WFU CNS 748 Lifespan Development Quizzes PDF

Title WFU CNS 748 Lifespan Development Quizzes
Course Life Span Development: Implications For Counseling
Institution Wake Forest University
Pages 15
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WFU CNS 748 Lifespan Development Quizzes...


WFU CNS Lifespan Development Chapter One Quiz Dr. Kostel believes that development takes place in stages. This belief is consistent with the __________ perspective. Discontinuous

Although Justin spent his first 18 months in an orphanage, his adoptive mother believes that sensitive caregiving will help Justin overcome his early experiences. Justin’s mother emphasizes the role of __________ in development. Nuture

Dr. Faulkner believes that directly observable events—stimuli and responses— are the appropriate focus of the study of development. Dr. Faulkner probably follows the __________ perspective of development. Behaviorism

According to __________ theory, children learn primarily through modeling. Social Learning

According to Jean Piaget’s cognitive-developmental theory, Children actively construct knowledge as they manipulate and explore their world.

The information-processing approach views the mind as a: Symbol-manipulating system through which information flows.

John Bowlby argued that: Behaviors such as smiling, babbling, and crying are innate social signals that encourage parents to interact with their infants.

Lev Vygotsky’s Theory focuses on: How culture is transmitted to the next generation.

Ecological systems theory views the person as: Developing within a complex system of relationships affected by multiple levels of the surrounding environment. Theorist who emphasize plasticity believe that: Change in response to influential experiences is possible.

Chapter Six Quiz Twenty-two-year-old Daniel is overly dependent on his girlfriend, Missy. Daniel continually doubts his ability to meet new challenges. Daniel may not have fully mastered the task of ______ and ________ during infancy and childhood. Trust; Autonomy

Mark, who lives in an individualistic culture, gets an “A” on his test. His parents will probably encourage Mark to feel: Pride in his personal achievement.

Lauren is beginning to use strategies to adjust her emotional state to a comfortable level of intensity so she can accomplish her goals. Lauren is using: Emotional self-regulation.

Bindi quickly establishes regular routines, is generally cheerful, and adapts easily to new experiences. In Thomas and Chess’s research, Bindi would be classified as a_____ child. Easy ____________ is the capacity to voluntarily suppress a dominant response in order to plan and execute a more adaptive response. Effortful Control ____________ involves creating child-rearing environments that recognize each child’s temperament while encouraging more adaptive functioning. Goodness of fit

The ________ theory of attachment recognizes the infant’s emotional tie to the caregiver as an evolved response that promotes survival. Ethological John Bowlby retained the psychoanalytic idea that: Quality of attachment to the caregiver has profound implications for the child’s capacity to form trusting relationships.

In the Strange Situation, Bernadette uses her mother as a secure base. When separated, Bernadette does not cry, but when her mother returns, Bernadette crawls to her. Bernadette is demonstrating ________ attachment. Secure Veronica has the ability to understand her friend’s emotional state and respond emotionally in a similar way. Veronica is displaying: Empathy

Chapter Seven Quiz Which of the following statements about sex differences in motor skills in early childhood is true? Girls are ahead of boys in fine-motor skills Four-year-old Jasmine is shown two identical tall glasses of water and agrees that they contain the same amount of liquid. When the liquid is poured into a short, wide container, she says that there is more water in the shorter container because it is “all spread out.” Jasmine is demonstrating a lack of understanding of: Conservation Piaget’s conservation-of-liquid task demonstrates that preoperational children’s thinking is characterized by _________ in that they focus on one aspect of a situation, neglecting other important features. Centration

Heidi is shown sixteen flowers, four of which are blue and twelve of which are red. Asked, “Are there more red flowers or flowers?” Heidi, a preoperational child, responds, “More red flowers.” This problem demonstrates Heidi’s difficulty with: Hierarchical Classification

Evidence that preschoolers _______ supports the idea that operational thought is not absent at one point in time and present at another. Can be trained to perform well on Piagetian Problems

