Mab23 - Keno Company acquired 25% of the voting rights of Renzo Company for P5,000,00 PDF

Title Mab23 - Keno Company acquired 25% of the voting rights of Renzo Company for P5,000,00
Author Palos Dose
Course AB International Studies Major in Japanese Studies and BS Accountancy
Institution De La Salle University
Pages 9
File Size 508.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Keno Company acquired 25% of the voting rights of Renzo Company for P5,000,00 Keno Company acquired 25% of the voting rights of Renzo Company for P5,000,00...


Rudol von Stroheim VIEW SOURCE SHARE

Rudol von Stroheim 





Japanese Name ルドル・フォン・シュトロハイム Romanized Name Rudoru fon Shutorohaimu Birth Name Rudol von Stroheim Namesake Erich von Stroheim W[1] (actor)

Profile Age

33 Birthday May 23 1906 (not canon) Gender Male Nationality German Hair Color Blond Eye Color Cyan Occupation Nazi MajorW ColonelW (Cyborg)

Other Information Media Manga Debut Chapter 52 (as human) Chapter 84 (as cyborg) Final Appearance Chapter 61 (as human) Chapter 113 (as cyborg) Anime Debut Episode 11 Game Debut All Star Battle Eyes of Heaven (Playable) Japanese Voice Actor Atsushi ImaruokaW (Anime / All Star Battle / Eyes of Heaven) Dub Voice Actor Dan WorenW (English Dub)

German science is the greatest in the world!

—Rudol von Stroheim, about his cyborg body. RudolvonSt r ohei m( ルドル・フォン・シュトロハイム Rudor uf onShut or ohai mu)i sa maj oral l yi nBat t l eT endenc y .

St r ohei mi si nt r oduc edasaNaz i offic err es ear c hi ngandex per i ment i ngont hePi l l ar ana.Ev ent ual l y ,heandhi suni tc ooper at ewi t ht heRi ppl euser st os t opt het hr eat ManSant oft hePi l l arMen.

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Contents Appearance Personality Abilities o Weapons o Profile History o Battle Tendency Major Battles & Events Chapters / Episodes Video Games o All Star Battle (PS3) o Stardust Shooters (Android/iOS) o Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)  JoJolities  Tournament o Diamond Records (Android/iOS) Trivia Gallery References Site Navigation

Hones tGameTr ai l er s|Ret ur nal X

Appear ance St r ohei mi sat al l ,wel l bui l tmanofmas c ul i nef ac i al f eat ur es( c ompar abl et ot hos eoft he c ont empor ar yDol phLundgr en) . Bl ueey ed;athi si nt r oduc t i onhi sbl ondehai ri nv ol v esas hor tfl at t opandal engt hathi s nec k ;s oondev el opi ngi nt ot al l ,s pl ay i ngc ut .Lat er ,heac qui r esc ompl exmet al l i cc yber net i c pr os t het i cs ,i nc l udi ngt hes ect i onofhi sf aces ur r oundi nghi sr i ghtey e;whi c hi saddi t i onal l y c ov er edbyas or tofmonoc l e. Hewear sar angeofoffic i al Naz imi l i t ar yat t i r e.Hi sc y bor gpr os t het i c si ncl udehi sent i r e abdomen,whi c hhous esapower f ulmac hi negun.

Per sonal i t y WhenSt r ohei mi sfi r s ti nt r oduc ed,hei sac al l ousandc r uelNaz i Maj orwhohast hef ool i s h i deat oex per i mentwi t ht heSt oneMas ki nor dert of ur t hert hepoweroft heWaffenSS. Dur i nghi smi s si oni nMex i co,St r ohei mc ommi t ss ev er al hei nousmi s deedss uc has ampi r eex per i ment s c apt ur i ngl oc al sandf or c i bl yt ur nt hem i nt ogui neapi gsf orhi sv [ 3]o rt hr eat eni ngt ocutamai d' st onguef orsl i ght l ycut t i ng ( i nc l udi ngwomenandc hi l dr en) , [ 4] hi m dur i ngashav e.

