Title MCQ
Author Izhar Ul Haq
Course Principles of marketing
Institution University of Agriculture Faisalabad
Pages 12
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The business growth that takes place because of the internal working of the different parts within an organization is known as which of the following? Acquisition Organic growth Rapid growth Licensing Question # 2 of 20 ( Start time: 07:30:59 PM ) Total M - 1 Which of the following is the characteristic of personality of a brand? Logo Packaging Color Durability Question # 3 of 20 ( Start time: 07:32:57 PM ) Total M - 1 A strong brand refers to which one of the following? Offers greater potential to charge a premium price Helps to recover development and launch costs Provides large base of loyal customers All of the given options Question # 4 of 20 ( Start time: 07:34:08 PM ) Total M - 1 A fashion clothing company getting into perfumes refers to the example of: Perceived difficulty of manufacture Know-how transferability Complementarity Awareness and reputation of the parent Question # 5 of 20 ( Start time: 07:35:40 PM ) Total M - 1 Which of the following brand strategy which gives you the benefit of premium pricing? Umbrella brand strategy Line brand strategy Product brand strategy Family brand strategy Question # 6 of 20 ( Start time: 07:37:08 PM ) Total M - 1 If a company's customers are concentrated in a small geographic area and the company sells technical products, which promotion method will it most likely use? Question # 7 of 20 ( Start time: 07:38:50 PM ) Total M - 1 Which of the following is a set of promises that the brand makes to customers? Brand contract Brand association Brand persona

Brand equity Question # 8 of 20 ( Start time: 07:39:57 PM ) Total M - 1 When brand management becomes the heart of marketing then which one becomes the heart of brand management. Owner’s equity Brand equity Brand assets Brand value Question # 10 of 20 ( Start time: 07:41:55 PM ) Total M - 1 To be successful, the company must have all its __________ at work to deliver superior value. Resources Brands Employees Communication Question # 11 of 20 ( Start time: 07:43:10 PM ) Total M - 1 Which of the following is created by management for the consumer and for the company through good brands: Value Price Cost Rate Question # 12 of 20 ( Start time: 07:44:06 PM ) Total M - 1 When two brands join hands to create one brand by using the strong expressions of both, this is known as: Bundling Branding Brand management Brand equity Question # 13 of 20 ( Start time: 07:45:13 PM ) Total M - 1 Building the brand vision is very serious matter and cannot be decided by just one manager because of the issue of: Finance Marketing Production Promotion Question # 14 of 20 ( Start time: 07:46:17 PM ) Total M - 1 CRE stands for what?

Customer response effect Customer relationship effect Customer responsibility effect Customer resource effect Question # 15 of 20 ( Start time: 07:47:38 PM ) Total M - 1 “Intel inside” is a classic example of which one of the following? Bundling Ingredient co-branding Joint venture Effective packaging Question # 16 of 20 ( Start time: 07:48:49 PM ) Total M - 1 The prices of luxury product fall under: Plus-one pricing Skim pricing Strategic account pricing Segment pricing Question # 20 of 20 ( Start time: 09:04:11 PM ) Total M - 1 Introducing additional items in the same product category by adding new flavors, forms, colors, ingredients or package sizes, under the same brand name, is known as: Line extensions Product mix Interactive marketing Service intangibility

Advertising is a major promotion mix ingredient that is a: Paid form of personal communication Paid form of non personal communication Non paid form of personal communication Non paid form of non personal communication Which of the following statements about Place/Distribution decisions is CORRECT? Product classes are not related to Place objectives The product life cycle is not related to Place objectives Place decisions are short-term decisions that are easy to change Different market segments may require separate Place arrangements. Which one of the following is indicator of a company’s desire to better meet the demands of the market, not only through differentiated products but also through different brands and there fore different identities? Brand portfolio

Brand extension Line extension Brand diversification Which one of the following pricing model is suggested during the decline stage of brand? Harvest pricing Penetration pricing Cost based pricing Market based pricing Which one of the following brand layer is slightly wider than line brands? Family brands Range brands Umbrella brands Product brands Based on various researches, which of the following is NOT TRUE about brand perception? People perceive the brand as a whole Perception is comprehensive Consumers’ perception is the reality The brand has a personality Based on various researches, which of the following is NOT TRUE about brand perception? People perceive the brand as a whole Perception is comprehensive Consumers’ perception is the reality The brand has a personality Whichever positioning you may like to choose, it has to stem from the point of view of which one of the following so that they can own it? Customers' Competitors' General Managers' Brand owners' Which of the following is one of the marketer’s major positioning tools, that has a direct impact on product or service performance; thus, it is closely linked to customer value and satisfaction? Product quality Social marketing Specialty marketing Production quality To update brand position is very necessary and there are different criteria to update it. How many criteria are adapted to judge if there is need for updating? Four

Three Six Five The distribution channel’s performance depends on all of the following EXCEPT: Customer reach Operating efficiency Service quality Place of distribution Addition of 2.25 liter bottle by Coca Cola will cause to: Increase customer base and usage Enhance customer loyalty Generate more profit Develop brand image If a company introduce same brand name for several product in different markets then company is applying which one of the following brand strategy? Product brand strategy Line brand strategy Rand brand strategy Umbrella brand strategy Communication through a news story regarding an organization and/or its products that is transmitted through a mass medium at no charge is which one of the following? Advertising Sales promotion Personal selling Publicity Which of the following leads us to determine why customers buy what they buy? Customer need analysis Brand-based customer model Good brand promise Brand management process One member of an organization has the ability to control resources and change behavior of the other. It is an exercise of which one of the following? Coercive power Reward power Legitimate power Expert power A personal computer with features relating to processor’s specifications, the size of the hard disk and capacity of RAM is an example of:

