Marketwatch Essay PDF

Title Marketwatch Essay
Author Emily Spina
Course Applied Personal Finance
Institution American University (USA)
Pages 7
File Size 337.5 KB
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Buying stock for a semester ...


Emily Spina Investment Report Part 1- Investments 1) The investment plan I decided to do was the “investing strategy.” I bought about half on the start day and then half mid-march. However, I do not think I was a pure investor, I didn’t spend time everyday looking for winners and losers in the market and choose from the personal experience I have in the market and our families personal finance manager. Investing rule 1 is to make sure that the stocks P/E ratio from the trailing twelve months plus its forward P/E/ ratio are compared to competitors, looking for it to be lower. We also want the forward P/E ratio to be lower than the trailing P/E ratio. For this rule I made sure that all my gainers had a correctly trending ratio. The only one that did not pan out was the Entercom communications corporation as they were supposed to trend up but instead went down. Investing rule 2 is to look at the companies trailing net income pattern to see where there are profits and if they expect those profits to continue to increase. Apple was the only exception to this, with a decrease in total revenue from 2015 to 2016, however as a company that is traditionally strong and has done very well so I believed it was a good choice. Investing rule 3 is about looking into what the company insiders are doing, like whether they are planning to sell their own company shares. In doing this research I only considered what was publically known and made decisions. What is not released to the public and only known by certain employees is considered insider trading and is not ethical and therefore I did not consider it. 2) Deciding on stocks for my momentum strategy I looked at varying aspects of the company. Some may not be as traditional as others but between these three they were overall good picks and reflected a small increase in price. Nike and Apple both increased in their stock value. Nike had decreased during the recession but has started to come back and I believe will continue to increase. Apple on the other hand has always been one to keep increasing and I believed with their new launch of the MacBook it would boost their stock and I was correct. Currently no other tech company can compare to apple. Samsung has had its troubles including exploding phones so they were the obvious choice. They have been climbing fairly steadily for the past year and in that time I profited from it. Below I have included photos of their 2-year stock prices to show trends in the past. Entercom is my outlier since I thought they would have gained but instead lost. Overall in the past few years they have been doing well and increasing because the communications sector has had a greater demand as we undertake more and more need for electronics and communication. Entercom has a hand in almost everything and I thought that they would be a good choice to invest in as a momentum. However, in the past couple months they did not do well and instead decreased. This

could be due to a few different things but mostly I believe it is just a normal fluctuation on its climb and I happened to buy at the wrong time and then have to sell too early without much gain. Below I also included Entercom’s two years stock prices to show how they have been gaining in the past years.




3) My contrarian stocks were picked, thinking that since they are looser today they would do better “tomorrow” or in the future. This 5-month period was not long enough for them to bounce back and return to what they used to be at. Tellurian with their many carrying stock prices, being as low as almost .25 cents and rising again showed too much variation. I choose this stock because of its huge changes in the past two years and its climb back up to higher than it previously was. Although, it always has a change of dropping down again. It may not be as drastic this time but it is expected in the future. The company works with petroleum and as we work towards clean re-newable energy they will eventually need to evolve or die. Stone Energy was a huge loss to my stock. Although they have been slowly climbing back, they were definitely considered a looser and showed that in my purchase and selling. They have been down for the past year and will hopefully eventually make a comeback. I picked stone because of its large fluctuations in the past 2 years and in hope that it would come back but I believe that this 5 months wasn’t long enough to see a good change other than a substantial decrease. Tellurian

Stone Energy

4) My market strategy choices were taken from stocks I am actually invested in, in real life. These stocks for the past 4 years have done well for me and I believed that investing in them in the game would be smart. All of these stocks have increased substantially in the past 5 years and I have shown that in the graphs below. I started my own stock in 2013 and have boarded the rising prices that have gained me close to $500 in my own stock.

All three of these companies only invest in blue chip companies and reflect a broad cross section of the market. Profunds has been a little jumpy but still steadily rising in the past 5 years. Vanguard has always been increasing but took a small decrease in the past two years and now seems to be leveling off for a while but still has a good chance of increasing. Pacer Trendpilot took a spill in January of 2016 back but has come back strong with proper investing from the company. If you had invested a year ago you would have seen a very large return on the company and done well for now. ProFunds Telecommunications

Vanguard 500

Pacer Trendpilot

5) Lastly for my own investments I choose stocks that were stable and possible to increase but not guaranteed. The explanation is listed below each 5-year graph of the stocks prices. ETFS Gold Trust

I have always heard that gold is something that you can always invest in and count on to hold its value. That’s why I decided on the ETFS gold trust. It is one of the largest gold trusts in the market and usually holds its value fairly well. It was low right now so I believed it would be a good buy, for the future to sell. Lulu Lemon

A large high-end workout clothing company that had taken a dip in the past few years due to people spending less. I believe that once the economy comes back, the spending and stock from the company will return and give a nice investment return. There is always the chance that it will die out before that time comes but it was a risk I was willing to take. Qualcomm

This company is a multinational semiconductor and telecommunications company that designs and markets wireless technology. This sector is booming right now and although the company has been having some stock troubles the idea overall should only be increasing.

The demand for more advanced and better communication devices is always increasing and I thought would be a good investment for the long haul.

Part 2 – Profits and Losses – Data Taken from 4/22/17 on Marketwatch Security


# Shares Purchased

Price Current Purchased Price $ $

Commission Fee

Profit Per Share $

Gain on Investment

Return on investment

.20% 18.55% -7.04%

.16% 17.90% -7.37%

Gainer Nike Apple Entercom Communications Corp. Looser Tellurian


500 15 200

55.74 120.01 14.20

55.85 142.27 13.20

9.95 9.95

.11 22.26 -1.00









Stone Energy Rg


































50 500 100

118.07 52.10 55.30

124.76 53.08 55.30

9.95 9.95 9.95

6.69 .98 0.00

5.67% 1.88% 0.00%

5.49% 1.84% -0.18%

Market ProFunds Telecommunications UltraSector Fund Investor Class Vanguard 500 Index Fund Investor Class Pacer Trendpilot 450 ETF Own ETFS Gold Trust Lulu Lemon QUALCOMM Inc

Sample Calculations Nike a. Profit Per Share: $55.85 – $55.74 = $0.11 b. Gain on Investment: (($55.85 - $55.74) / ($55.74)) x 100 = .20% c. Return on Investment: ((55.85 x 500) – ($55.74 x 500 + 9.95)) / (55.74 x 500 + 9.95) x 100 = .16% NOTE** The price of selling on these stocks was 4/22/17 6) Based on my calculations, my gainer investment worked the best gaining overall 10.69%. This was overall expected due to the fact that these stocks were supposed to offer the highest return. The ranking went from Winners, Market, Own, and Losers. Since the winners were investments that I believed were rising they obviously were the correct choices. One surprise to me was how much the Stone Energy group lost. They were a big investment and I should not have invested that much into a looser however I was taking a

chance and it did not turn out. With a 50% decrease it was set to be a major loss and affects a lot of the gains that I did make in the game. My strategy that was the riskiest was that I invested in the Stone Energy group, I thought that they may come back but obviously did not and ended up being a major loss. The ones I selected on my own, were all solid choices that were designed not to waiver too much and just be a good investment. It was luck that the gold trust increased by 5.49% and gave some investment. My market stocks were supposed to be good choices and overall would have been with more time. 5 months isn’t much time to allow a stock to grow appropriately....

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