List of BIR Forms PDF

Title List of BIR Forms
Course Income Taxation
Institution University of Caloocan City
Pages 3
File Size 92.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 115
Total Views 149





FORM TI TLE Pay mentFor m Pay mentFor m Cov er edbyaLet t erNot i c e Pay mentFor m UnderTaxCompl i anc eVer i fi cat i onDr i ve/ TaxMappi ng


Mont hl yRemi t t anceFor mf orCr edi t abl eI ncomeTax esWi t hhel d( Ex panded)


Mont hl yRemi t t anceFor mf orFi nal I nc omeTax esWi t hhel d


Mont hl yRemi t t ance For m ofT axWi t hhel d on t he AmountWi t hdr awn f r om t he Dec edent ' s Depos i tAc count

1600VT Mont hl yRemi t t anceRet ur nofVal ueAddedTaxWi t hhel d 1600PT Mont hl yRemi t t anc eRet ur nofOt herPer c ent ageT ax esWi t hhel d 1600WP 1601C

Remi t t ance Ret ur n ofPer c ent age T ax on Wi nni ngs and Pr i z es Wi t hhel d by Race Tr ack Oper at or s Mont hl yRemi t t anc eRet ur nofI nc omeT ax esWi t hhel donCompens at i on

1601EQ Quar t er l yRemi t t anc eRet ur nofCr edi t abl eI nc omeTax esWi t hhel d( Ex panded) 1601FQ

Quar t er l yRemi t t anc eRet ur nofFi nal I ncomeTax esWi t hhel d


Quar t er l yRemi t t anc eRet ur nofFi nalI nc omeTax esWi t hhel dOnI nt er es tPai donDepos i t sand Yi el donDepos i tSubs t i t ut es/ Tr ust s / Et c .


Quar t er l y Remi t t anc e Ret ur n ofFi nalI nc ome Taxes Wi t hhel d on Fr i nge Benefi t s Pai dt o Empl oy eesot hert hanRankandFi l e


Annual I nf or mat i onRet ur nofI ncomeT ax esWi t hhel donCompens at i on


AnnualI nf or mat i onRet ur nofI nc omePay ment sSubj ec t edt oFi nalWi t hhol di ngT ax es


AnnualI nf or mat i onRet ur nofCr edi t abl eI nc omeTax esWi t hhel d( Ex panded) /I nc omePayment s Ex emptf r om Wi t hhol di ngT ax


Wi t hhol di ngT axRemi t t anceRet ur nForOner ousT r ans f erofRealPr oper t yOt herThanCapi t al As s et( I nc l udi ngT ax abl eandEx empt )


Quar t er l y Remi t t anc e Ret ur n ofTax Wi t hhel d on t he AmountWi t hdr awn f r om Decedent ' s Depos i tAc count


AnnualI nc ome T axRet ur n ForI ndi v i dual sEar ni ng Pur el yCompens at i on I nc ome ( I nc l udi ng NonBus i nes s / NonPr of es si onRel at edI nc ome)


AnnualI ncome T ax Ret ur n ForI ndi v i dual s( i nc l udi ng MI XED I nc ome Ear ner ) ,Es t at es and Tr us t s


AnnualI nc omeTaxRet ur nForI ndi vi dual sEar ni ngI ncomePUREL Yf r om Bus i nes s / Pr of es si on ( Thos eundert hegr aduat edi nc omet axr at eswi t hOSD asmodeofdeduc t i onOR t hos ewho opt edt oav ai l oft he8% fl ati nc omet axr at e)

1701Q 1702RT

Quar t er l yI nc omeT axRet ur nf orI ndi v i dual s ,Es t at esandTr us t s AnnualI nc omeTaxRet ur n ForCor por at i on,Par t ner s hi p andOt herNonI ndi v i dualT ax pay er Subj ec tOnl yt oREGULARI nc omeTaxRat e

AnnualI ncomeTaxRet ur nForCor por at i on,Par t ner s hi pandOt herNonI ndi v i dualT ax pay er s 1702EX EXEMPTUndert heTaxCode,asAmended,[ Sec .30andt hos eex empt edi nSec .27( C) ]and Ot herSpec i alLaws ,wi t hNO Ot herTax abl eI nc ome AnnualI ncomeTaxRet ur nForCor por at i on,Par t ner s hi pandOt herNonI ndi v i dualwi t hMI XED 1702MX I nc ome Subj ec t t o Mul t i pl e I ncome Tax Rat es or wi t h I nc ome Subj ec t t o SPECI AL/ PREFERENTI ALRATE 1702Q

