marketing syllabus for this term PDF

Title marketing syllabus for this term
Author Rohini S
Course Fundamentals Of Marketing
Institution Fayetteville State University
Pages 7
File Size 335.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 85
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syllabus for the paper in this semester...


Fayetteville State University Broadwell College of Business and Economics Department of Management, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Fire & Emergency Services Administration MKTG 570 - Fundamentals of Marketing Summer 2021 Instructor information

OFFICE HOURS: via email appointment for self-paced courses RESPONSE TIME FOR FEEDBACK: 24-48 hours M-F I. Locator Information: Instructor: Dr. Suzanne Altobello Course # and Name: MKTG 570 - Fundamentals of Marketing Office Location: CBE #316 Semester Credit Hours: 3 Office hours: send email request to schedule Day and Time Class Meets: online Total Contact Hours for Class: 40 hours Email address: [email protected] FSU Policy on Electronic Mail: Fayetteville State University provides to each student, free of charge, an electronic mail account ([email protected]) that is easily accessible via the Internet. The university has established FSU email as the primary mode of correspondence between university officials and enrolled students. Information from FSU or FSU students pertaining to academic records, grades, bills, financial aid, and other matters of a confidential nature must be submitted via FSU email. The student is responsible for ensuring the mailbox remains available to receive notifications. FSU is not responsible for issues related to notifications that are not deliverable due to full mailboxes. Inquiries or requests from personal email accounts are not assured a response. Rules and regulations governing the use of FSU email may be found at II. Course Description: This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental concepts of marketing, focusing upon the factors that influence managerial strategies and decisions for marketing their product or services, which include consumer and organization buyer behavior, marketing research, services marketing, promotion, pricing and distribution. The emphasis of the class is on providing you the foundations of marketing to prepare you for future MBA courses. The course will be presented in 8 Modules on your schedule (self-paced). You must complete assignments and visit each page of the module before having access to the next module. However, the midterm and the final exam are on a set schedule (because they

require hand grading); in other words, you can proceed through the first three modules at your own pace and then take the midterm during the week of Module 4 (exam due by SUNDAY midnight June 27, then you can proceed through the remaining modules at your own pace and take the final exam by the end of the course, MONDAY AUG 8, 5pm – end of final exam week). III. Disabled Student Services: In accordance with Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ACA) of 1990, if you have a disability or think you have a disability to please contact the Center for Personal Development in the Spaulding Building, Room 155 (1st Floor); 910-672-1203. IV. Title IX – Sexual Misconduct Fayetteville State University (University) is committed to fostering a safe campus environment where sexual misconduct — including sexual harassment, domestic and dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking - is unacceptable and is not tolerated. The University encourages students who may have experienced sexual misconduct to speak with someone at the University so that the University can provide the support that is needed and respond appropriately. The Sexual Misconduct policy can be found at the following link: Consulting with a Health Care Professional - A student who wishes to confidentially speak about an incident of sexual misconduct should contact either of the following individuals who are required to maintain confidentiality: Ms. Dionne Hall, MA, LPC, NCC Center for Personal Development Spaulding Building, Room 155 (910) 672-1222 [email protected]

Mrs. Vinette E. Gordon, Director Student Health Services Spaulding Building (910) 672-2602 [email protected]

Reporting an Incident of Sexual Misconduct - The University encourages students to report incidents of sexual misconduct. A student who wishes to report sexual misconduct or has questions about University policies and procedures regarding sexual misconduct should contact the following individual: Title IX Coordinator Barber Building, Room 242 (910) 672-1141 Unlike the Licensed Professional Counselor or the Director of Student Health Services, the Deputy Title IX Coordinator is legally obligated to investigate reports of sexual misconduct, and therefore cannot guarantee confidentiality, but a request for confidentiality will be considered and respected to the extent possible. Students are also encouraged to report incidents of sexual misconduct to the University’s Police and Public Safety Department at (910) 672-1911. V. Textbook: Marketing: An Introduction (4th edition), Masterson, Phillips, and Pickton.

