Manifest destiny essay PDF

Title Manifest destiny essay
Course US History To 1865
Institution SUNY New Paltz
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Bonomini 1

Kristen Bonomini Professor Roper U.S History to 1865 26 September 2018 Manifest Destiny Manifest Destiny or in other words obvious and inexorable, was a huge part of the history of the United States. If it wasn’t for this expansion than the United States would still be a small strip of thirteen colonies occupying the east coast. After gaining freedom from Britain in the American War of Independence (1775-1785), the Americans thought it was their natural and predetermined will to expand over the Appalachian Mountains and past the Mississippi river into the unknown land of the west. Without Manifest Destiny the territorial expansion that went on during this time would be severely unthinkable. The American War of Independence or commonly known as the Revolutionary War, was an 18th century war between Great Britain and its Thirteen Colonies which started because of growing tensions between the two. The war declared the colonies its independence as the United States of America. Following this war, the United States founded principles building a foundation for the new nation. These principles were put into the Declaration of Independence and explained that all men were created equal with three factors; life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. These principles were supposed to be followed by all but as you can conclude, they were not which contributed to the start of Manifest Destiny. In the early days of expansion, the new Americans which were the original colonist would move into Indian land thinking it was their right and ignoring the Proclamation Line that seperated the Indians from the Colonist. High population growth, low mortality rate and

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immigrants from Europe at the time of developing the new nation, made no room for farms and civilization to be established on the Coast so, moving west was what Americans thought was necessary. Trying to settle in the Old Northwest, Indian tribes like the Iroquois and Shawnees refused to leave when the Americans came to take their land. Americans tried showing the Indians treaties but the indians didn't believe them, called them illegitimate and refused to leave. George Washington stepping in, relied on military force to move them out. Specifically, these tribes got pushed into Indiana and a small portion of Ohio. The same concept happened all throughout this time with different tribes all throughout the country. Americans felt superior over the rest of the North American population because they believed that god led them to grow and expand across the nation. Americans had a strong sense of patriotism, exceptionalism and nothing but love for their land at this time because they defeated the big, powerful British Empire. This led them to believe that they were going to annex all of the Western Hemisphere. Thomas Jefferson and the Democratic-Republican party believed that the more land and territory you have the less European nations will try and threaten America. When a nation shares one language, values, culture, views and customs it prospers and that is exactly what the U.S in the 19th century was trying to do. Presidents were trying to expand and control as much as they could which is why the desire to move west was so strong. During Jefferson’s rule, the Louisiana Purchase (1803) which gained america the whole midwest region and most importantly the port of New Orleans, the Lewis and Clark Expedition(18041805),which set the two out to explore the new land of the Louisiana Purchase while spreading diseases across the nation. Last but not least the acquirement of the Trans-Mississippi region of the United states set precedents for expansion and made citizens and future presidents crazy for new land.

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The concept of Manifest Destiny was admirable to so many Americans because it was a way to spread out, start a new life and get rich quick. This concept justified Americans urge to grow and prosper as a nation. Manifest Destiny was favored by industrialists, businessmen, and the developing transportation industry. The need for raw materials and products being sold also developed. Increased land leads to increase territory which ultimately leads to increase in money which is what every American wanted at this time. Politicians as well favored Manifest Destiny because it expanded the system of government into areas that were corrupt or not developed yet. Southerners desired this expansion due to finding more lands suitable for cotton cultivation which eventually led to the spread of slavery to the west. Americans or should I say control freaks, tried to take over not only the land but the Indians way of thinking. Native Americans had been perceived as inferior at this time, and efforts to "civilize" them had been traced back years to the 1700’s. During that time, Indians were all together treated like garbage even after how hard they tried to conform to the new ways of American life and rules. Americans tried to change the Indians in the way they think, act and believe. Indians either had to assimilate and acculturate to the new ways or they were forced off their land. The expansion led to culture division, tension and wars like the Mexican-American war. Specifically, this war was fought over acquiring the northern land of Mexico, this was so important because by gaining this land America gains the control of the whole continent, coast to coast which was the ultimate goal of manifest destiny. Manifest destiny has brought about principles and ideals that I think are still around today. The racial superiority of the white Americans during the 19th century was very high due to Andrew Jackson's Indian Removal Act of 1830. This act forced natives to be relocated which put a dramatic and devastating effect on their population. These relocations became known as the “Trail of Tears.” Those who resisted were compelled to either go into hiding or suffer violence at

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the hands of the US Army and white settlers. These events created a “whites man republic” for the reasons that it gave white males dominance. White men at this time were the only ones considered citizens, they had the ability to vote and own land which women, African Americans and Indians didn’t all fully gain until until the 1920’s. The belief that America and Americans are better than others and other nations still holds true. America has always been the land of the free and foreigners want to come here to start over and advance their lives. White americans still think they are superior to others, for example a white business man in today’s society has a more admirable status over someone of a different race whether it is in the workplace or not. Ultimately, Manifest Destiny had a towering part in shaping America into what it is today. If it was not for the desire to move west and expand the nation than, America would not have been able to achieve their desire to be a big, powerful, and unified nation like Britain. With all the events that went along with westward expansion, they all were necessary to prove that America was an independant thriving nation.

Work Cited Greenberg, Amy S. (ed.), Manifest Destiny and American Territorial Expansion: A Brief History with Documents....

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