Leadership - Lecture notes 4 PDF

Title Leadership - Lecture notes 4
Author Joel Perlman
Course People Management
Institution University of Cape Town
Pages 4
File Size 113 KB
File Type PDF
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Leadership notes...


LEADERSHIP: Leadership: Definition:  Ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals -

Not all leaders are managers and not all managers are leaders


Nonsanctioned leadership:  Ability to influence that arises outside the formal structure of the organization  I.e. leaders can emerge from within a group as well as by formal appointment


Need leaders to:  Challenge status quo  Create visions for the future  Inspire organizational members to what to achieve the visions


Need managers to:  Formulate plans  Create efficient organizational structures  Oversee day-to-day operations

Trait theories: Definition:  Focus on personal qualities and characteristics that differentiate leaders from non-leaders -

Extraversion is most important trait of effective leaders:  These people are more likely to assert themselves


Leaders must have:  Agreeableness  Emotional stability  Conscientiousness  Openness to experience  Emotional intelligence

Behavioral theories: Definition:  Theories proposing that specific behaviors differentiate leaders from non-leaders  Implies that we could train people to be leaders -

Initiating structure:  Extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure of his role and those of subordinates in the search for goal attainment  E.g. attempts to organize work, work relationships and goals  Assigns group members to particular tasks  Expects workers to maintain definite standards of performance  Emphasizes the meeting of deadlines


Consideration:  Extent to which a leader is likely to have job relationships characterized by mutual trust, respect for subordinates’ ideas and regard for their feelings  Helps employees with personal problems  Is friendly and approachable

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Treats all employees as equals Expresses appreciation and support


Employee-oriented leader:  Leader who emphasizes interpersonal relations  Leader takes personal interest in needs of employees  Leader accepts individual differences among members


Production-oriented leader:  Emphasizes technical or task aspects of job  Focuses on accomplishing group’s tasks

Summary of trait theories and behavioral theories: Traits and behaviors do not guarantee success Must consider context as well Contingency theories: Leadership style depends on certain conditions Four approaches to isolating situational variables: (1) Fielder model:  Effective group performance depends on proper match between leader’s style and degree to which situation gives leader control  Identifies leadership style using least preferred co-worker (LPC) questionnaire: Measures whether a person is task or relationship oriented Relationship oriented = describes person you are least able to work with in favorable terms Task oriented = see least preferred worker in unfavorable teams and interested in productivity  Assumes leadership style is fixed  Define the situation to match leader with situation: (1) Leader-member relations: Degree of confidence, trust and respect members have in their leader (2) Task structure: Degree to which job assignments are procedurized (structured / unstructured) (3) Position power: Degree of influence leader has over power variables (hiring, firing, discipline, promotions and salary increases)  Leader has better control if: - Good leader-member relations - Highly structured job - Strong position power  Conclusions: - Task oriented leaders perform better in situations very favorable and unfavorable to them (high and low control) - Relationship oriented leaders perform better in moderately favorable situations (moderate control)  Application: - Match leader in terms of LPC scores with type of situation in terms of leader-member relationships, task structure and position power  Only two ways to improve leader effectiveness: (1) Change leader to fit situation (2) Change situation to fit leader (2)

Situational theory:  Focuses on followers

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Successful leadership depends on selecting right leadership style contingent on followers’ readiness If followers are unable and unwilling, leader must give directions If followers are unable and willing, leader must display task orientation to compensate for followers’ lack of ability If followers are able and unwilling, leader needs to use supportive and participative style If followers are able and willing, leader does not need to do much Leaders can compensate for followers’ limited ability and motivation


Path-goal theory:  Leader must provide followers with information, support or other resources necessary to achieve their goals  Predictions: - Directive leadership = greater satisfaction when task are ambiguous / stressful - Supportive leadership = high performance and satisfaction when employees are performing structured tasks - Directive leadership = perceived as redundant by employees with high ability / experience


Leader-participation model:  Provides a set of rules to determine form and amount of participative decision making in different situations

Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory: Leaders establish special relationship with a small group of follower because of time pressures These followers make up the in-group Leader will categorize follower as in or out Leader rewards employees with whom they want a closer linkage Leaders punish those with whom they do not want a closer linkage Leader and follower must invest in the relationship Charismatic leadership and transformational leadership: Charismatic leadership:  Followers attribute extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviors  Characteristics of charismatic leaders: Have a vision Willing to take personal risks to achieve vision Sensitive to follower needs Unconventional behavior Extraverted Self-confident Achievement oriented  How charismatic leaders influence followers: Articulating an appealing vision:  Fit the times and circumstances  Reflect uniqueness of organization Use vision statement to imprint goals and purpose on followers Build followers’ confidence and self esteem with high performance expectations and belief Leader conveys new set of values and sets an example for followers Engages in extraordinary behavior to show courage and conviction about vision  Most successful when follower’s task has ideological component of environment includes high degree of stress / uncertainty  Limited by leader’s level in organization  Successful in a crisis situation  Affected by a person’s personality  Problems:

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Leaders given unprecedented autonomy and resources May not act in best interest of organization Success depends on situation and leader’s vision

Transformational leadership: Transactional leaders = guide followers toward established goals by clarifying role and task requirements  Transformational leaders: Inspire followers to act in best interest of organization Pay attention to concerns and needs of followers Help followers look at old problems in new ways  Transformational leadership builds on transactional leadership  Best leaders are transactional and transformational TRANSACTIONAL LEADER TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADER Idealized influence: Contingent reward: Contracts exchange of rewards for effort Provides vision and sense of mission Promises rewards for good performance Instills pride Recognizes accomplishments Gains respect and trust Management by exception (active): Inspirational motivation: Watches and searches for deviations from rules Communicates high expectations and standards Uses symbols to focus efforts Takes correct action Expresses important purposes in simple ways Management by exception (passive): Intellectual stimulation: Intervenes only if standards are not met Promotes intelligence, rationality and problem solving Individualized consideration: Laissez-Faire: Delegates responsibilities Gives personal attention Avoids making decisions Treats each employee individually Coaches and advises  Leaders most effective when they use transformational leadership behaviors  Effective when leaders can directly interact with workforce  Effective in teams with higher power distance and collectivism 

Authentic leadership: Considered to be ethical Share information Encourage open communication Stick to their ideals Followers tend to trust authentic leaders -

Definition:  Leaders who know who they are, what they believe in and value  Act on values and beliefs openly  Followers consider them to be ethical people


Ethics and leadership:...

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