Lesson 6 – Raiders OF THE SULU SEA 045202 PDF

Title Lesson 6 – Raiders OF THE SULU SEA 045202
Course Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Institution University of Antique
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LESSON 6 – RAIDERS OF THE SULU SEAACTIVITIES: Make a Contextual Analysis based on the readings. Present your answers in matrix formusing this table.CONTEXTUAL ANALYSISBackground of Text’s Author Documentary Film Contributors Icelle Gloria B. Estrada  A direct descendant of Vicente Avarez  One of ...


LESSON 6 – RAIDERS OF THE SULU SEA ACTIVITIES: Make a Contextual Analysis based on the readings. Present your answers in matrix form using this table.

CONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS Background of Text’s Author Documentary Film Contributors  Icelle Gloria B. Estrada  A direct descendant of Vicente Avarez  One of Zamboanga City’s premiere artistpainter and sculptor.  Currently working as an executive assistant in the Office of the City Mayor, and is looking the City Hall restoration.  Writes a weekly art column  Does extensive research in the arts and culture of Zamboanga.  Dr. Samuel Kong Tan  Historian, National Historical Institute  Sama-Tausug-Chinese Filipino  An authority on the issue of Moro history  Armed struggle and quest for self – determination.  Prof. Barbara Watson Andaya  Historian, National University of Singapore  Professor of Asian studies in Hawaii with specialization in Southeast Asian History  Dr. Julius Bautista  Historian, Asia Research Institute , National University of Singapore  Dr. Margarita Cojuangco  Author, Kris of Valor  Researched the history of Sama in Sulu Archipelago Discuss the Historical background of the document

 The film Raider of Sulu Sea was presented on year 2008 by Oakk3films.  The film depicts the Southwest Asia flourishing

Cite contribution and relevance of the document in understanding the grand narrative of Philippine History

free trading in the area.  These raiders were actually playing their trade before and during the Spanish colonization of the Philippines.  Showed what was claimed then as a pirates of the Sulu Sea from Mindanao, Philippines.  Retaliation when Spaniards wanted to control the economy as well as to colonize and Christianize.  Moro resistance to the Spanish and American colonial governments in southern Philippines were facilitated by different indigenous group of Sulu region including the Ilanuns, Balangingi Samals, Tausugs. What is the reason behind the war?  The whole history of the Spanish- Moro wars indicates that at no time did the Moros consider the Spaniards of sufficient importance to honor them with their undivided attention. The Spaniards went at the conquest of Mindanao in a spirit of deadly solemnity. The Moros opposing them accepted the Spaniards as another entry into the game, wandering off in the midst of the Spanish campaigns to engage Portuguese, English and others of their own tribesmen. The Spaniards had one antagonist on Mindanao; the Moro had many antagonists. The ease with which the Moro wandered from the opponent to another was at once his greatest weakness and his greatest strength.  The Moros fought according to the rules of warfare. They rallied strongly after defeat, seemingly refreshed even by a struggle which went against them. They failed to press the advantages of a victory. They were defeated only to reappear unexpectedly. They struck successfully only to vanish. War was a serious business to Spain; to the Moros, it was an enjoyable game. It was all the most confusing to the Spaniards.  Filipino struggle for freedom.  Opposition towards Western Imperialism  Political dynasty  “Bangsamoro” tittle well-known throughout the Malaysian archipelago and among Muslim community.  Insistent resistance may have inspired Filipino revolutionaries.  Today as in the past, the armed conflict in Southern Philippines can be viewed from

different perspectives:  ECONOMIC - freedom and the right of the Moros to exploit natural resources.  CULTURAL – revival of Indigenous arts and trade.  SOCIAL – tolerance and respect of religious differences or diversity. Why there is a war in Mindanao?  During Spanish era, Spaniard control maritime trade caused the Moros to lose sources of livelihood, and experienced poverty.  During American rule, they were slaughter in the Moro Crater Massacre by American soldier. CHRISTIANITY VS. ISLAM  According to documentary film “Raiders of the Sulu Sea” by Oak3 the raiders in that ere is also considered as Pirates, they were fearless. They are against Slave raiding which is legal on that time.  King Dalasi ( King of Bulig in Maguindanao) and company won the fort Pilar war against Spaniards.  Unity emerge during the war BANGSAMORO ORGANIC LAW  The Organic Law for the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (OLBARMM) is the result of decade’s long peace negotiators between the rebel groups in Mindanao, mainly the MILF, and the Philippine Government.

