Lecture notes, Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field PDF

Title Lecture notes, Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field
Author alex wu
Course Physics Ii For Engineering Students
Institution Carnegie Mellon University
Pages 18
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Download Lecture notes, Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field PDF


Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field Introduction ! Four fundamental forces of nature

(Fewer if they can be “unified”)

• Long range " gravity and electromagnetism • Short range " strong (color) and weak (flavor) nuclear force ! Electromagnetism common in our daily lives

• Solid objects held together by electric interactions • You don’t sink through your chairs because of electric interactions ! Electromagnetic interactions involve particles which have electric charge

Electric Charge (21-1) ! Electric charge is a fundamental attribute of matter ! Ancient Greeks observed amber rubbed with wool attracted other objects

• Electric derived from Greek word ηλεκτρον meaning amber ! Empirical observations (in low humidity to minimize surface adsorption of water):

• Two rubber (or amber) rods rubbed with fur repel • Two glass (plexiglas) rods rubbed with silk repel • Glass (rubbed with silk) attracts rubber rod (rubbed with fur) • The fur attracts the rubbed rubber rods • The silk attracts the rubbed glass rods ! Conclusion (from many experiments): There are two kinds of electric charge

• Positive charge on rubbed glass rod and fur • Negative charge on rubbed rubber rod and silk • Named by Benjamin Franklin Unfortunate choice: Makes electron negative. We now know that electrons are most mobile charge carriers, so current (defined as flow of positive charge) moves opposite to the actual charge carriers. Thanks Ben!

• Charges of same kind repel, different kind attract (unlike gravity) • Rubbing two different materials always charges one positive, the other negative.

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! Charge quantization

• Every observable amount of electric charge is always an integer multiple of a fundamental or basic unit denoted by


(Milliken oil drop experiment)

• The magnitude of charge of the electron or proton is the basic unit of electric charge: electron has charge

− e and proton has charge +e

• The SI unit of electric charge is called the Coulomb (C)

e = 1.602176462(63) × 10 − 19C

• Fundamental unit of charge

# Very unusual to encounter a 1C charge in electrostatic problems since it is such a huge amount of charge # In practice, the Coulomb is defined as one Ampère-second • Remarkable: all electrons have identical charge (presumed time invariant) • Atom # heavy dense core (nucleus) of protons and neutrons (zero charge) bound by the (short-ranged) strong nuclear force (order 10 #

− 15

m) m) “cloud” of light electrons bound by electric attraction (order 10 − 10

# usually equal number of protons and electrons (total charge zero) # can lose electrons " positive ion # can gain electrons " negative ion • Aside: protons and neutrons are combinations of subatomic particles known as quarks (Murray Gell-Mann, George Zweig 1963) # u quark

+ 23 e

# proton = uud = # neutron = udd =

d quark

− 13 e

+ 32 e + 23 e − 31 e = e

+ 23 e − 13 e − 13 e = 0

# hordes of other particles are known to exist:

π , K , ρ , ∆,…

# quarks never exist in isolation (only inside protons, etc.) • Antiparticles have exact opposite electric charge # Positron (antiparticle of electron) has charge # Antiproton has charge



• in bulk matter we will often treat charge as continuous in this course V6.01 BQRS F’10


! Charge conservation

• The algebraic sum of all the electric charges in any closed system is constant with time • Even in high-energy interactions in which particles and antiparticles are created or annihilated, the total net charge remains constant ! When two objects are rubbed - charge is neither created nor destroyed

• Charge just moves from one material to another: electron binding strength varies by material; rub electrons “on” or rub them “off” a surface • Positively charged objects have slightly fewer electrons than protons • Negatively charged objects have slightly more electrons than protons

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Coulomb’s Law (21-3) ! Charles Coulomb studied the interaction forces between charged particles in

1784 (about 100 years after Newton!) using a torsion balance ! Electrostatic force between two point charges

q1 and q 2

at rest and separated

r has magnitude 2 ⎛ 1 ⎞ q1q2 − 12 C where ε = 8.854 × 10 F =⎜ 0 ⎟ r2 πε 4 Nm 2 ⎝ 0⎠ by distance

and force is • attractive if • repulsive if

q1 and q2 q1 and q2

have opposite signs have same signs

! more convenient way to express the proportionality constant, k:

