LETI Class 31 PDF

Title LETI Class 31
Author heee gexxx
Course Aplicado A Procesos
Institution Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Pages 18
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LETI CLASS 31Ranks:Chief Instructor Instructor Associate InstructorRules : Do not speak unless given permission or are asked a question. (Spell it out, dress who you are speaking to by rank) Example: Permission to speak, Instructor ————————————————Phase 1Radio:● Tab to turn on/off ● HOLD TAB (Or Tab...


LETI CLASS 31 Ranks: Chief Instructor Instructor Associate Instructor Rules : 1. Do not speak unless given permission or are asked a question. (Spell it out, dress who you are speaking to by rank) Example: Permission to speak, Instructor


Phase 1 Radio:

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Tab to turn on/off HOLD TAB (Or Tab + #)


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1 Global 2 Emergency Services 3 & 4 Law Enforcement 5 Department

When accidental messages are forwarded on radio, say HOTMIC afterwards.


Core Values:

The Mayflower Law Enforcement Training Institute prides itself on the extreme levels of competency candidates are trained in during their stay within the program. Guiding the program are the following three core values that candidates are expected to carry with them through their career as a peace officer in the state of Mayflower.

1. Respect Peace officers, Staff Members, and Candidates alike are all to respect one another on campus, in the state of mayflower, and in all affiliated discords. It is permissible to joke with one another in a lighthearted manner, but any comments deemed derogatory or made with harmful intentions will not be tolerated. Likewise, candidates are to respect the experience and vigilance of staff at all times. 2. Integrity This also means that the LETI curriculum should never be shared with those who are not Peace officers, Staff Members, or Candidates. Lastly, no persons possessing or working towards a LETI certification should show any hint of bias to anyone, at any time. Being objective is a key part of one’s duties as a peace officer. 3. Professionalism All candidates & staff members to comply with relevant laws and regulation and avoid any action which discredits the institute. Insubordination and immaturity, for example, will come under this principle. Any violations of this policy are to be reported, and investigated by LETI command staff.

———————————————— Divisional The next part of Phase 1 in regards to our formations. Law enforcement use what is known as a Divisional. You will use this a lot during department training, Inspections by the governor, during public events, and those alike. A divisional is a formation in which there are 4 rows of 4 people in each of them. This is a 4x4 made up of personnel. You are expected to stand 1 stud in between each other. 1 stud is about the width of your shoulder. Each row is called a rank. You should not move to fill gaps unless told to “dress”. When told to “dress”, the last man on the divisional moves to fill the gap which has just opened. The last man in the person in the furthest row back, farthest to the left in that row. ———————————————— Radio Codes

The third part of Phase 1 is about radio codes. All of our law enforcement use the 10-codes to communicate. Radio Codes: 10-0: Use Caution. You should use this when the suspect could do harm. Pair this with a description or name of an individual. 10-4: Understood/Copy. - Use this when speaking to another Officer over the radio, showing you understand. 10-5: Requesting “Special” Units. - Use this to request Fire Department/Medical. (Non-LE departments) 10-7: Currently unavailable. Use this when you are going on break temporarily and are coming back, or are otherwise unavailable for calls. 10-8: Currently in-service. Use this to go on duty. Use your location when calling 10-8. 10-9: Out of Service. Use this when you are leaving the game or team. 10-20: Location. Use this to state your location or ask for your location. 10-22: Arrived on Scene. Use this when you arrive on scene to a call over the radio. 10-23: Suspect in Custody. Use this when you arrest someone. For example: ([CALLSIGN], 10-23 [X of Arrested], [REASON]. 10-32: Non-Immediate Backup needed. Use this when you are in need of police assistance that is not dire. 10-56: Enroute to Scene. Use this when you are responding to a call via the radio. Pair with a response grande. 10-58: Emergency Assistance Needed. Use this when your life is in danger or another person’s life and need help. Plain Language can also be used in order to abbreviate frequently used terms for quick communication over the radio. The following are taught by the institute, however, others may be seen in use throughout Mayflower. MVA - Motor Vehicle Accident

AS - Active Shooter NPA - Non-Projectile Assault GNP - Gun Deal in Progress GTA - Stolen Vehicle / Grand Theft Auto The next part of law enforcement radio usage codes. Please note L&S refers to lights and sirens. Code One: No L&S Code Two: L only. Code Three: L&S Code Four: Situation over. No further assistance required. You need to use these codes to clarify the urgency of your response. The final part of radio usage includes common phrases. They are used for ease but some perform actual functions on the radio. Affirm - “Yes” Negative - “No” Traffic - Traffic Stop Felony Traffic - Felony stop Civil - Civil dispute Active shooter - A gun-wielding individual Riot - A large group of individuals acting in a dangerous or unruly manner BOLO - Be on the lookout CLEAR ONE [Username]. The game will automatically search for that users criminal record over the radio.

