MBCC Review Notes Exam 1 PDF

Title MBCC Review Notes Exam 1
Author AT MO
Course Mind,Brains,Context&Cult
Institution Vanderbilt University
Pages 9
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resting potential: neuron before AP happens, capacity to do work Na+ outside K+ inside on avg other neg charged protein anions inside balance of pumping means relatively more + ions outside than inside + charged Na+ ions outside they gonna switch places more positive outside than inside selectively permeable membrane differential in charge separated by membrane potential to do work threshold for activation if the charge at beg of axon (all the info coming in at dendritic arbor) - exciting or inhibiting dendritic tree in cell body - tend to excite / inhibit - what cause excitation and inhibition in language of charges - if neuron getting excited diff between inside and outside less and less - inputs to neuron tend to hyperpolarize it (increase diff between inside and outside) inhibitory make it less likely to fire - depolarize it (excitatory inputs) (decrease diff) gates in axon let Na+ rush in protein channels sensitive to voltage beg of axon, depolarization hit threshold and AP starts when hit threshold, channels open Na+ rush in first rush in, quickly change inside of axon to be more positive - 1 ms then pumped back out in rush of + ions then pumping out takes some time takes 1 ms before order reestablished refractory period - absolute (1 ms) - Na+ rush in, no firing of neuron again - v impt biological fact b/c constrains how much info neurons can store - relative - 3-4 ms after - neuron hyperpolarized at this time - more neg on inside - harder to fire neuron but can fire neuron - while order being reestablished - when Na+ go in K+ shoot out in opposition to Na+ - pumps reestablish order resting potential at -70mV

Brain cant fire faster than certain rate other limit on APs: it cant fire faster than certain rate, ALL or none law All or none law - APs happen or don't - no big or small APs - nervous system cant code info in terms of big or small pulses - has to code info in other ways - one way is how many pulses APs represent stimulus, do w a lot of APs to represent strong stimuli brain cant code info using size of APs, use # of APs and which neuron carry APs - neuron 1 loud neuron neuron 4 soft neuron computation happening in dendrities in addition to synapses - exclusive or gate - some of computation happening in inputs to dendrites - 2 inputs hitting same patch of dendrites get exclusive or relationship - both dendrites and neither fire → excitation - 1 firing → no excitation - or other way around - hookup pattern of neurons doing computation - new place where computation happening but not limit on computation parallel vs serial computation parallel - multiple sets of neurons doing something serial - one set of neuron doing whole job a lot of processes in brain have to happen faster than serial computation can support - happen in some places if only 1 computer than computer has to make decision 1→ 2→ 3 - one at a time - waiting on decision 2 until decision 1 is done - sometimes have to do that b/c 2 depend on 1 need cpus all work in parallel, make decisions at same time if find tennis balls w serial process, u toast biochemical process, neurons not that fast: 1AP/ms - 100 m/s is speed of how fast APs go in axons that are myelinated - myelin sheath makes them go quick - long axons - glial cells fatty cells coat axon make it go 100 m/s - w/o myelin, AP 1 m/s - short axons don't have myelin sheath like ones in brain 1 m/s - speed limit 100 m/s not that fast - electrical pulses in cpus faster


neurons in brain don't operate that fast slow cpus so need parallel processing to solve tasks brain have a lot of slow cpus can all work in parallel actual cpu does serial processing b/c cpu fast

disadvantages of // computation - don’t know when what decision been made - sometimes have to know what first decision is - conflicting results - tend to be stupider than serial systems - complex decision: serial - distraction - somebody say u first then u - otherwise chaos - awareness / consciousness is serial - parallel - simple - serial - complicated How do properties of neurons constrain way brain has to work - speed, fact only so many per sec - link up w serial vs parallel - AP slow so must have // processes 15-20 MC, 6-9 short answer, 1 essay 45 points on test 40% short ans 40% short answer 20% essay he will send word doc Rosenhan and Murphy not a lot of research document that 1 group experimental group label 1 group no label labeling theory come from anthropology - some culture have words for mental illness others don’t labeling cause diff responses toward people Rosenhan data - rosenhan used to support argument, hospital staff interactions - was p compelling as reported in article - according to rosenhan, these people had labeled patients as mentally ill, label caused them to disrespect them bc seen as beneath them - hospital staff don't interact w patients - hypothesized cause is labeling - but not a lot of direct evidence about cause, labeling itself



labeling theory say anthropology provide evidence degree to which data support hypothesis society/culture → labels → mental illness - he got some data but does not support all pieces of hypothesis - valid critic of rosenhan - behavior towards parent, but could be caused by other things than labeling - never show labeling cause it to happen how data presented support/not support rosenhan’s hypothesis use of diff words eskimo and yoruba words to show that there are words for it murphy observe other cultures seem to have same words for mental illness mean same thing as our words how is that evidence against labeling theory - rosenhan argues for labeling theory - murphy argues against - murphy say other cultures have words for things that look like schizophrenia - were natizsdfsd - mental illness is universal - murphy saying, if u labeling theories claim got all these diff cultures produce labels and all this variability b/c cultures diff - but if look, for some mental illnesses no variability see consistent mental illnesses like psychosis and schizophrenia - if diff cultures should have v diff labels and diff mental illnesses - something about our common makeup as human seems to produce mental illness - same labels, same mental illness cross cultures - even if no labels, still exist - in some cultures don't have label still have mental illness - labeling theory suggest no label → no mental illness - so absence of label should cure mental illness - murphy show none of predictions of labeling theory correct - got situation where culture seems to maybe produce label or not in some cases but does not influence whether get mental illness - some cultures expression rules, not supposed to talk about mental illness like depression - don't talk about own feelings - may not have label but still have problem - label not the thing that determines whether u have the problem - are labels aren’t labels i win - labeling hypothesis all about how culture produces labels and labels cause mental illness - culture → label → mental illness


