Learning Jounal 5-bus PDF

Title Learning Jounal 5-bus
Author Arihs Wolfe
Course Principles of Business Management
Institution University of the People
Pages 4
File Size 100.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 45
Total Views 149


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(1) The strategy diamond is “a framework comprising five facets for understanding the content of a strategy; the facets are arenas, differentiators, vehicles, staging and pacing, and economic logic” (Carpenter, Bauer, & Erdogan, 2010). To develop my personal goals and objectives I will be using the 5 facets and apply it to my personal situation. Starting with my mission and vision statements I will evaluate the 5 facets to create my personal growth and development strategy, then build a list of my goals and objectives with an understanding that goals are guidelines that help explain what I want to achieve and objectives are time-related targets to support the accomplishment of my goals (Goal vs Objective, n.d.). Strategy should be guided by the mission and vision, with the mission being the starting point and vision being your definition of success. With this is mind I will revisit my personal mission and vision statements first. Mission Statement: To approach all goals tenaciously, be honest with the reality, conscientious of my actions, and to create and pursue every opportunity presented or create one where none existed before. Vision Statement: Be a compassionate CEO and owner of my own corporation by building and rehabilitating structures while offering the community room for growth, educational progress, and vocational advancement in safe and stable environment. With these in my mind I will start listing all 5 facets and conclude with my personal goals and objectives. Arenas: areas are an “activity you want to do, a specific job, or simply a geographic location” (Carpenter, Bauer, & Erdogan, 2010)       

Own and operate a rental property management company Own and operate a concrete and construction company Own and operate a development firm Become CEO of EmK corporation which own all three in west Georgia Develop a vocation training program for young adults Develop a rental assistance grant program Develop a youth program

Differentiators: a characteristic that gives you gives you a perceived advantage     

Critical and creative thinker Multitasker Be versed in real estate law Be versed in business management Active withing the community

Vehicle: how you will get you there  

Education in business management (degree) Realtors license

   

Networking (to start abreast of demographics, social situations, economics within the community) Study new developmental architecture and trends Raise capital Educate on outreach programs

Staging and Pacing: “sequence and speed of strategic moves” (Carpenter, Bauer, & Erdogan, 2010)        

Business education within 4 years Real estate license and classes with 2 years Save income from non-primary business for 2 years Read architecture and housing trend reports Learn neighborhood and community needs Visit school in projected development areas Read 1 book a month on property laws Take finance classes

Economic Logic: how does the achievement of the strategy help pay the bills & how to improve social and environmental conditions (Carpenter, Bauer, & Erdogan, 2010)

   

Profit margins from business Salary as CEO and owner Volunteer with youth Donate to programs that promote job development skills and education

Goals and Objectives:     

Expand concrete and construction to encompass new project and working area Withing 5 years have a formal education in business management and real estate Expand youth education program to different schools a community centers with 5 years. Start property management within a 10 year Start free vocational on the job training within next 5 years

(2) I have found that I always strive for personal growth and development in an everchanging world and because of this I thrive on detailed effective feedback. If I do not know what I need to adjust, re-educate or change, I cannot grow. Not all feedback is effective and there are times that I have to check my bias when reading feedback or giving it. How I feel about the feedback I have received between the discussion posts and written assignments are mixed. The last writing assignment assessments conflicted each other with one commenting I did not meet the criteria or provided any information while and another clarified it was all provided yet could have been improved. This truly upset me, however I took the low grade and walked away from the situation because I could not trust my own self-evaluation because I become emotional. I felt as if the assessor did not read my paper, or maybe the skimmed it looking for key words, but

most of all they did comment on what improvements could be made are the areas I need to work on. There answers were just NO to everything taking away the option of evaluating the paper on their assessment. However, I did agree with the second assessment comments and statements in that I could have spent more time submitting support for my points and explaining details in a more concise manner. I have taken that advice and have to tried to cut back on my overexplanation while highlighting my arguments and supporting them with data. That experience had led me to improve my own feedback. The feedback I gave at the beginning of this process was very clinical. I would read the context of the report and instead of absorbing the information I would mentally pull out a red correction pen, which made me feel hypocritical because grammar and citation are one of my struggling skills. However, after receiving the ineffective feedback I began evaluating the information and changing the context of my feedback. I thoroughly read what I am assessing now and highlight the points I think they did wonderfully on and pointing out areas of improvement. I also enjoy open questions and discussion over the differencing points of view and the different explanations. At times I can still come off as clinical in my online ‘speech-pattern’ but I am learning to use text-to-speech typing to help soften the harshness of my delivery.

Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2010). Strategizing. Management Principles, v. 1.1. (pp. 216280.) Retrieved on May 9, 2020, https://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/managementprinciples-v1.1/index.html. Goal vs Objective. (n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2020, from https://www.diffen.com/difference/Goal_vs_Objective...

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