According to Vygotsky, learning takes place: Within the zone of proximal development

When building a block tower with his younger daughter, Samuel adjust the support offered to his daughter to fit her current level of performance. Samuel is engaging in: Scaffolding

In Yvonne’s preschool classroom, children of varying abilities work in groups, teaching and helping one another. This classroom emphasizes the Vygotskian principle of: Peer Collaboration Metacognition involves: Thinking about thought

Two-year-old Aidan says, “We saw two deers.” Aidan is demonstrating: Overregularization

Chapter Eight Quiz According to Erikson, the psychological conflict of the preschool years is: Initiative versus guilt.

Four-year-old Simka is sociable and good at regulating emotion. She is likely to: Help, Share and Comfort others in distress.

According to Mildred Parten, two forms of true social interaction are _______ and _______ play. Associative; Cooperative

Four year old Ellie is shown two pictures: one depicting a child stealing and apple, and the other showing a child eating ice cream with her fingers. Ellie is most likely to view: The stealing is worse than the bad able manners.

Shelby tells her classmates not to play with Sophia because “she lies.” This is an example of ________ aggression. Relational

Typical parents give their sons toys that emphasize: Competition

According to cognitive-developmental theory, ________ comes before __________ in the development of gender identity. Self-Perceptions; Behavior Six-Year-Old Charlie realizes that his sister remains a girl even when she operates a bulldozer. Charlie has acquired the concept of gender: Constancy

The ____________ child-rearing style is the most successful approach. Authoritative

Which of the following statements is supported by research on child maltreatment? Every industrialized country except the US prohibits corporal punishment in school.

Chapter Nine Quiz Ten-year-old Nadia enjoys making up games and playing them with her friends. Playing these child-invented games probably allows Nadia to:

Try out different styles of cooperating and competing with little personal risk.

During a conservation-of-water experiment, Emme can focus on several aspects of the problem and relate them, rather than centering on just one aspect. Therefore Emme is capable of: Decentration

Jamal is able to think through a series of steps and then mentally return to the starting point. Therefore, is capable of: Reversibility

Children with persistent learning difficulties in reading and math are often deficient in: Working-memory capacity Heritability evidence suggests ___________ genetic influences on various aspects of executive function, including combing information in working memory, controlling attention, and inhibiting inappropriate responses. Substantial When Taylor was given a list of ingredients to memorize, she immediately repeated the list to herself over and over. Which memory strategy did Taylor use? Rehearsal

Quinn knows that he should group items when memorizing lists, but he does not always do so. Quinn is not yet good at: Cognitive Self-Regulation

In Sternberg’s triarchic theory, intelligent behavior involves balancing _________ intelligences. Analytical, Creative, and Practical Carter, an 8 year old African American boy, is told by a researcher that certain verbal tasks are “not a test.” He is told that other verbal tasks are “a test of how good children are at school problems.” If Carter is aware of ethnic stereotypes, which of the following is probably true? He will perform far worse in the “test” condition

Research on educational philosophies indicates that: Constructivist classrooms are associated with gains in critical thinking and greater social and moral maturity.

Chapter Ten Quiz According to Erikson, a sense of _________ can develop in middle childhood when family life fails to prepare children for school life or when teachers and peers destroy children’s self-confidence with negative responses. Inferiority _________ parenting is correlated with unrealistically high self-esteem. Indulgent

Appreciating mixed emotions helps children realize that: People expressions may not reflect their true feelings Amelia has well-developed emotional self-regulation. She feels that she is in control of her emotional experience. Amelia has acquired: A sense of emotional self-efficacy

When classmates are asked to rate each other’s likeability, _________ children get many positive votes, whereas _______ children are seldom mentioned. Popular; Neglected

On a measure of peer acceptance, Michael received a large number of positive and negative votes. Michael would be considered a _______ child. Controversial

Octavio feels comfortable being a boy, which consequently makes him happy. Which of the following self-evaluations reflects Octavio’s gender identity. Gender contentedness

Effective parents gradually shift control from adult to child. They do not let go entirely but, rather, engage in:


Regardless of the extent of their friction, divorcing parents who manage to engage in _______ greatly improve their children’s chances of growing up competent, stable and happy. Coparenting

The best way to reduce the suffering of a child sexual abuse victim is to: Prevent sexual abuse from continuing

Chapter Eleven Quiz Which of the following is a secondary sexual characteristic? Pubic Hair

Which of the following parent-child relationships is the most common among anorexic teens? Overprotective and controlling mothers and emotionally distant fathers.

