List of abbreviations in oil and gas exploration and production - Wikipedia PDF

Title List of abbreviations in oil and gas exploration and production - Wikipedia
Author Musa Abdulwahab
Course petroleum
Institution Auchi Polytechnic
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List of abbreviations in oil and gas exploration and production - Wikipedia

List of abbreviations in oil and gas exploration and production The oil and gas industry uses many acronyms and abbreviations. This list is meant for indicative purposes only and should not be relied upon for anything but general information.

# 1C – Proved Contingent Resources 1oo2 – One out of two voting (instrumentation) 1P – Proven reserves 2C – Proved and probable Contingent Resources 2D – two-dimensional (geophysics) 2oo2 – Two out of two voting (instrumentation) 2oo3 – Two out of three voting (instrumentation) 2P – proved and probable reserves 3C – three components seismic acquisition (x,y and z) 3C – Proved, probable and possible Contingent Resources 3D – three-dimensional (geophysics) 3P – proved, probable and possible reserves 4D – multiple 3Ds acquired over time (the 4th D) over the same area with the same parameters (geophysics) 8rd – eight round (describes the number of revolutions per inch of pipe thread)

Contents # A B C D E F G H I J K L M


N A – Appraisal (well) AADE – American Association of Drilling Engineers[1] AAPG – American Association of Petroleum Geologists[2] AAPL – American Association of Professional Landmen AAODC – American Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors (obsolete; superseded by IADC) AAV – Annulus Access Valve ABAN – Abandonment, (also as AB and ABD and ABND) ABSA – Alberta Boilers Safety Association ABT – Annulus Bore Test ACC – Air-Cooled Heat Condenser ACHE – Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger ACOU – Acoustic ACQU – Acquisition log ACV - Automatic Control Valve ADE – Advanced Decision Making Environment

O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z See also 1/50


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References ADEP – Awaiting Development with Exploration Potential, referring to an asset External links ADROC – advanced rock properties report ADT – Applied Drilling Technology, ADT log ADM – Advanced Diagnostics Module (Fieldbus) AER – Auto Excitation Regulator AEMO – Australian Energy Market Operator AFE – Authorization For Expenditure, a process of submitting a business proposal to investors AFP – Active Fire Protection AGRU – acid gas removal unit AGT – (1) Agitator, used in Drilling AGT – (2) Authorised Gas Tester (certified by OPITTO) AGT – (3) Azerbaijan - Georgia - Turkey (a region rich in oil related activity)[3] AHBDF – along hole (depth) below Derrick floor AHD – along hole depth AHU – Air Handling Unit AICD – autonomous inflow control device AIM – Asset Integrity Management AIPSM – Asset Integrity and Process Safety Management AIR – Assurance Interface and Risk AIRG – airgun AIRRE – airgun report AIT - analyzer indicator transmitter AIT – array induction tool AL – appraisal license (United Kingdom), a type of onshore licence issued before 1996 ALAP – as low as possible (used along with density of mud) ALARP – as low as reasonably practicable ALC – aertical seismic profile acoustic log calibration report ALLMS – Anchor Leg Load Monitoring System ALQ – Additional Living Quarters ALR – acoustic log report ALT – altered AM – Asset Management aMDEA – activated methyldiethanolamine AMS – auxiliary measurement service log; Auxiliary Measurement Sonde (temperature) AMSL – above mean sea level AMI – area of mutal interest AMV – annulus master valve[4] ANACO – analysis of core logs report ANARE – analysis report AOF – absolute open flow AOFP – absolute open-flow potential AOL – Arrive on location AOR - Additional Oil Recovery APD – application for permit to drill API – American Petroleum Institute: organization which sets unit standards in the oil and gas industry



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APPRE – appraisal report APS – active pipe support APWD – annular pressure while drilling (tool) [1] ( l/arcvision.aspx) ARACL – array acoustic log ARESV – analysis of reservoir ARI – azimuthal resistivity image ARRC – array acoustic report ART – actuator running tool AS – array sonic processing log ASI – ASI log ASME – American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASOG – Activity Specific Operating Guidelines ASP – array sonic processing report ASP – Alkali-Surfactant-Polymer ASTM – American Society for Testing and Materials ASCSSV – annulus surface controlled sub-surface valve[4] ASV – Anti Surge Valve ASV – Annular Safety Valve ASV – Accommodation and Support Vessel ATD – application to drill ATU – Auto Top-up Unit AUV – authonomus underwater vehicle AV – annular velocity or apparent viscosity AVGMS – Annulus Vent Gas Monitoring System AVO – amplitude versus offset (geophysics) AWB/V – annulus wing block/valve (XT) AWO – approval for well operation ATM – at the moment

