GAS generators of 1030 KW and 2 (two) diesel generators of 650 KW will be used in case of any disrupon. No further generator is required for the proposed expansion.


Not Specified

The requisite water supply is available from DEPZ and own deep tube-well installed in the factory premises.


Not Specified

QSTML meets the requirement of GAS from TITAS Gas Transmission and Distribuon Company Limited (TGTDCL). In case of shortage of natural gas, QSTML have 2 Gasifiers, total of 13210 KCAL/day to support efficient gas to our boilers without any disrupon to the producon.

Source: Company Prospectus


IPO Note on Queen South Texle Mills Ltd. Table : Prices at different Valuaon levels Audited P/E Forward P/E

10x P/E 16.90 17.80

15x P/E 25.35 26.70

20x P/E 33.80 35.60

25x P/E 42.25 44.5

July’16 to Dec’16 (6 months) 1,670.29 1,505.26 165.04 (1.19) 52.76 45.80 6.96 111.09 0.06 111.15 36.76 74.38 11.93 62.45 0.86

Dec’15 to June’16 Year ended on 30 (7 months) -11-15 1,870.09 3,215.97 1,684.98 2,920.70 185.11 295.27 3.14 (4.04) 59.83 87.80 51.89 73.19 7.94 14.61 128.42 203.44 0.07 0.08 128.49 203.52 33.31 73.78 95.17 129.74 14.29 11.31 80.88 118.43 1.15 1.69

30x P/E 50.70 53.4

35x P/E 59.15 62.3

Source: LBSL Research and Company Disclosures *Audited P/E calculated using Non’15 audited numbers ** Forward P/E calculated using annualizing H1FY’18 earnings

Table : Income Statements (Amount in BDT mn) Parculars Revenue Cost of Sales Gross Profit FC Gain/(Loss) Less: Operang Expenses Administrave expenses Distribuon Cost Operang Profit for the Year Add: Other Income Profit Before Financial Expenses and Tax Less: Financial Expenses Net profit before tax Less: Income tax expense Net profit/(Loss) aer Tax for the Year Basic Earnings Per Share (EPS)

July’17 to Dec’17 (6 months) 1839.74 (1650.65) 189.10 4.60 (56.37) (47.25) (9.12) 137.39 0.07 137.46 (47.39) 89.10 (14.62) 75.38 0.89

Year ended on 30-11-2014 3,720.88 3,370.24 350.65 2.25 82.71 68.27 14.44 270.19 0.07 270.27 59.36 210.91 210.91 3.01

Year ended on (30-11-2013) 3,376.67 3,061.37 315.31 (28.12) 74.03 74.03 213.15 0.15 213.30 43.56 169.74 169.74 2.42

Source: LBSL Research and Company Prospectus

Table : Statements of Financial Posion (Amount in BDT mn) Parculars NON-CURRENT ASSETS Property, Plant & Equipment Construconal Work in Progress Total Non-Current Assets CURRENT ASSETS Inventory Trade & other receivables Advance, Deposits & Prepayments Investment FDR Cash and Cash Equivalents Total Current assets TOTAL ASSETS EQUITY & LIABILITIES Equity aributable to share holders Issued, Subscribed & paid up capital Retained earnings Total Shareholder's equity NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Long Term borrowing Deferred tax liability Total non-current liabilies CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade & other Payables Current poron of long term borrowing Short Term borrowing Liabilies for Expenses Income Tax Provision Total Current Liabilies Total Liabilies TOTAL EQUITY & LIABILITIES NAV per Share











624.13 40.51 664.63

661.01 40.51 701.51

705.07 705.07

685.84 685.84

1402.66 900.89 120.41 23.51 34.46 2481.93 3202.50

1353.41 820.77 97.50 22.84 18.49 2313.00 3013.32

1,359.32 493.63 90.42 22.22 209.73 2,175.31 2,839.95

1,396.78 619.16 74.82 22.07 51.78 2,164.63 2,866.14

1,362.21 553.33 64.02 22.16 116.86 2,118.58 2,823.64

1,422.44 472.56 45.02 21.73 59.43 2,021.18 2,707.02

851.50 686.98 1538.48

851.50 611.60 1463.10

851.50 528.11 1,379.61

143.75 1,023.41 1,167.16

143.75 943.20 1,086.95

143.75 860.52 1,004.27

440.48 43.74 484.22

436.29 43.88 480.17

618.80 24.20 439.10 46.44 51.25 1179.79 1664.02 3202.50 18.07

578.06 32.49 331.03 85.00 43.46 1070.05 1550.22 3013.32 17.18

441.73 40.77 482.50 518.22 31.58 334.21 93.83 977.84 1,460.34 2,839.95 16.20

455.97 40.60 496.58 663.28 33.37 422.21 83.54 1,202.40 1,698.98 2,866.14 81.19

454.69 39.97 494.66 722.32 22.40 442.80 54.52 1,242.04 1,736.70 2,823.64 75.61

546.26 546.26 860.89 255.68 39.92 1,156.49 1,702.75 2,707.02 69.86

Source: LBSL Research and Company Prospectus


IPO Note on Queen South Texle Mills Ltd. LBSL’s research reports are also available on Bloomberg LANB & This document (“the Report”) is published by LankaBangla Securies Ltd (“LBSL”) for informaon only for its clients. All informaon and analyses in this Report have been compiled from and analyzed on the basis of LBSL’s own research of publicly available documentaon and informaon. LBSL has prepared the Report solely for informaonal purposes and it is consistent with the Rules and Regulaons of SEC. The informaon provided in the Report is not intended to, and does not encompass all the factors to be considered in a best execuon analysis and related order roung determinaons. LBSL does not represent, warrant, or guarantee that the Report is accurate. LBSL disclaims liability for any direct, indirect, punive, special, consequenal, or incidental damages related to the Report or the use of the Report. The informaon and analysis provided in the Report may be impacted by market data system outages or errors, both internal and external, and affected by frequent movement of market and events. Certain assumpons have been made in preparing the Report, and changes to the assumpons may have a material impact on results. The Report does not endorse or recommend any parcular security or market parcipant. LBSL, its analysts, and officers confirm that they have not received and will not receive any direct or indirect compensaon in exchange for expressing any specific recommendaon, opinion, or views in its Report. The informaon and data provided herein is the exclusive property of LBSL and cannot be redistributed in any form or manner without the prior wrien consent of LBSL. This disclaimer applies to the Report in it’s enrety, irrespecve of whether the Report is used or viewed in whole or in part.

LBSL Capital Market Research Department Analyst Salma Yeasmin Xinat

Designaon Senior Research Associate

E-mail [email protected]

Debashish Sutradhar

Senior Research Associate

[email protected]

Ahmed Irza

Senior Research Associate[email protected]

Quazi Naureen Ahmed

Research Associate

[email protected]

Mashqurur Rahman

Research Associate

[email protected]

Instuonal & Foreign Trade Department Rehan Muhammad

Head of Instuonal & Foreign Trade [email protected]/ [email protected]

LankaBangla Securies Limited Research & Analysis Department Corporate Office A.A. Bhaban (Level-5) 23 Mojheel C/A Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh Phone: +880-2-9513794 (Ext-118) Fax: +880-2-9563902 Website:


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