Leadership & Management PDF

Title Leadership & Management
Author Aizen Senpai
Course Leadership and Strategic Management
Institution University of Wales
Pages 77
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Assignment Developing Strategic Management and Leadership Skills


Review the impact that selected theories of management and leadership have on organizational strategy



Create a leadership strategy that supports organizational direction



Use appropriate method store view current leadership requirements



Plan for the development of future situation requiring leadership



Plan the development of leadership skills for a specific requirement



Report the usefulness of methods used to plan the leadership skill development


Content Page 4

Introduction 4 1.1 explain the link between strategic management and leadership 4 1.2 analyze the impact of management and leadership styles on strategic decisions 7 1.3 evaluate how leadership styles can be adapted to different situations 9 2.1 Review the impact that selected theories of management and leadership have on 10 organizational strategies 2.2Create a leadership strategy that supports organizational direction 13 3.1Use appropriate methods to review current leadership requirements 21

3.2 Plan for the development of future situations requiring leadership 23 4.1 Plan the development of leadership skills for a specific requirement 29

4.2 Report on the usefulness of methods used to plan the development of leadership skills 31

Conclusion References

Introduction This report is about Balance Fitness organization leadership development plan. Firstly, I would like to describe the brief introduction and I would like to explain the link between strategic management and leadership. Secondly, I would like to discuss about how management and leadership theory support the organization And I would like to introduce my Balance Fitness organization ,company profile and organization’s PESTLE analysis and SWOT analysis and our organization development plan. Thirdly, I would like to present the leadership development plan for our organization and I would like to highlight about the requirement of organization and how to solve it .Finally, I would like to explain the usefulness of the leadership development methods and I would like to present how leadership development methods support the organization.

Strategic management is the planning, monitoring, analysis and continuous evaluation of everything that an organization needs to achieve its goals and objectives. (Rouse, 2014) Strategic management includes the formulation and implementation of the main objectives and initiatives taken by the top management of a company on behalf of the owners, based on the consideration of the resources and an evaluation of the internal and external environments in which the organization compete. (Pillay, 2015). Strategic management is the process of "organizing, directing, controlling" and achieving organizational goals in productive and ethical behavior through another. (Kreitner, Robert; Kinichi, Angelo, 1988, p. 6) According to my view, Strategic Management is description of the strategies that managers have to take to achieve better performance and a greater advantage for their own organization. Mullins described that management is the process of influencing the manners, behavior and actions of another people. (Mullins, 2002)

Leadership is the art of motivating the group members to get the organizational goal. (Ward, 2017) Leadership is the process of social influence and the process of maximizing others' efforts to achieve goal. (BIO, 2013). According to my point of view, Leadership is the art of influencing the team members to achieve the common goal. The strategic management process means defining the organization's strategy. It can also defined as the process by which managers choose a set of suitable tactics for the organization to achieve the better performance. (Jurevicius, 2013) Strategic management process consists of four main stages. There are 1.Strategy Analysis: This stage is analyzing the external and internal environment factors of the organization. In this stage, leaders role is to analyze the both external and internal environment every time. Hence, leader can know exactly when internal organization should be change and what should be change. 2.Strategy Formulation: This stage is the process of determining the reliable business model for organization to achieve objectives. In this stage, Leadership plays as a vital role in strategy formulation. It is considered as a link between the strategic management process and the organization's vision. It initiates strategic thinking by providing a vision and then building a culture where everyone knows what to do and what the value of the company is. 3.Strategy Implementation: This stage is the process of implementation the strategies into actual task to provide the organization effective and efficiently. In this stage, leader’s role is to communicate the group members or subordinates. Hence, effective organization structure and culture can be formed. The leader play a main role in implementation stage with motivating managers and employees to complete their task and get the organization goal efficient and effectively.

4. Strategy Evaluation: This stage is to obtain timely and relevant information about the changing environments and company performance and, if necessary, take corrective action. In this stage, leader’s role is to monitor the followers and provide them effective feedback and help and support subordinate to develop their performance. The 21st century presents many new challenges for both employees and business leaders. In an interconnected, fast moving world, managerial people need to learn cognitive flexibility, stress tolerance, and divergent thinking. While technology can make people more effective, new theories of leadership emphasize the importance of trust and establishing long-term relationships. In this context, EQ, emotional intelligence plays an important role as an essential to business. EQ, or emotional intelligence quotient, measures abilities such as identifying emotions, evaluating how others feel, controlling one’s own emotions, perceiving how others feel, using emotions to facilitate social communication and relating to others. According to Harvard Business Review, EQ includes 12 Elements as follows; Self-awareness 

Emotional self-awareness

Self-management    

Emotional self-control Adaptability Achievement orientation Positive outlook

Social awareness  

Empathy Organizational awareness

Relationship management     

Influence Coach and mentor Conflict management Teamwork Inspirational leadership

These EQ skills are essential in 21st century for all businesses to achieve business growth.