Research shows that many adolescents do not use contraception during sexual activity because they: Fail to apply their reasoning skills to everyday situations.

Which of the following statements about homosexuality is true? Attraction to members of the same sex is not limited to teens who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual.

Which of the following substances do American adolescents experiment with most during high school? Alcohol

Kia, age fourteen, uses hypotheico-deductive reasoning. Therefore, she probably:

Makes predictions about variables that might affect an outcome and then deduces logical, testable inferences from that hypothesis.

The imaginary audiences is adolescents’ belief that they are: The focus of everyone else’s attention and concern.

Certain that others are observing and thinking about them, teenagers develop an inflated sense of their own importance known as: The Personal Fable

Adolescents whose parents engage in ___________ decision making achieve better academically. Joint

The dropout rate in the United States is higher among ________ than ________ and is particularly high among ___________. Boys; Girls; Lower-SES ethnic minorities

Chapter Twelve Quiz Laurent plans to major in engineering in college. When asked if he might change his career path, he responds, “I might, but I doubt it. I’ve spent a lot of time studying my options. I’m pretty sure engineering is right for me.” Laurent is demonstrating identity: Achievement

When asked about her political beliefs, Blair responds, “Oh, I don’t know. It doesn’t make much difference to me.” Blaire is demonstrating identity: Diffusion At Kohlberg’s conventional level: Individuals believe that actively maintaining the current social system ensures positive relationships and societal order.

In response to the “Heinz dilemma,” Ruby explains, “It doesn’t make sense to put respect for property above respect for life itself. Respect for human life is absolute.” Ruby is at which of Kohlberg’s stages of moral development? Stage Six: The Universal Ethical Principle Orientation Carol Gilligan believes that feminine morality: Emphasizes an “ethic of care” that Kohlberg’s system devalues.

Which of the following is linked to a variety of positive outcomes, such as prevention of delinquency, reduction in sexual activity, improved school performance, and positive psychological well-being? Consistent parental monitoring of daily activities, through a cooperative relationship in which the adolescent willingly discloses information.

Teenage boys who are _________ are just as likely as girls to form intimate samesex ties. Androgynous Ken, age fourteen, has trouble concentrating, sleeps excessively, eats little and has low energy. These might be symptoms of: Depression

Which of the following statements about adolescent suicide is true? Gay, lesbian, and bisexual youths are at a high risk for suicide.

Both police arrest and self-reports show that delinquency: Rises over early and middle adolescence and then declines.

Chapter Thirteen Quiz Scientist have found that ________ best explains the complexities of biological aging. A combination of theories

Which of the following statements about the relationships among SES, education and health is true? Economically advantaged individuals sustain better health over most of their adult lives. Family and friends can help a dieter by: Offering encouragement and helping foster the dieter’s self-esteem and selfefficacy.

The most commonly abused substances in the US are: Tobacco, alcohol and marijuana

According to some researchers, cognitive development continues beyond Piaget’s formal operational stage to the ___________ level. Postformal Thought

With the birth of Brenda’s first child, she felt more fulfilled than ever before. However, she also acknowledged feelings of concern and fear over being able to meet all of her parental responsibilities while maintaining person happiness and satisfaction. Brenda’s thinking reflects: Cognitive-Affective Complexity

Xavier believes everything his college professor says because she is in a respected position. Xavier accepts what the professor says because he believes that knowledge is certain and the professor has that knowledge. Xavier is engaged in: Dualistic Thinking When asked about her future vocational choice, fourteen year old Grace says, “I’m good at math and I like solving problems. But I like helping people. So maybe teaching math or working as an engineer would be good.” Grace is in the __________ period of vocational development. Tentative Max enjoys working with ideas; Madison is emotional and has a high need for individual expression. According to Holland’s six personality types, Max is ______ and Madison is __ Investigative; Artistic

Which of the following women is the most likely to thrive in a nontraditional career? Raelynne, whose three aunts have successfully dealt with family-career role conflict.

