List the 3 types of Behavior Change Theories PDF

Title List the 3 types of Behavior Change Theories
Course Fndtns-Public Health
Institution New Mexico State University
Pages 2
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Behavioral change Models...


List the 3 types of Behavior Change Theories. Behavioral change theories are efforts to explain why our behavior changes. There are many factors that influence our health status, but we have control on our behavior that can give a change to our health. Behavioral change theories or model can be influence by the following which is health belief, social cognitive and transtheoretical theory or model. These are the three different model types  The health belief model  The social cognitive model  The transtheoretical model What are the major components? Health behavior change is more likely if:  There is a perceived seriousness of the health problem. The more serious the perceived effects are, the more likely an action will be taken  There is a perceived susceptibility to the health problem. People who perceive themselves at high risk are more likely do preventive action.  There are perceived benefits to change. People who are more likely to take action because they believe that their actions will benefit them.  Perceived barriers must be overcome. Some people thinks that recommended action could be expensive, difficult to do, inconvenient or time consuming to them.  There are cues to action. A person who is alerted or being reminded about a potential problem is more likely do an action Social cognitive model. Three factors interact in a reciprocal fashion to promote behavior change.  Social environment in which we live. These could possibly our social status whether you are rich, middle class or you live in poverty. If you live in poverty and you want change your lifestyle, you will struggle because you have no resources to buy healthy food.  Our inner thoughts and feelings. These includes our beliefs and expectations.  Our behaviors. This reflects our attitude toward change.  We change our behavior in part by observing models in our environment. This is about a reflection of the things we observe from the time we are growing up and up to the present and how we regulate ourselves if our observation is not fit for behavioral change. Transtheoretical model is called Stages of change model o Precontemplation stage. This is a preplanning stage. You are only thinking if you want change or not o Contemplation stage. This stage is, you lean most to change to a positive side o Preparation stage. This is the stage you plan what to do for a change of being healthy

o Action stage. This is the stage wherein you are doing the change. An example of this is to start exercising, change of food habits, cutting vices like smoking and alcohol o Maintenance stage. This is the stage wherein you have achieved what is your goal and maintain the healthy life style o Termination stage. This stage wherein a complete change was achieved

If you were going to choose one to use, which one would it be - and why? I would choose Transtheoretical model which is called Stages of change model because it has different stages of Precontemplation stage, Contemplation stage, Preparation stage, Action stage, Maintenance stage and Termination stage. This Can be a struggle but in the end you will achieve if your will power is strong and enough knowledge to understand what you do for the better. How would you use it? I will follow the steps on how to do it because it will guide me to the right path of behavior change to be a healthy individual. The steps that I will follow are as follows. Step 1: Increase your awareness is to know the health determinants in our life, the obstacles to overcome when we want change because this is not an easy way to do it; also the knowledge and understanding what you might want to do and how to make change happen. Step 2: Contemplate change. We must be aware of the behavior that will contribute to wellness by: Examining your current health habit and patterns. Learn and identify a target behavior. Then assess your motivation and readiness to change. Develop self-efficacy and cultivate an internal locus of control Step 3: Prepare for change Set a realistic goal: A realistic goal is one that you truly can achieve. Then anticipate barriers to change that may include the following: 1. Overambitious goals 2. Self-defeating beliefs and attitudes 3. Failing to accurately assess your current state of wellness 4. Lack of support and guidance 4. Emotions that sabotage your efforts and sap your will. Use the SMART System: Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic and Time-oriented. Unsuccessful goals are vague, and they could be open-ended. Use shaping, making a series of small changes like: Anticipate barriers to change, overambitious goals, self-defeating beliefs and attitudes, failure to accurately assess your current state of wellness, lack of support and guidance and emotions that sabotage your efforts and sap your will. Also enlist others as change agents wherein the social cognitive model recognizes the importance of social contacts, including watching others change successfully (modeling) like: Family members, Friends, Professionals, A signed contract Step 4: Take action to change by: Visualizing the new behavior, learn to counter by substituting a desired behavior for an undesired behavior, control the situation, change your self-talk, reward yourself and have a journal....

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