Lecture Notes 2 PDF

Title Lecture Notes 2
Course Elementary Psychology
Institution University of Iowa
Pages 3
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Lecture #2 notes...


Lecture Notes: Intelligence Date: November 17th, 2017 Differential Psychology Study of individual differences. -

The power of good responses from the point of view of truth or fact.


Ability or capacity of abstract thinking and adaptation.

Arthur Jensen Intelligence, Race and genetics ( Racial differences in IQ) 1960’s White and Black Americans had ~15pt of difference in average “IQ” scores. White 100 +(-) 20 vs Black  85 +(-) 20 Early attempts to measure Intelligence: -

Assumed to be innate


Biological Brain differences - Differences in intelligence


Craniometry  Bigger the brain, more intelligent  Size of skull reflects size of brain  Head measurer was used


Experiment: Use fossils of different races. Fill them with rice, get a measure of volume. (Morton’s final summary of cranial capacity by race)


Experimenter bias, Gould knew the races.


Re- did the experiment without bias, results were different.

Sir Francis Galton: -

Cousin of Darwin


Twin studies / adoption studies


Used “ anthropometric measurement”  Human physical variation to study intelligence.


One of the first to use correlation approach


Gave people sensory discriminative tasks.


Better Nervous system, more intelligent (this was what he purposed but it is not exactly true. BUT!)


Brain anatomy approach was shifted by him to brain functions.

Alfred Binet: -

Introduced cognitive components:


Vocabulary, Imagery, Comprehension, Creative.


Showed pictures to kid, he made them arrange them to form a story.


He also gave us the “What is wrong with the picture” test.

Distinction Mental age vs Chronological age Example  C.A (10 years) vs M.A (8 years)

Deficiency 2 years


Can now quantify deficiency


Does absolute difference capture severity of deficit? No, need proportionality.

William Stern: Use the quotient M.A / C.A x 100 = IQ - As people got older, IQ lowered. David Wechsler: Use standard scores. Variations of Intelligence: Challenged= I.Q of 70 or less Mildly challenged: 52-67 Moderately challenged: 36-51 Severely challenged: 20-35 Profoundly challenged: < 20 Gifted= I.Q of 130 or more Lewis Terman = Lifespan study of genius -

Interviewed genius kids for 30 years. Wanted to know how they were doing= All good! They were healthier than the average person and wealthier.


Conclusion= Is good to be smart.

Factor analysis: -

Is intelligence based on one thing or various factors?


E.g: Test  Ability to add, divided, subtract and multiply.


Test vocab, reading skills, comprehension.


Do these correlate?

Theories of factor analysis: 1) Spearman: “g” factor General Intelligence ( Understanding from experience, relation between things (logic), Generalize instants. “s” factors  Specific abilities. 2) Thurstone: 7 factors = Primary mental abilities


Verbal Comprehension, Numerical ability, Spatial relations, perceptual speed.

3) Guildford Cube  120 factors  Represented in a Rubik Cube ( Contents x Operations x Products) 4) Cattel Fluid vs Crystallized intelligence Fluid  Reasoning ability, Born with, Culture-free, Potential to learn and to solve problems. Crystallized What you know, booksmart, Acquired knowledge and skills. 5) Stenberg Triarchic theory of intelligence a) Analytic (Componential) (IQ) b) Creative (Experiential) (Divergent thinking) c) Practical (Contextual) (Adapt to real life demands)...

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