Samenvatting English for Logistics PDF

Title Samenvatting English for Logistics
Author Frederik Blomme
Course English
Institution Arteveldehogeschool
Pages 26
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Samenvatting English for Logistics Unit 1 Retailers Companies which sell products to the public Stock Goods or products which are stored and waiting to be sold Store Another name for shop Warehouse A place to store goods To source To buy or to get materials, components, etc. Shortfall When not enough goods are produced by a manufacturer Stock-outs When shops have empty shelves To divert Send to a different destination Vendor A company that sells to another company Penalties Financial punishments Tier-one suppliers Direct suppliers to a customer Tier-three suppliers Suppliers to the suppliers of a company’s direct suppliers Efficient/effective Efficient = When something works well, especially in terms of time and costs Effective = When something works well and produces a good result Examples To remain competitive companies, need to have highly efficient supply chains Companies that manage their core processes in a more cost-effective way than their competitors will gain the advantage in the marketplace Suppliers and customers need to have effective communication systems in order to share information about production needs A well-run supply chain can make a company more efficient, leading to significantly reduced production costs An efficient supply chain is a prize worth working for Word partnerships Production costs Production shortfall Manufacturing capacity Market value Industry average Consumer goods

Productiekosten Productietekort Productiecapaciteit Marktwaarde Sectoraal gemiddelde Consumentengoederen

Choose between the prepositions underneath Against/ away/ for/for/for/for/from/in/into/to/up An efficient supply chain is a prize worth working for => trying hard to get It needs a lot of resources to compete for => try to win the prize of an efficient supply chain The importance of the supply chain is moving up the agenda => becoming more important on… Supply-chain managers are looking for => want faster access to information In cases of production shortfalls, companies may need to bring in => use/work with alternative suppliers In the retail sector, supply chain problems can lead to => result in empty shelves The costs of cancelled orders can run into => amount to billions of dollars Manufacturers are moving away from => leaving/ changing from vertically integrated production The costs of running supply chains in the aerospace industry are small when set against the => compared with costs of building an aircraft About 80% of the costs of an aircraft is accounted for => taken up by suppliers and partners

Synonyms Working for To compete for Moving up the agenda Looking for Bring in Can lead to Can run into Moving away from Set against the Accounted for

Trying hard to get Try to win Becoming more important on Want Use/work with Can result in Amount to Leaving/ changing from Compared with Taken up by

Oefening 1 Storage Delivery Provide Distribution Support Maintenance

Opslag Levering Voorzien Distributie Ondersteuning Onderhoud

Oefening 2 Verb To provide To store To support To deliver To distribute To maintain To transport To purchase

Noun Provision Storage Support Delivery Distribution Maintenance Transportation Purchasing

Oefening 3 Maintenance To deliver Purchasing department To provide To transport To store

Onderhoud Leveren Aankoopdepartement Voorzien Transporteren Opslaan

Oefening 4 Carrier Freight forwarder

Company that transports or conveys goods Person or business that arranges documentation and travel facilities for companies dispatching goods to customers Companies which supplies parts or services to another

Supplier company Haulage contractor/haulier Company which carries goods by road (vervoerder) Courier Company that specializes in the speedy and secure delivery of small goods and packages Consignee (geadresseerde) Person or firm named in a freight contract to whom goods have been shipped or turned over for care Oefening 6 Freight forwarder (expediteur) - Organizes transport of goods - Dealing with customer requests - Negotiating good shipping rates with shipping lines and transport companies - Arranges customs clearance on behalf of the clients Shipping operations manager (verzendingsbeheerder) - Makes sure the cargo is not damaged during transport or while (un)loading - Advises customers on shipping rates and prepares quotations

Warehouse manager (magazijnverantwoordelijke) - Liaises with departments such as transport and production - Ensures that the machinery and equipment is maintained to a high level

Customs clearance

Statement where customs official agree to allow goods entering or leaving the country (douane-in/uitklaring)


