Major assignment PDF

Title Major assignment
Author Qwuaky Daniel
Course Intermediate Macroeconomics
Institution The University of the South Pacific
Pages 3
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Assignment 1 of intermediate macroeconomics...


EC201 Intermediate Macroeconomics (Semester 2, 2020) Research Assignment Due: Monday Week 12, 19th October Weight 25% In no more than 15 pages (excluding references, Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing and 12 font) complete the following assignment. You may work in groups of maximum four students (if you are able to connect online with other students) or you can work individually on any one of the following topics. If you work in groups, you must attach a group task allocation summary in your report. The task allocation summary will list what each student did or how the work was allocated (can be a simple table). This will help mark down any group member who does not contribute. Supplement your discussions with relevant information, insights from macro-economic theory, lectures, refer to relevant journal articles and do economic modelling (if needed). You are strongly encouraged to use relevant data to present your arguments. See the marking rubrics for a clearer idea on what all is required. You are free to select the methodology and dataset. The assignment must be submitted in the assignment drop box through TURN-IT-IN. No extension of due date. All late submissions will be penalized. Assignment topics (choose any 1): 1. One important lesson from the current covid-19 is the vulnerability of economies dependent on foreign aid, foreign investment and trade (goods and services) and hence the importance of domestic investment (i.e. encouraging the private sector to invest in essential sectors such as food production in case of such prolonged shut-down of global movement of people, goods and services). On this note, discuss the importance of domestic investment for self-sufficiency, economic expansion and employment. You can use any Pacific Island country as a case study. Discuss how the government can promote domestic investment (i.e. respective polices etc.). 2. In response to covid-19, the Fiji government released a covid response budget. Review this budget and analyze the different policies (fiscal and monetary) undertaken to support the economy. Identify three specific areas and elaborate on the significance of these for Fiji’s economic growth. For these three areas, highlight on the response policies and argue on its effectiveness and limitations; provide suggestions for better outcomes. Note: do not reproduce the budget here as your report or summarize it directly (see marking rubric).

3. The current covid-19 pandemic has brought many economies to a complete halt. While saving lives is critical, sustaining livelihoods is also important. Discuss the impact of this pandemic on a selected Pacific Island economy (you can choose specific sectors to focus on). (Note: a country need not necessarily have positive covid cases in order to suffer the economic impacts. Due to globalization, economies without any positive cases are feeling the impact as well). Discuss possible options (policies) to deal with the impacts that you have highlighted i.e. what are the policy options (ensure these policy options are feasible; do not suggest policies that would not be possible! Think about financial resources and other limitations such as technology or domestic capacity).

Marking rubrics Cover page: (2 marks)

Introduction (5 marks)

Structure (5 marks) Content (30 marks)

Conclusion (3 marks)

Referencing (4 marks) Group task allocation: (1 mark)

The cover page should include the name (group members name if group work) and ID. Research question and number. Group work or individual The report clearly introduces the research topic, highlights on what will be studied, why, how and where. It links the research to related literature and highlights its significance (why it is important to research on this topic). Mentions the structure of report. The report is well organized into relevant sub-topics, with each sub-topic linked to the research. The report addresses the research question. Key requirements ( 5 marks each): 1. Use of economic theory 2. Use of data to support or illustrate 3. Methodology and data 4. Clear discussion of results 5. Adequate use of literature (evidence of research work) 6. Clear link between different sections Note: summary of materials produced elsewhere will not be accepted as content. You should not collect materials and summarize them as your response. This research requires you to use materials, apply and do own analysis using data and other materials. Concludes the report by linking the research problem, findings and solutions. Should not be a replication of results. What can you conclude after your research? Proper referencing Reflects quality of research Include a table which shows how the tasks were shared between the group members. Students identified as not contributing anything to the project will be penalized here. If individual, this should be mentioned on the cover page.

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