Autocratic Leadership Style In autocratic leadership style, managers have the power to make decisions that set the goals of the organization's policies with rewards and punishments. It is effective when organization needs to be controlled separately. (Mullins, 2010) The pros of autocratic leadership styles are mangers can make effective decision quickly.And also the organization members can follow the instructions easily. The cons of autocratic leadership styles are the organization members can lack of creativity, innovation and can stressful because of upper level management. Democratic Leadership Style Democratic leadership style can be also known as participative leadership style in which group members can more participate in decision-making role. Group members can also exchange their knowledge and can present their ideas freely. (Jakhar, 2017) The pros of democratic leadership styles are the group members can improve self-sufficient, highly motivative and can get various ideas and all the group members can get equal right. The cons of democratic leadership styles are the managers can’t control the organization effectively because all the members are expert in their field. Due to lack of communication skill, some important suggestions can be miss. Can be time consuming because of various view points.

Laissez-faire Leadership Style Laissez-faire leadership is also known as delegative leadership, in which leader is not interfering with the decision making of the group members. Leader provides little or no direction and give employees as much freedom as possible. (Cherry, 2017) The pros of laissez-faire leadership style are participate, connection, authorize team members, own social structures. The cons of laissez-faire leadership style are team members can be feel less responsibility, low motivation, less group productivity, lack of role awareness and poor involvement of the group.

Challenge 1 In Balance Fitness Center ,Managing Director use autocratic leadership style in marketing department. So, all the employees are lack of motivation and limited creativity .Hence, marketing department can’t advertise the fitness center well in the market. In the end of the year, the organization didn’t get their target revenue. Therefore, Managing Director started to notice the department leadership should be changed. Then ,the marketing department change to use democratic leadership style to motivate group members to establish team spirit. After changing the leadership style, It can improve employee performance, confidence and efficiency. On the other hand, marketing department working field will be better ,more closely linked each other and they can get more information clearly. So, the department can get various ideas to penetrate the market together and the organization can get their organization goal efficient and effectively. Therefore, democratic leadership style is the most appropriate leadership style for the marketing department of Balance Fitness organization. Challenge 2 In our construction, general manager use autocratic leadership style to the employee and nonmanagerial level and manage strictly on them who are less relevant work skill, rules and regulations. It can improve their performance and can train them complete the task in time. And also GM can make decisions quickly and have good overview on work. Moreover, Safety is the most important in our construction because working in construction site are so threatful. So, all of the worker need to be follow the safety step rule of the site. For example, all the employee have to wear safety helmet and shoe. Because of using autocratic leadership style, all the employee need to wear safety helmet and shoe. General Manager don’t let them decide what they want to wear, so they must to wear safety equipment . So, there is no complain and argumentation and the employee can make their work safely and effectively everyday. In this situation, autocratic leadership style is the most suitable leadership style for this organization.

The theory is usually categorized in terms of which aspects are considered the most definable leaders. The most widespread theories are 1.Great Man Theory(1840) 2.Trait Theory(1930-1940) 3.Behavioural Theories(1940-1950) 4.Contingency Theories(1960) 5.Transactional leadership Theories(1970) 6.Transfromational Leadership Theories(1970) 7.Situational Leadership Theories(1970) Transactional leadership Theories(1970) Transactional theories, also known as exchange theories of leadership which most often used among leaders and followers .In this leadership style, leaders use both rewards and punishment system upon employees. Transactional leaders are focused on results, in line with the organization's existing structure, and measure success based on the organization's rewards and punishments system. Transactional leaders have formal authority and responsibilities in the organization. This type of leader is responsible for maintaining day-to-day work by managing individual performance and promoting group performance. (Spahr, 2016)

The pros of transactional leadership theories are easy to understand and manageable, clear structure, very effective for motivating subordinates and can achieve the goals quickly. The cons of transactional leadership theories are limited creativity, ignore altruism and will power and an organization become depend on leader.

Transformational Leadership Theories Transformational leadership is a style of leadership that inspires positive changes in followers to achieve the greatness. Transformational leaders are often active, committed and passionate. These leaders are not only care about participate in the process, they are also concerned on helping every member of the group succeed. The transformational leader motivates workers and understands how to form them into integral units that work well with others. There are four major component of the transformational theory, they are idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration. (Spahr, 2015)

The pros of transformational leadership theories are good communicating, excellent at balancing short-term vision and long term organizational goals, promoting enthusiasm, and using inspiration to motivate people. The cons of transformational leadership theories are facing serious details of the challenges, Ignore the reality and the truth, Not suitable for bureaucratic structure.