Official statement setting out the estimated costs for a particular job or service (offerte)

Oefening 7 Book space on a ship, train, plane Consolidate a number of shipments under one bill Deal with all the necessary documentation Keep an eye on the budget Make booking reservations Use Modern computer systems Check where to put them in the warehouse Take care that health and safety standards

Oefening 9 Synonyms To supply To provide To advise To inform about To make sure To ensure To supervise To check To plan To organize To instruct To train Oefening 13 Freight What you store in warehouses Working closely together To organize Giving information about price To supervise Send goods

Cargo Stock Liaise To plan To quote To monitor To ship

Unit 2 Exercise 1 Something that gives the company an advantage over others = competitive edge Fight against = Battle Extremely valuable and rare, which a lot of people want = at a premium In the leading position = At the forefront Rapidly increasing = surging The way goods are arranged in a store, so they are easily seen by customers = display A test done on a small scale to see how something works = a try-out / a pilot-project Information about sales, which is current or in real time = live scale data Replacement of what has been used/sold = replenishment Put together in a certain way = assembled Exercise 2 To keep costs down, it is important for retailers to keep their inventory levels as low as possible If retailers carry too much stock, they will use a lot of their working capital A more cost-effective way to operate is to schedule replenishment deliveries if suppliers have live access to a customer’s sales data they can prepare deliveries specially for each store Suppliers are also known as vendors Delivering goods by truck now takes longer in many countries due to increased road congestion Whit rising oil prices, freight costs are also going up A traditional aim of supply chain managers is cost control, keeping costs down.

P&G is using its supply chain to meet sales growth targets. Starter exercise GPS RFID 3PL FCL LCL HGV DC EDI VAS ISO

Global Positioning System Radio-frequency identification Third-party logistics Full Container Load Less than Container Load Heavy Goods Vehicle Distribution Centre Electronic Data Interchange Value-added services International Standards Organization

Exercise 1 Cross-docking Reverse logistics Transshipment Order picking Break-bulk Collection

Direct flow of goods from receipt at warehouse to shipping, bypassing storage. Collecting and handling of used or damaged goods or reusable transit equipment. Loading goods from one means of carriage onto another Selecting and assembling items from stock for shipments. Packing goods in small, separable units Picking up goods at a named place

Receiving and storing goods = Warehousing Locating items in transit = Tracking and tracing Exercise 2 Verb Receive Equip Carry To assemble To locate

Noun Receipt Equipment Carriage Assembly Location

Exercise 4 Transport companies Shipping lines Fleet of vehicles Documentation Provider Air carriers

Transportbedrijven Vaarlijnen Vloot van voertuigen Documentatie Leverancier Luchtvervoerder

Exercise 5 Happy Provide Range Specialize Major Ensure Customized

Voorzien Reeks Grootste Verzekeren

Exercise 8 3PL in the past Change in logistics concepts Changing logistics requirements for manufacturers New challenges for 3PL Today’s role of major providers Exercise 10 Comprehensive Requirements Outsourcing Demand Competition Consolidation

Including a wide range of services Details of what is expected and needed Contracting functions out to the Third-party providers The need for particular goods or services Companies trying to sell the same or similar products to customers The grouping of small shipments, into one container

Exercise 11 Pick and pack

Literature fulfilment Kitting

Individual components of an order are gathered from master cartons and placed into a box addressed to the recipient. The storage, gathering, packing and distributing of printed materials such as brochures or catalogs Making small packaging

Polybagging and shrink- wrapping

Plastic bags used to package small supplementary publications that would otherwise fall out of newspapers or magazine

Exercise 13 This online tool allows you to plan shipments, book collections and deliveries. After registering with E-shipping, you can make price requests, schedule transport and obtain real-time shipment information. You can also track pick-ups and deliveries With a mouse click you can also download commercial documents in PDF-format. To use QOS, simply log on by selecting your town or region from the drop-down menu on the left. With quick online shipping, you can find the right service to suit your shipping needs. Exercise 14 Mobile phone Enter GPS-based To track Digital RFID Tag Device

GSM Ingeven Opzoeken


Unit 3 Starter Economies of scale Buffer stock Factory gate pricing Supply chain Tender

Reducing costs per unit by increasing production. Goods kept in store to cover unforeseen shortages or fluctuations in demand. Transport costs are not included in the purchase price of a product. The close co-operation of all parties involved in the making, selling and delivering of a product. An offer for goods or services that follows a request for a quotation made by an official body, e.g. local government.