B B or b – prefix denoting a number in billions BA – Bottom Assembly (of a riser) bbl – barrel BBG – Buy Back Gas BBSM – behaviour-based safety management BCPD – barrels condensate per day Bcf – billion cubic feet (of natural gas) Bcfe – billion cubic feet (of natural gas equivalent) BD – Bursting disc BDF – below derrick floor BDL – bit data log BDV – blowdown valve BGL – borehole geometry log BGL – below ground level (used as a datum for depths in a well) BGS – British Geological Survey



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BGT – borehole geometry tool BGWP – base of ground-water protection BH – bloodhound BHA – bottom hole assembly (toolstring on coiled tubing or drill pipe) BHC – BHC gamma ray log BHCA – BHC acoustic log BHCS – BHC sonic log BHCT – bottomhole circulating temperature BHKA - bottomhole kickoff assembly BHL – borehole log BHP – bottom hole pressure BHPRP – borehole pressure report BHSRE – bottom hole sampling report BHSS – borehole seismic survey BHT – bottomhole temperature BHTV – borehole television report BINXQ – bond index quicklook log BIOR – biostratigraphic range log BIORE – biostratigraphy study report BSLM – Bend Stiffener Latch Mechanism BSW – Base Sediment and Water BIVDL – BI/DK/WF/Casing collar locator/gamma ray log BLD - Bailed (refers to the practice of removing debris from the hole with a cylindrical container on a wireline.) BLI – bottom of logging interval BLP – Bridge Linked Platform BO – back-off log boe – barrel(s) of oil equivalent boed – barrel(s) of oil equivalent per day BOEM – Bureau of Ocean Energy Management boepd – barrel(s) of oil equivalent per day BOB – back on bottom BOD – Biological Oxygen Demand BOL – Bill of Lading BOM – bill of materials BOP – blowout preventer BOP – bottom of pipe BOPD – barrel(s) of oil per day BOPE – blowout prevention equipment BOREH – borehole seismic analysis BOSIET – basic offshore safety induction and emergency training BOTHL – bottom hole locator log BOTTO – bottom hole pressure/temperature report BP – bridge plug BPD – barrels per day BPH – barrels per hour BPFL – borehole profile log



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BPLUG – baker plug BPO – By-Pass Override BPV – back pressure valve (goes on the end of coiled tubing a drill pipe tool strings to prevent fluid flow in the wrong direction) BQL – B/QL log BRPLG – bridge plug log BRT – below rotary table (used as a datum for depths in a well) BS – Bend Stiffener BS – bumper sub BS – Booster Station BSEE – US: Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement[5] (formerly the MMS) BSG – Black Start Generator BSR – blind shear rams (blowout preventer) BSML – below sea mean level BS&W – basic sediments and water BT – buoyancy tank BTEX – benzene, toluene, ethyl-benzene and xylene BTHL – bottom hole log BTO/C – break to open/close (valve torque) BTU – British thermal units BU – bottom up BUL – bottom up lag BUR – build-up rate BVO – ball valve operator bwd – barrels of water per day (often used in reference to oil production) bwpd – barrels of water per day

C C&E – well completion and equipment cost C&S – cased and suspended C1 – methane C2 – ethane C3 – propane C4 – butane C6 – hexanes C7+ – heavy hydrocarbon components CA – core analysis log CAAF – Contract Authorization Approval Form CALI – caliper log CALOG – circumferential acoustic log CALVE – calibrated velocity log data CAODC – Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors CAPP – Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers CART – cam-actuated running tool (housing running tool) CART – Cap Replacement Tool CAS – casing log