Nm 2 = 8.988 × 10 k≡ 4πε 0 C2 to make a 3D vector equation, define rˆ12 as a unit vector ( rˆ12 = 1 ) which points 1



from the source charge (1) toward the charge of interest (2) on which we wish to calculate the force




" F12 Force due to 1 acting upon 2 (watch notation)

Vector from 1 to 2 (watch notation)

! the vector force due to the source charge (1) upon the charge of interest (2)

separated by a (scalar) distance r12 may be written as:

" ⎛ 1 ⎞ q1q2 F12 = ⎜ ⎟ 2 rˆ12 πε ⎝ 4 0 ⎠ r12

“Coulomb’s Law” -valid for POINT-like PARTICLES ONLY (not rods, sheets, etc.)

! reminder: this is a vector equation.

• points from charge 1 to charge 2 if • points from charge 2 to charge 1 if

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q1q2 > 0 (same sign repulsion) q1 q2 < 0 (opposite sign attraction)


Some useful vectors " ! define rjA as vector from position of charge j to position of charge A ! define rˆjA as unit vector pointing from position of charge j toward " " point A of interest rjA rjA rˆjA = " = rjA rjA


rˆ1A " r1A

" r4A


" r2A


rˆ2 A

" r3A rˆ4 A

rˆ3 A



iˆ, jˆ, kˆ as unit vectors pointing in the x-, y -, z -

! Define special basis vectors

directions, respectively


" v = 3ˆi + 2 ˆj

y z

θ iˆ x

• These can be used to combine 3 equations (for the individual components) into a single vector equation • Components example:

Fx = −kx

mg cosθ + Fy = qE

Fy y

Fz = mg sin θ • is equivalent to the vector expression

" F + mg cos θ ˆj = −kx iˆ + qE ˆj + mg sin θ kˆ

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F z Fx z



Superposition of Electric Forces ! Electrostatic forces simply add like vectors

rˆ10 q0




q1 q4




q2 q0

q rˆ10 4




! Total force on



4 " 1 q0 q j F0 = ∑ rˆj 0 2 4 πε r 0 j =1 j0

in the above figure is

! Example: what is total force on q3 ?

rˆ13 = ˆj

" F= =

q2 = 10. µC

rˆ23 = iˆ

1 ⎛ q3q1

4 πε0 ⎜⎝ r132 q3 ⎛ q1

⎜ 4 πε0 ⎝ r132

rˆ13 +

ˆj +

q3q2 r232

⎞ rˆ23 ⎟ ⎠

q2 ⎞ iˆ ⎟ 2 r23 ⎠

q3 = 10.0 µC

10.0 cm y

θ " F




q1 = −40.µ C

2 ⎧ ( −40. µC ) ⎛ (10. µC ) ˆ ⎫ 9 Nm ⎞ ˆ = ⎜ 8.988 ×10 + j i 10.0 C µ ( ) ⎨ 2 ⎟ 2 2 ⎬ C ( 0.100m ) ⎭ ⎝ ⎠ ⎩ ( 0.1414m )

= ( 90iˆ − 180 ˆj ) N • Equivalent to giving components: • Or magnitude: • And angle

Fx = 90. N, Fy = − 1.8 × 102 N, Fz = 0

" F = Fx2 + Fy2 + Fz2 = 2.0 × 102 N

tan θ = Fy / Fx = −2.0 ⇒ θ = tan −1( −2.) = −63 ° OR ⇒ θ = tan −1( −2.) + 180 ° = 117 °

(Here, Fy is negative so V6.01 BQRS F’10

θ = − 63° is correct.) 6

• Note on significant figures: results are never more precise than input data


due to q1 ?

r12 = r12 =

( −0.100)

! Example: what is force on


• Displacement vector from 1"2: r12 = " 2 • Distance: • Unit displacement vector: rˆ12 • the force is then

" F12 =

( −0.100 iˆ + 0.141 ˆj) m

+( 0.141) m = 0.173 m 2

= − 0.578 iˆ + 0.816 ˆj

2 ⎛ 1 q2 q1 9 Nm ⎞ (10. µC )( −40. µC ) rˆ = ⎜ 8.988 × 10 rˆ12 2 12 2 ⎟ 2 4πε 0 r12 C ⎠ ( 0.173 m ) ⎝

= −120. ( −0.578iˆ + 0.816 ˆj ) N = ( 70. iˆ − 98. ˆj ) N "