Quar t er l yI ncome T ax Ret ur nf or Cor por at i ons , Par t ner shi ps and Ot her NonI ndi v i dual Tax pay er s


I mpr oper l yAc c umul at edEar ni ngsT axRet ur nForCor por at i ons


Capi t alGai nsT axRet ur nf orOner ousTr ans f erofRealPr oper t yCl as si fiedasCapi t alAss e ( bot hT ax abl eandEx empt )


Capi t alGai nsTaxRet ur nf orOner ousTr ans f erofShar esofSt oc k sNotT r adedThr ought he Local St oc kEx c hange


AnnualCapi t alGai nsT axRet ur nf orOner ousTr ans f erofShar esofSt ockNotT r adedThr ough t heLoc alSt oc kEx c hange


Information Return on Transactions with Related Party (International and/or Domestic)


Donor ' sTaxRet ur n


Es t at eTaxRet ur n


Appl i cat i on f or Aut hor i t y t o Us e Comput er i z ed Ac c ount i ng Sy s t em or Component s t her eof / Loos eLeafBooksofAc count s


Appl i cat i onf orRegi s t r at i onForSel f Empl oy ed( Si ngl ePr opr i et or / Pr of ess i onal ) ,Mi x edI nc ome I ndi v i dual s ,NonRes i dentAl i enEngagedi nTr ade/ Bus i ness ,Est at esandTr us t s


Appl i cat i onf orRegi s t r at i onForI ndi v i dual sEar ni ngPur el yCompens at i onI nc ome( Loc aland Al i enEmpl oy ee)


Appl i cat i on f orRegi st r at i on ForCor por at i ons ,Par t ner s hi ps( T ax abl e/ NonT ax abl e) ,I nc l udi ng GAI s ,LGUs ,Cooper at i v esandAs s oc i at i ons


Appl i cat i onf orRegi s t r at i onForOneTi me T ax pay erandPer s onsRegi s t er i ngunderE. O.98 ( Sec ur i ngaTI Nt obeabl et ot r ans ac twi t hanyGov er nmentOffice)


Appl i cat i onf orRegi s t r at i onI nf or mat i onUpdat e/ Cor r ec t i on/ Cancel l at i on


Appl i cat i onf orAut hor i t yt oPr i ntRecei pt sandI nvoi c es


Appl i cat i onf orPer mi tt oUs eCas hRegi s t erMac hi ne/ Poi nt of Sal eMachi ne


Mont hl yDoc ument ar ySt ampT axDec l ar at i on/ Ret ur n

2000OT Doc ument ar ySt ampT axDec l ar at i on/ Ret ur n( OneTi meT r ans ac t i ons ) 2110

Appl i cat i onf orAbat ementorCanc el l at i onofTax ,Penal t i esand/ orI nt er estUnderRev .Reg.No.

______ 2200A

Ex c i s eTaxRet ur nf orAl c oholPr oduc t s

2200AN Ex c i seTaxRet ur nf orAut omobi l esandNonEs s ent i al Goods 2200C

Ex c i seT axRet ur nf orCos met i cPr oc edur es


Ex c i s eTaxRet ur nf orMi ner al Pr oduct s


Ex ci s eTaxRet ur nf orPet r ol eum Pr oduct s


Ex c i s eTaxRet ur nf orSweet enedBev er ages


Ex c i s eTaxRet ur nf orTobac c oPr oduc t s


Cer t i fi cat e ofI ncome Pay mentNotSubj ectt o Wi t hhol di ng Tax ( Ex c l udi ng Compens at i o I nc ome)


Cer t i fi cat eofFi nalTaxWi t hhel dAtSour c e


Cer t i fi cat eofCr edi t abl eTaxWi t hhel dAtSour ce


Cer t i fi cat eofCompens at i onPay ment / T axWi t hhel dForCompens at i onPay mentWi t horWi t hou TaxWi t hhel d


Mont hl yVal ueAddedTaxDec l ar at i on


Quar t er l yVal ueAddedT axRet ur n


Quar t er l yPer c ent ageT axRet ur n


Per c ent ageT axRet ur nf orTr ans act i onsI nv ol v i ngShar esofSt ockLi s t edandT r adedThr ough t heLoc alSt oc kEx c hangeorThr oughI ni t i al and/ orSec ondar yPubl i cOffer i ng


Ret ur nofPer cent ageT axPay abl eUnderSpec i al Laws

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