Chooseyourar my.Leadyourpeopl e


Howev er ,uponbei ngt hr eat enedwi t hSant ana' sr ampage,heal s odemons t r at esbr av er y anddoesnothes i t at ewhent r appedi nas ki ngJ os epht oc utoffhi sl eg;orbl owhi ms el fup [ 5]Th i si ss eenonc eagai nwhenSt r ohei m gi v es wi t hagr enadet ok i l lt hei nv adi ngSant ana. hi m ahel pi nghandi ndef eat i ngKar sandhel pi ngJ os ephdr i v ehi mi nt ot hev ol c anowi t han ai r pl ane.St r ohei m mai nt ai nedhi sbr av er yupunt i l t heBat t l eofSt al i ngr ad,1943,wher ehe i ss ai dt ohav ef oughtbr av el yanddi ed. [ 6] Li k ewi se,St r ohei mr es pec t sc our agef r om ot her s ,nomat t erwhatet hni c i t yt hei ndi v i dual ma ybel ongt o.Hi sappr ec i at i onf orv al ori sseenwhenhes par esoneMe x i c anbo yf or bei ngwi l l i ngt os ac r i fi c ehi ms el ff orhi sc el l mat es ;ont heot herhandheex ec ut edt her es tof t hepr i s oner sf ornothav i ngt hes ames pi r i t ,maki ngt heboy ' ss ac r i fi cemoot . [ 7] St r ohei mi sanent hus i as t i cnat i onal i s t .Hei spar t i cul ar l ypr oudofhi sc ybor gbody ;pr ai s i ng " Ger mans c i enc e"andgener al l yl oudl yboas t i ngt heGer mansgi v ent heoc c as i on. [ 8]Hi s pr i deoc cas i onal l ygr owsi nt oov er confi denc eandar r oganc e.Bec aus eofi t ,St r ohei mt ends t obot hov er es t i mat ehi ms el forhi st ec hnol ogyandunder es t i mat ehowf or mi dabl et hePi l l ar Menar e.Thus ,t hr eet i mesdur i ngt hes t or y ,aPi l l arManget st hebet t erofhi m;fi r s t Sant anaeas i l yesc apeshi scel l andat t ac k shi m, [ 9]t henhi sc y bor gbodyi sal s odef eat edby Kar s [ 10]a ndfi nal l ySt r ohei mr us hi ngt ofi ni s hKar si nt hebat t l eoft hePi zBer ni naRui ns al l owst hePi l l arMant or et ur nt heUVl i ghtagai ns tt hehumansandt ur ni nt ot heUl t i mat e [ 11]Onar egul arbas i s ,St r ohei m al s ol oudl yl aughsathi sf oesandpoi nthi sfi nger Li f ef or m. att hem whent heyar ei napos i t i onofweak nes s .

Abi l i t i es Weapons 

Abdomi nalMachi neGun:Amac hi neguni ns i deSt r ohei m' ss t omac hr egi on,abl e t os hoot600ar mor edbul l et spermi nut e,andc apabl eofpi er c i nga30mi l l i met ers t eel pl at e.St r ohei m fi r s ti nt r oduc est hi sweaponagai ns tKar s . Ul t r avi ol etRadi at i onBeam ( 紫外線照射装置 Shi gai s ens hōs has ōc hi ) :I ns i de St r ohei m' smec hani z edey ei sas mal ll asercannonc apabl eoffi r i ngac onc ent r at ed beam ofUl t r avi ol etl i ght .Thebeam i t sel fi sfi v et i mesmor ei nt ens et hanas etof t y pi c al ul t r av i ol etl i ght sandwasabl et opi er c es t r ai ghtt hr oughKar s ' hand. Ul t r avi ol etShoul derCannons:Bui l tbyt het ec hni c al depar t mentof t heSpeedwagonFoundat i ons pec i fic al l yasanant i v ampi r edev i c e,St r ohei mi sabl e t ofi r eoutpower f ul bl as t soful t r av i ol etl i ghtf r om t wofloodl i ght sl oc at edoneac hsi de ofhi sshoul der s .Asmi ni at ur i z eds ear c hl i ght s ,t heypac kt hes amepowerast he or i gi nal ,butar el i ghtenought oc ar r ywi t heas e.St r ohei m us edt hes ec annonsdur i ng t hefi nal bat t l eagai ns tKar s ,wher ehe,al ongwi t hhi st eam,f oughtbackagai ns tt he ar myofv ampi r es . Pr oj ect i l eHand:St r ohei mi scapabl eoffi r i ngoffhi smec hani c al handwi t henough f or c et oi mpal eanddeepl ywoundanenemy .Thoughr ev eal edonl yt owar dst heend oft hear c ,St r ohei m us edi tt opr ev entKar s ' esc apeandpi nnedhi mt oapl anet hat wentcr ashi ngi nt oanac t i v ev ol c ano.