• (Force due to q3, F32 could be found similarly, then added to get F2 = F12 + F32 )

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Electric Field (21-4) ! the total electric force on any small test charge


is proportional to q 0

⎧ N 1 qi ⎫ 1 q 0q i rˆi 0 = q0 ⎨ rˆ 2 2 i0 ⎬ 4 ⎩ i =1 4πε 0 ri 0 ⎭ i =1 πε 0 ri 0 " the part multiplying q0 is called the electric field E " " Ftot = q0 E " " electric field E (r ) " Ftot =




points in the direction in which a positive charge would be pushed

has a vector value at every point in space (is a vector field) (even if there is no charge there to ‘feel’ it)

is created by electric charges

is the means by which charged particles interact

has units of force per unit charge N/C = (V/m)

later, we’ll see that

" " E (r ) contains energy and can carry momentum!

! Coulomb’s law revisited: electrostatic force of charge A on B can be viewed as: •

Charge q A

creates an electric field

" " EA ( r ) which permeates the

surrounding space (modifies the properties of the space around it) •

A charge


located at position

exerted by the electric field of •

" rAB

" " " feels a force FAB = q B E A ( rAB )


In other words: The electric force on a charged body is exerted by the electric field created by other charged bodies

! For a single point charge q at rest:

" " 1 q E(r ) = rˆ 4πε 0 r2

rˆ points from charge q to point of interest " for q > 0, E points radially away from charge " q < 0, E points radially toward charge for

magnitude falls off with distance r from q

• •

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Conductors, Insulators, and Induced Charges (21-2) ! Insulators (dielectrics) don't let electrons move around " if they become

charged, they hold the charges in place ! Conductors (metals) allow charge to flow, so charge spreads out, repelled from

one another"conductors easily polarized by being near a charged object ! Conductors can be discharged by grounding them

• grounding: connecting the conductor to the earth (ground) with a conducting path (e.g. wire, professor, ...) • the earth is a huge conductor that it can be considered as a bottomless source or sink of electrons • if a conductor is not near a charged object and is connected to the ground, excess charges repel each other and flow off of the conductor until it is electrically neutral • if conductor is near a charged object and is connected to ground, excess charges flow so as to balance electrostatic attraction/repulsion due to charged object and each other ! Two ways a conductor can be charged:

• by touching or rubbing it with an already charged object • by induction without ever touching it with a charged object! ! Charging a conductor by induction

• Bring charged rod near conductor " conductor becomes polarized

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Not all free electrons move to right since attraction of the positive charge built up on the left becomes large enough to offset the repulsion due to the rod. • Allow repelled charges to flow away to ground (or to another conductor) • Disconnect wire to ground and remove charged rod

! Electric forces on uncharged objects also exist !

• At the molecular level, uncharged insulators are often polarizable • The distorted charge distribution leads to a net force (by superposition, see 21.3) of attraction • Can be very important in chemistry • If neutral object touches charged one and becomes charged, then the force becomes repulsive... can get recursive!

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Electric Field of a Charge Distribution (21.5) ! In practice, we deal with charges which are distributed over space ! We need to know how to compute the electric field of such charge distributions ! Exploit the principle of superposition: •

The electric field of several charges is the vector sum of the separate electric fields of each charge

Superposition: each charge acts independently of the others $ Note: you have seen that gravity acts like this, too, but not so the

nuclear strong and weak forces ! Total electric field (or total force on a test charge) can be calculated by summing

electric fields (or forces) due to the infinitesimal pieces of the charge distribution


! Electric field at some point rP •

set of discrete point charges:

continuous charge distribution:

" " E ( rP ) = " " E ( rP ) =

1 4 πε0 1 4 πε0



∑r j=1

2 jP


dQ rˆdQ P 2 rdQ P

! Kinds of charge distributions: •

Line charge

Surface charge

Volume charge

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λ (Units: C/m) σ (Units: C/m 2 ) ρ (Units: C/m3 )


! Example: field of an electric dipole •


What is electric field at point A at (x,0,0)?

q2 = q d

q1 = −q, q2 = q

d " r1A = xiˆ + ˆj ⇒ r1A = 2

" ⎞ 1 ⎛ q1 q2 ˆ ˆ + EA = r r ⎜ 1A 2A ⎟ 4πε 0 ⎝ r12A r22A ⎠ ⎛ ˆ + d jˆ xi −q q 1 ⎜ 2 = + 4πε 0 ⎜⎜ x 2 + ( d / 2) 2 x 2 + (d / 2)2 x 2 + ( d / 2) 2 ⎝