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CAT – Connector Actuating Tool CB – casing bowl CB – core barrel CBF – casing bowl flange CBIL – CBIL log CBL – cement bond log (measurement of casing cement integrity) CBM – choke bridge module – XT choke CBM – conventional buoy mooring CBM – coal-bed methane CCHT – core chart log CCL – casing collar locator (in perforation or completion operations, the tool provides depths by correlation of the casing string's magnetic anomaly with known casing features) CCLBD – Construction / Commissioning Logic Block Diagram CCLP – casing collar locator perforation CCLTP – casing collar locator through tubing plug CD – core description CDATA – core data CDIS – CDI synthetic seismic log CDU – control distribution unit CDU – crude distillation unit CDP – common depth point (geophysics) CDP – comprehensive drilling plan CDRCL – compensated dual resistivity cal. log CDF – Core contaminated by drilling fluid CDFT – critical device function test CE – CE log CERE – cement remedial log CECAN – CEC analysis CEME – cement evaluation CER – Central Electrical/Equipment Room CET – cement evaluation tool CF – completion fluid CF – casing flange CFD – computational fluid dynamics CFGPD - cubic feet of gas per day CFU – Compact flotation unit CGEL – CG EL log CGL – core gamma log CGPH – core graph log CGR – condensate gas ratio CGTL – compact gas to liquids (production equipment small enough to fit on a ship) CHCNC – CHCNC gamma ray casing collar locator CHDTP – calliper HDT playback log CHECK – checkshot and acoustic calibration report CHESM – contractor, health, environment and safety management CHF – Casing Head Flange CHK - choke (a restriction in a flowline or a system, usually referring to a production choke during a test or the choke in the well control system)



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CHKSR – checkshot survey report CHKSS – checkshot survey log CHOPS – Cold Heavy Oil Production with Sand CHP – casing hanger pressure (pressure in an annulus as measured at the casing hanger) CHOTO – Commissioning, Handover & Takeover CHROM – chromatolog CHRT – casing hanger running tool CIBP – cast iron bridge plug CIDL – chemical injection downhole lower CIDU – chemical injection downhole upper CIL – chemical injection line CILD – conduction log CIMV – chemical injection metering valve CIRC – CIRCULATION CITHP – closed-in tubing head pressure (tubing head pressure when the well is shut in) CIV – chemical injection valve CK – choke - see CHK above CL – core log CLG – core log and graph CM – choke module CMC – crown mounted compensators CMP – common midpoint (geophysics) CMR – Combinable Magnetic Resonance (NMR log tool) [2] ( m)[3] ( able_magnetic_plus.aspx) CMT - cement CNA – Clay, No Analysis CND – compensated neutron density CNFDP – CNFD true vertical-depth playback log CNGR – compensated neutron gamma-ray log CNL – compensated neutron log CNLFD – CNL/FDC log CNS – Central North Sea CNCF – field-normalised compensated neutron porosity CNR – Canadian Natural Resources CO – change out (ex. from rod equipment to casing equipment) COA – Conditions of Approval COC – Certificate of Conformance COD – Chemical Oxygen Demand COL – collar log COMAN – compositional analysis COML – compaction log COMP – composite log COMPR – completion program report COMPU – computest report COMRE – completion record log COND – Condensate production



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CONDE – condensate analysis report CONDR – continuous directional log CORAN – core analysis report CORE – core report CORG – corgun log CORIB – coriband log CORLG – correlation log COROR – core orientation report COW – Control of Work COXY – carbon/oxygen log CP – Cathodic Protection CP - Crown Plug cP – centiPoise (Viscosity unit of measurement) CPI separator – corrugated plate interceptor CPI – CPI log (computer-processed interpretation), CPI – corrugated plate interceptor CPICB – CPI coriband log CPIRE – CPI report CRA – corrosion-resistant alloy CRET – cement retainer setting log CRI – Cuttings Re-Injection CRP – control riser platform CRP – common/central reference point (subsea survey) CRT – Clamp Replacement tool CRT – Casing Running Tool CSE – Confined Space Entry CsF – Caesium formate (coincidentally also an acronym of the sole large-scale supplier of caesium formate brine, cabot specialty fluids.) CSC – Car seal closed CSG – Coal Seam Gas csg – casing CSHN – cased-hole neutron log CSI – Combinable Seismic Imager (VSP) log (Schlumberger) CSMT – core sampler tester log CSO – complete seal-off CSO – Car seal open CSPG – Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility CST – Chronological Sample Taker log (Schlumberger) CSTAK – core sample taken log CSTRE – CST report CSU – Commissioning and Start Up CSU – Construction Safety Unit CSUG – Canadian Society for Unconventional Gas CT – coiled tubing CTD – coiled tubing drilling CTCO – coiled tubing clean-out



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CTLF – coiled tubing lift frame CTLF – compensated tension lift frame CTOD – crack tip opening displacement CTP – Commissioning Test Procedure CTRAC – cement tracer log CUI – Corrosion Under Insulation CUT – cutter log CUTTD – cuttings description report CWOP – complete well on paper CWOR – completion work over riser CWR – Cooling Water Return CWS – Cooling Water Supply X/O – X-Over,Cross Over CYBD – cyberbond log CYBLK – cyberlook log CYDIP – cyberdip log CYDN – cyberdon log CYPRO – cyberproducts log