Pr ofi l e

AsaMaj ori nt heNaz iPar t y ,mos tpar t i c ul ar l yt heWaffenSSMi l i t ar ydi vi s i on,St r ohei mi s c apabl eofl eadi nghi sownbat t al i on,aswel l asanymember soft hepar t yofl owerr ank .To t hi send,St r ohei m enf or ceshi sr ankwi t has t r ongs ens eofpr i deandmos toft i me,hi swor d i sl aw.Asac apabl el eader ,St r ohei m of t eni ni t i at esat t ac k suponc ommand,t hought he l ogi cbehi ndt hem us ual l yv ar i esdependi ngont hel ev el ofabnor mal i t yoft heenemy .When c or ner ed,St r ohei m' semi nentpr i dei nhi scount r ywi l l c aus ehi mt ounques t i onabl ys ac r i fi c e hi ms el ft ot ak eouthi st ar get .I nt er msofc ombatex per t i s e,i ti spr es umedhei sc apabl eof per f or mi ngt hemos tbas i cofmi l i t ar ys k i l l swi t heas e,i nc l udi ngas s embl i ngand di s ass embl i ngmi l i t ar yweapons ,andmak i ngeffic i entus eofs ai dweapons .St r ohei m al s o fl aunt sav er yabl ebodi edphy s i queandhasdemons t r at edav er yhi ghj umpi ngabi l i t y .

Asacybor g,St r ohei m cancasual l ycr ushagol fbal l

Af t erbei ngr es ur r ec t edasaCy bor g,St r ohei m' sphy s i c al c apabi l i t i esi ncr eas edandwi t hi t hi sr ankt oCol onels t at us .AsaCy bor g,hi ss t r engt hi nc r eas essi gni fi cant l y ,hav i ngbeen des i gnedwi t ht heabi l i t yt ocr us hanobj ec twi t hhi shandatapr es s ur eof 1, 950k g/ cm2( r oughl ydoubl eSant ana' s . )I nt hi sf or m,St r ohei m hadal sogai nedpar t i al i mmor t al i t y ,bei ngabl et osur v i v emos tat t ac k s ,ashi smec hani c al l i mbsbei ngdamaged l es s enst heeffec tonhi sl i f ef or ce.Wi t ht hes el i mbs ,hei sc apabl eofbendi nghi sbody unnat ur al l y ,anddefl ectenemyat t ack sduet obei ngmadeofmet al .Si t uat edonones i deof St r ohei m' sf ac ei samagni f y i ngdev i cet hatal l owsSt r ohei mt oz oom i nonobj ec t supt oa poi ntwher ehec ans t udyt hei ri nt er nals t r uc t ur e.

Hi st or y Bat t l eTendenc y tE.O.Speedwagont ot heNaz ibas ei nMe x i c oand St r ohei mt ak esani nj ur edRober l l arMen.Her ev eal st hatt heNaz i shad i nt er r ogat eshi mf ori nf or mat i onr egar di ngt hePi acqui r edoneoft hem,whi c hhenamed" Sant ana"af t ert hewar m wi ndsofMex i c o. St r ohei m ev ent ual l ys acr i fi ceshi ms el fi nanat t emptt os t opSant ana' sr ampageandi s as s umedt ohav edi edunt i l her eappear satt hebor derofSwi t z er l andt or et r i ev et heRed St oneofAj a.

St r ohei m asaCybor g

onelSt r ohei m wasr ev i v edwi t hc yber net i cpar t s( i nc l udi nga Thank st oNaz is c i enc e,Col mac hi negunonhi sc hes tandamonoc l et hatpr es umabl yser v esasa T er mi nat or / Roboc opes quer adars y s t em) .Hec hal l engesKar st oaduel andi squi c k l yc ut i nhal f ,buti sul t i mat el yabl et os epar at eKar sf r om t hes t onebyfir i ngaul t r av i ol etbeam f r om hi sey e. St r ohei m appear sy etagai naf t erbei ngr ec ons t r uc t edwi t ht hehel poft heSpeedwagon Foundat i ons c i enc edi v i s i onand

