Marketing Syllabus PDF

Title Marketing Syllabus
Author Matthew Missud
Course Marketing Foundations
Institution Baruch College CUNY
Pages 11
File Size 248.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 101
Total Views 141


Syllabus ...


ZICKLIN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS BARUCH COLLEGE / CUNY MARKETING 3000 – MARKETING MANAGEMENT Spring 2020 Hybrid Course Professor: Dr. Lilia Ziamou Office: Room 11-284 Phone: (646) 312-3291 E-mail: [email protected]

Mon: Face to Face Wed: Online Office Hours: By appointment

Required Course Materials - Textbook: Grewal and Levy (2019), M: Marketing, McGrawHill. 6th edition, ISBN: 9781260158038. -

Subscription: Wall Street Journal. Readings from the Wall Street Journal that link the course material to real world examples will be required during the semester. These readings will reflect the most recent developments in various industries.


Lecture Handouts: Lecture Handouts will be posted on Blackboard throughout the semester.


Group Project Handout: A Group Project Handout with instructions for your group project will be posted on Blackboard during the semester.


Readings will be posted on Blackboard throughout the semester.

Learning Objectives / Outcomes ♦ Knowledge In this course, we will discuss the role of marketing and its function within organizations. One of the basic objectives will be to understand various decision areas within marketing and the tools and methods for making those decisions. ♦ Skills Communication: Improve Oral and Written Communication Skills Interpersonal: Team Building ♦ Competencies - Problem Solving: Through in-class activities and the group project, you will be able to better define a problem, evaluate business environments, and think critically. - Decision Making: Through in-class activities and the group project, you will learn to evaluate and apply theoretical concepts to problems. 1

Class Structure This is a hybrid class; there is a face-to-face component and an online component. ♦ Face to face: Face to face classes meet on Mondays. They will consist of interactive lectures and group discussions. ♦ Online: Online classes on Wednesdays will consist of readings and written assignments.

Class Etiquette ♦ Attendance Policy Attendance will be recorded on Mondays, using sign-up sheets. More than 2 absences from face to face classes will result in minus 5 points from your final grade. ♦ Class Behavior Disrupting behavior such as arriving after class starts, leaving before class ends, chatting with classmates, using electronic devices and any other type of disrupting behavior may result to a loss of up to 10 points from your final grade. Asking for exceptions such as deadline extensions, make up tests or any other type of exceptions will result to a loss of up to 10 points from your final grade. ♦ Electronic Devices Laptops, tablets, phones, headphones, and any recording devices are not allowed in class. They should be kept in your bags or pockets.


Instructions for Online Classes – Wednesdays Online classes on Wednesdays will consist of ONLINE FORUMS: readings and written assignments on Blackboard (BB).

ONLINE FORUMS will be posted on Discussion Boards on BB. ONLINE FORUMS will be available from 6 am on Wednesday to 1 pm on Thursday ONLY. Make sure your assignment is posted before 1 pm on Thursday as these forums will not be available after that time. See Class Schedule for dates.

There will be 7 ONLINE FORUMS during the semester. You are required to submit your assignment to 5 of them. If you submit more than 5, the best 5 will be considered.

There will be one PRACTICE ONLINE FORUM. The purpose of this forum is for you to get familiar with posting online work. This forum is similar to the ONLINE FORUMS but will not be graded. It is however, a mandatory assignment.

How to post in ONLINE FORUMS: o Go to BB then to Discussion Boards o Click: ONLINE FORUM / [date] o Click: Create thread o Your submissions cannot be edited/deleted. I strongly suggest that you first type your answers to the questions in a word document and save it for your records. o Clear formatting in Word. o Copy then paste your answers on BB. o You are required to create a thread in order to view your classmates’ threads. You will be able to read your classmates’ work only after posting your work.


Course Requirements The course will be graded as follows: ♦ Test: 60 points (2 tests x 30 points). The tests will be composed of multiple-choice questions. There will be no make-up tests except in the case of a medical emergency or INS appointment -a letter from ER or INS justifying your absence should be provided-. In case of an ER emergency, all ER paperwork should be submitted to the Dean of students for review. A make-up test will only be scheduled after the paperwork is approved by the Dean of students. No exceptions. ♦ Group Project: 15 points. You will team up with 4 of your classmates for this project. The purpose of this project is to come up with a new product idea and develop an advertising strategy for the new product by integrating the course material discussed through the entire semester. More information on the project will be given in class and a handout will be posted on BB. Grade = 0 for late submissions. No exceptions. ♦ Online Forums: 20 points (5 Posts x 4 points each). For details on online work see page 3. Assignments will not be considered, grade = 0 in the following cases: (a) Multiple (more than one) submissions / assignment, (b) Assignments submitted by email, (c) Assignments that are poorly formatted, i.e., lines extending infinitely. ♦ Research Participation Requirement: 5 points. This is a departmental requirement for all MKT3000 students. A handout will be posted on BB during the first few weeks of classes. Total: 100 points