CLEAR PLATE [Plate]. The game will automatically search for the owner of the vehicle with that plate. ———————————————— Radio Information When you call 10-8 or 10-9 you put it in global. The rest of your communications should be in ES. LE is to be used for high risk situations such as a pursuit or active shooter or an operation involving just law enforcement. Make sure when calling out a pursuit, shooter, or anything else you specifically state which LE channel they should liaison in. (LE1 / LE2) What you should say when going on duty; [CALLSIGN] 10-8, [LOCATION] Sheriff’s Deputies say C/W (Countywide), Troopers say S/W (Statewide). Municipal officers say their city. Global - used for general communications with all units in-game. Display your initial 10-8/9 here. ES-1 - used for communications with all emergency services in-game, including PAW and FD. Traffic stops, emergency calls, and special unit requests should go here. Department channel - Depending on your department, you will have access to a Department ONLY radio channel. Use this to “CLEAR ONE” or “CLEAR PLATE” LE-1 and LE-2 - Used for communications with all LEOs in-game. Pursuits, shootings, etc go here. Correct Radio Usage You must at all times follow the radio standards we have previously discussed. This includes using codes and following the correct formats. This means no banter over the radio, arguing, etc. The next part is about using the radio in times of a pursuit. The initial officer who begins the pursuit will go. “[CALLSIGN], Pursuit, switch to LE.” For example: 1P05 Pursuit LE1 The officer is instruction other units to switch to the law enforcement channel. The pursuing officer will feed information such as the location of the pursuit on this channel ONLY.

Units who are joining ill go on ES-1, “[CALLSIGN] 10-55 Code [2/3]”, and then switch to the LE channel to join in. Example: 1P05 10-56 C3, LE1 When the pursuit is over, the primary unit will call on the LE channel, “[CALLSIGN], pursuit terminated, code four, switching to ES-1.” Example: 1P05 pursuit C4, ES-1. This indicates the officer has concluded the pursuit and is now resuming 10-8 duties on the ES channel, or has the individual in custody, to which they’ll say 10-23 instead. Other units who joined the pursuit will do the same. Make sure to consistently update the location of the ongoing pursuit in the LE to ensure other units can respond effectively. It helps to also call in the description of the vehicle and/or it’s occupants. ———————————————— Departments and Jurisdictions

We have 4 law enforcement agencies with varying jurisdictions. Jurisdictions are the geographical boundaries to which a peace officer of a particular force possesses lawful authority. Mayflower has two municipal (city/town) Police departments. The Plymouth Police Department firstly is limited to the town of Plymouth. They take priority on all law enforcement matters here and additionally mayoral protection duties. The other PD is the Lander Police Department. The LPD has large scope because the City of Lander is both larger than Plymouth, but also the state capital. They offer protection to the Mayor in addition. Mayflower has two regional forces which have a larger geographical area. The Mayflower State Police have state-wide jurisdiction but complete various special tasks. They include running the tactical SOB team, state-level investigations, and protection of state figures.

The New Haven County Sheriff is limited to New Haven County, and have few specific tasks assigned to them. They are however responsible for County executive/official protection as well as courtroom security. The Military police have jurisdiction over the Exclusion Zone at the main MNG property at Blackadder, as well as the armory in west point. During State of Emergencies, the Military Police have statewide jurisdiction. ———————————————— Mayflower Criminal Code: This section is about the laws of our state. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JqXjZdgMMiQTc-JYcdXwj_t4SBlKPjoGw6ZFe5Glk08 /edit) As you can see on the sheet, there are 3 types of crimes. One is an infraction. This is the lowest form of penal code. They consist of minor crimes such as traffic tickets, j-walking tickets, etc. Some infractions don’t get a citation, as a warning can be sufficient. The second type is a Misdemeanor. It’s a crime of medium seriousness but not as severe as a felony. An example can include common assault. The third type is a felony. It is the most serious type of offense. e.g Murder. ———————————————— Power of Arrest As a state Peace officer, you are mandated (authorized if need be) to remove the liberty of a suspected criminal by arresting them. The power to arrest can be used under the following prerequisites: To prevent a crime taking place. To bring to justice someone who has committed a crime. To protect persons from harm. To protect property from criminal damage.


