Lis mcqs short q - Lecture notes 1 3-7 PDF

Title Lis mcqs short q - Lecture notes 1 3-7
Author Tanzeel Khan
Course Geo Physics Theory
Institution University of Sindh
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Sir I.A Halepoto...


GENERAL AWARENCESS IN LIBRARY SCIENCE                             

The word library originates from the Latin word Libra The word Libra means Library The word bibliographer is used for the librarian Library science is art and science Term library science coined by S.R. Ranganathan Library Science is subject to study about Techniques and methods of Library First electronic book was published in Germany in the year 1985 A pamphlet has 5 to 48 pages exclusive cover pages A pamphlet is a primary type of documents The 1972 was international book year recommended by the UNESCO The first edition of Encyclopedia Britannia is published in 3 volumes The latest new Encyclopedia Britannica is published 3 parts A short title usually found on the spine of a book is binder Title The title of a book occurring in two or more language is known as polyglot title An exhausted edition is an edition which has become out of print Melvil Dewey started the first school of librarianship on 5th January in the year 1876 A bibliogegest in also known as Librarian Spine of a book is called the back bone A small book is technically called as biblot Book week is organized in the month of November. A book binder is also known as bibliogegest The full name of S.R.Ranganathan was Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan born on august 1894 Five laws of Library science published in 1931 The first edition of the colon classification saw the light of the day in 1934 Classification Research group located at London C.A Cutter, Melvil Dewey, E.C. Richardson and H. E. Bliss were American national Sir Anthony Panizzi, 1797- 1879 was of Italian origin Place of birth of Dr. S R Ranganathan was Shiyali

LIBRARY AND SOCIETY          

The term Library science was first used by S.R. Ranganathan The basic information role of the library is collect and disseminates information Libraries are repositories of information and knowledge A Library is also describe as Information center Library plays a very important role in fostering the Intellectual development of students Library day celebrated on 20th November A house where books are sold is a library The library for the people, of the people and by the people is called public library Public library is gift of the democracy Academic libraries are those which are related with all academic institutions

                                          

Non formal Education is supported by Public Libraries Libraries are considered as repositories of information and knowledge The five Laws of Library science by Ranganathan is an example of fundamental The first law of library science is Books are for use Second law of Library science is every reader its books Third law of Library science is every book its reader Fourth Law of Library science is save the time of the reader.his/her book Fifth law of Library science is the library is a growing organism. Those who come to make use of the libraries are called users The users of the libraries in American are called Patrons One bottom card is prepared for each journal while ordering in cardex system Cardex system is used for keeping the records of Periodicals Science information center of U.G.C is located at Indian Institute of science, Bangalore Library is the heart of all the University work said “sarvapalli radhakrishna” COMLA stand for commonwealth Library associations Mobile Library service is extension activity of the Public libraries Librachine is the name given to charging system ABGLA is a name of Library science Journals Herald of Library science is published from Lucknow Journal of Librarianship is published by the Library Association Library Journal was started in 1876 Melvil Dewey was born in 1851 The whole staff of the libraries has been categorized as Professional, Semi professional, Professional junior, professional senior Resource sharing is part of library cooperation Inter Library Means loan of books from other participating Libraries The authorities in context of university library is Library committee Generally the Librarian is the secretary of library committee in academic Libraries The chairman of the Library committee is vice chancellor in University Libraries Counter of lending is the part of circulation section of the libraries The most popular system of circulation in the libraries is Browne Browne system is meant for circulation and Periodicals in Libraries The main record of the library is meant for accession register Accession register of the library is meant for registration of books in the same serial in which they received in the library The POSDCROB formula is meant for the functions of administration Shared cataloguing is one of the examples of resource sharing Annual Report of the library is meant for Registration of books in the same serial in which they received in the library Annual report of the library is a report present year Annul report is signed by the Librarian A budget is annual estimate of income and expenditure Recurring expenditure in the budget is expenditure on Staff Salary The budget is prepared in the library for the next year Budget which emphasizes on the current activities is known as Zero based budget Fund for special library Libraries are provided from Parental organization

LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT                           

The father of the scientific management school is F.W. Taylor The human relation school deals with the human behavior in management The 14 number of principles of management identified by Henry Fayol The functional elements of management are: planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting and Budgeting, Dr. S.R. Ranganathan divides management functions into eight components The students, teachers and research scholars are the users of Academic Library Libraries use the subject, and form methods of establishing departments. Libraries can be organized on the basis of the, serve, such as books, periodicals, microforms, maps and others. An article from a journal comes under the category of micro document. A book is a Marco documents Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting and budgeting are elements of Management The circulation area in library includes stack rooms, charging desk and Public catalogues. Kardex is used to have a control on Periodicals Government documents are generally divided into two categories i.e. parliamentary, Non Parliamentary Normally a book shelf of standard 85 cm run can hold 25 books or 15 bound volumes of periodicals As per the names prescribed by UNESCO, a book should have at least 49 pages Grogan provides the documents into three categories: primary, secondary and Tertiary Documents are entered in the accession register according to the date of receipts of books in the Library. Budget allocation registered is the basic financial guide for acquisition work The three stages of operations in the acquisition department are namely Selection, procurement and accessioning The standard size of an accession Register is 16” x 13” Circulation systems are in four broad groups such as (A) Register System (B) Card System (C) Semi Mechanical system and (D) Automated System The Three Card system introduces by Ranganathan has Register Card, The Check card, and classified Index Card Book selection cards, Budget allocation register and Accession registers are used by Acquisition department A library is a Basically a Social institution Vice chancellor of the university is the chairperson of the university library Committee. Library of congress is located at Washington

LIBRARY CLASSIFCATION  The word classification is derived from the Latin word classic  Classification is mainly a mental process  It was H .E. Bliss gave three steps of classification i.e., to class to classify, and classification  Division is to called dichotomy  The classification of the items according to their size, color etc. is called Artificial  Classification is meant for bringing together the related documents of same subject at one place.  The real meaning of philosophical scheme is based on Philosophical & logic  Callimachus of Alexandria has arranged his pinkes according to there Size in the Library  The most suitable method of arranging books on the shelves is by subject  A classificationist is deviser of classification scheme  A classifier is classify books  The book “Grammar of classification” was written by W.C.B. Sayers  Scheme of classification named Rider’s International classification is fully enumerative  The classification scheme used pure notation is Rider’s International classification  Universal Decimal Classification is a almost faceted scheme of classification  D.D.C (21st ed.) is an almost enumerative scheme  In context with classification, the year 1876 is related to Melvil Dewey  C. A. Cutter is famous for his outstanding catalogue code- “Rules for a dictionary catalogue” also invented a classification scheme named as Expensive classification.  The scheme of classification which is devised on the initiation of Paul otlet and Henry la fontaine is Universal decimal classification  Scheme of classification devised by corporate body is Library of congress classification  Broad system of ordering (BSO) is a classification system  The head quarter of classification research group (CRG) is located is London  Dichotomy means division into two  The oldest classification scheme is DDC  The pure notations is used in Dewey decimal classification scheme  The DDC scheme does not use enough mixed notations  Hospitality is not quality of a good notation  There are two types of notation  The Index of DDC Scheme is known as relative Index  There are 4 volumes in DDC Scheme  Component of call Number are class Number, Book number, and Collection Number  Zero (0) is the only indicator digit in DDC scheme  Category in classification was given by Kant  It is the Call Number which determines the place of a book on the shelves of a Library  Three alphabets from the surname of the author are used in Cutters Book Number  The orders of the main classes in UDC Scheme are on the pattern of DDC  The indicator digit used for time isolate in UDC is Inverted Commas.  For connection of non- consecutive numbers, the UDC used Slash

