MAR-3023 - Syllabus PDF

Title MAR-3023 - Syllabus
Author Mansi Shiroya
Course  Marketing
Institution University of Central Florida
Pages 15
File Size 422.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 2
Total Views 141




MAR 3023: Principles of Marketing University of Central Florida Fall 2019 Instructor: Office:

Dr. Massiah, Clinical Associate Professor of Marketing BA II 308 Q Office Hours: 1:30 – 4:30 PM, Mondays and Wednesdays

Telephone: Fax:

(407) 823-6764 (407) 823-3891


[email protected]


Required Materials:

A. Marketing, 7th edition by Grewal and Levy 1.Ebook on McGraw Hill Connect 2.$100 through First Day Access Program B. Wall Street Journal 1. Available at bookstore or at ( 2. $4/month through link provided above C. Packback Discussion Board 1. Available through link provided in your Knights Email 2. $25 through the link in Knights email

Lecture Videos and Powerpoint:

Posted on Webcourses (

Credit Hours:

3 cr. hrs.


WELCOME TO PRINCIPLES MARKETING In this course, we will study the functions, institutions, and basic problems involved in marketing goods and services in our domestic economy and abroad. You will be introduced to the terminology of marketing, the foundations of marketing strategy, and the elements of a marketing plan.

COURSE OBJECTIVES AND LEARNING GOALS COURSE OBJECTIVES:  To gain a basic understanding of the functions of marketing.  To develop a working vocabulary of marketing terminology and become familiar with marketing concepts.  To understand the role of marketing in an organization and the development of marketing strategy in both domestic and global markets.  To understand the application of marketing techniques to real world problems. LEARNING OUTOMES FOR THE ONLINE COMPONENT: The learning outcomes of this course are as follows: 1) Students will possess knowledge of marketing terminology, the foundations of marketing strategy & the elements of a marketing plan. 2) Students will make decisions based on ethical knowledge. 3) Students will solve marketing related problems, incl. but not limited to the application of pricing tactics, and calculating markups, markdowns & breakeven points. 4) Students will demonstrate an awareness of global & cultural differences in marketing practice. 5) Students will demonstrate critical thinking skills by analyzing marketing problems, applying proper logic, assessing the quality/validity of data, & formulating valid conclusions based on their analysis. After successful completion of the in-class component, students will be able to: 1. classify the internal and external factors that affect the marketing environment and assess their impact on competitive strategy; 2. identify the steps in the strategic planning process, recognize the types of competitive strategies, and indicate how products are positioned for competitive advantage; 3. understand how markets are segmented and how target markets are selected; 4. identify the steps in the marketing research process and recognize how various marketing research techniques can be used to answer marketing questions; 5. identify the steps in the buying decision making process and recognize how the process differs across buying situations; 6. identify the steps in the new product development process and apply product related strategies to make the product and branding decisions contained in a marketing plan; 7. identify the advantages and disadvantages of the types of distribution channels and apply related strategies to make the decisions contained in a marketing plan; 8. make the pricing calculations and apply related pricing strategies to make the pricing decisions contained in a marketing plan; 9. identify advantages and disadvantages of communications options and apply related strategies to make the communications decisions contained in a marketing plan.

LEARNING OUTOMES FOR THE ACTIVE LEARNING LAB COMPONENT: The objective of the online component for this course is to have students realize the real world applications of marketing concepts discussed in class by reading about and being quizzed on concepts as they apply to contemporary companies. After completing the online module, the student should be able to: 1. understand the practical applications of marketing concepts through readings from contemporary marketing practice 2. translate this practical knowledge into better marketing decision making.

CONTACTING Dr. Massiah and the TAs for the course: Please send all correspondence regarding the class using Course Mail: [email protected]

Please be sure to check your Course Announcements every 48 hours at a minimum. All course related announcements from the professor or the teaching assistant will be sent to you through Webcourses announcements.


Academic Honesty o




Honesty and integrity are critical attributes in both our professional and personal lives. As recent events in the corporate world have shown, unethical behaviors have high societal and individual costs. I expect you to maintain a very high standard of academic honesty. The University is committed to maintaining a fair academic environment for all students. As a part of that effort, a policy of academic honesty is strictly enforced. Any conduct compromising this policy will result in academic and/or disciplinary action. Any student who violates or assists in violating these standards will be pursued through the Office of the Dean of Business Administration and the Dean of Students. (Source: The Golden Rule Student Handbook). Penalties for academic dishonesty are at the discretion of the instructor. However, the minimum penalty for cheating/plagiarism will be the receipt of NO CREDIT for that quiz or exam. Other highly possible penalties include receiving NO CREDIT for the entire course and the pursuit of expulsion from the University. If you are uncertain as to what constitutes cheating and/or plagiarism see the UCF Golden Rule Student Handbook and the section in this syllabus entitled “Avoiding Plagiarism”. Examples of cheating and/or academic dishonesty in this class include talking about the exam on the discussion board, discussing quizzes or other assignments on the discussion board or via email, taking the quizzes at the same time in the same place with other students in this class.

