Learning Activity 7 - Mandatory lab practicals assignments PDF

Title Learning Activity 7 - Mandatory lab practicals assignments
Course General Biology
Institution Metropolitan Community College, Nebraska
Pages 4
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Mandatory lab practicals assignments...


Learning Activity #7 Name Frankline Olum Use the following web site to answer the questions: http://biology.about.com/od/evolution/a/aa092304a.htm 1. Who developed the current method used to name all living organisms? Carl Linnaeus 2. What is binomial nomenclature? Give the common name of a specific organism and its binomial nomenclature name. Binomial nomenclature is a unique and universal naming of organisms based on two things, the name of the organism, which is genus and the name of its species, both names are italicized while capitalizing genus. Example of Binomial nomenclature for a lion is Pathera leo where both are italicized and Pathera which is genus capitalized while leo is species. 3. What are the 7 categories of the current taxonomic system? kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species 4. In the table showing the taxonomic comparison of brown bear, cat, dog, whale, wolf, at what category do they begin to branch into different named groups? Order level where killer whale branches into a different order called Cetacea while the rest remain in the same 5. Which 2 organisms on the table are most closely related? Dog and wolf are the closest relatives since they share the same genus ‘Canis’ and branch into different species. 6. According to the same table, which organism is least related to all of the others? Tarantula because it branches out at Phylum stage. 7. Click on the link http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/teachers/activities/2215_reef_01.html and complete the practice activity for using a dichotomous key. Another practice link for using a dichotomous key http://www.biologycorner.com/worksheets/pamishan.html BOTH ARE PRACTICE FOR WHAT A DICHOTOMOUS KEY LOOKS LIKE 8. Based on what you learned from #7, make a dichotomous key to separate the following organisms: mouse, trout, rattlesnake, dog, earthworm, oak tree Key 1.

a). if the organism is an animal………………………………go to 2. b). if the organism is a plant …………………………………go to 6.


a). if the organism is a mammal…………………………….go to 7. b). if the organism is not a mammal……………………….go to 3.


a). if the organism is a rodent………………………………go to 7(b) b). if the organism is not a rodent………………………go to 4.


a). if the organism is a reptile……………………………….go to 8(a) b). if the organism is not a reptile…………………………go to 5.


a). if the organism is a fish…………………………………….go to 8(b) b). if the organism is not a fish……………………………….go to 6.


a). if the organism is invertebrate……………………………….go to 9(a) b). the organism is an oak tree.


a). the organism is a dog. b). the organism is a mouse.


a). the organism is a rattle snake. b). the organism is trout.


a). the organism is earthworm.

Use the following cladogram to answer the questions below.

9. What trait separates lampreys from tuna on this cladogram? Jaws 10. What separates a salamander from a turtle? Amniotic egg 11. Which organism is most related to the leopard? Turtle 12.. Which organism’s DNA will differ the most from the leopard? Why? minimal characteristics with leopard

Lancelet because it shares no or

Structures and Behaviors for Survival: Click on the links to find information for organisms that live in the various environments on how they survive. Desert , Tundra, Tropical Rainforests, Prairie, Marine For each environment name a specific organism, then name specific behaviors or structures that aid in their survival, and tell how each behavior or structure allows the organism to survive. 11. Desert Example organism- foxes Behaviors or Structures- nocturnal Aids survival because- hunt at night when its cooler as opposed to daytime when it’s hot.

12. Tundra Example organism- arctic fox Behaviors or Structures- short ears and a short, round body with a thick coat Aids survival because- thick coat minimize the amount of skin exposed to the frigid air. 13. Tropical Rainforest Example organism- monkey Behaviors or Structures- prehensile tails Aids survival because- adapted for seizing or grabbing hold of something. Monkeys with prehensile tails can use them to hold on to branches for balance for they live in trees. 14. Prairie Example organism- bison Behaviors or Structures- have broad, flat-topped teeth and digestive systems Aids survival because- feeding on grass 15. Marine Example organism- Fish Behaviors or Structures- Gills Aids survival because- used for breathing under water, drinking salt water, and eliminate the salt through their gills,...

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