 The person who edited DDC for Seven times is E.M.Seymour  The first summary of basic classes divided into ten (10) divisions in the DDC are based on Francis Bacon’s classification  Expensive classification Scheme was first published in the year 1891  Library of congress classification (LOCC) Scheme of classification was first published in the year 1904  Henry La fontaine and Paul otlet were associated with UDC scheme of classification  The order of main classes of UDC and DDC is the same  UDC is almost faceted scheme of classification  UDC used mixed type of notation  In DDC, tables of precedence are provided so that there can be Consistency  Table 3 in DDC 21st edition stands for Literature sub- division  There are 3 summaries at the beginning of volume 2 of DDC Scheme 21st Ed.  The table number “Standard Subdivisions” in DDC Scheme 21st table No 1  The edition 15th of DDC is known as the standard edition  DDC classification 21st edition is in 4 volumes  Table 4th and 6th of DDC Scheme 21st Ed. Is Subdivisions of Individual languages and language  The first summary of DDC scheme Vol.1 has been divided in 10  Bibliographic classification scheme was devised by H.E. Bliss  International classification scheme was devised by F.Rider  International classification was first time published in the year 1965  Synonyms terms are given in Relative Index in DDC  Table 5 of DDC related to national groups  UDC uses 26 roman capitals, 10 Arabic Numerals.

CTALOGUING AND INDEXING               

The term Catalogue is derived from the two Greek words KATA and LOGOS Catalogue is a list of books which is arranged on some definite plan An entry is ultimate unit record in a catalogue or a documentation list The book entitled “History of cataloguing and cataloguing methods” is written by D.M. Norris British Museum catalogue code was formulated by Anthony Panizzi “Rules of dictionary catalogue” was formulated by C.A.Cutter Rules for description are not given in ALA code Class index entries are prepared under the obtained Through chain procedure given by S.R.Ranganathan The word catalogue is made by Catalogs Catalogue is List of the books of particular Library Catalogue is a list of book which is arranged on some definite plan said C.A.Cutter Cataloguing is a process in the libraries for making entries according to a given code. Machine Readable cataloguing (MARC) was launched in the year 1966 In 1949 ALA of cataloguing was published. AACR-1 was published in 1967 year.

 AACR-2 came out in the year 1978  The International Conference on Cataloguing Principles was held in 1961 Paris  International Conference on Cataloguing Principle (Paris) (1961) was organized under the auspices of IFLA  The cataloging codes which is based in international conference on cataloguing Principles 1961 is AACR-1  The classified catalogue is a subject catalogue.  C.A. Cutter “Rules for a dictionary catalog” was published in 1876  The book “History of cataloguing and cataloguing methods” was written by C.A.Cutter  Anglo-American code for cataloguing was published in the year 1908.  The first edition of ALA code was first started by Library of Congress  International standard Book Number (ISBN) is given in the main entry in AACR-2  The organization IFLA was mainly responsible for the formulation and development of ISBD IFLA  The latest (MARC) format is MARC-21  A book with two or more independent contributions is called composite book.  Combined catalogue of number of libraries is known as Union catalogue  Cataloguing –in-publication (CIP) stands for Pre-natal cataloguing  Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) programmed was introduces by Library Of congress  MARC II project was started in 1968  International standard book Description (ISBD) are brought out by IFLA  Trade catalogues are useful in libraries for Book Selection  Title that does not disclose the subject of the work is called financial Tile  The physical form of catalogue which is most compact and occupies less space is Register or book catalogue  AACR stand for Anglo American Cataloguing Rules  AACR I was prepared by LA, ALA, LC, Canadian Lib, association  Organization which is not related with AACR-II Indian Library association  The most popular physical form of library catalogue is Card catalogue  It is the card catalogue which has enabled the growth of centralized and cooperative cataloguing  The interpolation and extrapolation is easily possible in the Card Catalogue  A non-conventional form of catalogue is visible index form  For Cataloguing documents, the chief source of information is Title  An entry which provides maximum bibliographical information about the book is known as Main entry  Analytical entry is prepaid for part of a document  Works of unknown authorship are known as Anonymous  Library hand is related to preparing cataloguing entries  Library of congress list of subject headings (LCSH) was published in the year 1909  Pre-natal cataloguing means Cataloguing in source  “Shared Cataloguing” was started by Library of Congress  Most popular physical form of Library catalogue is Card Catalogue  The standard size of the card catalogue is 12.5x 7.5  1 main entry are made for each document  The first card catalogue was introduced in the year 1743