Chapter Fourteen Quiz The life pursuits and subjective judgments of many contemporary young people have spawned the __________ transitional period, extending from the late teens to the mid to late twenties. Emerging Adulthood

According to Erickson, the psychological conflict of early adulthood is: Intimacy versus isolation

According to Levinson, wide individual differences exist in the weights of central and peripheral components of a person’s: Life Structure According to Sternberg’s triangular theory of love,

Intimacy, passion and commitment shift in emphasis as romantic relationships develop.

Which of the following statements about perceptions of intimate relationships in Eastern culture is true? In choosing a mate, young people are expected to consider obligations to others.

Which of the following couples will face extra challenges in achieving a successful transition to married life? Ken, an African-American Baptist, and Eileen, an Asian-American Mormon, who married at age twenty one.

Which of the following women is more likely to delay parenthood or decide against it altogether?

Renee’, who has a high-status, demanding job.

Bernice who never had children. They married in their thirties, and their efforts at fertility treatments did not succeed. Bernice and Leo are: Involuntarily Childless

Most Divorces occur __________ marriage. Within the first seven years of

US Department of Labor surveys revealed that women earned _______ as much as men. About Eighty percent.

Chapter Fifteen Quiz To reduce the physical discomforts of menopause, Mary Beth’s doctor prescribes low daily doses of estrogen known as: Hormone Therapy

Which of the statements about sexuality in middle adulthood is true? The best predictor of sexual frequency is marital happiness

Which of the following factors strongly predicts poor health and premature death in midlife? Economic Disadvantage

Charlie has frequent angry outburst. He is rude, disagreeable, critical, and condescending. Charlie exhibits: Expressed hostility

Kandilyn is unhappy with all the stressors in her life. The best approach for dealing with her stress is to use:

A mixture of problem- and emotional-centered techniques.

High-Hardy individuals are likely to: Use active, problem-centered coping strategies in situations they can control.

________ intelligence refers to skills that depend on accumulated knowledge and experience, good judgement, and mastery of social conventions. Crystallized

As processing speed slows, Working memory declines

_______ required people to size up real world situations and analyze how best to achieve goals that have a high degree of uncertainty. Practical Problem Solving Mature-age women in college tend to __________ than mature-age men. Experience more interruptions in their academic programs.

Chapter Sixteen Quiz Erickson’s psychological conflict of midlife is called _______ versus _________ Generativity; Stagnation

According to Levinson, middle adulthood begins with a: Transitional Period

__________ is common in middle adulthood. Life Evaluation

Androgyny in adulthood is associated with: Advanced moral reasoning and psychosocial maturity Denyse is calm, even-tempered, self-content, comfortable, unemotional and hardy. She is low on which of the following “big five” personality traits? Neuroticism

Which of the following statements to an adult child is the most likely to promote positive ties? “Let us know if we can help.”

A person who lists being a valued elder as gratification of grandparenthood values: Being perceived as a wise, helpful person.

Cindy, age forty eight, cares for her two teenage sons and her ailing mother in law. Along with her mother, she is one of a handful of caregivers for her elderly grandmother. Cindy belongs to the _______ generation. Sandwich

Joanne has been teaching middle school for twenty two years. As the new school year approaches, she feels mentally exhausted and unsure if she is making any impact in her students’ lives. Joanne is experiencing: Burnout

Which of the following statements about unemployment in midlife is true? Middle age workers affected by layoffs remain jobless longer than younger workers...

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