Linking words um deine Texte schöner zu gestalten PDF

Title Linking words um deine Texte schöner zu gestalten
Author Anonymous User
Course Englisch E3
Institution Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Pages 2
File Size 159.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 32
Total Views 138


Diese Linking words helfen dir deinen Text zu strukturieren...


LINKING WORDS To add style to your text, make sure you don't start each sentence with the same conjunctions or use the same conjunctions over and over again. Therefore, you should use varied and interesting linking words.

accentuation / Hervorhebung       

It is obvious that Obviously Indeed What is even more important Importantly In particular Clearly

substantiation / Begründung

     

comparison / Vergleich

          

in comparison to like, likewise similarly similar to conversly analogously not only... but whereas in the same way compared to for the same reason

 

for example for instance such as take, for example in this case to illustrate, to clarify, to demonstrate Let me give you an example namely

        

            

but, admittedly although, (even) though however whereas nevertheless In contrast to, contrary to On the one hand... on the other hand instead alternatively In spite of (+gerund) despite (+noun) on the contrary unlike

consequence / Folge        

consequently so, since As a result, accordingly because hence, since therefore thus

In addition Additionally Moreover Furthermore Besides Finally, lastly Apart from that likewise, similarly not only... but also

summary / Zusammenfassung

contrast / Gegensätze

examples / Beispiele      

because That‘s why Due to the fact that Therefore Since As

connection / Verbindung

           

In conclusion To conclude All in all to summarize to sum it up In summary Summing up to put it in a nutshell to cut a long story short, finally to review in brief, in short

sequence / Reihenfolge         

First of all in the first place primary, secondary Firstly, Secondly, … first, second, third former, latter later next, then final, finally

time / Zeit             

afterwards at …, on ... earlier eventually formerly, later initally meanwhile simultaneously recently shortly since subsequently, thereafter until now

places / Ortsangaben     

adjcent to beyond here next, nearby opposite

emphasis / Nachdruck            

undeniably without doubt above all absolutely certainly, clearly definitely in fact in particular surprisingly naturally obviously principally

restatement / Neudarstellung

  

in other words that is more simply

evaluation / Beurteilung

     

allegedly more important fortunately unfortunately arguably unquestionably

concession / Zugeständnis      

granted to be sure of course granted that it must be granted you could counter

Dieses Dokument wurde von @lernendes.wesen erstellt....

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