                                 

The system of sheaf catalogue was introduced in the Poland The printed catalogue was first introduced in British museum Title page of the book is chief source of information for cataloguing An internationally accepted format for bibliographical records for cataloguing of books is ISBD The system in which main entry and the added entries carry the same descriptions about the document is known as Unit card system The unit card system is associated with Card form of catalogue The system for the international communication format for the exchange of catalogue data is known as ISBD It was A.A.C.R. II catalogue code which has first adopted international Standard Book Description (ISBD) The information about the size, pages, illustrations etc. is omitted form the catalogue entry prepared according to CCC Classified Catalogue Code (CCC) is basically a code which has Subject approach to documents International Standard Book Number (ISBN) consists of 13 digits Pre-natal cataloguing is also known as cataloguing in publication PRECIS is developed by DEREK AUSTIN POPSI is a pre-coordinate indexing system POPSI is designed by Ganesh Bhattacharya KWIC indexing technique is based on Full Text KWIC system was developed by H.P.Luhn KWIC is: a post-coordinate indexing system KWIC (Key word in context) is an example of Controlled indexing language The classified catalogue is a Bi-partite When author of a book is not known, it is called Anonyms The classified catalogue is Bi-partite The classified catalogue is a Subject Catalogue AACR-II provides three levels of description There are 19 rules under the heading ‘choice of Names’ about pseudonymous works according to AACR-II The catalogue which represents the collection of number of libraries is known as Union Catalogue Imaginary indention is known as Third indention Every area of description in AACR-2 is preceded by a full stop space dash space. According to AACR-2 in case a books has been written by four authors, main entry will be made under the title It is AACR-2 which has recognized the concept of’ Principal author’ Parallel titles are joined by Equal sign (=) There are 2 parts in AACR-2 According to AACR-2, the illustration of the book in physical description area is preceding by COLON (:) In AACR-2 scale and projection area for cartographic material exists between Note and imprint area

 The correct sequence of three individualizing elements if conferences, congresses, seminars etc according to AACR-2 Number: Year: Place  Width and height of the documents are recorded in collation statement in AACR-2 width is greater than height  According to AACR-2 in case the title page contains the name of editor in place of author’s name the main entry will be made under the title of the book  In AACR-2, the dimensions of the item are recorded in physical description area  Series information is recorded after the Physical Description area in AACR-II  The main entry of a serial with changed name according to AACR-2 will be prepared under the Changed title  According to AACR-2, if publisher is not given it is indicated by a symbol (s/.l) in the main entry  According to AACR-2, if place of publication is not given, it is recorded and indicated by symbol (s.n)  Physical description of a document in a catalogue entry is called Collation  Class Index entries are provided from Class number of a document  Information taken from outside for the main entry is enclosed within squire brackets  The third or imaginary indention in AACR-2 starts from the 14 spaces of margin  Main entry and cross reference entry are known as Number entries  Tracing is given on the back of main entry is classified catalogue  Size and pages of the book is not provided in the main entry is classified catalogue  According to classified catalogue code there are four types of added entries  Name catalogue is variant of subject catalogue  Main entries, class index entries and cross reference entries are Subject entries in classified catalogue code.  According to AACR-II, the size of the book in physical description area is prepared by Semi.Colon  Periodicals are entered under the Title of the Periodical in AACR-II  Details about the book, like author title, place publisher, and year of publication, pages etc .are called Bibliographical data  Works of unknown authorship are called Anonymous  In case of four authors of a book, the main entry according to AACR-II will...

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