Buy the e-text here: Assigned readings should be completed per the given schedule. It usually takes 2 to 3 hours to thoroughly read one chapter. It is recommended that students take notes carefully when they are reading the material and watching the videos. Teaching Method: The class will read provided reading materials, video tutorial and participate in online assignments. Students will either participate in an experiential learning project where they will individually produce a marketing plan OR they will earn an external marketing certification for professional development. The course is primarily self-paced so student and faculty interaction with each other is low, as students are progressing through this course at different speeds. Faculty member is always available via email, but there are no required synchronous activities in this course. VI. Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course students should be able to: 1. Describe traditional marketing strategy: the fundamental changes taking place in markets and marketing today, and draw implications, identify issues, and offer solutions; 2. Discuss marketing concepts and the development and implementation of marketing programs; 3. Relate the concepts of target marketing and market segmentation to various marketing media; 4. Identify opportunities through the use of marketing research; 5. Understand the role of marketing the larger organization. The SLO will be enhanced through the Marketing Project/Certification, online assignments, and tests. VII. Course Requirements and Evaluation Criteria a. Grading Scale Exams and other assignments will be graded on a percentage basis as follows: 90-100% = A Points: 360-400 = A 80-89% = B 320-359 = B 70-79% = C 280-319 = C 60-69% = D 240-279 = D < 60% = F (academic failure) < 240 = F Your final course grade will be determined by dividing your total POINTS EARNED by the course’s total points. A 79.9 average equals a “C.” b. Attendance Requirements: Students must complete all modules online in their assigned order. No physical attendance is required. c. Graded Assignments:  Exams: The Exams may contain short essay questions, as well as True/False and multiple choice questions. The exams are NOT cumulative. Both exams will be uploaded in Canvas and hosted in a lockdown browser (meaning you won't be able to use the internet or e-text). The exams will be available for one week to allow for varying time zones and schedules. (No Headphones, texts, cell phones) WE WILL BE USING RESPONDUS LOCKDOWN BROWSER FOR TESTING (See Canvas for instructions) o The two exams are non-cumulative exams. Exams may be made up of a combination of essay and objective questions. Public posting of grades is prohibited. Students desiring to learn their final grade may simply view their Canvas account. Grades for each test will be

posted as soon as they are calculated. Calls or personal requests for grades will not be accepted as this delays the calculation of final grades for the entire class. o PLEASE NOTE: This course allows for self paced except for the EXAMS. Although self paced is allowed, you must complete the course in order of completion. Any content not completed by the end of the course time period will result in an incomplete grade. Any further completion of the course must adhere to the university's policy. 

Final: The last day to take the Final Exam will be on MONDAY AUG 2, at 5PM to prevent an incomplete grade.

Marketing Project OR Certification: This project is worth 100 points. The learner takes on the role of a marketing consultant hired by a company (one of the two chosen) to evaluate and offer suggestions for improving the marketing strategy. This project will be due by the SUNDAY of the Module 7 (SUNDAY July 25 at midnight) Submissions will be through Canvas. E-mail submissions not accepted.

d. Value of each assignment

Exam 1 (Midterm)- online in Canvas using Lockdown browser (you won't be able 100 points to use your online text while your computer is in lockdown mode, so please make sure you have printed notes) Exam 2 Final- online in Canvas using Lockdown browser (you won't be able to use 100 points your online text while your computer is in lockdown mode, so please make sure you have printed notes) 100 points Marketing Project or Certification 100 points Online assignments (5 assignments; 20 points each) e. Policy on Missed and Late Assignments:  There will not be any opportunity to earn extra credit in this course. Watch course recordings, read your book, and study for each test and then it is likely that you will not need extra credit.  Make Up Exams: Because this course is available for self pace, no make up exams will be provided. Again, you must complete the content in order of the course format, including exams. VII.


Academic Support Resources a. Student Support Services: b. Bronco Star: c. Library: d. Student Handbook: e. Center for Personal Development: f. University College Learning Center: Course Outline and Assignment Schedule

Mkt 570 Module Topics and Due Dates: Summer 2021 Module Topic area #

Open date

Due Date

Introduction Discussion Board due by SUNDAY JUNE 6 by midnight (for university roster check)


Introduction to course, syllabus, link Saturday, May 29, to e-textbook, introduction noon discussion board


