LO2 Develop a fully functional relational database system, based on an existing system design. PDF

Title LO2 Develop a fully functional relational database system, based on an existing system design.
Author Mạnh Dương Đức
Course ITSS Software Development
Institution Trường Đại học Bách khoa Hà Nội
Pages 21
File Size 1.5 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 222
Total Views 893


PROGRAM TITLE: ........ MANAGEMENT...UNIT TITLE: .............................................................ASSIGNMENT NUMBER: ..................................ASSIGNMENT NAME:.. MANAGEMENT.SUBMISSION DATE: ..............................................DATE RECEIVED: ................................


PROGRAM TITLE: ………BOOK MANAGEMENT… UNIT TITLE: ……………………………………………………. ASSIGNMENT NUMBER: ………1…………………….. ASSIGNMENT NAME:…BOOK MANAGEMENT. SUBMISSION DATE: ………………………………………. DATE RECEIVED: ……………………………………………. TUTORIAL LECTURER: …………………………………… WORD COUNT: ……………1803……………………..

STUDENT NAME: ……DƯƠNG ĐỨC MẠNH………… STUDENT ID: ………………BKC12128………………….. MOBILE NUMBER: ………0348121868………………

Summative Feedback:

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Higher Nationals

Assignment Brief – BTEC (RQF) Higher National Diploma in Computing

Student Name/ID Number Unit Number and Title

Unit 1: Programming

Academic Year

2020 - 2021

Unit Tutor

Duong Duc Manh

Assignment Title

Books Management System

Issue Date Submission Date IV Name & Date

Submission Format Each student must submit their assignment as guided in the assignment brief. The students are guided on what sort of information is to produce to meet the criteria targeted. Some tasks might require group work, but the student must produce the individual assignment. Unit Learning Outcomes LO1. Define basic algorithms to carry out an operation and outline the process of programming an application. LO2. Explain the characteristics of procedural, object-orientated, and event-driven programming. LO3. Implement basic algorithms in code using an IDE. LO4. Determine the debugging process and explain the importance of a coding standard.

Assignment Brief and Guidance You have been recently recruited as a junior application designer in one of the top IT companies in Vietnam. iBook hired the company to create a program for the books management system. Each book has an id, name, author, language, price, publish date, and ISBN. The system should have at least two main menus which are: I.

Books a. insert a new book c. delete a book

b. update a book d. display all


Tools a. filter by author c. filter by price

b. filter by language d. order by price desc

Based on the context above, complete the following. Part 1: You have been tasked with creating a presentation on algorithms and their benefit to software development. As the results will need to be delivered to your peers, consider this as a mini-research project that will be presented. You will need to explain what an algorithm is, with examples of their use, comparing their efficiency against bruteforcing, and how it will relate to the application development process, down to the implementation in a suitable language. The presentation will be most effective if it includes an example and concludes with an evaluation of the implementation of the algorithm. Your research should be conducted on a choice of algorithms, including sorting, and searching data and/or encryption/decryption, compression/decompression. Note: The submission is in the form of a ten-minute Microsoft® PowerPoint® style presentation, you should be prepared to present to your colleagues before presenting to the customer. The presentation can include links to performance data with additional speaker notes. The presentation slides will need to be submitted with speaker notes. You are required to make effective use of headings, bullet points, and subsections as appropriate. Your research must be referenced using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 500 words, including speaker notes, although you will not be penalized for exceeding the total word limit.

Part 2: The research and development team you work with has been tasked with further investigation into how best to build more efficient, secure software. You have been asked to investigate programming paradigms and the advantages and disadvantages of using different programming language approaches. You will need to create a report covering findings from research into the characteristics of different programming paradigms – procedural, object-orientated, and event-driven programming. Your report should include an explanation of each paradigm, an analysis of suitable IDEs, and an evaluation of source code that would be generated for an application. Note: The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs, and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 2,000–2,500 words, although you will not be penalized for exceeding the total word limit. Part 3: You have been asked by your manager to develop a working application following your design and program specifications of the management system. The submission is in the form of five documents/files: 1. Stage 1 – Development Document 2. Stage 2 – Report (IDE Evaluation) 3. Stage 3 – Report (Debugging Evaluation) 4. Stage 4 – Report (Evaluation Report) including fully commented source code 5. An installable and executable version of your application You are required to make use of appropriate structure, including headings, paragraphs, subsections, and

illustrations as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. The document portfolio should include: 1. Evidence of how the IDE was used to manage the development of your code. 2. An evaluation of developing applications using an IDE versus developing an application without using an IDE. 3. An evaluation of the debugging process in the IDE used and how it helped with development. 4. An evaluation of coding standards and the benefits to organizations of using them. The working application produced must also be demonstrated.

