Lesson Plan Template for Interactive Read Aloud PDF

Title Lesson Plan Template for Interactive Read Aloud
Author Caitlyn Campbell
Course  Basic Foundations of Reading
Institution University of Central Florida
Pages 3
File Size 148.3 KB
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Planning for Instruction: Plan an Interactive Read Aloud that you will teach/video record...


Lesson Plan Template for Interactive Read Aloud Teacher Thinking/Rationale Age of Child/Grade Level: 6-8, 2nd Grade Learning Goal: [What do you want to teach/students learn] I want students to learn about the characters and answer who, what, why, when, where and how questions. I also want students to learn to notice clues in the illustrations that show what is really happening in the story. Matching Common Core Objective(s): Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.

Rationale: [why are you teaching this to the students] I am teaching this to the students because it will help develop their reading abilities. Teaching students how to identify who, what, when, where, why and how are ways to get students emerged in the reading. Showing students to pay attention to the words and illustrations are a wonderful way to get students to dive deeper into education. Pedagogy: [what research-based pedagogy will you use to teach this] Summarizing, inferring, making connections and predictions. Material(s): Where the wild things are book Rationale for Book Choice: I chose this book because it is a great book to get the students thinking about more than what just the words are saying.

Plan for Time Spent with Children Teaching/Learning Interactive Read Aloud Model/Guided Reading Before Reading: Hello class! Today we will be reading Where the Wild Things Are. While we read this book, we are going to be doing a very important part of reading,

which is thinking. We will be thinking while we read because it will help us understand and relate to what we are reading. During Reading: [list the steps you will take to model for children...include when you will stop and think aloud and include the exact thought you will share] 1. I think that in this book someone is going to visit where the wild things are. 2. I noticed this picture on the wall by Max. It looks like a monster that was on the cover of the book. This reminds me of when my mother used to hang all of my drawing up on the fridge. 3. I am noticing that the pictures are growing larger and larger. I think the author is doing this to show how Max’s imagination is growing. 4. Max sailed for weeks and almost a year without anything at all, to me that seems a little fishy. 5. Max has traveled very far away and has found an island where wild things are, and he has become their kings and now I think Max is starting to feel a little like his mother. He is yelling at the wild things. I think he is starting to get annoyed with the wild things and their wildness. 6. Max’s food is still warm. That is really odd since the author said earlier the he traveled years away to the island where the wild thing are. I don’t think Max actually traveled I think it was all in his imagination.

Contingencies (Plan for interaction):

Students might not understand all vocabulary

Student might not be able to obtain all information

Define words when students look confused

Slow down the reading and use a lot of expressions

Students might not be able to respond verbally

Students might be bored by the book and feel like it is too childish

Allowing students to write or draw to get their point across

Ask students about the photos and the differences in the size of the photos

After Reading: [write exactly what you will say when you are finished reading the book] Wow that book was awesome. Did you notice while I was reading I would stop and share my thoughts with you guys? I did this to show you guys how we think while we read. You don’t have to think out loud, most of the time we do all the thinking in our heads. You guys think while you read too, next time you are reading independently stop after

every page and think about what you were thinking about as you were reading. It is a great way to get yourself noticing what you are thinking.

Independent Practice Students will practice independently by writing their summary of the book. In an ideal world each student would have a copy of the book and would be able to reread and dive deeper into the book. Assessment Plan Before reading this book, I will assess students by having them imagine what is going to happen in the book after I make my prediction. During the reading we are going to do a summary of the book I will summarize and ask the students to add in any key points that they believe are important. After reading this book I would have my students write a two to three sentence summary of what happened in the book. This will show that they were congenitally engaged in the reading and hopefully it will show they were enjoying the reading as well. After the sentences were finished they would be allowed to draw their favorite part of the book.

English Language Learners Accommodations I would slow down my reading and use gestures to emphasize certain words to help ELLs. I would also point to the pictures that correspond to the words. For the assessment I would have ELLs draw a summary if they are unable to write sentences....

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