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A x

d xiˆ + ˆj 2 x2 + (d / 2)2 , rˆ1A = x 2 + (d / 2) 2

" d r2A = xiˆ − ˆj ⇒ r2A = x2 + ( d / 2)2 , rˆ2A = 2

⎛ −q d jˆ 1 ⎜ = 4πε 0 ⎜⎜ x 2 + (d / 2) 2 ⎝

x q1 = −q

d xiˆ − ˆj 2 x 2 + (d / 2) 2

d ⎞ xiˆ − jˆ ⎟ 2 ⎟ x 2 + (d / 2)2 ⎟ ⎠

⎞ ⎟ 3/2 ⎟ ⎟ ⎠



! Example: find

" E


(0, 0, b)


on axis of uniformly

charged ring in xy-plane with radius a, charge Q •

charge per unit length on ring


" rdQ P


Q 2π a


y a

infinitesimal element of charge




Q dQ = λ dl = λ a dφ = dφ 2π •


vector from charge element,dQ , to selected point, P

" r( dQ ) P = −a cos φ iˆ − a sin φ jˆ + b kˆ " r( dQ ) P = r( dQ) P = a 2 cos 2 φ + a 2 sin 2 φ + b 2 = a 2 + b 2 " − a cos φ iˆ − a sin φ ˆj + b kˆ r( dQ ) P rˆ( dQ ) P = = r( dQ ) P a 2 + b2



Electric field at point P

" EP =



4 πε0 r(2dQ) P

rˆdQ P


2π − a cos φ ˆi − a sin φ ˆj + b kˆ 1 ⎛Q ⎞ = ⎜ ⎟ dφ 3/ 2 4 πε0 ⎝ 2 π ⎠ 0 a2 + b2






4 πε0 a 2 + b


2 3/2



As expected, x and y components must be zero by symmetry

For large

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b # a , field looks like that of a point charge " 1 1 Q ˆ Qb ˆ = sgn( ) EP → k b k, 4πε 0 (| b |) 3 4πε 0 b 2

b #a


! Example: find

" E

at distance b away, along the

midplane of charge Q uniformly spread over line (wire) along z-axis from

z = −a



charge per unit length on wire

infinitesimal element of charge

dQ = λ dz =

Q λ= 2a


kˆ a dQ z

" rdQ P



P ρˆ


Q dz 2a

Use cylindrical coordinates: ρ is the distance from the z-axis " " Let r be shorthand for r(dQ ) P

vector from charge element to selected point P

" r = b ρˆ − z kˆ ⇒ r = b2 + z 2

b ρˆ − z kˆ ) ( rˆ = b2 + z 2

Electric field at point P due to one piece of charge, dQ

" 1 dQ 1 ⎛ Q ⎞ dz = dEP = r ˆ ⎜ ⎟ 2 rˆ 2 4πε 0 r 4πε 0 ⎝ 2a ⎠ r •

Total Electric field at point P

" EP = •

1 4πε 0

( ∫ (


a b ρˆ − z kˆ dQ 1 ⎛Q⎞ rˆ = ⎜ ⎟ dz 2 3/ 2 2 4πε 0 ⎝ 2 a ⎠ −a r2 b +z


Integrals: a


z dz





2 3/2

= 0 (integral of odd function over even region z → − z )

$ Note how z-component was “expected” to be zero by symmetry

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∫ (b


b dz 2



2 3/2

⎧ ⎪ z = b tan θ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨so ⎪ b dz ⎪ ⎪∫ ⎩ (b + z ) 2


2a b a +b 2

b dθ

⇒ dz=

cos θ

−1 tan


= 3/ 2

cos θ dθ

Final result:



3/ 2



sin θ b


−1 − tan


z = b tan θ )




and 2










co s θ

(a /b )




a +b

= − tan


( a / b)

(a /b )

" EP =



4πε 0 b a2 + b2

b #a

Far from short wire

For long wire

For any point in xy plane?



⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎬ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎭


field of point charge

" EP $

Q ρˆ 4πε 0 b2 1

a # b (keeping charge density λ fixed) " 1 λ (falls only as 1/distance !!) EP = ρˆ 2πε 0 b

$ Field points radially away from wire ...

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