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Course Health policy
Institution City University London
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M4 Assess the success of approaches used to promote and protect health and prevent disease in a selected health promotion campaign • Referring to their evidence for C.P5 and C.P6, learners must give careful consideration to how successful their selected approaches used in their chosen health campaign, considering each contributing factor and its level of influence. How effective the campaign has been in increasing public awareness of the health problem The campaign Change4Life helps reduce obesity by encouraging and supporting people through each stage of the journey. Statistics of 413,466 families joined Change4Life in the first 12 months meaning lots of people are participating and taking action towards reducing obesity. Its aim has been to inspire a societal movement through which government, the NHS, local authorities, businesses, charities, schools, families and community leaders can all play a part in improving children’s diets and activity levels. This will promote healthy lifestyles and prevent any diseases or conditions to occur in the future, leading a healthy happy society. The campaign reached 99% of families by the end of January 2009, awareness if the advertising campaign peaked at 87% in March and remained high throughout the year. 413,466 families were believed to still be involved with Change4Life after 6 months which shows high statistics leading to healthy lifestyles being carried out. This also shows parents being more aware of what a healthy lifestyle is and how to prevent any diseases or conditions for their children, like obesity. Therefore, the campaign has been successful in getting their message across to families with healthy eating and may reduce the rates of disease such as obesity. In the UK, obesity is a very serious concern leading to statistics of 24% of men and 26% of women are obese while 65% of men and 58% of women are either overweight or obese. Statistics are very worrying and it only means for the government to start to act on it and improve individual’s health and well-being to avoid such high percentages of people being obese. By rooting healthy behaviours, such as reducing sugar intake, it will positively have an impact on individual’s life’s. Change4Life created a social marketing approach to make ideas and strategies in the 1970s. the social marketing approach was expected to offer the consumer instead of sell them an idea. Similarly, to commercial marketing where they are expected to also use a marketing mix to achieve this goal. However, marketing mix does face a limitation of where companies can decide the needs and desires of the consumer and use the research data to confirm the consumer’s needs. https://www.campaignlive.co.uk/article/change4life-marketing-backed-advertisingassociation/1071047 Has it resulted in significant changes both nationally and locally? A study which was conducted by a professor showed that in France similar measures compared to England led a drop of 2.6% in overweight children from 2000 to 2007. How the features and approaches did persuaded people to use the product? By spreading Change4Life campaign across countries, the campaign was based on the latest evidence, including evidence generate through ongoing campaign research and monitoring, sharing that evidence base widely and seeking expert opinion to guide decisions where the evidence base was limited. This persuaded people to participate in the campaign and take on the advice as it is

based on reliable evidence and the latest leading to accurate outcomes if they do follow up on the advice. It would assure them that by participating in the campaign they will reduce the risk of obesity and swap their lifestyle around to a healthy one. The Change4Life brand identity captured the imagination of the public and made it possible to spread some hard-hitting messages that engaged the audience in a ‘charming way’. By the campaign working with the local NHS and schools, this engages individual’s health school’s coordinators could work to promote the movement in the school, by promoting healthy lifestyles. How did they make the public aware of it? They made the public aware of it by advertisement, the government invested in Change4Life attracted £12,457,572 in free media space for the launch, £532,393 in free media around the sponsorship of Channel 4’s The Simpsons and £200 million in commitments by the Advertising Association consortium. The campaign decided to avoid government branding since research has indicated that people were keener to be part of a movement owned by all, rather than prescribed by the government. Change4Life decided to also avoid the word ‘obesity’ as evidence shows that focusing on positive messages about healthy lifestyles rather than directly on weight or obesity, is more likely to create an effective behaviour change leading to a successful campaign. Include all barriers that had to be overcome. The most common reasons of barriers preventing individuals from changing their diet is a lack of time, cost and finding it difficult to change habits. Change4Life created an app called ‘sugar smart’ which allows parents to monitor the sugar intake of their children, while costing £5 million to make this app. Around 400,000 families have downloaded this app, which shows that families are starting to take action to improve their children’s lifestyle by reducing the amount of sugar they are having. https://amecorg.com/case-study/change4life-sugar-smart-public-health-england/ -


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8/D.M5 Analyse how theories or models and approaches have been used in a selected health promotion campaign to overcome barriers and increase public awareness.

• Extending their work for C.P7 and D.P8, learners should analyse, examine in detail how relevant theories and models and approaches already referred to, have been used in their selected health promotion campaign, to overcome barriers referred to in the evidence for D.P7 and also how public awareness has been increased....

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