M1 properties structure of matter chemistry PDF

Title M1 properties structure of matter chemistry
Author Ryan Dinh
Course Chemistry
Institution Sydney Boys High School
Pages 7
File Size 161.8 KB
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Revolves around module 1 of chemistry NESA syllabus...


Modul e1:Pr oper t i esandst r uct ur eofmat t er Year11c hemi s t r y2018

10hour s

This document references the Chemistry Stage 6 Syllabus © 2017 NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales.

I nqui r yques t i on Why are atoms of elements different from one another?

Rat i onal e Students examine the structure of an atom and explore different models. Students will be introduced to the Bohr and Schrödinger models. Students investigate isotopes and use this understanding to explain radioactivity, demonstrating how isotopes can be stable and unstable.

Out comes Wor ki ngsc i ent i fical l yski l l s  

CH11-1 Develops and evaluates questions and hypotheses for scientific investigation CH11-2 Designs and evaluates investigations in order to obtain primary and secondary data and information

 

CH11-3 Conducts investigations to collect valid and reliable primary and secondary data and information CH11-4 Selects and processes appropriate qualitative and quantitative data and information using a range of appropriate media

t mentofEducat i on,June2017 ©NSW Depar


CH11-5 Analyses and evaluates primary and secondary data and information

 

CH11-6 Solves scientific problems using primary and secondary data, critical thinking skills and scientific processes CH11-7 Communicates scientific understanding using suitable language and terminology for a specific audience or purpose

Knowl edgeandunder st andi ng 

CH11-8 Explores the properties and trends in the physical, structural and chemical aspects of matter

Dept hSt udy The following questions can be used as provocations for students to start a depth study.  

How has the model of an atom evolved over time? Why have models of the atom changed?

How has the Bohr model and Schrodinger model informed our current understanding of the atom?

Examples of communicating the above include:  Poster presentation  

Oral presentation Analysis of a documentary

 

Collaborative presentations, for example O365 PowerPoint, Apple Keynote, Google Slides, Padlet, Powtoon, mind mapping software, etc. Multimedia software

 

Infographics Podcast


If a depth study is included in the unit, the following must be included: the two Working Scientifically outcomes of Questioning and Predicting, and Communicating

 

a minimum of two additional Working Scientifically outcomes further development of at least one Knowledge and Understanding outcome


Year11c hemi s t r y :Modul e1:Pr oper t i esandst r uct ur eofmat t er

See Depth Studies: Year 11 and 12 for more details.

As s es s ment 

Formative assessment of depth study

©NSW Depar t mentofEducat i on,June2017


Cont ent The working scientifically skills mentioned in the outcomes should be embedded throughout the teaching and learning experiences CH11-8 Explores the properties and trends in the physical, structural and chemical aspects of matter Students: 

investigate the basic structure of stable and unstable isotopes by examining: o

their position in the periodic table


the distribution of electrons, protons and neutrons in the atom


representation of the symbol, atomic number and mass number (nucleon number)

model the atom’s discrete energy levels, including electronic configuration and pdf notation (ACSCH017, ACSCH018, ACSCH020, ACSCH022)

 

calculate the relative atomic mass from isotopic composition (ACSCH024) investigate energy levels in atoms and ions through:


collecting primary data from a flame test using different ionic solutions of metals (ACSCH019)


examining spectral evidence for the Bohr model and introducing the Schrödinger model

investigate the properties of unstable isotopes using natural and human-made radioisotopes as examples, including but not limited to: o

types of radiation


types of balanced nuclear reactions

Teachi ngandl ear ni ng  I nv est i gat et hest r uct ur eoft heat om i ncl udi ngchar geandr el at i v emass: o pr ot ons( posi t i v e,1)

Evi denceofl ear ni ng  I dent i f yt hechar geandmassoft hesubat omi cpar t i cl es .  Definet het er msat omi cnumberandmassnumber .

o neut r ons( neut r al , 1)

 Model t hedi st r i but i onofel ect r ons,pr ot onsandneut r onsi nt heat om.

o el ect r ons( negat i v e,0)

 Usesymbol st or epr esentel ement s,at omi cnumberandmassnumber ( nucl eonnumber ) .

