Lifespan Development Powerpoint CLC PDF

Title Lifespan Development Powerpoint CLC
Author Josue De Aquino
Course General Psychology
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 12
File Size 1.4 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 76
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PowerPoint presentation about the development of lifespan....


Prenatal development, infancy and childhood, adolescences and emerging adulthood, early, middle, and late adulthood. Cheyenne Niles Nathaniel Gray Nanea Wong Yuen Josue Deaquino Thamara Lamour


Physical development

Cognitive development

Socioemotional development

What factors impact development

Thamara Lamour

Cognitive Development • Theory of mind • Schemas • Assimilation • Accommodation

Physical development • Maturation • Innate survival skills

Cheyenne Niles

physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development in this infancy

• Through early connections and with sustaining, responsive communications, babies and little children learn methods of finding relationships, how to get their necessities and needs met, and how to distinguish and direct feelings. Since these abilities foster together, this space of improvement is alluded to social-emotional development.

Nanea Wong Yuen


• Inconsolable • Resentful • Unsecure Attachment

SECURE REACTION • Distressed • Comforted • Secure Attachment

Factors ◦ Infancy ◦ Relationships with adults ◦ Attachments ◦ Interactions

◦ Childhood ◦ Interactions ◦ Emotions ◦ Parenting

Theories ◦ Interactions with nature and socioemotional development ◦ Green space ◦ Less screen time ◦ Improved motor skills

Josue Deaquino

Cognitive Theory Stage 

Infant will be extremely dependent on the parents, will cry, eat may be every two to three hours a day.

From One year to two years old – the child will begin to form words and to walk. Also begin to be more independent on their own. Behavior changes they begin to explore different behavior including temper tantrums syndrome.

From two to three years of age- They are learning to play side by side with another toddler. They formulate their speech better by using more sentences between three to four words.

From three to four years old- Tots more to mimic parents or animals that they have learned or be around them. At four their imagination is clearer and the become fearful and fear of abandonment.

• From five to Adulthood- A person begin to socialized more, read and write better ,accept by their peers also the motor skill become more complex

Cognitive Theory Stage Sensorimotor – Infant to two years old Preoperational – Would be from Tots through the age of six to seven years old.  Concrete Operational – Is from seven years of age still eleven years old.  Formal Operational – Is from twelve of age still the person become an adult.

 

Social-Emotional • Goal Setting Potential • Self – Management / Related to Life & Career • Personal Leadership • Relationships & Interpersonal / Communication Under Stress

Thamara Lamour


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