St r ohei m sav esJoseph

s av esJ os ephf r om Kar s' i mpendi ngv ampi r ear myj us ti nt heni c koft i me.Kar si sdef eat ed byJ osephs oonaf t erandi ss entf al l i ngont oas pi k esbel ow,wher eSt r ohei m andhi s di v i s i onbl as thi m wi t hul t r av i ol etl i ght .Theyf ai lt or eal i z e,howev er ,t hatKar shaddonneda St oneMas kwi t ht heAj aandar edumbs t r uc kwhenheac hi ev eshi sul t i mat ef or m and begi nsk i l l i ngt hem offwi t hasqui r r el f or medf r om hi sr i ghthand. Af t erJ os ephhi j ack saNaz iai r c r af tt ol ur eKar saway ,St r ohei mr ev eal shi ms el fi nt hes i de wi ngoft hepl anej us tbef or ei tgoespl ummet i ngi nt oanac t i v ev ol c ano.Af t erpi nni ngKar s t ot hef r ontendoft heai r cr af t ,hepul l sJ os ephoutoft hepl aneandc ushi onst hei rf al l by Ri ppl ec ol l i des s ac r i fi ci nghi sc y ber net i cl egs .Thev ol c anoev ent ual l yer upt swhenKar s ' wi t ht heRedSt oneofAj a,l aunc hi ngbot hJ os ephandhi mi nt ot heai r .St r ohei m ev ent ual l y r et ur nst ot her es toft hegr oupandr epor t sJ os eph' ssuppos eddeat h. Af t ert hebat t l ewi t hKar s ,St r ohei m hadJ os ephJ oes t ar ' ss ev er edl ef thandr epl acedbya mec hani c al oneasagi f t .Henev ermeet sJ os ephagai nandi ss ai dt ohav edi edhonor abl y att hebat t l eofSt al i ngr adi n1943.

Maj orBat t l es&Event s      

Rudol v onSt r ohei m &Naz i Sol di er sVsSant ana Rudol v onSt r ohei m &J osephJ oes t arVsSant ana Rudol v onSt r ohei m( Cy bor g)VsKar s Rudol v onSt r ohei m( Cy bor g)&Naz i Sol di er sVsKar s&Vampi r eKni ght s Rudol v onSt r ohei m( Cy bor g)&J os ephJ oes t arVsKar s( Ul t i mat eLi f eFor m) Rudol v onSt r ohei m( Cy bor g)VsSov i etAr my( Fi nal Fi ght ,Offs cr een,Ki l l edi n Ac t i on)

Chapt er s/Epi sodes Manga Appearances

Chapters in order of appearance            

Chapter 52: "Straizo VS Joseph, Part 5" Chapter 53: "The Pillar Man" Chapter 54: "The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 1" Chapter 55: "The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 2" Chapter 56: "The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 3" Chapter 57: "The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 4" Chapter 58: "The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 5" Chapter 59: "The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 6" Chapter 60: "The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 7" Chapter 61: "The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 8" (Apparent death) Chapter 62: "The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 9" (Mentioned only) Chapter 65: "Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times, Part 1" (Mentioned only)

            

Chapter 82: "The Remains Lurk, Part 2" (Mentioned only) Chapter 84: "Stroheim's Unit Strikes Back, Part 2" Chapter 85: "Stroheim's Unit Strikes Back, Part 3" Chapter 86: "Light Mode Kars, Part 1" Chapter 87: "Light Mode Kars, Part 2" Chapter 88: "Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 1" (Cover only) Chapter 106: "The Bond That Binds Lisa Lisa and JoJo, Part 2" Chapter 107: "JoJo: The Final Ripple, Part 1" Chapter 108: "JoJo: The Final Ripple, Part 2" Chapter 109: "Kars the Ultimate Being Is Born, Part 1" Chapter 111: "Joseph's Final Gamble" Chapter 112: "The Man Who Became a God" Chapter 113: "The Man Who Crossed the Atlantic" (Mentioned only) (Death) Anime Appearances

Episodes in order of appearance         

Episode 11: "The Game Master" Episode 12: "The Pillar Man" Episode 13: "JoJo vs. The Ultimate Life-Form" (Apparent death) Episode 18: "Von Stroheim's Revenge" Episode 19: "A Race Toward the Brink" Episode 23: "The Warrior of Wind" Episode 24: "The Ties That Bind JoJo" Episode 25: "The Birth of a Superbeing" Episode 26: "The Ascendant One" (Death)

Vi deoGames Al lSt arBat t l e( PS3) St r ohei m mak eshi sfi r s tv i deogameappear anc ei nt hePS3t i t l e.Appear i ngasoneoft he Campai gnSur pr i s eSuppor tChar ac t er s ,wher ehes hoot st heopponent ' spr ofil ewi t hhi s sdur i ngt heev ent sofPar t2) ,dec r eas i ng mac hi negun( i nt hesamewayheat t ac k edKar t hei rheal t hbarby40% bef or et hefi ght .