In-Class Behavior Most of you will be graduating soon and taking a job in a corporate setting. It may be helpful in preparing you for that experience to think of class as a business meeting. o You would avoid whispering and laughing with the person sitting next to you. o You would listen attentively, probably take notes, and manage your face and posture to convey interest and competence. o You would silence your cell phone to avoid disturbing the meeting. o You would not work on tasks unrelated to the meeting. o You would avoid interrupting people or being rude in any way. o You would wait until after the meeting to discuss special accommodations for your personal situation. Why? Because doing any of these things reflects badly on you. • As a member of this class, you are invited to think, question, disagree, and offer alternatives. However, my expectation is that you will behave professionally. Failure to do so may result in disenrollment from the class.

Students with Accessibility Needs o

The University of Central Florida is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities in order to allow for equal learning opportunities. If you need such accommodations, please contact the Office of Student Accessibility Services at (407) 823-2371. SAS is located in Ferrell Commons 185 and can be emailed at [email protected].

Students with Religious Obligations If you are likely to have religious obligations that will conflict with the due dates for particular assignments, please contact me immediately. If you do not provide at least two weeks notice of such conflicts, I will not be able to accommodate them.




Exam 1


September 16 – September 17, 2019

Exam 2


September 30 – October 1, 2019

Exam 3


October 21-October 22, 2019

Exam 4


November 12 – November 13, 2019

Exam 5


To Be Announced November 25-November 26, 2019

ALL Make-Up Exams (Exams 1-4 ONLY)

13 Chapter Quizzes

130 (10 points each)

13 WSJ Quizzes

65 (5 points each)

13 Packback Discussions

65 (5 points each)

5 ALL Sessions

165 (33 points each)


ALL session Attendance

- 8 points each


ALL session work

- 20 points each


5 Post-ALL Discussions

-5 points each

Teamwork Module

10 Points

Facilitator Role Evaluation

10 Points

Full Marketing Simulation

30 Points

Due December 2, 2019

REAL Success Module

5 Points

Due September 9, 2019

Course Introduction Quiz

10 points

Due August 30, 2019

Course Wrap-Up Quiz

10 points

Due November 25, 2019

Total Points Possible

Due September 9, 2019


***** All grades (Quizzes, Assignments, Exams, and Extra Credit) are final within two weeks of them being posted. There will be no adjusting of any grades TWO WEEKS after the grade is posted.******

Final grades will be assigned strictly based on the following scale: GPA points and letter grade 4.00 A 3.25 B+ 3.00 B 2.25 C+ 2.00 C 1.25 D+ 1.00 D 0.00 F

Point Range 940-1000 900-939.99 850-899.99 800-849.99 750-799.99 700-749.99 650-699.99 0-649.99


Grades will be accessible on Webcourses only. For your security and privacy, grades will not be provided by phone or email. Grades are not negotiable. Students with extenuating circumstances which require them to receive a certain grade or maintain a particular GPA (e.g., graduation, declaring a major, loss of a scholarship, University probation or suspension, loss of a job offer, revocation of student Visa, etc.) need to realize that they are responsible for working hard to achieve the needed class grade. Exceptions will not be made for individual students. Grades can be changed only if I have made an input or calculation error. It is important that you check your class grades and immediately notify me of any discrepancies.

EXAMS worth 20% of your grade • • •

There will be five multiple-choice exams. Test questions will cover material from video lectures, discussion and the textbook. The purpose of the exams is to test your knowledge to solve business problems. To the extent possible with a multiple-choice exam, questions will be applied in applications (rather than definitional). The exams will be constructed to reward those students who consistently attend class / view the videos, read the assigned textbook chapters and take full responsibility for their learning of the material. The exams are prepared such that a student can complete them during the normal class time of 75 minutes and will have multiple choice format, true/false and/or matching questions. The best way to prepare for my exams is to attend/view every class and take good notes and read the assigned chapters in the textbook. Exams will be CLOSED book. No notes of any kind will be allowed, and you will be expected to conform to UCF’s policies regarding academic honesty. A NOTE ABOUT EMERGENCIES AND EXAM DATES: o In order to be as fair as possible to everyone in the class, deadlines will be strictly enforced, regardless of personal emergencies, technical problems, etc. o You will have plenty of time to complete online quizzes, so please DO NOT wait until the last minute. If you wait until the deadline, issues such as illness or problems with technology might make it impossible for you to complete the assignment.

PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING BEFORE YOU COME TO THE EXAMS. 1. Students will be required to take the exams on webcourses in a testing center. The benefits to using the center is a standardized, controlled and comfortable environment where students do not have to worry about others cheating. You will also get your grades back quicker. 2. All students will be required to take exams at one of the following testing sites: Thomas L. Keon testing center on the main campus (BA2 104), UCF Cocoa, UCF Sanford/Lake Mary, UCF Valencia Osceola or UCF Valencia West. Information on hours of operation and exams can be found at the following websites and is updated each term: Main Campus: Regional Campus: 3. Students will be given 75 minutes to complete each of the exams which will be taken outside of the class period. In order to make it more convenient for students to complete their exams, we have arranged a span of two days over which you may go to the testing lab to take the exam. These dates and times are listed on the schedule at the end of this syllabus. 4. Exam Times: Exams will be administered during the dates / times that an exam is scheduled on the syllabus. Also see the testing center schedule to confirm available dates and center hours. Be advised that the testing center will not remain open after closing hours for the amount of time remaining on your exam. For example, if a student starts an hour-long exam on Saturday evening at 8:00 PM, then he or she must leave at 8:30 PM, which is the scheduled center closing time. Waiting until the last day to take your exam carries significant risks due to overcrowding, illness, traffic, accidents, etc. If you cannot secure a seat before the exam closes you will receive a zero for that exam. Please note the times of the exams in advance and do not schedule any events that would conflict with the scheduled exam dates.

