Major Characters in that one play with oedipus PDF

Title Major Characters in that one play with oedipus
Author Hannah Baynee
Course English
Institution St. George's University
Pages 10
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Major characters in Oedipus in that one play might be useful for the English course...


Major Characters in Oedipus Rex 1. Oedipus: Oedipus, the King of Thebes, is the major character of the play. He leaves his hometown for the fear of the fulfillment of the prophecy that he will kill his father and marry his mother. Unfortunately, his efforts to avoid the prophecy prove futile and he meets his woeful fate predicted by the gods. When the play begins, Oedipus has already married Jocasta and is proud and confident. He addresses his people gently and promises to provide justice. He is unaware at the start that he is

the root cause of all the problems; he does not know

that he has murdered his biological father and has shared his mother’s bed. As the story develops and mysteries reveal, he discovers that he has brought ruination to his family and the people, too. Thus, unable to see the damage he has caused, he blinds himself and departs, leaving his daughters in Creon’s custody. 2. Jocasta: Jocasta is another major character of the play. She is Oedipus’ mother and also his wife. Thus, she is Queen of Thebes. First, she was the wife of King Laius, whom Oedipus murdered. Oedipus was not aware of his lineage at that point. As a mother, she is a cruel lady as she leaves her son to die helplessly to escape the binding prophecy. However, as a wife, she acts as an advisor and faithful companion as she cautions Oedipus. She asks him not to pay attention to the prophecies and pretends to be skeptical of the prophets. However, when all her tactics fail, and Oedipus reaches the truth of his identity, she fails to digest the harsh reality and commits suicide at the end of the play. 3. Creon: Creon is another important character in the play. He is Oedipus’s brother-in-law and an influential man of Thebes. Oedipus sends him to Delphi to find a solution to the problem his state is facing. He takes his responsibility and follows the command, however, when he returns with a solution, instead of believing, Oedipus curses him for plotting against him in collaboration with the blind prophet, Teiresias. Creon does not react negatively to the false accusation, but he does not accept Oedipus’s words either. Once the truth about Oedipus’s identity appears, he shows kindness and offers him to stay in the palace, but Oedipus rejects the offer and leaves. 4. Teiresias: Teiresias is the blind prophet who interprets the prophecies. He curses Oedipus for causing trouble to Thebes. He also intentionally tells Oedipus about his past revealing that Oedipus had killed his father and married his mother. Thus telling him the main reason for the plague in the city. Instead of believing Teiresias’ words, Oedipus takes it as an insult and accuses him, too. However, he does not take his words back and remains honest. 5. Corinthian Messenger: There are two messengers spotted in the play. The first arrives from Corinth with two surprising news that ultimately connects Oedipus with his quest. He tells him about the death of his father, Polybus, and the news that the state is waiting for him to take the throne. This news brings solace to him because it seems that the first part of the prophecy has proved wrong, yet he feels the danger that the second part that predicts his marriage with his biological mother may prove true. The messenger also tells him that he should not worry about this either as he is not Polybus or Merope’s real son. 6. Shepherd: The shepherd is called in front of the king and the queen to verify the news the Corinthian messenger brings to them. First, he hesitates to answer, but after facing Oedipus’s

wrath, he tells him that Oedipus is the man abandoned by his parents in childhood. Also, he verifies the death scene of King Laius. Thus, his verification makes the story clear to everyone. 7. Second Messenger: The second messenger appears for a short time. He only announces the death of the queen, Jocasta. The guilt-ridden queen could not face the tragic turn of life and hangs herself in the castle. 8.

Antigone and Ismene: Ismene and Antigone are the unfortunate daughters of Oedipus. They appear at the end of the play as Oedipus leaves them in the custody of Creon. Also, he laments that his daughters will not be able to find suitable companions due to their father’s crime.

9. Priest: The priest appears in the

prologue and asks Oedipus that as a king, he is

responsible for the good and bad of his people. Being a ruler, it is Oedipus’s responsibility to find a solution to this plague, He asks him to find the person whose immorality has brought this disaster to the people.