Phase 2 Equipment:

Radio: Has a global channel, a department channel, and a LE channel. (Last one used for specific law enforcement situations). TI26: Taser, used to temporarily incapacitate individuals who aren’t complying or are fleeing. This is not a tool meant to be used at length, as you get one shot. If you miss, there is often not enough time to reload to use it again. Telescopic Baton: Used to maintain control by hitting individuals. Also used for shattering windows on vehicles to conduct searches. The baton cannot be used interchangeably with the taser. A situation will require one or the other ,not both. Use your own judgement to determine which is the case. Flashlight: Used to see in the dark.Also useful for drawing attention should you disable your vehicle, get lost, or need to communicate with someone at a distance. This doesn’t mean morse code, rather flashing your light to indicate distress, etc. Bennetti 17: A handgun used for self defense. Capable of firing as quickly as a peace officer can click. The handgun is similar in appearance to a flock and is only legal to be possessed by Peace Officers or members of the National Guard (On or off duty.) Hawthorn 500: A shotgun that is very deadly and can incapacitate people in 1-2 shots. Used when there is a low risk of crossfire. Also available to civilians if they were to purchase them at a firearms store, officers should take caution with these firearms. Delino R21A: An automatic rifle that is also very deadly. Used when there is a high risk of crossfire and precision is needed. This can also be used on single fire as a sniper rifle. Extended magazines, containing 30 rounds, are available to peace officers. Radar gun: This is used by Law Enforcement Officers to watch speed limits of civilians in an area and conduct traffic stops. Speeds the gun will scan for can be adjusted, and it will beep and display red text should the speed be passed. ———————————————— Introduction to the levels of force.

Peace officers are expected to always apply reasonable and proportional force when dealing with suspects. This may mean no force at all. Your main goal is to not escalate any situation unless absolutely possible. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlwaK6G9OD8) There are 5 levels to know: Level 1: No force. Cooperative Controls: The Officer can diffuse a situation simply through being present and assertive. Level 2: Limited force. Contact Controls Non-Pain techniques such as restraining and grabbing are used to ensure compliance, this may be used if a suspect is refusing to remain present. Level 3: Moderate force. Compliance Techniques: The deployment of balanced force is used to overcome an abusive or violent suspect, equipment used may include the ASP Baton. Level 4: Less-lethal force. Defensive Tactics: If the suspect is acting violently towards members of the public or the LEO they must take immediate action to regain control of the situation, this may include the deployment of a taser. Level 5: Deadly Force: If there is an immediate and direct threat to life then the LEO may deploy deadly force, this describes any techniques/equipment that may incapacitate the suspect. ———————————————— Mayflower Game Rules in Law Enforcement Rule 1. Abide by the New Life Rule ● ● ●

Any suspect being pursued by law enforcement or any other public agency, shall be considered a new player if they die during that pursuit. Any criminal charges brought about reasonably before or during that pursuit shall be considered void. Police officers who attempt to arrest people following their death shall be banned under this rule.

Rule 6. Abusing the game mechanics ●

All law enforcement and other public agencies have access to tools they obtain for free as part of their profession; all command staff and admins have access to what they

dispense, and abuse of this power to hand over an unrealistic amount of tools is bankable. Buying or selling tools or accounts with Robux or real currency is prohibited and will result in a ban from the community.

Rule 7. Playing in a fair and responsible manner ●

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New Haven County is not specifically a role-playing game, however in the context of the game, players are expected to act in a certain manner and Moderators may use their discretion to ban players who do not play fairly. Using barriers to block entrance ways or cars. Shooting unarmed players or ruining scenes which players create for themselves (e.g. hostage situations) for no reason is frowned upon and in extreme circumstances can result in a ban.

