Math 323 Course Outline Fall 2020 PDF

Title Math 323 Course Outline Fall 2020
Course Probability
Institution McGill University
Pages 4
File Size 115.4 KB
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Math 323 - Probability Syllabus for Fall 2020...


MATH 323: Probability Course Outline

Note: This course outline is necessitated by the Covid-19 pandemic. It is an outline for an online course. Please note that as the pandemic evolves slight modifications to this outline may change should circumstances beyond the control of the University arise.

Course Information Prerequisites: MATH 141 or equivalent. Restriction: Intended for students in Science, Engineering and related disciplines, who have had differential and integral calculus Restriction: Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 356. Course Outline: Sample space, events, conditional probability, independence of events, Bayes' Theorem. Basic combinatorial probability, random variables, discrete and continuous univariate and multivariate distributions. Moment generating functions. Independence of random variables. Chebyshev’s inequality, the central limit theorem, the weak law of large numbers (time permitting). Recommended Text: Mathematical Statistics with Applications by Wackerly, Mendenhall, and Scheaffer, 7th edition. North American edition. Almost all assignment problems will be from the textbook. The course will not slavishly follow the textbook. If you have access to an earlier edition (which is fine) you will need to make sure that you identify the correct assignment problems as these will be numbered according to the 7th edition. Instructors: Professor David Wolfson (Course coordinator), Department of Mathematics and Statistics. BURN 1228. Office telephone number: 514 398-3840. Email: [email protected] and Dr. Alia Sajjad Department of Mathematics and Statistics. [email protected]. Office to be determined. Office telephone number: To be determined. Please do not expect immediate responses to your queries. Please note that we will very likely not have access to our offices in the fall term so that communication will have to be online. Office Hours: The aim is to set up Zoom office hours so that students will have an opportunity to have contact with their instructors and likely, their TA. One possibility is that we will conduct office hours during part of the time scheduled for lectures. Date of the Midterm Exam: Monday October 26, 2020 MyCourses: It is your responsibility to check myCourses regularly for assignment postings, assignment and midterm exam solutions, and other announcements.

Lectures: The notes for Section 1 and 2 will be posted on myCourses. The lectures for Sections 1 and 2 for the course will be recorded on Zoom and posted on myCourses under Content. Teaching Assistants: The TAs for the course are yet to be determined. They will hold online office hours at times that they will post on myCourses. Tutorials: The times of the online tutorials and the office hours of the TAs will be announced on myCourses as soon as the TAs have determined their schedules. Attendance at tutorials is not mandatory. Marking scheme: The final mark for the course will be allocated according to the following formula which will be applied at the end of the course: The maximum of Option 1: (15% for Assignments, 25% for the Midterm Examination, and 60% for the Final Exam), and Option 2: (15% for Assignments and 85% for the Final Exam). The maximum of Option 1 and Option 2 will automatically be calculated after the final exam. Important notes: 1) If you miss the Midterm Exam for any reason, you will automatically be evaluated according to Option 2. There will be no make-up Midterm Examination. 2) Your final mark will be calculated according to the formula above unless circumstance arise beyond the control of the University. 3) There will be no opportunity to improve your mark by doing extra work. 4) Exception: If you miss the Midterm exam for a medical reason (accompanied by a medical certificate) your final mark will be based on the formula: 25% Assignments and 75% Final Exam. The midterm and final exam will both be open-resource, take-home exams. They will be posted on myCourses and you will be given 72 hours to upload your completed exams to myCourses, from the time of posting, in exactly the same way that you will have to submit your assignments. The University is aware that many students will be living in different time zones. The Final Exam will cover material from the entire course. Other notes: Your assignments and exams may be handwritten or typed. Please make sure that whatever you submit is legible. If they are not legible then they will not be marked. You can use whatever means you wish to prepare and upload your documents, for example, from a tablet, scanned

and uploaded etc. Whatever means you use, we must see a single pdf document on myCourses. See further details below. You may consult textbooks and/or the internet but you are not permitted to consult another person when completing your exams, as is usually the case for take-home exams. This rule will be strictly enforced. There will be a common, midterm and final exam for both sections of the course. Assignments will the same for both course sections. You must submit your exams as a single pdf document to myCourses. Any exams not submitted in pdf format as a single document will not be marked. You will be allowed only one submission of your exams so that you need to be absolutely certain that you are about to follow the strict submission rules before you “hit submit.” Please carefully read the following “rules of the game” on the submission of assignments as they will be strictly enforced in order to be fair to all students. 1) Assignments must be submitted online through myCourses no later than 11:59 pm on the due date. Assignments that are submitted after the deadline will not be marked. There will be no exceptions. 2) Please note that only assignments in a single pdf document will be marked. There will be no exceptions. Assignments may be handwritten but must be legible. Make absolutely certain that you do not accidentally submit a document in another format before hitting “Send.” 3) You will be allowed only one submission. Therefore, be careful before you submit. Make sure that you receive notification that your submissions, whether they be exams or assignments, have been successfully received on myCourses. 4) Please make sure that your name, student number and course number are clearly written on the first page of your assignment. 5) In order to obtain part marks either for assignment or exam questions it is crucial that you show your reasoning. A bald numerical or algebraic stand-alone answer is rarely sufficient. 6) There will be no grace period. So please make sure that you know how to upload your assignments well in advance of the deadline for the first assignment. You are strongly advised not to leave submission of your assignments until the last moment in case you have a problem Academic Integrity: You are reminded of the following:McGill University values academic integrity. Therefore all students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures (see for more information).

Be it further resolved that failure by an instructor to include a statement about academic integrity on a course outline shall not constitute an excuse by a student for violating the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures. L'université McGill attache une haute importance à l’honnêteté académique. Il incombe par conséquent à tous les étudiants de comprendre ce que l'on entend par tricherie, plagiat et autres infractions académiques, ainsi que les conséquences que peuvent avoir de telles actions, selon le Code de conduite de l'étudiant et des procédures disciplinaires (pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez consulter le site

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