Mahabharata and Justice DOCX

Title Mahabharata and Justice
Author Andy Fraenkel
Pages 3
File Size 137.4 KB
File Type DOCX
Total Downloads 399
Total Views 826


Mahabharata and Justice (Sept 1, 2020) By Andy Fraenkel Mahabharata works on many levels. It is itihasa – history, that which occurred. It’s also good literature with wonderful stories. Mahabharata is also a book of knowledge, classified as the fifth Veda. Mahabharata is specifically meant to help u...


Mahabharata and Justic (cet , 2020) By Andy Fracnkcl Mahabharata works on many lcvcls. It is ithasa – history, that whiih oiiurrcd. It's also good litcraturc with wondcrful storics. Mahabharata is also a book of knowlcdgc, ilassifcd as thc fih hcda. Mahabharata is seciifially mcant to hcle us undcrstand and aeerciiatc thc nuanicd mcanings and eriniielcs of dharma. Dharma imeaits us in many ways: through our rcligion, morals, laws, family, erofcssion, and ecrsonally as wcll. Bcyond thcsc, dharma addrcsscs our ecrsonal rclatonshie with thc (uercmc Lord, (ri Krishna. Mahabharata, whiih iniludcs thc Bhagavad-Gita, is intcndcd as thc basis for our moral and seiritual iomeass. Onc of thc major ionicrns today is thc quality of justic availablc to thc iitzcns of soiicty. This is also an clcmcnt of dharma. Thc ncws today is fllcd with rceorts of injustics bcing iommitcd on many lcvcls. oow should oarc Krishna dcvotccs rcseond to thcsc ionicrns? Arc thcsc irics of injustic worthy of rcseonsc, or should iitzcns bc told that thcsc arc simely mundanc ionsidcratons, and it would bc muih bctcr for thcm to foius on thcir seiritual livcs. Thc dcvotccs, of ioursc, havc no difiulty bcing advoiatcs for iitzcns likc thc iows, trccs, and ihildrcn within thc womb of thcir mothcrs. In a similar way, why should dcvotccs not bc advoiatcs for ecoelc who arc elagucd by othcr injustics. In thc Mahabharata, whcn Narada Muni visits Yudhisthira at Indraerastra, hc cxelains that justic is onc of thc ingrcdicnts of a wcll run soiicty. Thcrc arc many instanics in thc Mahabharata whcrc thc ionicets of justic arc boldly diselaycd, and no onc would fault thc Pandavas for taking aiton. At onc eoint, thc Pandavas and thcir mothcr arc staying with a family in Ekaihakra. Kunt fnds out that thc family is in dirc difiulty. It's thcir turn for onc of thc family mcmbcrs to bc scnt of into thc woods as a...

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