Literary Devices Oedipus The King Summary of Oedipus The King The story of the play starts with Oedipus, who is ruling Thebes. He sends his brother-in-law, Creon, to Delphi to seek assistance from the oracle about the plague ravaging the city. The Thebans have been gathering at the gate of the palace to make the king aware of his responsibility. Creon, however, soon returns with the riddle that there is some religious pollution in the city cleansing of which can make the city rid of this plague which is linked to the murder of the former king, Laius. Upon knowing this Oedipus vows to fulfill his duty and exact the revenge and end the plague. Before searching for the answers to end the plague, the story goes on like this: when Oedipus enters the city Thebes and saves everyone from sphinx. To that, the people request him to take over the crown and marry their queen Jocasta. The reason Oedipus left his hometown and came to Thebes because in search of answers regarding his birth parents and the ill prophecy associated with this leading to the abandonment of him while he was still an infant. While looking for the truth about the person associated with King Laius’s murder, soon Oedipus faces Tiresias, the blind prophet to whom he has called for assistance to find out the murderer. When Tiresias sees Oedipus, he refuses to answer his questions and advises him to break his vow about his responsibility. Cocksure about his sincerity and loyalty to the city and the public, Oedipus fumes and berates Tiresias for his being cruel and senseless and further goes on to insult that he was talentless too. However, when the situation spirals out of control, Tiresias still refuses to respond to his fury and finally

breaks his silence saying Oedipus is the filth that the city needs to cleanse, which means that Oedipus has killed King Laius. Seeing himself coming clean of this accusation, Oedipus accuses Tiresias of plotting with Creon to orchestrate his overthrow. However, the arguments become too hot to be cooled down by Jocasta, who immediately appears on the scene and advises patience to Oedipus. Yet, Oedipus makes fun of the blindness of the soothsayer, saying he is a fake prophet at which he alleges that Oedipus is blind rather than he. Tiresias, however, does not leave Oedipus until he has disclosed everything about him that he is the native of Thebes, the murderer of his father, and the husband of his mother and brother to her children. As soon as Creon approaches the king, Oedipus alleges his treachery and demands his removal from the scene at which the chorus appears to advise him restraint. Jocasta, the wife of Oedipus and also the wife of the previous King Laius, also intervenes to save Creon, alleging that the prophets do not predict things accurately. She relates the story of her former husband, King Laius, and states that the robbers rather than his son killed him on the crossroads when coming from Delphi. When Oedipus hears about this murder at the crossroads, he senses something suspicious and asks Jocasta about the surviving servant who is immediately called to verify the claim. Jocasta becomes much more flabbergasted at this haste of Oedipus to find the truth after he relates his own story of hearing somebody calling him not the son of his father King Polybus and Queen Merope, at which he leaves for Delphi to know the truth and kills an old man on the way. He, then, tells her that the person was similar to what Jocasta tells him, though, the discrepancy lies in the one or several robbers which only the witness could verify. Meanwhile, a messenger arrives from Corinth with the news about the demise of his father and the revelation that he has not been his real son. However, he also discloses that he got him from another shepherd on Mount Cithaeron at which Oedipus falls upon the bait of seeking that shepherd to know his reality. The shepherd’s man was one of the workers of King Laius who received the baby Oedipus from Jocasta since he’d bring threat to the life of his father and bears children with his own mother. Disgusted with this prophecy Jocasta wanted the child killed. But the shepherd felt that if the baby grew in a different city wouldn’t bring any threat to his parent’s hands over the baby to the messenger. Sensing the issue complicating further, Jocasta tries to put a stop on that but Oedipus does not stop and moves. When that shepherd arrives, Oedipus falls upon him with his questions and threatens him with life if he does not disclose the reality at which he tells him the secret of that child. When Jocasta flees from the scene and hangs herself, Oedipus, seeing reality staring in his face. He curses himself and his fate and then blinds himself with the pins on her dress, while the chorus finds itself at crossroads, expressing the only lamentation at his fall. After this tragic incident, Oedipus begs his brother-in-law to exile him and hands over the responsibility of his two daughters on him to Creon. The chorus then laments and states that nobody should be considered lucky or happy unless he is dead. The story ends with a morral that no matter how happy and successful one could look in one’s life, they will always be played by fate. At the beginning of the story, everyone wants to be like Oedipus and he is the man of everyone’s dreams but eventually, no one would even dare to trade places with him in spite of how successful he is. Major Themes in Oedipus The King