D D – Development D&C – drilling and completions D&I – direction and inclination (MWD borehole deviation survey) [4] ( drilling/mwd_lwd/mwd/slimpulse.aspx) DAC – dipole acoustic log DARCI – Darci log DAS – Data Acquisition System DAT – wellhead housing drill-ahead tool DAZD – dip and azimuth display DBB – double block and bleed DBP – drillable bridge plug DC – drill centre DC – drill collar(s) DCAL – dual caliper log DCC – Distance cross course DCS – Distributed Control System DD – directional driller or directional drilling DDC – daily drilling cost DDC – De-watering and Drying Contract DDBHC – DDBHC waveform log DDET – depth determination log DDM – Derrick drilling machine (a.k.a. top drive) DDNL – dual det. neutron life log DDPT – drill data plot log DDPU – Double drum pulling unit DEA – diethanol amine



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DECC – Department for Energy and Climate Change (UK) DECT – decay time DECT – Down-hole Electric Cutting Tool DEFSU – definitive survey report DEH – Direct Electrical Heating DELTA – delta-T log DEN – density log DEPAN – deposit analysis report DEPC – depth control log DEPT – depth DESFL – deep induction SFL log DEV – development well, Lahee classification ( ification) DEVLG – deviation log DEXP – D-exponent log DF – Derrick floor DFI – Design, Fabrication and Installation résumé DFIT – Diagnostic Fracture Injection Test DFPH - Barrels of fluid per hour DFR – drilling factual report DG/DG# – Diesel Generator ('#'- means identification letter ou number of the equipment i.e. DG3 or DG#3 means Diesel Generator Nr 3) DGDS – Dual Gradient Drilling Systems DGP – dynamic geohistory plot (3D technique)[6] DH – drilling history DHC – depositional history curve DHSV – downhole safety valve DHPG – downhole pressure gauge DHPTT – downhole pressure/temperature transducer DIBHC – DIS BHC log DIEGR – dielectric gamma ray log DIF – drill in fluids DIL – dual-induction log DILB – dual-induction BHC log DILL – dual-induction laterolog DILLS – dual-induction log-LSS DILSL – dual-induction log-SLS DIM – directional inertia mechanism DINT – dip interpretation DIP – dipmeter log DIPAR – dipole acoustic report DIPBH – dipmeter borehole log DIPFT – dipmeter fast log DIPLP – dip lithology pressure log DIPRE – dipmeter report DIPRM – dip removal log DIPSA – dipmeter soda log



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DIPSK – dipmeter stick log DIRS – directional survey log DIRSU – directional survey report DIS – DIS-SLS log DISFL – DISFL DBHC gamma ray log DISO – dual induction sonic log DL – development license (United Kingdom), a type of onshore license issued before 1996 DLIST – dip-list log DLL – dual laterolog (deep and shallow resistivity) DLS – dog-leg severity (directional drilling) DM – dry mate DMA – dead-man anchor DMAS – dead-man auto-shear DMAS ( n-autoshear-systems/) DMRP – Density - Magnetic Resonance Porosity (wireline tool) DMT – Down hole Monitoring Tool DNHO – downhole logging DOA – delegation of authority DOE – Department of Energy, United States DOPH - drilled out plugged hole DOWRE – downhole report DP – drill pipe DP – dynamic positioning DPDV – dynamically positioned drilling vessel DPL – dual propagation log DPLD – differential pressure levitated device (or vehicle) DPRES – dual propagation resistivity log DPT – deeper pool test, Lahee classification ( cation) DQLC – dipmeter quality control log DR – dummy-run log DR – drilling report DRI – drift log DRL – Drilling DRLCT – drilling chart DRLOG – drilling log DRLPR – drilling proposal/progress report DRO – Discovered Resources Opportunities DRPG – drilling program report DRPRS – drilling pressure DRREP – drilling report DRYRE – drying report DS – Deviation survey, (also directional system) DSCAN – DSC analysis report DSI – dipole shear imager DSL – digital spectralog (Western Atlas) DSPT – cross-plots log DST – drill-stem test



List of abbreviations in oil and gas exploration and production - Wikipedia

DSTG – DSTG log DSTL – drill-stem test log DSTND – dual-space thermal neutron density log DSTPB – drill-stem test true vertical depth playback log DSTR...

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