Lecture Quiz 4 PDF

Title Lecture Quiz 4
Author Katherine Alvarez
Course Microbiology
Institution Miami Dade College
Pages 6
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all questions and answers that will be on quiz 4 lecture mcb2010 with nia madison....


1) All of the following are true regarding African trypanosomiasis EXCEPT subspecies of Trypanosoma brucei have multiple hosts. 2) Bacterial encephalitis and meningitis are difficult to treat because cannot penetrate the blood-brain barrier. 3) All of the following organisms cause meningitis EXCEPT

B) all

C) many antibiotics

E) Mycobacterium leprae.

4) All of the following organisms are transmitted via the respiratory route EXCEPT Listeria monocytogenes. 5) Which of the following statements about rabies is FALSE? U.S. are the result of bites from infected dogs. 6) The symptoms of tetanus are due to


C) Most infections in the

D) tetanospasmin.

7) All of the following diseases are caused by arbovirus EXCEPT D) primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM). 8) A 30-year-old woman was hospitalized after she experienced convulsions. On examination, she was alert and oriented and complained of a fever, headache, and stiff neck. Any of the following organisms could be responsible for her symptoms EXCEPT A) Clostridium botulinum. 9) The most effective control of mosquito-borne disease is C) elimination of the mosquito population. 10) Initial treatment for tetanus in an unimmunized person with a puncture wound is tetanus immune globulin.


11) Initial treatment for tetanus in a fully immunized person with a puncture wound is tetanus toxoid.


12) The most common route of central nervous system invasion by pathogens is through B) the circulatory system. 13) A pathologist detects Negri bodies while examining a brain section taken at autopsy. What was the cause of death? A) rabies 14) Encephalitis is more common in the summer months because D) mosquito populations increase. 15) Each of the following is caused by prions EXCEPT

E) rabies.

16) All of the following are true of chronic fatigue syndrome EXCEPT psychological disorder. 1

C) it is a

17) A physician diagnoses a patient with lepromatous Hansen's disease. All of the following pertain to the patient EXCEPT D) treatment will include injections of penicillin. 18) Arboviruses cause ________ and are transmitted by ________. D) encephalitis; mosquitoes 19) Naegleria fowleri meningoencephalitis is commonly acquired by warm ponds or streams.

C) swimming in

20) Which one of the following causes the most severe illness in humans, with a mortality rate of 30 percent? B) eastern equine encephalitis 21) Which of the following is/are a free-living amoeba that can cause encephalitis? Naegleria and Acanthamoeba


22) Microscopic examination of cerebrospinal fluid reveals gram-positive rods. What is the organism? B) Listeria 23) Which of the following statements about sepsis is FALSE? gram-positive bacteria. 24) Which of the following pairs is mismatched? aureus

D) It usually is caused by

D) puerperal sepsis — Staphylococcus

25) Which of the following is NOT a recognized form of anthrax? C) septic 26) Which of the following is NOT typically treated with penicillin?

B) tularemia

27) Which of the following statements about tularemia is FALSE? E) It occurs only in California. 28) Which of the following is a symptom of brucellosis?

C) undulant fever

29) Which of the following is NOT transmitted in raw milk?

A) toxoplasmosis

30) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Bacillus anthracis? E) produces endotoxins 31) The symptoms of gas gangrene are due to all of the following EXCEPT endocarditis


32) Which of the following bacterial infections CANNOT be transmitted by dog or cat bites? B) Streptobacillus 33) Which of the following pairs is mismatched? 2

E) encephalitis — Ixodes (tick)

34) Unsanitary and crowded conditions increase the incidence of all of the following diseases EXCEPT D) Rocky Mountain spotted fever. 35) Which of the following statements about toxoplasmosis is FALSE? illness in adults.

D) It is a severe

36) Which of the following pairs does NOT apply to Chagas' disease? phase — serological tests for antibodies

D) diagnosis of acute

37) Which of the following is NOT caused by a bacterium? C) malaria 38) A patient presents with inflammation of the heart valves, fever, malaise, and subcutaneous nodules at joints. The recommended treatment is A) supportive care. 39) Which of the following statements about puerperal sepsis is FALSE? A) It is transmitted from mother to fetus. 40) Which of the following statements about schistosomiasis is FALSE? roundworm.

D) It is caused by a

41) Which of the following statements about rheumatic fever is FALSE? D) It is rarely fatal, even when untreated. 42) Which of the following pairs is mismatched? facultatively anaerobic pleomorphic bacillus

C) Francisella — gram-positive

43) The lower respiratory tract is protected by all of the following EXCEPT competition with the normal flora of the lungs.


44) Which of the following is mismatched? C) epiglottitis — sore throat 45) Members of the group A streptococci (GAS) cause all of the following EXCEPT epiglottitis. 46) Which of the following is NOT a typical symptom of influenza?