1. Free Will: Free will is the major theme of the play and dominates when Oedipus claims to have the knowledge of solving riddles and vows to end the plague. Several avenues available to Oedipus in the early part of the play demonstrate that he might have covered or kept in secret or avoided what he has invited through his free will, though, he has tried his best to avoid everything; first, he flees Cornith so that he could avoid it yet some of his actions bring him to the point where he is trapped in the web of fate instead of being independent in exercising his free will. 2. Fate: Fate is the second significant theme of the play too. It appears in the course of the play as if Oedipus is fated to do so. However, in certain respects, it seems that Oedipus has excessive pride of his knowledge. For example, the pride displays his rashness which invites his fate to deal a heavy blow to him. He could have avoided it but then he recalls and says that Appollo has told him once that it is his fate and is pre-ordained that he would commit these acts. 3. Self-Discovery: Self-discovery or learning about ourselves is another major theme of the play. Oedipus takes up this path to know himself better but is caught in the web of fate. He boasts that only he has solved the riddle of the Sphinx and that he has responded to its question. However, when he comes to know his real self, he feels cursed and let down by the gods. 4. Pride: Despite demonstrating humility before the Thebans, Oedipus becomes boastful thus showing excessive pride. When he comes across the Sphinx, he proclaims that nobody was able to resolve that riddle. He, on the source of his past, boasts that he would again rise up to the expectations of the people but falls into disgrace despite the fact that what happened was none of his mistakes. 5. Ignorance/Blindness: The play shows the theme of blindness and ignorance in a metaphorical sense. Tiresias is blind whom Oedipus mocks but when he alleges that Oedipus is blind, it indicates metaphorical blindness in that he does not know what he has committed, though, Tiresias, the blind seer, knows it despite being a blind one. 6. Guilt and Shame: The theme of guilt and shame is tied to the character of Oedipus as he does not think that he is guilty of any wrongdoing, the reason that he is quite boastful. However, when he comes to know that he has committed the guilt, he feels ashamed at himself. That is why he blinds himself at the end. 7. Search for Truth: In a metaphorical sense, the theme of the search for truth is also tied with Oedipus, for the Sphinx riddle is about a human being, while the truth that Oedipus discovers is that a man cannot escape fate. 8. Power: Oedipus demonstrates the theme of power as he can accuse his brother-in-law, can speak against the gods, and can coerce anyone to speak the truth. This power costs him his own position when it comes to his end. 9. Justice: The theme of justice is apparent when Oedipus becomes obsessed with the idea that Creon is plotting against him with Tiresias and he accuses both of them of this. However, Creon alleges that perfect justice is that obsessed people like Oedipus become tough against themselves and not against others.

Major Characters in Oedipus Rex 1. Oedipus: Oedipus, the King of Thebes, is the major character of the play. He leaves his hometown for the fear of the fulfillment of the prophecy that he will kill his father and marry his mother. Unfortunately, his efforts to avoid the prophecy prove futile and he meets his woeful fate predicted by the gods. When the play begins, Oedipus has already married Jocasta and is proud and confident. He addresses his people gently and promises to provide justice. He is unaware at the start that he is the root cause of all the problems; he does not know that he has murdered his biological father and has shared his mother’s bed. As the story develops and mysteries reveal, he discovers that he has brought ruination to his family and the people, too. Thus, unable to see the damage he has caused, he blinds himself and departs, leaving his daughters in Creon’s custody. 2. Jocasta: Jocasta is another major character of the play. She is Oedipus’ mother and also his wife. Thus, she is Queen of Thebes. First, she was the wife of King Laius, whom Oedipus murdered. Oedipus was not aware of his lineage at that point. As a mother, she is a cruel lady as she leaves her son to die helplessly to escape the binding prophecy. However, as a wife, she acts as an advisor and faithful companion as she cautions Oedipus. She asks him not to pay attention to the prophecies and pretends to be skeptical of the prophets. However, when all her tactics fail, and Oedipus reaches the truth of his identity, she fails to digest the harsh reality and commits suicide at the end of the play. 3. Creon: Creon is another important character in the play. He is Oedipus’s brother-in-law and an influential man of Thebes. Oedipus sends him to Delphi to find a solution to the problem his state is facing. He takes his responsibility and follows the command, however, when he returns with a solution, instead of believing, Oedipus curses him for plotting against him in collaboration with the blind prophet, Teiresias. Creon does not react negatively to the false accusation, but he does not accept Oedipus’s words either. Once the truth about Oedipus’s identity appears, he shows kindness and offers him to stay in the palace, but Oedipus rejects the offer and leaves. 4. Teiresias: Teiresias is the blind prophet who interprets the prophecies. He curses Oedipus for causing trouble to Thebes. He also intentionally tells Oedipus about his past revealing that Oedipus had killed his father and married his mother. Thus telling him the main reason for the plague in the city. Instead of believing Teiresias’ words, Oedipus takes it as an insult and accuses him, too. However, he does not take his words back and remains honest. 5. Corinthian Messenger: There are two messengers spotted in the play. The first arrives from Corinth with two surprising news that ultimately connects Oedipus with his quest. He tells him about the death of his father, Polybus, and the news that the state is waiting for him to take the throne. This news brings solace to him because it seems that the first part of the prophecy has proved wrong, yet he feels the danger that the second part that predicts his marriage with his biological mother may prove true. The messenger also tells him that he should not worry about this either as he is not Polybus or Merope’s real son. 6. Shepherd: The shepherd is called in front of the king and the queen to verify the news the Corinthian messenger brings to them. First, he hesitates to answer, but after facing Oedipus’s

