Logistics for Belt Right PDF

Title Logistics for Belt Right
Course Logistics Management
Institution California State University Dominguez Hills
Pages 3
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Logistics Belt Rights business activities are conducted mostly through electronic commerce, making use of business-to-business and business-to-consumer activities. Our business-tobusiness activities encompass partnerships we have established to acquire raw materials that we use in our manufacturing process, while our business-to-consumer activities are displayed through the median we have chosen to sell our product after its completion in manufacturing. Raw Materials Acquisition The raw materials needed for our belt making process include chrome tanned leather, belt snaps, belt buckles, leather dyes, and threads. Our raw materials are obtained through businessto-business e-commerce as we acquire our materials through online transactions with our suppliers. We acquire our chrome tanned leather from Hewitt’s Tanneries located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Chrome tanned leather is used for our belts because the process for making this product lets the business make them in large quantities for a cheaper price. Our buckles and snaps come imported from China from the Global Sources website. We have chosen to import our buckles and snaps since the Chinese based company offers great prices for buckles and snaps bought in mass. Threading is procured for our business from multiple sites on the internet depending on the change in prices. Leather dyes for our business are acquired from Fiebing’s website. Fiebing’s was chosen for our business since they offer a wide variety of colored dyes that will give our customers more choice of coloring when it comes to making customs belts for special orders.

Inbound Logistics At Belt Right since we operate by selling directly to the customer through online websites, we choose to save costs where possible. Our leather is ordered from Hewitt’s Tanneries in a just in time inventory method so that we don’t have an excess inventory of leather in our raw material storage while we still have an inventory of our finished goods to sell. The belts buckle, threads, and snaps though are purchased in bulk from other manufacturers since they are small and easy to store, and are offered in discounts for buying in bulk. Our last raw material of dyes is kept with a moderate supply since they are used in making custom belts and will not be expected to be used as often as our other raw materials. Warehousing Since our business is a startup we will not expect to have as many sales as bigger wellknown brands. Taking this into account our building from where we conduct our business is a rented industrial building that is 20,000 sq. ft. which averages out the rent to be $110,000 per year. Storage of raw materials is done on the premises as leather can be rolled and stored easily in any compartment, while the other raw materials can be easily stored in cabinets. Manufacturing At Belt Right we have two manufacturing processes when making our belts. The first process encompasses our mass-produced belt that we sell on Amazon and E-bay. The second manufacturing process is the one we use for making custom belts that people order off of our website.

For the first process we use a strap cutting machine to cut our chromed leather into equal sized straps that we will use in the making of our belts. After the leather is cut it is then skived on a machine to acquire the proper thickness wanted for our belts. After the belts are skived they are placed through another machine the cuts and rounds the edges of the belt. Having the belts reach their intended shape the belt is then put through a machine punches in the holes into it for where the belt buckle will hold onto. The buck is then attached to the end of the belt. To finish off the belt stitching is then threaded in by a sewing machine to reach its final state The second manufacturing process is used for our custom-made belts that are specially ordered through our website. For this process the belt is made by hand tools instead of by machine. The straps are first measured to the desired width that the customer wants for the belt. They are then cut with hand tools to the desired measurements. After the belt is cut markings are made on the belt as where the strap punching tool will be used. The belt is then skived to the proper thickness and checked to see if all steps prior will work with the intended fitting that the customer has chosen. The edges of the belt are then trimmed with a beveller and the end is cut into its desired shape. Afterwards the belt is cleaned and dyed into the color of the customers choosing. Once the dye has dried the belt edges are smoothed out and the buckle and snaps are attached to the belt completing the process of the custom belt. Distribution For the distribution of the product our company uses a business-to-consumer method as we sell our product online through Amazon, E-bay, and our own website. We found this to be more beneficial to our start up because it is easier to set up and cuts out having to find a distributor for our product. Another factor in why we have gone with e-commerce is that newer generation of people tend to do a lot more shopping online than going to a store....

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