Grading Policy

♦ The Marketing Department has the following guidelines for grading in MKT3000: Approximate 30% A, 40-50% B, 20-25% C, D, F. ♦

Baruch College Letter Grades

Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D F

Total Points 93.0 - 100 90.0 - 92.9 87.1 - 89.9 83.0 - 87.0 80.0 - 82.9 77.1 - 79.9 73.0 - 77.0 70.0 - 72.9 67.1 - 69.9 60.0 - 67.0 Below 60.0 4

Academic Honesty I fully support Baruch College's policy on Academic Honesty, which states, in part: "Academic dishonesty is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Cheating, forgery, plagiarism and collusion in dishonest acts undermine the college's educational mission and the students' personal and intellectual growth. Baruch students are expected to bear individual responsibility for their work, to learn the rules and definitions that underlie the practice of academic integrity, and to uphold its ideals. Ignorance of the rules is not an acceptable excuse for disobeying them. Any student who attempts to compromise or devalue the academic process will be sanctioned. " Academic sanctions in this class will result to an F in this course. A report of suspected academic dishonesty will be sent to the Office of the Dean of Students. Additional information and definitions can be found at




BCTC T: 646-312-1010 E: [email protected]

Research E: [email protected] Participation/Subject Pool Class-related questions

Class-related questions should be posted to the Class-related questions Forum @ Blackboard Please note: For the sake of transparency and fairness, class-related questions will ONLY be answered in the Class-related questions Forum @ Blackboard – Not by email. If you have a question that you prefer not to post, please see me after class to discuss or schedule an appointment. How to Post in the Class-related questions Forum - Go to BB then Discussion Boards - Click: Class-related Questions Forum - Click: Create thread - Type your question - Submit


Tentative Class Schedule


Monday 1/27



Course Introduction Chapter 1: Overview of Marketing

Wednesday 1/29

Practice Online Forum Read Chapters 1 – 2 – 9

Monday 2/3

Practice Forum Submission is Mandatory

Chapter 2: Developing Marketing Strategies and a Marketing Plan Chapter 9: Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning

Wednesday 2/5

Online Forum #1 Read Chapter 6

Monday 2/10

Chapter 6: Consumer Behavior

Wednesday 2/12

College Closed

Monday 2/17

College Closed


Wednesday 2/19

Online Forum #2 Read Chapter 10

Monday 2/24

Chapter 10: Marketing Research

Online Forum #3 Wednesday 2/26 Read Chapter 11

Monday 3/2

Chapter 11: Product, Branding, and Packaging Decisions

Wednesday 3/4

Study for Test 1

Monday 3/9

Test 1: Chapters 1-2-6-9-10

Wednesday 3/11

Readings will posted on BB – see Announcements

Monday 3/16

Project Groups Working on the Group Project

Wednesday 3/18

Attendance is mandatory

Attendance is mandatory

Working on the Group Project Read Chapter 12


Monday 3/23

Chapter 12: Developing New Products

Wednesday 3/25

Working on the Group Project Read Chapter 17

Monday 3/30

Chapter 17: Integrated Marketing Communications

Wednesday 4/1

Online Forum #4 Read Chapter 18

Monday 4/6

Chapter 18: Advertising, Public Relations, and Sales Promotion

Tuesday 4/7

Online Forum #5

Wednesday schedule

Read Chapter 14

Wednesday 4/8

Spring Break

Monday 4/13

Spring Break

Wednesday 4/15

Spring Break


Monday 4/20

Chapter 14: Pricing Concepts for Establishing Value

Wednesday 4/22

Online Forum #6

Project presentation dates for all groups announced in class

Study for Test 2

Monday 4/27

Test 2: Chapters 11-12-14-17-18

Wednesday 4//29

Working on the Group Project

Monday 5/4

Project Presentations

Wednesday 5/6

Working on the Group Project

Monday 5/11

Project Presentations

Attendance is mandatory

Attendance is mandatory

Attendance is mandatory Group project report is due @ 2.30 pm

Wednesday 5/13

Online Forum #7


MKT3000 Profile Sheet


Name: -------------------------------------Color headshot:

(paste photo here)

Baruch email: __________________ Year (sophomore, junior or senior): ____________________ Major: _______________________

Something interesting about yourself: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

I have read and understood the entire contents of the syllabus and agree to abide by the rules and requirements for this course as detailed In the syllabus.

Signature: _____________________________

Date: ________________________


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