Chapter 1; Assignment #1

Monday, MAY 31, noon

before midterm


Chapters 2 & 3; Assignment #2

Monday, MAY 31, noon

before midterm


Chapters 4 & 5; Assignment #3

Monday, MAY 31, noon

before midterm

MIDTERM EXAM (Chs 1-5) 4 Chapter 6

MIDTERM EXAM Midterm Exam due by Sunday, OPENS ON Monday, JUNE 27, midnight to stay on track for self-paced course) JUNE 21, noon

Summer courses always have a one week break; this year it is June 29-July 6 For a Self-paced course, this just means you have more time to complete the class so I still release the modules on June 29, but you are welcome to take the week off. 5

Chapters 7 & 8: Assignment #4

Monday, JUNE 28 noon

Before final


Chapters 9 & 10; Assignment #5

Monday, JUNE 28 noon

Before final

Monday, JUNE 28 noon


FINAL EXAM OPENS ON Sunday, JULY 27, 11:59pm

FINAL Exam due by MONDAY AUG 2, 5PM (end of finals week)

Chapter 12 7



FINAL EXAM (Chs 6-10)

Course Competencies This course is designed to develop student competencies in critical thinking related to marketing of products and services across various media. The ability to recognize and assess the challenges because of evaluation and

analysis of an existing company’s marketing program will be enhanced through several examples and cases. Research skills that enable the identification and evaluation of marketing opportunities will be developed using the internet and other resources. Communication skills and capacity for critical thinking will be enhanced through written consultative marketing plan and guided online assignments. Technical skills will be developed using Canvas communications, assignments, web-based research for the marketing project or outside professional certification. Class Participation/Canvas Participation in this course is asynchronous. A critical success factor for this class is your use of YouTube, Canvas, and campus e-mail for communication and other class items. I will try to respond within 24-48 hours, however, weekends may delay my responses. Please always include the course number in all of your communications. Technology Requirements This course assumes you already have a demonstrated competence in basic computer skills as listed below. If you are not familiar with the items listed below, you will need to use tutorials, additional self-help tools, or campus resources to improve your competency. Canvas Interface. You should be familiar with Canvas, including the use of on-line quizzes and accessing information. The Internet. You must be capable of using the Internet. The professor may send you email updates requiring that you visit selected web sites as part of the participation portion of the course and/or homework and tests. Email Services. You must be proficient in sending and receiving email, including the use of attachments. And, you need to check your e-mail often for course updates/announcements. Use your bronco e-mail for all class communications. Please include the course name in all email subject lines. Communication with the Instructor and with Each Other The best ways to communicate with me is by email. Please include the course number in all communication. If you have any questions or problems, please let me know as soon as possible so that we can find a solution. Note: Email ID Requirements: Due to increasingly serious virus threats, please identify yourself, or you will run the risk of an un-opened and unread e-mail message. When you send me an email, your subject line should contain: Course Number, Your Name, and Reason for message. FSU Policy on Electronic Mail: Fayetteville State University provides to each student, free of charge, an electronic mail account ([email protected]) that is easily accessible via the Internet. The university has established FSU email as the primary mode of correspondence between university officials and enrolled students. Information from FSU or FSU students pertaining to academic records, grades, bills, financial aid, and other matters of a confidential nature must be submitted via FSU email. The student is responsible for ensuring the mailbox remains available to receive notifications. FSU is not responsible for issues related to notifications that are not deliverable due to full mailboxes. Inquiries or requests from personal email accounts are not assured a response. Rules and regulations governing the use of FSU email may be found at University Policies

Academic Dishonesty Honor Code: Fayetteville State University students and members of this class pledge to uphold and live proactively by the code of honor of this university. Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses and may be punished by failure on exam; failure in course; and/or expulsion from the University. Plagiarism is a serious academic and business (legal) offense and is considered theft of intellectual property. Please visit the Georgetown University web site ( Plagiarism occurs when: Students submit work that directly quotes or paraphrases the work of another, without specific citation of the passages crediting the creator of the work. Students combine the works of another with their own original effort, including comments on those passages, without specific citation of the passages crediting the creator of the work. Students include a list of references at the end of an assignment but do not indicate which words or passages specifically (by use of quotation marks) are from those sources and which words or passages are original work. Please note that it is unacceptable to use a paper previously used for another class. Incomplete Policy The "I" grade will be issued for students who were unable to complete all the requirements for this course. This course is self paced and provides an opportunity for you to complete the course on your personal schedule. The completion of the course must be completed within the university's policy....

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