Situational Leadership Theories Situational leadership is the style of leadership developed and researched by Kenneth Blanchard and Paul Hersey .Situational leadership style also known as contingency leadership style, refers to when an organization's leaders or managers must adapt their style to fit the growth level of followers which trying to influence. In situational leadership, leaders change their style rather than their followers to the leader's style and the style may change constantly to meet the needs of the rest of the organization based on circumstances. One of the main factor of situational leadership style is adaptability. Leaders must be able to change from one leadership style to another leadership style depend on situation. According to situational leadership theory, the effectiveness of a leader depends on his ability to modify management practices to their subordinates' maturity or maturity level. (Spahr, 2014) The pros of situational leadership theories are simple and easy to use, leaders have authorities to change management style depend on circumstances. The cons of situational leadership theories are shift attention to long-term strategic and political issues, ignore the difference between men and women manager.

2.2Company Profile

• Name-Balance Fitness • Founder-Mr. Kyaw Thet Hlaing • Established year-2003 • Employee-100 • Address-Balance 1(No. 64 (G), Kyitewine Pagoda Road, Mayangone Township, Yangon) -Balance 2(No. 103, the corner of University Avenue Road and Thanlwin Street, Bahan Township, Yangon) -Balance 3(No. (54), Ahlone Street, Dagon Township, Yangon) • Telephone number-(+95 1) 656916,(+95 1) 539609,(+95 9) 968911444 • Website-www.balancefitnessyangon.com

Vision -To become the best premium gym in Myanmar. Mission -To provide an environment for customers to pursue a healthy and active lifestyle by providing a modern gym with international standard. Core Value -To make customer to meet individual fitness goal and improve the quality of life with tailored service.

Competitive Advantage Balance Fitness plans to transform not only bodies but also minds since 4th January 2013, because they knew that when people fail to see results at the gym, many of them stop going. To improve it’s retention rate, they aim to educate the country about the health benefits of exercising and practicing a healthy and active lifestyle. Balance fitness center has a variety of competitive advantages in it’s fitness center market. They offer many kinds of activities, for example, Zumba, aerobics, kickboxing, yoga, etc. And all three of their locations are in the heart of each townships which are in Mayangone Township, Bahan Township, and Dagon Township, and within reachable distance from the peak zone. Moreover, they sponsored in a lot of events that are held by H-life entertainment such as electronic music festivals, so they offer free VIP tickets to their GYM members. Multiple number of steam bath facilities and Free car parking facility will be provided.

SMART Objectives(2018)


To increase the monthly financial income 100 million kyat to 150 million kyat in 2018. To develop the revenue profit 500 million kyat to 700 million kyat at the end of 2018

Customer (Marketing and Customer service)

To increase the customer satisfaction rate 85% to 95% at the end of 2018.

Internal Process

To provide more fitness equipment in 2018. To give the communication training once per month.

Organizational Capacity

To launch one more brunch in urban area.

PESTEL Analysis



Facts Nowadays, government provide many budget in education and health sector.

Impacts Hence, Balance Fitness centre can get more new customers.

As staying in a healthy life style is on trend, many entrepreneur entering the fitness market. Thus, the amount of competitors in the market are increasing day by day.

Balance Fitness centre have to innovate all the time to attain the recent market share.


Nowadays, society are more interested in fitness lifestyle. Instance, most of the people spend their leisure time more in fitness centre rather at coffee shops or game centre.

Accordingly, there are more people who are interested to play gym than before. Hence, Balance Fitness centre attain more customers.


According to the development of technology, many more customers are now browsing the internet and get information through their smart phone.

The customers could get any information about the balance fitness centre through their ecommerce site and thus it become one of the advantages.


Nowadays, There are increasing traffic jams percent and lack of valid carparking area in Yangon.

This can be negative impact for Balance Fitness centre because all the customers want valid car parking. If the centre can’t arrange more car parking area, customers can be change to another fitness centre with wide valid carparking.


According to Labour law, Balance Fitness centre structure with two time farmes;6 am to 2 pm and 2pm to 10 pm.

The working hour policy of Balance Fitness centre is well-matched with Myanmar labour law.

Source; Author, 2018

SWOT analysis



-Balance Fitness center use only high-class

-Balance Fitness center membership

fitness instrument.

payment is expensive.

-Every member can play in all Balance

-!ll brunch of the Balance Fitness doesn’t

Fitness brunches.

have enough carparking for all customers.

-Many fitness class.eg; Yoga, Kick boxing,

-lack of personal training service.

!erobic, Zumba etc/ -Low in marketing budget. -All the fitness trainers are professional in fitness field. Opportunities


-Successful brand in fitness center

-A possible low cost of service from



-growing demand for fitness classes eg;

-availability of low cost heath care



-Nowadays, society more interest in fitness life style.

According to data analysis, academic team, Location, Cost, Fitness equipment, Fitness Trainer are selected as a ...

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