MAN 3025 Answers - man 3025 answer PDF

Title MAN 3025 Answers - man 3025 answer
Author Lixmen Arias
Course Organization and Management
Institution Florida International University
Pages 4
File Size 54.3 KB
File Type PDF
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man 3025 answer...


MAN 3025 QUIZ 1 1) Decisional roles are relatively unimportant in managerial responsibilities. - False 2) A manager in the _____ role not only receives information but also sends it. - Disseminator 3) An entrepreneurial mind-set allows a manager to assess uncertainty and take action to exploit any possible opportunities. - True 4) Evaluating employee performance on completed tasks is not a part of controlling. - False 5) According to Mintzberg a theory of managerial functions, ____ roles include acting as an entrepreneur, a disturbance handler, a resource allocator, and a negotiator. - Decisional 6) One advantage of corporate ownership of Amy’s Ice Cream is: - Limited liability in case of legal actions 7) An additional advantage of corporate ownership of Amy’s Ice Cream is: - Continuity as a business entity 8) One major function of a manager is to acquire and ____ resources. - Distribute 9) Workers need ____ in their environment. - Consistency 10) Managing ____ is the most persistent, persuasive and powerful challenges facing managers. - Charge 1) Jessica and Alex have been unable a decide who should do the team’s work scheduling for the next one month, a task that is both complex and time consuming. As their manager, Melanie intervenes and tells them to jointly draw up the next month’s production schedule. Melanie is playing the role of a ___ - Disturbance handler

2) According to Rosemary Stewart, ____ involve(s) activities or duties that must be accomplished and standards or levels of minimum performance that must be met. - Demands 3) Effective managers____ - Use resources to maximize the achievement of the organization’s goals. 4) Derek, a manager at an insurance firm, instructs all subordinates to fill in a daily log of their day’s work. However, he finds that even after a week of instituting this new rule, most employees are either reluctant to fill it or are taking the instruction far too lightly. This reluctance on the part of the employees is an example of the ____ dimension of Derek’s job as a manager. - Constraint 5) In his capacity as the regional production manager, Mark Brown is required to address the regional heads from across the country in a quarterly meeting organized by his company. At this meeting, Mark presents the detailed production figures of his region and also outlines the changes he plans to implement in order to improve productivity. Mark is playing the role of a ____ - Spokesperson

QUIZ 2 1) The foreign corrupt practices act was passed in 1977 in order to prevent foreign government officials from making payments to US firms. - False 2) Corporations react to the various pressures and constituencies connected to the topic of social responsibility in different ways. ____ firms make changes when they feel that pressure from constituencies is sufficient such that no responsiveness could have a negative economic impact on the firm. - reactor 3) ____ is the extent to which consequences are focused on a few individuals or dispersed across many.

- Concentration of effect 4) A(n) _____ is an employee who discloses illegal or unethical conduct on the part of others in the organization. - Whistleblower 5) As an employee of an international aid organization. Cynthia is often required to travel to countries where natural disasters have recently occurred. During a visit to a city destroyed by an earthquake. Cynthia learns that her organization has hired child laborers to help rebuild the ruined city. She quits the organization and brings this information to the notice of the pubic. Cynthia is a(n) ______ - Whistleblower. 6) It is important to avoid _____ about differing ethical beliefs. - Value judgements 7) _____ approach to ethics is based on the writing on Kant - Universal 8) Different cultures develop _____ ethical beliefs. - Different 9) Stakeholders wield three types of power related to _____ - Voting, economic, and political 10) Managerial ethics is concerned with morality and _____ of business conduct among individuals. - Standards. 1) The greater the psychological and emotional involvement of participants in ethics training, the greater their retention of learning points will be. True 2) According to the universal approach to ethical decision making, if two courses of action have equal moral standing, managers should determine the more ethical course by considering the positive and negative consequences of each one False 3) An executive who justifies paying a bribe because it allows his company to provide the greatest good for the greatest number of people adheres to the _____ approach to ethical decision making. - Utilitarian 4) According to the concept of distributive justice, all employees should receive equal rewards and punishments. False 5) Corporations react to the various pressures and constituencies connected to the topic of social responsibility in different ways.

Companies that are _____ tend to fight efforts that they see as resulting in greater restriction and regulation of their ability to maximize profits. Defenders 1) Managerial ethics begin at the top of the organization. - True 2) Pixel Inc. has established a system to settle employee grievances. According to this system, aggrieved employees must first approach their problems. If the employee considers the supervisor’s decision unsatisfactory, he or she may approach the next person in the chain of command. If the grievance still remains unresolved, the matter may be referred to voluntary arbitration. This system is indicative of _____ Procedural justice 3)...

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