St ar dus tShoot er s( Andr oi d/ i OS) St r ohei m appear sasoneoft hes ev er al Par t2c har ac t er swhopos ses saMet al St r i k er .Hi s FI NI SHmov emak eshi ms hoot i ngs ev er al bul l et sofhi sTor s oMac hi neGunatt hedef eat ed opponentandhi sLev el3spec i alabi l i t yal l owshi mt odes t r oyhi ms el faf t erdef ea t , damagi nganyMet al St r i k ernearhi m( enemyoral l y ) .

Ey esofHeav en( PS3/ PS4) St r ohei m wasoneoft hefi r s tc har ac t er sconfi r medt obepl ay abl ei nt hegame ot ar oKuj o,J os ephJ oes t ar ,Nor i ak i Kaky oi n,J os uk eHi gas hi k at a,andDi ego ( al ongs i deJ Br ando) . St r ohei m hast heex c l us i v eSt y l ef ul l ynamedMybody!I t ' st hepr i deoft heGer man peopl e,andt hepr i meexampl eofoursuper i orGer manSci ence !( ゲルマン民族の最高

知能の結晶 Ger umanMi nz ok unoSai k ōChi nōnoKes hō,Ger man' sHi ghes tI nt el l i genc e Cr y s t al l i z e) ,s hor t enedt oThePr i meExampl eofSuper i orGer manSci ence.  St yl eAct i on-HeavyMachi neGunMode/ UVRadi at i onMode:St r ohei m s wi t c hesbet weenhi sAbdomi nal Mac hi neGunands houl der mount edUVl i ght s . HeavyMac hi neGunModeal l owshi ml ongr angedpower sandi nc r eas edspeedand agi l i t y ,whi l eUVRadi at i onModemak esuseoft wobody guar dsandhi sv ar i ousUV l i ghtcomponent s .Al lat t ac k si nv ol v i nghi sUVbeamswi l l deal i nc r eas eddamaget o Vampi r esandPi l l arMen,s i mi l art oRi ppl eUs er s .Howev er ,whi l ei nUVRadi at i on Mode,hel os esmov ementspeedandj umppower ,aswel l ast heabi l i t yt ogr abont o andcl i mbl edges .  Ger manSci encei st hebesti nt hewor l d! :St r ohei ms t opst os t r i k eapos eand per f or m av er yl engt h yt i r ade.Thoughhei ses pec i al l yv ul ner abl ewhi l eper f or mi ngt he s ki l l ,hegai nsat empor ar i l yat t ac kboos tt hathasadur at i onpr opor t i onal t ohowl ong hi st i r adel as t sbef or ehe' sat t ac k ed,max i ngoutathi mc ompl et el yfi ni s hi ngi t .  Sol ong,youfil t hyBr i t ! :Thi ss k i l lc anonl ybeper f or medwhenSt r ohei mi sdown. Hepul l soutt heSt i el handgr anat eheusedt os acr i fi cehi ms el fandpr oc eedst ohugi t , r es ul t i ngi namas si v ee x pl os i on.ThoughSt r ohei mt ak esr oughl yat hi r dofaheal t h bari ndamage,anyopponentc aughtwi l l t ak ehal faheal t hbari ndamage.Ont he ot herhand,des pi t ebei ngont hefl oor ,St r ohei mi sopent oat t ack sdur i ngt hes k i l l t hat c ani nt er r upthi m.  DualHeatAt t ack-Putanendt oyou?I ' dbedel i ght ed! :St ar t i ngi nUVRadi at i on Mode,St r ohei m andhi sbody guar dsbl i ndands eert hei ropponentwi t hal lt hr eeof t hei rUVbeams .Whi l et hei rt ar geti ss t unned,St r ohei m pr oc eedst os wi t chov ert o HeavyMac hi neGunModeandl aunc hanex t endedv ol l eyofbul l et sf r om hi s Abdomi nalMac hi neGunbef or et aunt i nghi sopponent . Whi l ei nHea vyMac hi neGunMode: 

Mybul l et swi l lcutyoudownonebyone! :St r ohei m fi r esas l ewofheav ybul l et s f r om hi sAbdomi nal Mac hi neGun.Hol di ngdownt heac t i v at i onbut t onwi l l ex t endt he at t ack ,t houghwi l li nc r eas et hecool downont heabi l i t ywheni tends . EX-Mybul l et swi l lcutyoudownonebyone! :Thefi r i ngt i meoft hes ki l li s ex t ended,andi fSt r ohei mi sont hegr ound,hei sabl et oc anc el i twi t haSi des t ep.