problem 1: b/c cultures variable → variations in labels and mental illness - murphy’s first line of attack say cultures variable but something else consistent, label and mental illness consistent - problem 2: label necessary to produce mental illness - without label mental illness shouldnt happen - murphy attacks 2 parts - What is it about Rosenhan’s study that made us vulnerable to buying it Abraham and seligman theory of depression - explanatory realism: depressed people biased in view of world - internal global stable - negative life events → think about it in biased way, think wrong b/c think in global stable and internal attributions/explanations for what caused bad event - global attribution is i am unintelligent - attribution damaging to self image - being unintelligent also internal attribution - this attributional style/how you think is the problem - connect that w treatments for depression - that idea fits w some treatments for depression but doesn’t fit with others - biased reasoning impt but not whole study - explanatory style: way reason - depressive realism - depressed people lack positive bias - depressive reasoning have negative bias - depressed people failing to distort things positively - depressive realism: see too much reality - biased reasoning is in other situations distorting reality negatively - therapist attack reasoning styles - depressive realism example - neutral convo - depressed person accurately report person’s reaction to them - every1 else rate interaction positively - nondepressed individuals look thru rose colored glasses - dice rolling - non depressed people think have control over life and get advantage by rolling by hand - depressed people think no difference diff treatments for mental illness some behavioral therapies impt, read through them Treatments

Depression: Psychotherapy - talk to therapist - Cognitive therapy - reason thru experiences - Psychodynamic therapy - confront repressed conflicts at root of depression Medication Electroconvulsive Deep Brain Stimulation(inconclusive results) Schizophrenia: Antipsychotics - Can cause motor disorders as side effect (drug induced Parkinsonism) - Begins right away, but usually temporary. Tardive Dyskinesia is when it becomes permanent - Chlorpromazine a.k.a Thorazine (early but still useful) Do lack of symptoms counteract bad side effects? - Patients get released from hospital on medication - 50% don’t relapse for 3 years at least as opposed to 10% for the placebo group Dopamine Hypothesis - Antipsychotics are dopamine agonists - dopamine cannot get into postsynaptic receptor Amphetamines = dopamine agonists. Cause psychosis Risk-linked genes code for more dopamine receptors - Although not clear that schizophrenic patients have more dopamine, just receptors Antipsychotic effects: Drug induced parkinsons, tardive dyskinesia. They also decrease dopamine, and increase acetylcholine Family therapy = reduced relapse Social skills training = improve social skills Cognitive behavioral therapy = reduce pos. Symptoms DSM-5 Criteria Criteria for something to be mental illness is statistical  infrequency - Violation of norms, personal distress, disability/dysfunction Schizophrenia: abnormal disintegration of mental function; psychosis; break from reality - Thought disorder

- 0.3-1.5% Positive Symptoms: - Delusions, disorganized speech/behavior, hallucinations Neg Symptoms: - Flat affect, anhedonia, poverty of speech ^At least 2 of those must be present for 1 month Other Symptoms: - social /occupational deterioration, isolation - Substance abuse - “Schizoaffective” disorder - depression or mania also happens in addition to periods of psychosis

Likelihood of Schiz. Development Relation

Genes shared


Ident twin



Fraternal twin















Seems to be more schizophrenia for kids born in winter - Lots of risks from mother’s condition prenatally and during and after birth - brain development (supposedly) - Data shows it is environment plus genes for the genes to be expressed Problematic family is huge - Expressed emotion (like criticism, hostility) that can influence mood of entire family is huge stressor and can cause genes to be expressed - Also more likely to relapse

303 Finnish Families


Adopted high and low risk children and recorded for 2 days When there was conflict, the high risk children were more likely to develop schizophrenia

Environmental stress also is huge - Low income areas, more crime. Could be a cycle - schizophrenic people are driven there - Means likelihood for schiz. can be mapped by zip codes DIATHESIS STRESS MODEL - Predisposition plus environment determines your fate DSM-5 Major Depressive A.1. Bad mood all day every day, 2 weeks A.2. 4 of th below nearly every day, 2 weeks - Poor appetite - insomnia/hypersomnia - Psychomotor agitation - fatigue - worthlessness/guilt - Reduced focus - Suicidal /deathly thoughts B. Clinically significant distress or social/occupancy impairment C. Not due to substances D. Not psychosis E. No mania Biochemical Basis for Major Depression - Underactive serotonin/norepinephrine system (Medications increase SE/NE transmission by preventing their reuptake from in synapse) Asian Symptoms of depression more physical - weight loss especially - Less mood disorders Gender: higher prevalence in women across cultures Social support protects us - Blaming yourself for life events is major, need a social buffer Genetic Basis - Both depression + bipolar are more likely w family history

Comorbidity of substance use - Are they related?...

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