 Definet heat omi cnumberasequal st ot henumberofpr ot ons.

 Definet het er mi sot ope.


Year11c hemi s t r y :Modul e1:Pr oper t i esandst r uct ur eofmat t er

Teachi ngandl ear ni ng

Evi denceofl ear ni ng

 Definet hemassnumberasequalt ot henumberofpr ot onsandneut r ons( nucl eon number ) .

 Sol v epr obl emst oi dent i f yi sot opesbasedonsecondar ysour ce i nf or mat i on.

 I dent i f yel ement susi ngt heper i odi ct abl eusi ng: o s ymbol o at omi cnumber o massnumber( nucl eonnumber ) .  Defineani sot opeasanat om oft hesameel ementwi t hdi ffer entnumberofneut r ons. o Compar ei sot opesoft hesameel ementt odet er mi nesi mi l ar i t i esanddi ffer ences. o Ex ampl e-Hydr ogen:pr ot i um ( A=1) ,deut er i um ( A=2) ,andt r i t i um ( A=3) . o Usemodel st ocompar edi ffer enti sot opes. o Sol v epr obl emst oi dent i f yi sot opesbasedonsecondar ysour cei nf or mat i on.  Definest abl ei sot opesasanat om wi t hapr ot ont oneut r onr at i oof1: 1( fir st20 el ement s)and1: 1. 5( f orel ement saf t er20) . o UseZoneofSt abi l i t yGr apht odet er mi nei fani sot opei sst abl eorunst abl e. o UseGr aphandwat chvi deo:BandofSt abi l i t y  Definer el at i v eat omi cmass.

 Definer el at i v eat omi cmass.

 Wat ch:Whati sRel at i veAt omi cMass ?

 Cal cul at er el at i v eat omi cmassofel ement susi ngsecondar ysour ce i nf or mat i on.

 Cal cul at et her el at i veat omi cmassofel ement susi ngt heequat i on:  Rel at i veat omi cmass=( % ofi sot ope1×massofi sot ope1)+( % ofi sot ope2×mass ofi sot ope2)÷100  Defineanunst abl ei sot opeasar adi oi sot ope.

 Definet het er mr adi oi sot ope.

 Definer adi oi sot opeasanunst abl ei sot opet hatemi t sr adi oact i v edecayt ot ur ni nt o di ffer entel ement s .

 I dent i f yt ypesofr adi at i onandpar t i cl eemi t t ed.

 I dent i f yt ypesofr adi at i on.

 I dent i f yanat ur alandhumanmader adi oi sot ope,i ncl udi ngr adi at i on emi t t edandbal ancedequat i on.

 Cr eat easummar yt abl eoft ypesofr adi at i on.

 Bal anc enuc l earequat i ons.

 Ex ampl et abl e:TypesofRadi at i on  Sol v epr obl emst obal ancenucl eardecayequat i ons.  I dent i f yanat ur alandhumanmader adi oi sot ope.  Ex ampl esi ncl ude:

©NSW Depar t mentofEducat i on,June2017


Teachi ngandl ear ni ng

Evi denceofl ear ni ng

o ur ani um238( nat ur al ) o i odi ne123( humanmade)  Foreachnamednat ur al andhumanmader adi oi sot opei dent i f yt het ypeofr adi at i on emi t t ed.  Foreachnamednat ur al andhumanmader adi oi sot opeconst r uctbal ancednucl ear r eact i ons( f orbot hal phaandbet a) . o Const r uctoruseadecayser i esgr aphf orUr ani um235t owr i t ebal ancednucl ear r eact i ons . oact i v eDecaySer i esGr aph o Ex ampl eRadi  I dent i f yener gyl ev el s( shel l s)andel ect r oncapaci t y .Theseener gyl evel smaybe i dent i fiedask ,l ,m,n.