Learning experience while doing the assigned readings

After reading the assigned readings “Raiders of Sulu Sea” I learned that we are not only who is fighting and defend this country Moros also wants freedom from their land.

USING/APPLYING KNOWLEDGE (application/integration) 1. Write a short ESSAY regarding the importance of the document, Raiders of the Sulu Sea in Philippine History. How important was the role played by Muslim in Mindanao during Spanish period? For me as a learner, Raiders of Sulu Sea is a documentary film that was about how the Spaniards defended the city of Zamboanga’s Fort Pilar which was the last base of defense and was used to control our economy in the past. The tribes of Sulu and Maguindanao were basically two kingdoms who launched

a bloody attack in the Fort Pilar within Zamboanga City. The tribes involved in the slave raiding are the Balangingi, Illanuns and Tausogs. They were called pirates as they are very savage as they have raided and had placed on some strings on the palms of the people. They are expert sailors and swordsman. The film talked about the slave raiding of these tribes as they retaliated and fought against the colonizers. I learned that the fort pilar was built by Spaniards to discouraged potential invaders. This fort was the base of operations to check on slave raiding to the north and coming back. It’s amazing how the tribes initially took over the fort as they really had to surpass the Spanish presence as the slave raiding become more rampant when the Spaniards came. It’s amazing how slavery was something that is already present in our country. What’s even more amusing is how the Spaniards wanted to be a part of that trade which made me think that us being good in trade made our country more appealing to the colonizers. Despite of the whole Film talking about slave raiding, the context of it made me think about how the raiders were called as pirates and that the battle between them is a battle about religion. The raiders were depicted as vicious pirates. But should they really be called as pirates when they are just fighting against the oppressors? They weren’t really fighting for personal gain but rather they follow a common purpose of following their leaders as they fought against the colonizers as they fought for their freedom. It was really misleading how they were depicted as pirates when they only acted to retaliate. It seemed like the clash between the Spaniards and the tribes were not just about the trade but rather the religion as it was the priority of the sultanates to eradicate the presence of the Spaniards wherein the Spaniards were the ones who initially Christianized the country. The retaliation of the tribes is somehow necessary as the Spaniards wanted to force their own belief to them which made them feel oppressed thus leading to a bloody war that did not end well. Overall, this film is not only amusing for me to learn. But it is also an eye opener for me to see how the war really started out along with the thoughts of me possibly being a Moro if the tribes had won. The whole Philippines could’ve been all Muslims if we won that fight. This story is another inspiring film to watch for us to see yet again how we first retaliated against an oppressor. Despite of this not really ending well, it still is a story of our own that showed how the Filipino people have always fought for their freedom which is making me love my own heritage more and more. Throughout the three and half centuries of conflicts between the Spanish and the populations of the southern Philippines, maritime raiding played a key role, not only for the accumulation of wealth and slaves, but also as a means of warfare and anticolonial resistance. In contrast to earlier Spanish attempts to put an end to the maritime raiding emanating from Sulu, the attack had the desired effect of bringing about a drastic decline in slave raiding. The purpose was to enforce the Spanish claim to sovereignty over the Sultanate and to take control over its trade. Mindanao had a solid Muslim society with a pre-Spanish sultanate and much of the island resisted Catholicism, the island also has more inland and had smaller urban centers, plus it was not connected through Tarde and administration like Luzon was, simply because Spaniards set the capital in Manila.

UPGRADING COMPETENCE AND EXPANDING INSIGHTS (enrichment phase) Choose one activity.

1. Make an ESSAY that tells how Christians respect the culture and beliefs of our Muslim brothers. Showing respect to the culture and beliefs of our Muslim brothers we need to accept somebody for who they are, even when they're different from you or you don't agree with them. Respect in your relationships builds feelings of trust, safety, and wellbeing. Respect others beliefs not everyone has religious or spiritual beliefs, and that's fine. The important thing is to accept that some people place a lot of importance on this aspect of their lives, and to respect their right to believe whatever they want, even if you don't agree with them. With such diversity, helps when we all respect and understand other people's cultures. Behaviors, customs, beliefs, and values, also make up culture. So, when we encounter others from backgrounds that aren't the same as our own, the differences can be noticeable....

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