Lecture 14 - Copyright/Left and the Creative Commons PDF

Title Lecture 14 - Copyright/Left and the Creative Commons
Author Brittni Gillies
Course Digital Culture
Institution University of Otago
Pages 2
File Size 59.6 KB
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Lecture 14 - Copyright/Left and the Commons Tragedy of the Commons  What's a public good?  Commons - shared resource  Water is being privatised because the air is being polluted, things we take for granted for the public good are being taken for granted  Short term corporations - corporate gain  We're all part of the problem, politicians are only thinking about the next election so they're making short term decisions  The commons in terms of digital culture  Without regulating, doesn’t work Copyright and the Creative Commons  In copyright, the commons is the shared pool of cultural resources that a culture draws upon and shares as part of their cultural heritage  Copyright - creator of the work has exclusive right  Copyright closes down a cultural commons because it needs to protect the creator  We need to regulate the cultural commons using copyright, to protect the creator of the work, acknowledge rights intellectual property, relies on the internet  The creative commons - an organisation, non profit, helps people share their copyright work for reuse by others  Intellectual property law  Seeking permission, assignable and protected under civil law  TPPA - changing how copyright is extended and enforced Mickey Mouse Curve  Dominates the copyright world - 1923, when Disney first made MM, setup a copyright protecting MM's image from being copied or used  The duration of copyright has been extended continuously  Lifetime of the author +++, whole life of author + 70y  The act extended to cover film and anything that dated back as far as 1923  Dramatic increase in the concentration of media ownership - deregulation, neoliberalism, having the ability to do this sort of things  By 2000, 90% share was controlled by 6 conglomerates  E.g. the Beatles catalogue - Michael Jackson, sold it to Sony for 750m, now worth 3 billion +  Driver for extension and copyright - the USA/MM  MM into public domain in 2024, will get extended… Purpose  Balancing rights - copyright is to be there to protect the creators, commons to make sure everyone gets share, good balance? No, tragedy  Must do all the work to conform the copyright  CC is an extra layer in the CR process, allows the author protection  Sharing cultural stuff without anyone losing out  Protection  Sony v. Disney

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Different options that authors can choose when they upload - a step in trying to get the authors a voice in what's happening to their stuff CC Licences have grown

Copylef  Software, not so much about what we may create  Was trying to fight the idea - software hoarding, people would take public available code and prove it but not returning it to be shared by the community  If you make code and send it to someone they can improve it and you can both benefit it  In digital culture, there shouldn't be a reason to hoard, unless to make money DMCA and SOPA  Brought in by the big authorities to control the sharing of stuff  When the media gave up on the legal system, tried to use tech to stop copying  SOPA - ChCh? Could the video of been shut down making you prove it's ok before releasing...

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