 I dent i f yener gyl ev el sandconst r uctat omsdemonst r at i ngt hei rcor r ect numberofel ect r onsi neachener gyl evel( shel l ) .

ampl edi agr am  Ex  Model at omsusi ngener gyl ev el s( k, l , m, n)t omodelel ect r oni cconfigur at i on. o Modelat omsusi ngl ol l i esorcr af tmat er i al st or epr esentener gyl ev el s( shel l s) , pr ot ons,neut r onsandel ect r ons. o I dent i f yhowmanyel ect r onscanbef oundi naspeci ficener gyl ev el( shel l ) .  Pr edi ctel ect r oni cconfigur at i onsofdi ffer entat omsusi ngmodel sandi nf or mat i onf r om  Pr edi ctel ect r oni cconfigur at i onsofdi ffer entat omsusi ngmodel sand t heper i odi ct abl e. i nf or mat i onf r om t heper i odi ct abl e.  NESAper i odi ct abl e o Under st andt hel i nkbet weenper i odnumbert heener gyl ev el . o Under st andst hel i nkbet weent hegr oupnumberandt henumberofel ect r onsi nt he v al ences hel l .  Definet het er m or bi t al sandgi v eex ampl es( spdf ) .

 Definet het er m or bi t al .

bi t al s  Wat ch:KhanAcademy–Or

 Descr i beshowanel ect r on’ spr obabi l i t yofanygi v enpoi ntmaybel ocat ed wi t hi nanor bi t al( s,p,d,f ) .

 Dummi esgui det oel ect r onconfigur at i onnot at i on  Descr i beshowanel ect r on’ spr obabi l i t yofanygi v enpoi ntmaybel ocat edwi t hi nan or bi t al .  Cr eat eamodelofor bi t alshel l s.Cutouteachor bi t als hape( si deonvi ew)andover l ap t hem t ocr eat eor bi t al sofanel ement .  Uset hedi agonalorAuf baur ul et odet er mi net heel ect r onconfi gur at i onofel ement s ksheet1wor ks heet2) ( possi bl ewor


Year11c hemi s t r y :Modul e1:Pr oper t i esandst r uct ur eofmat t er

Teachi ngandl ear ni ng

Evi denceofl ear ni ng

 Possi bl ef r eeappst hatcanbeus edi ncl ass. o El ect r onor bi t al s( Andr oi d–f r ee) o Vi r t ualor bi t al s3Dchemi st r y( Andr oi d–f r ee)Pai dappsar eavai l abl eont heAppl e AppSt or e.  Det er mi neandpr edi cts pdfnot at i onsofdi ffer entat omsusi ngt heper i odi ct abl eand/ or ot herf or msofdat as uchasspdft abl esandgr aphs.

 Det er mi neandpr edi cts pdfnot at i onsofdi ffer entat oms .

o Ex ampl ewebsi t ewi t hr esour ces:El ect r oni cConfigur at i onI nf o o Wat ch:KhanAcademy-Mor eonOr bi t al sandEl ect r onConfigur at i on o Cr eat eavi sualr epr esent at i onofor derofsubshel l fil l i ngt ohel ppr edi ctspdf not at i ons. odr awor bi t aldi agr ams o Wat ch:Howt  Col l ectandusepr i mar ydat af r om aflamet estusi ngdi ffer enti oni cs ol ut i onsofmet al s  Conductaflamet estandr el at et her esul t st ot heener gyl ev el si nat oms t oi nv est i gat eener gyl ev el si nat omsandi ons . andi ons.  Fl amet esti nst r uct i ons

 Usedat at oi nvest i gat eener gyl evel si nat omsandi ons .

 Ex ami nespect r alevi dencef ort heBohrmodelt heSchr ödi ngermodelt oi nvest i gat e ener gyl ev el si nat omsandi ons .

 Definet heBohrandSc hr ödi ngermodel soft heat om.

 Readanddi scuss ,“ Thebr eakdownoft heBohrat omi cmodel ”i nYoungSci ent i st s eandcont r as tt heat omi cmodel sofBohrandSchr ödi nger . J our nal .Compar

Reflect i onandev al uat i on:

©NSW Depar t mentofEducat i on,June2017


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