Pass Merit LO1 Define basic algorithms to carry out an operation and outline the process of programming an application P1 Provide a definition of what M1 Determine the steps an algorithm is and outline the taken from writing code to process in building an execution. application. LO2 Explain the characteristics of procedural, object- orientated and event-driven programming. P2 Give explanations of what procedural, object-orientated and event-driven paradigms are; their characteristics and the relationship between them.

M2 Compare and contrast the procedural, object orientated and event driven paradigms used in given source code of an application

LO3 Implement basic algorithms in code using an IDE P3 Write a program that implements an algorithm using an IDE.

M3 Use the IDE to manage the development process of the program

Distinction D1 Evaluate the implementation of an algorithm in a suitable language and the relationship between the written algorithm and the code variant. D2 Critically evaluate the source code of an application which implements the procedural, object-orientated and event driven paradigms, in terms of the code structure and characteristics. D3 Evaluate the use of an IDE for development of applications contrasted with not using an IDE.

LO4 Determine the debugging process and explain the importance of a coding standard P4 Explain the debugging process and explain the debugging facilities available in the IDE.

M4 Evaluate how the debugging process can be used to help develop more secure, robust applications.

P5 Outline the coding standard you have used in your code.

D4 Critically evaluate why a coding standard is necessary in a team as well as for the individual.

LO3 Implement basic algorithms in code using an IDE.  

First, I will make a simple bill calculator application. I will write a program by the method Console application 1: I will use Elipse and choose the Console application in java method to write the progam

create new project.

 2: I will select Java Project and click next, finally I will name the project and select Finish (I will choose the project name as quanlysach2).

Project quanlysach2. Before I start writing the program. Book management program. Idea: I will use OOP, create 3 classes including, book(create a book with name, id, author, price, language, ISBN), athor (including tools and menu books required in the topic) and finally main class (print the project)  First, we will create a class (book), including the attributes id, name, Language, giaKM, Author, NganSua, ISBN. Next, I will create constructors for the above attributes.

Code class book

User manual:


step 1


step 2

step 3

 Second, we will create a class (athor). The methods in the arraylist I will use for the books menu and tools are: Add Items, Access an Item, Change an Item, Remove an Item and Sort an ArrayList.

some code: class athor

User manual:


step 1


step 2

step 3

 In the end, we will create a class (book). I would use arraylist, methods in araylist, dowhile loop (use methods in cases ), for loop (enter how many times I want to use method) and try-catch (try - is used to contain an executable code that may cause an exception during execution, catch - is used to handle if an Exception occurs, otherwise it is ignored.)

Code java (class Main) 1

Code java (class Main) 2

Code java (class Main) 3

User manual:


step 1


step 2

step 3

 How to run project:

step 1

step 2

step 3 ( run project)

Evaluate the use of an IDE for development of applications contrasted with not using an IDE. 1. IDE (elipse). Advantages Seamless integration of internal tools. Support tools such as: HTML, C, Java, XML, JSP, GIF, EJB. Support GUI development environment.

Disadvantages Complicated installation. Consumes machine memory. There are too many plugins so there is a lack of consistency.

Can run on many operating systems: Windows, Linux. Support building many programming tools. Unlimited tool providers. Load faster by using SWT/JFace. Write many tools thanks to the popularity of Java .

 how to run code in Eclipes: To compile a Java program with Eclipse, after opening the java file, we can use one of the following two ways to compile and run the program. Method 1: On the toolbar, select Run -> Run (Shortcut Ctrl + F11) Method 2: Click the Play icon on the toolbar then select OK

Run program

2. Not IDE(Sublime Text). Advantages Takes up less machine resources Support multi-language programming The user interface is designed to be intuitive, eyecatching, with many powerful functions and especially expandable through Package Control. Fast, light and stable Minimap Multi-platform Supports keyword identification and coloring

Disadvantages Not an IDE so a terminal is required to run does not support error search function does not support code suggestion function

should only be used when you are a seasoned programmer

(syntax highlight) for many languages  how to run code in sublime text . we need text editor to code(sublime text) and terminal (I used command prompt) to run project. .

(1) turn on sublime text and terminal :

(display sublime text)

sublime text and command prompt window

(2) Code project ( example):  Code project ( hello): save the code with the extension < .java>

Code hello world (java)

To run the project, I have to do 3 steps: - Move the working directory to the directory containing the .java file. - Compile that .java file into class file .class - Run the newly created .class file. (To run the Java program written in this file, after starting the Command Prompt, I need to move the current directory to the directory containing the Java program file to be run with the command

Terminal (3) Then, I proceed to compile that Java file with the compile command: javac hello.java

Compile file java (4) If the program does not fail and compiles successfully, a class file will be generated:

(5) To run this file, we use the following run command: java hello.java. The result will be as follows:

Run project hello.java in sublime text...

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