Lesson 5 Benefits and Challenges of Community Engagement PDF

Title Lesson 5 Benefits and Challenges of Community Engagement
Course Community Engagement & Service
Institution Wilfrid Laurier University
Pages 3
File Size 63.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Prof Amanda Nosko...


Benefits and Challenges of Community Engagement Benefits of Community Engagement Reading ❖ Crime and Anti-social behaviour ➢ Reduce crime through informal social monitoring and control ➢ Ex. Police Community Consultation Groups ■ Highlighted urgent local issues, unsuccessful strategic planning ➢ Ex. Restorative Justice → fair to victims and offenders; reduce risk of reoffending ❖ Health ➢ Socially connected = less mortality, morbidity, and disease ➢ Ex. time bank ■ Blur distinction bt giver/receiver ■ Build self-worth and pos. mental health ❖ Education ➢ Learn about citizenship actively ➢ Ex. SchooLet’s ■ Encourage parental involvement w school life and child’s learning ■ Encourage students to be active citizens w greater sense of social and moral responsibility ❖ Employment and Prosperity ➢ Up employment and economic growth ➢ Networking ■ Employer racism and low skills down ➢ Ex. Local Exchange Trading System ❖ Housing ➢ Involve residents in management structure → greater trust ■ Up tenant satisfaction, higher standards of housing management ❖ Regeneration ➢ Support and foster communities → dev. surroundings themselves ➢ Single Regeneration Budget, 1994 → resources devoted to comm engagement = greater chance of sustainability of project ➢ New Deal for Communities, 1998 → engage w groups that are often missed (eg. young ppl, faith group, minorities, etc. ❖ Local gov’t ➢ Better standard of local governance ■ Gain confidence and political literacy to participate in democratic process ■ Restore faith in local governance ❖ Conc. ➢ 3 processes at work

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Socialisation: co-operative sociable standards Guardianship: look after each other Information flows: inform and revise

Intro ❖ How does community engagement on the part of various members relate? How do they all contribute to one another? ❖ What might the benefits of community participation be for each of these members? ❖ What kinds of challenges do you foresee in regards to engaging w the community?

Building Positive and Healthy Communities ❖ Power in Volunteering ➢ Inspiring ➢ Build connections ➢ Help others ➢ Foster care and actions taken ➢ Change lives ❖ Benefits of Comm. Engagement ➢ Ind. ■ Acquire, apply, and improve skills ■ Connections ■ Develop and express opinions ■ Reflections ➢ Gov’t ■ Effective and efficient policies and community services ■ Solve problems w community ■ Better reputation ➢ Stakeholders and Communities ■ Opportunity creation ■ Expect certain standards and critique ability to meet ■ Empower sustainable change ■ Resource access ■ Impact self-image and well-being ■ Reduce crime, improve education, health and employment ■ Dev. new leaders and build trust ❖ Challenges ➢ Cultural differences ➢ Power dynamics ➢ Time and deadlines ➢ Motivation ➢ Operational factors ❖ Importance

➢ Teaches compassion and understanding...

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