wrath, he tells him that Oedipus is the man abandoned by his parents in childhood. Also, he verifies the death scene of King Laius. Thus, his verification makes the story clear to everyone. 7. Second Messenger: The second messenger appears for a short time. He only announces the death of the queen, Jocasta. The guilt-ridden queen could not face the tragic turn of life and hangs herself in the castle. 8. Antigone and Ismene: are the unfortunate daughters of Oedipus. They appear at the end of the play as Oedipus leaves them in the custody of Creon. Also, he laments that his daughters will not be able to find suitable companions due to their father’s crime. 9. Priest: The priest appears in the prologue and asks Oedipus that as a king, he is responsible for the good and bad of his people. Being a ruler, it is Oedipus’s responsibility to find a solution to this plague, He asks him to find the person whose immorality has brought this disaster to the people.

Writing Style of Oedipus Rex The writing style of the play, Oedipus Rex, follows strict structure and form that not only communicates the story to the audience but also makes the existing Grecian ethical framework clear to the readers. The dramatic structure, somber tone, tragic flaws of the characters successfully play with the emotions of pity and fear of the audiences. Although the diction used in the dialogues is quite simple, it is seductive as it plays with the readers’ emotions, making them see the events shown through the use of the device of foreshadowing. The use of strophe, antistrophe, and chorus has, somewhat, made the tone quite less cumbersome at times when it seems to become too tragic for the readers.

Analysis of Literary Devices in Oedipus Rex Action: The main action in the play occurs when Oedipus reaches Thebes after killing his father at the crossroads and solves the riddle posed by the Sphinx. The rising action occurs at the beginning of the play when Oedipus asserts that only he can solve the problem of the plague. It reaches its climax when he starts unraveling his own birth and starts following down when he finds out his reality after the shepherd identifies him as the child he threw on the mountain. 2. Anagnorisis: It refers to the moment in a story or plot when the lead character identifies his or other characters’ true identity in the below example, I felt so sorry for him, master, and thought he would take the child away to his own land. 1.







But instead, he saved him for an awful fate. For if you are who he says you are, you were doomed from birth. (1179-1181) Apostrophe:Apostrophe is used to call something from far. Sophocles has used this device at various places in this play. For example, O lord Apollo, let it be your favored blessing on us 80 that shines from his eyes. (81-81) ii. O Zeus, what are your plans for me? (738) iii. O mortal generations, lives passing so quickly and equaling nothing. (1186-1189) In the above examples, two are used by Oedipus and third by Chorus show that they are calling who are not present or do not need to be present. Characters: The play features static as well as dynamic characters. Oedipus is a dynamic character, as he undergoes various changes and endures various pains. At the same time, Creon is presented as a static character in that he does not show any change in his thinking and behavior, including Joc...

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