D) diarrhea

47) Which of the following is mismatched? C) Mycoplasma — gram-positive pleomorphic rod 48) Which of the following microorganisms causes symptoms most like tuberculosis? Histoplasma


49) All of the following can lead to a positive tuberculin skin test EXCEPT someone with tuberculosis.

E) being near

50) Which of the following diseases is NOT correctly matched to its vaccine? tuberculosis — toxoid



51) Which of the following diseases has a cutaneous form, especially in individuals over 30 years of age? B) diphtheria 52) Which of the following requires treatment with both antibiotics and antitoxins? diphtheria 53) Which of the following causes opportunistic infections in AIDS patients? answers are correct. 54) All of the following are true of the common cold EXCEPT drastically reduce the disease symptoms. 55) The most effective means of preventing influenza is


E) All of the

C) early treatment will

A) annual vaccination.

56) All of the following are used as first-line drugs for treating tuberculosis EXCEPT fluoroquinolones.


57) Which of the following statements regarding tuberculosis is FALSE? B) Nearly 1/3 of the world's population shows symptoms of tuberculosis. 58) A patient has fever, difficulty breathing, chest pains, fluid in the alveoli, and a positive tuberculin skin test. Gram-positive cocci are isolated from the sputum. The patient most likely has C) pneumococcal pneumonia. 59) Which of the following is responsible for epidemics of respiratory disease in infants? C) respiratory syncytial virus 60) Legionella is transmitted by

A) airborne transmission.

61) It is common for a normal, healthy individual to carry potentially pathogenic organisms in their upper respiratory tract. A) TRUE 62) Most cases of sinusitis and otitis media will not resolve unless they are treated with antibiotics. B) FALSE 63) The symptoms of diphtheria are due to an exotoxin that blocks proteins synthesis in host cells. A) TRUE 64) The most common causative agent of bacterial pneumonia is Streptococcus pneumoniae. A) TRUE 65) A positive tuberculosis skin test indicates that the patient has active tuberculosis. FALSE


66) Vaccination with the influenza vaccine confers lifelong immunity to influenza virus. B) 4

FALSE 67) Coccidioides immitis causes Valley fever, a disease that is endemic to the Mississippi Valley. B) FALSE 68) Mycoplasma pneumoniae causes atypical pneumonia, also known as "walking pneumonia." A) TRUE 69) Risks for Q fever include contact with infected cattle and drinking unpasteurized milk. A) TRUE 70) Infections with Legionella pneumophila are usually transmitted via aerosols from contaminated air conditioning systems, showers, and humidifiers. A) TRUE 71) Which of the following is directly involved in the initiation of dental caries? C) lactic acid 72) Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea is usually preceded by C) extended use of antibiotics. 73) Which of the following statements about salmonellosis is FALSE? is high.

D) The mortality rate

74) Disease-causing exotoxins are produced by all of the following organisms EXCEPT C) Shigella dysenteriae. 75) Which one of the following diseases of the gastrointestinal system is transmitted by the respiratory route? B) mumps 76) Which of the following helminthic diseases is a common infestation found in the southeastern United States? B) Ascaris lumbricoides 77) Poultry products are a likely source of infection by

B) Salmonella enterica.

78) All of the following infections can result from drinking contaminated water EXCEPT C) trichinellosis. 79) Which of the following organisms feeds on red blood cells?

E) Entamoeba histolytica

80) In humans, beef tapeworm infestations are acquired by ingesting Taenia saginata in undercooked meat.

D) cysticerci of

81) Which of the following statements about staphylococcal food poisoning is FALSE? can be prevented by heating foods to 50°C for 15 minutes. 82) The most common cause of traveler's diarrhea isD) Escherichia coli. 5

C) It

83) Acute gastroenteritis that occurs after an incubation period of two to three days and commonly affects children is probably caused by B) rotavirus. 84) Which of the following is mismatched? A) hydatid disease — humans are the definitive host 85) Thorough cooking of food will prevent all of the following EXCEPT C) staphylococcal food poisoning. 86) Most of the normal microbiota of the digestive system are found in the D) small intestine and large intestine. 87) Gums bleeding while brushing one's teeth is most commonly associated with C) gingivitis. 88) Which of the following causes inflammation of the liver?

C) hepatitis A virus

89) Which of the following is treated with cephalosporins because the organism is resistant to penicillin and fluoroquinolones? Nesseria gonorrhoeae 90) Anatomically, women have more portals of entry in the reproductive system compared to men. True 91) women and men typically have the same normal microbiota in their reproductive system. False 92) a microbe that enters the vagina would likely cause cystitis if left untreated. 93) Candida is a normal flora found in the majority of women. 94) The male urethra is typically sterile.




95) genital candidiasis is a disease that only affects women.


96) trichomoniasis is the only known sti caused by a protozoan.


97) The TORCH panel of tests is used to screen for diseases like syphilis. True 98) Only HSV-2 can cause genital herpes.


99) most uti infections in the population are a result of catheritization in a hospital setting. False


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