Oefening 1 Lead time Procurement Retailer Customer order cycle time Wholesaler

JIT- Just In Time

Is the time it takes to produce and supply a product. Is the purchasing of goods (materials, parts, supplies, equipment) required to run an enterprise. Is a business that buys products from wholesalers or manufacturers and resells them to the ultimate consumer. Is the time customers are prepared to wait for the delivery of their order. Is an intermediary between manufacturers and retailers which buys in large quantities and resells in smaller quantities. Is a concept of reducing inventories by co-ordinating the delivery of materials just before they are needed.

Oefening 3 What is CRP?  Continious replenishment How can it be used to lower inventory and operational costs and to shorten … ?  product lead time. First of all, you decide what products you want to order at what  stock level. The system will use this information at the …… in the retail store.  Point of sale. The leading Russian clothes….. Young fashion introduced continuous replenishment three years ago.  Retailer. With the new system all orders are …. by computers, which process data received from cash registers.  Generated The orders are sent to the warehouse by electronic…..where they are processed.  Data interchange. And finally the goods are delivered to the different outlets according to a …..  Schedule. Since the introduction of the CRP system, Young Fashion have managed to cut ……. by about 15 per cent.  inventory and transport costs Moreover, errors in order ….. have been reduced considerably by using scanning technology and EDI  processing

Oefening 4 (process CRP in the right order) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

System is activated at the point of sale Sales information is transferred to the CRP computer system Orders are generated based on data received from cash register. Orders are sent to the warehouse Orders are processed Goods are delivered to the retail outlet.

Retail outlet Computer system


Oefening 5 (Planning techniques + passive form of verbs) VMI = Vendor-managed inventory: A system in which the inventory is monitored, planned, and managed by the manufacturer on behalf of the customer (often a retailer). QR = Quick response: A system which is similar to CRP. It is often used for products that need to be supplied frequently and in small batch sizes. DSD= Direct store delivery: It means that orders are transferred electronically to the manufacturer. Then they are delivered to the retail store. CRP = Continiuous replenishment: Real-time demand is identified by electronic cash register and the product movement is coordinated from supplier to the retail store. CM = Category management Products that have similar characteristics regarding their selling profile are categorized into “families”. Oefening 7 Relationship management 3PL providers Procurement Vendors Fulfilment Supply chain management Negotiation Command

Vervulling Onderhandeling Beheersen

Oefening 10 How do you I think we could What are your Yes, and I also suggest telling them

feel about that? lower costs considerably? thoughts on that? that this is a good opportunity to associate with a brand like ours.

In my opinion, it would be important Good idea. And why don’t we

to point out that we’re interested in establishing a long-term agreement. say that it’s their chance to enter the pharmaceutical market.

Oefening 14 match the pieces of the sentences For orders exceeding 500 pieces We grant a cash discount The prices quoted As requested, Our prices are subject The net price

we grant a discount of 5%. of 3% on our list prices. above include transport charges. we will deliver on pallets to Rotterdam to a 25% trade discount off net price above includes transport charges

Unit 4 Grappler-lift

Container ship

Road-railer trailer

River barge

Large goods vehicle (LGV)




Reach stacker

Gantry crane

Reefer container


General purpose container

Flat-rack container

Open-top container

Exercise 1: Match the different types of freight traffic with the definitions

1) Multimodal Carriage of goods by at least two different modes of transport, E.g. shipping by motor lorry and aircraft. 2) piggyback combines road and rail transport: whole motor lorries, trailers or swap-bodies are carried by rail. 3) intermodal Goods are transported in the same loading unit or vehicle using different modes of transport. The handling of the freight itself is not necessary when changing modes. 4) unaccompanied The driver does not stay with his road vehicle during transport by rail or ferry. 5) block train A single shipper uses a whole train which is run directly from the loading point to the destination. No assembling and disassembling is required. 6) single- wagon Train is formed out of individual wagons or sets of wagons which have different origins and different destinations.

Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Then listen again to check. -

How long would it take by barge? – Normally about six days, but it often takes longer if the weather’s bad. It’s cheap – It’s actually the cheapest of all the transport options. It would only take four days to ship by truck, but the cost would be about 50% higher than by barge. Rail would definitely be faster than the truck option if we use the express service that takes three days. But it would also be more expensive than shipping by road – transport costs are about 40% higher And then perhaps we’d have to use the standard train, which is much slower.

Exercise 6: complete the descriptions of intermodal transport and handling equipment with the verbs from underneath.

1) A piece of machinery used for loading and unloading containers from ships onto trucks or rail wagons and vice versa. It is rail-mounted and can straddle at least four railway tracks. It is motorized and can move parallel to the shup’s side. 2) A special type of device which is able to handle very heavy loads. It is used for transferring swap-bodies and containers from rail wagons to trucks and vice versa. It has four legs fitted with wheels and a spreader beam which can span a wide area. It can be mounted on rails or rubber tyres and is able to straddle several rows of containers. 3) A kind of fork lift truck used in container handling. It is equipped with spreader beam and a lifting arm and can be used for lifting containers and piling them on top of each other. It is very flexible and has a high stacking and storage capacity as it is able to reach beyond the first-row containers to lift container. 4) A rigid box made of steel which is very common in intermodal freight transport. It can be used for transport by sea, rail, air and road. It is available in many different versions and sizes. For example, there are open-top and flat-rack versions. Some of them have wheels or a bogie attached to them. The most common lengths are 20, 40, 45 feet. It is made to the specifications of the International Standards Organization. Exercise 7: Replace the underlined words with verbs from underneath that have the same meaning. Use the correct verb forms. 1) This type of crane is used for raising containers. - Lifting 2) Containers are available in a variety of versions and sizes - Come 3) It’s a heavy-duty fork lift truck equipped with a spreader beam. - Fitted 4) With this device, you can pile containers on top of each other. - Stack 5) Some containers have a bogie fixed to them - Attached 6) This device is mounted on rails - Fixed 7) The crane is motorized and able to move alongside the quay. - Run


Exercise 9: complete the sentences 1) It comes with a timber floor and has various lashing devices to secure the load. 2) These lashing points are located horizontally at floor level 3) It is temperature-controlled and is particularly suitable for cargo that needs regulated or cool temperatures. 4) This is a standard container frame with a tank fitted inside. 5) As an extra, we also offer tank containers with electric plugs in case the cargo needs cooling or heating during transport. 6) It comes with a PVC tarpaulin cover instead of a roof panel to allow loading from the top. 7) The doors can be removed to make loading easier. 8) We recommend this special type of container for the transportation of heavy machinery of pipes. Exercise 11: Sort the goods under the correct heading Perishable cargo Non-perishable cargo Heavyweight and overwidth cargo meat Crude oil Steel pipes


Fresh produce




Industrial boilers




Harmful chemicals




Dairy products






Chilled or frozen foodstuffs -

Exercise 12: Which of the following containers would you recommend for the different types of cargo from exercise 11. Reefer: perishable cargo Flat-rack container: Heavyweight and/or overwidth cargo Tank container: non- perishable liquids.

Exercise 13 crossword puzzle - Another word for rubbish Waste - A device for lifting heavy loads Crane - Another word for ship Vessel - The opposite of soft or flexible Ri...

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