———————————————— Defensive Tactics: You need to know when is an appropriate time to apply force. If a person is charging you with a dangerous weapon, use a taser to stop the target quickly and make them immobile. During a foot pursuit, if the suspect fails to stop and is becoming a safety hazard, use the taser to stop them. Ask the suspect to stop, and then taser them if they run. Cuff if they stop. You should warn the person AT LEAST once to “STOP” or “HALT”. If the person fails to stop, shoot them with the taser and get the weapon away from them and handcuff them. If a person decides to fail to yield and takes off on foot, you are to identify yourself at least once/twice such as “POLICE STOP NOW!”. If they fail to stop hit them with the taser and get them into cuffs quickly.

———————————————— When to use lethal force: Using lethal force is very, very simple. If there is a risk which is life endangering, use lethal force to counter it. As you can remember on the use of force model, your responses should always be “Proportional and reasonable.'' In terms of lethal force, a gun or even a knife threat can be considered justification for a firearm to be used. Remember about crossfire! If there’s a high risk

of crossfire, use the Delino R21A or B17. It is more accurate. If there’s a low risk of crossfire, use the Hawthorn 500 or B17. It has wider dispersion. You are expected to use reasonable force to equally counter a threat. Do not open fire on individuals who are unarmed, pose no threat, etc. Use your common sense. You are NOT to use metal force in situations where your vehicle has been stolen. Unless there is a suspect handcuffed in the vehicle whose life you are concerned for.

———————————————— When to use non-lethal force: When to use the taser: The Suspect is running from you. The Suspect is coming towards you in what you perceive to be a dangerous manor. In any other situation for your own personal safety, provided it is a “Proportional and reasonable” force. ———————————————— Active Shooter: When you are in the county, there are many times that you will have to deal with an Active Shooter. These are the following steps on how to properly handle an Active shooter situation.

1. Contain the area, move all civilians back. You can place barriers and cones around the area of where the shooter is located. Assisting officers will move any civilians back to prevent loss of life.

1. Control traffic and set up a perimeter around the area with cones/barriers. Just keep a flow of traffic but make sure that the area you are in is secure.

1. Request backup in #pager in the discord or request special units.

1. IF POSSIBLE Gather together and set up a plan to deal with the shooter. If you do this then the highest rank at the scene will tell you where you need to go and what you need to do.

1. IF POSSIBLE Make sure you all have the proper equipment. Have your normal load out but it would be helpful to make sure you have a Shotgun or R21A.

1. Once you have done everything, breach the area and attempt to take down the shooter.

———————————————— Breaching & Formations: Breaching is used to minimize officer casualties when apprehending suspects. There is a “Commander” who will give off the signals to begin breaching. You are not to start till they give the command. The Commander must first get ready saying “?” The rests must respond with “.” The Commander then responds with “!” indicating it is time to breach. We use 2 types of formations when breaching.

1. The X Formation: The first person on the left side stack is the Breach Commander. You enter as: Left, Right, Left, Right Until everyone is inside of the building.

1. The Y Formation. The first person on the left side stack is the Breach Commander. The entire left stack will go in at once, followed by the remaining one (or vice versa).


Phase 3 Reasonable suspicion and Probable Cause: Differing reasonable suspicion and probable cause. Reasonable Suspicion: A claim which does not have concrete evidence shown to the officer. It is not enough to charge somebody with. An example may include a civilian reporting they got stabbed you may respond, ask questions, but you can’t make an arrest solely based on their report. Reactions: You may make lines of enquiry, but the suspect has the right to resist and walk away if they want. You do not have authority to detain them. Probable cause: A claim which does have concrete evidence shown to the officer in question, or a valid warrant signed by a magistrate. Probable cause is enough to charge somebody. An example may include a civilian reporting they got stabbed, but this time they send you a GIF of the crime being committed. You have reasonable evidence of the crime. Reactions: You may make lines of enquiry and warn, cite, or arrest the subject. You have authority to detain them to allow this. ———————————————— Explanation of “LOV”: LOV is used when filling out arrest reports or citations. It is a simple structure to follow. You ARE allowed to write these reports in a narrative fashion so long as it covers the following 3 points. L: Location. Broad location of the crime. O: Offense. What part of the criminal code was breached? V: Venue. Where about IN...

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