5. You will be required to present your UCF ID in order to take the exam. Failure to present a valid UCF ID will result in your being turned away from the testing center. 6. No unauthorized materials: No cell phones, tablets, graphing calculators, backpacks, books, papers, or any other materials will be allowed in the Testing center. If you arrive for the exam with these things you will have to store them in the pay-for-use lockers located in room 105. 7. No exceptions will be made to the above exam policies. 8. Students who are interested in how they performed on an exam are welcome and encouraged to review their actual exam. To review an exam, you may stop by the Graduate Assistants’’ office during office hours. You may review an exam up to the opening of the next exam in the course.

EXAM MAKEUPS This is a large class and it is very difficult to allow people to make up missed exams in a way that is fair to everyone. Therefore, the following procedure will be used: •

You can miss either Exam 1, 2, 3 or 4. If so, you will be allowed to make up this ONE exam that you missed (and ONLY one missed exam!) during the makeup time during finals.

You do not need an excuse to make up one exam and you do not need to tell me beforehand that you are going to miss the exam. But be careful to not waste your "free" excuse when you do not need it because you might have an emergency that prevents you from taking another exam and then you won't be able to make it up.

You can only make up exams that you MISS. You will not be allowed to retake an exam due to poor performance.

The make-up exams will be administered in the same manner as the regular exams.

COURSE WORK 1. COURSE INTRODUCTORY AND COURSE WRAP-UP QUIZZES worth 2% of your grade In order to ensure that you are familiar with the course policies, structure and requirements, you must complete two online quizzes during the semester. The first quiz, the Course Introductory Quiz, must be completed by 11:59 PM the first Friday of the course. The second quiz, the Course Wrap-Up Quiz, will occur several weeks before the end of the semester. The syllabus quizzes will contain several questions. You have to read EVERYTHING under the START HERE link very carefully and make sure you are familiar with the various aspects of the course.

2. CHAPTER QUIZZES worth 13% of your grade Throughout the semester, 13 online quizzes covering textbook material will be available on Connect . Each quiz will cover material from specific chapters of the book. The schedule for these quizzes is provided in the tentative schedule in the syllabus. The pedagogical purpose of the quizzes is to ensure that you have read and understood the textbook chapters. Students will have 45 minutes to complete the quizzes once they begin. Students will have one attempt at each quiz.

There will be no make-up for missed quizzes. I recommend that you take the quizzes soon after they become available so that you have enough time to seek computer help should you need it. Quizzes will not be reset for technology problems. The earlier you attempt to take an online quiz, the more time you will have to keep trying if you experience technology issues. Occasionally, Webcourses will record your score but it will not post it. If this happens to you, let us know no later than 2 weeks after you take the quiz. 3. Wall Street Journal Quizzes worth 6.5% of your grade Throughout the semester, 13 groups of WSJ articles will be assigned for the students to read. The pedagogical purpose of the quizzes is to ensure that you are reading current business press and able to process related course topics as they occur in corporate America. Students will have 45 minutes to complete the quizzes once they begin. Students will have one attempt at each quiz. The schedule for these assignments is provided in the tentative schedule in the syllabus. 4. Packback Discussions worth 6.5% of your grade Participation is a requirement for this course, and the Packback Questions platform will be used for online discussion about class topics. Discussion will primarily focus on the Wall Street Journal articles assigned regularly. My goal for using Packback is to provide a space for cooperative learning and critical thinking. In order to receive points for participation, you must post 1 Question and 2 Answers per week. Your weekly grade will be determined by participation and average curiosity score. Packback is worth 5 points per week: • 1 point per question • 1 point per response (2 total) • 2 points if your average curiosity score is above 50 for the week To learn more about how Curiosity Points are calculated, visit Packback’s help-desk. Before you start posting, be sure to read the Community Guidelines found in the tutorial on Packback. If your post doesn’t follow the Packback Community Guidelines, there is a chance it will be removed and you won’t receive points for that post. Note: it takes 24 hours for the Packback team to moderate a post and send a coaching email. If by any reason your post is moderated because it does NOT meet the Community Guidelines, you will need to edit and re-publish your post to receive credit for the week. If you have ANY questions or concerns regarding Packback throughout the semester, please contact the customer support team at [email protected]. How to Register on Packback: You will receive a welcome email from [email protected] prompting you to finish registration and payment. Packback has already created an account for you with your school email, all you need ...

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