Whi l ei nUVRadi at i onMode: 

Bodyguar dI con:Showst hes t at us esofSt r ohei m' st wobody guar ds .I fani c oni s gl owi ng,t hats ol di eri sr eadi l yav ai l abl e;I fi ti sdi m,t he yar eac t i v eandaboutt he s t age;I ft her ei sar edc r ossov ert hei c on,t hats ol di erhasbeeni nc apac i t at edunt i l St r ohei mr eac t i v at esUVRadi at i onMode. Mybodyguar dswi l lkeepyoubusy! :St r ohei m or der shi ss ol di er st oat t ac k.I fhe i sl ock edont oat ar get ,t heywi l l unl eas ht hei rUVbeamsont hats pec i fi ct ar get .I fhe i snot ,t heywi l l f ac eout war dandunl eas ht hei rUVbeamsi nor dert oc ov erSt r ohei m' s bl i nds pot s . Ul t r avi ol etRadi at i onBeam! :St r ohei m fi r eshi sunbl oc k abl eUVbeam i nawi de angl e,s et t i ngopponentonfi r e.I fhi ss ol di er sar eav ai l abl e,t heywi l l ei t herat t acka t ar geti fhei sl oc k edon,ors i mpl yc ov erhi sbl i nds pot si fhei snot . EX-Ul t r avi ol etRadi at i onBeam! :St r ohei m gai nsunfl i nc hi ngt hr ought heat t ack anddamagedeal ti si nc r eas ed.

J oJol i t i es  Myr i ghtl egi sst i l labi tcr eaky ,t hough! :St r ohei m mus ts wi t c ht oUVRadi at i on Mode.( 200Poi nt s)  We' r emor et hanenought ofini shyouoff! :St r ohei m mus tus e" Mybody guar ds wi l lk eepy oubus y ! "t wi c e.( 200Poi nt s )  Ican' tl etyougot her eal one! :St r ohei m mus ts ucc es s f ul l yex ecut e5Combo Br eak er s .( 300Poi nt s)

Ihavesur passedt heent i r ehumanr ace ! :St r ohei m mus tus e" Ger manSci enc ei s t hebes ti nt hewor l d! "3t i mes .( 500Poi nt s )  I ' dbedel i ght ed! :St r ohei m mus tRet i r eanopponentwi t hhi sDualHeatAt t ac k . ( 800Poi nt s ) Asi nt heani me,he' sv oi c edbyAt s uhi I mar uok a.Ey esofHeav enal s omar k st hefi r s tt i me St r ohei m appear si nav i deogameasapl ay abl ec har ac t er . 

I nt heWes t er nr el eas eoft hegame,St r ohei m' sdef aul tout fi t( wi t hhi smi l i t ar yuni f or m)was r emov ed,mos tl i k el yduet os ens i t i vi t yr egar di ngt hedi s pl ayofNaz i s y mbol s .

Tour nament Hei spai r edwi t hOk uy as uNi j i mur ai nt heEy esofHea v enTour nament ,butwasel i mi nat ed i nt hepr el i mi nar i esbyMar i ahandEsi di s i .

Di amondRec or ds( Andr oi d/ i OS) St r ohei m appear si nDi amondRec or dsasapl ay abl ec har ac t er .I nt er es t i ngl yenough,i ti s hi sor i gi nal ,nonc y bor gf or mt hatappear si nt hegame.Heut i l i z esakni f eanda St i el handgr anat ei nhi ss pec i alat t ac k s ,ot her wi s eunl eas hi ngnor mal punchesandk i ck s .

Tr i vi a     

Hi sgi v ennamet r ans l at est oRudol ,wi t houtforph,i nal phabet i cl anguages . I naddi t i ont oSt r ohei m' sent husi as t i cnat i onal i s m,hi sf eat ur esar ec ons i s t entwi t h Nor di cr ac e"f av or edi nNaz ii deol ogy . t hos eoft he" St r ohei m' shai randev ent ualmonoc l edv i s ageappeart obebas edonani l l us t r at i on [ 12] byAnt oni oLopez . Hei st hefi r s tc y bor gt oappeari nt heser i es . I nt heJapanes er el eas eofJ oJ o' sBi z ar r eAdv ent ur e:Ey esofHeav en,St r ohei m' s def aul tc os t umei ...

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