Implicit promise Explicit promise Positive promise Negative promise 20- The more the customers are knowledgeable of a brand’s promises, the more they are inclined to -be bound into a: Contract Agreement Settlement Negotiation

Whati sBr andEqui t y? 1.Ast r ongbr andcommands a)I nt ens econs umerl oy al t y b)I nt ens eempl oy erl oy al t y c )I nt ens eempl oy eel oy al t y d)Noneoft heabov e Vi ewAns wer/Hi deAns wer 2." Wor l dwi deLeaderi nSpor t s" i st het agl i neof a)St arSpor t s b)TenSpor t s c )ESPN d)Noneoft heabov e. Vi ewAns wer/Hi deAns wer 3.I nst r at egi cbr andmanagement ,f ocusi son a)Br andpos i t i oni ng b)Br andmar k et i ng c )Br andper f or mance d)Al l oft heabov e Vi ewAns wer/Hi deAns wer 4.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngst at ementi st r ue ? a)Br andi nghel pst oor gani z ei nv ent or y b)Br andi nghel psi nget t i ngac ompet i t i v eadv ant age

c )Br ands i gnal sac er t ai nl ev el ofqual i t y d)Al l oft heabov e Vi ewAns wer/Hi deAns wer 5.Mar ket er scanappl yabr andi ngon a)Phy s i c al good b)As er v i c e c )As t or eandor gani z at i on d)Al l oft heabov e Vi ewAns wer/Hi deAns wer 6.God' sowncount r yi sanamegi vent o a)Madhy aPr ades h b)Ker al a c )Kar nat ak a d)Noneoft heabov e Vi ewAns wer/Hi deAns wer 7._________i st hefir stt our i stboar di nI ndi at or egi st eri t sbr ands. a)Ker al at our i s m b)Madhy aPr ades hTour i s m c )Guj ar atTour i s m d)Noneoft heabov e Vi ewAns wer/Hi deAns wer 8.___________i st headdedval ueendowedonser vi cesandpr oduct s. a)Br andv al ue b)Br ands t r at egy c )Br andequi t y d)Noneoft heabov e Vi ewAns wer/Hi deAns wer 9.Ther ear e__________keyel ement sofcust omer basedbr andequi t y . a)Four b)Fi v e

c )Thr ee d)Noneoft heabov e Vi ewAns wer/Hi deAns wer 10.Br andequi t yi sar esul tof a)Si mi l ar i t yi nc onsumerr es ponse b)Di ffer enc esi nc ons umerr es pons e c )a&b d)Noneoft heabov e Vi ewAns wer/Hi deAns wer 11.Di ffer encesi nr esponsear ear esul tof a)Cons umer sl oy al t y b)Cons umer sl i k i ng c )Cons umerdi sl i k i ng d)Cons umerk nowl edge Vi ewAns wer/Hi deAns wer 12.Di ffer ent i alr esponsebyconsumer sr esul t i ngi nbr andequi t ycanbeseeni n a)Per c ept i ons b)Pr ef er ences c )Behav i or d)Al l oft heabov e Vi ewAns wer/Hi deAns wer 13.Whati smor ei mpor t anti nbr andequi t y? a)Qual i t y b)Quant i t y c )Cus t omerper c ept i on d)Noneoft heabov e Vi ewAns wer/Hi deAns wer 14.A____________canbedefinedast hemar ket er svi si onofbr andandwhati sshoul d dof orconsumer s. a)Br andex pl or at i on

b)Br andpr omi s e c )Br andc r eat i on d)Noneoft heabov e

1) Persil is the best selling laundry detergent in the UK. When Lever Bros. used the Persil brand name for its washing up liquid it was adopting ------ policy. A)an individual branding B)an overall family branding C)a line family branding D)a brand extension branding s Visit this group

2) Firms that use ----- are less likely to damage their reputations if a new product fails. A)individual branding B)overall family branding C)line family branding D)brand extension branding

3) Which of the following is NOT a desirable feature for a brand name? A)it can facilitate the introduction of new products B)it can become used as the generic name for all products in the category C)it can make it possible for the firm to engage in non price competition D)it can help develop brand loyalty amongst buyers

4) Which of the following is an example of a manufacturers brand? A)Sainsbury wines B)Matsui televisions C)Yessica dresses D)Flymo lawnmowers

5) Andrex toilet tissue is a __________ for Kimberly-Scott Corporation. A)trade name B)trade mark C)brand name D)brand mark

6) The Nike swoosh that is prominent on all of the firm's packaging, products, and advertising is a: A)trade name B)trade mark C)brand name

D)brand mark

7) Own label brands are initiated and owned by A)manufacturers only. B)manufacturers and retailers. C)wholesalers only. D)manufacturers and wholesalers. E)wholesalers or retailers.

8) The major characteristic of own label brands is that A)only retailers initiate and own the brand. B)manufacturers are not identified on the product. C)producers become involved with the marketing mix. D)producers are identified on the product.

9) At one time, generic brands represented about 10 percent of all retail grocery sales. Today they account for A)considerably less. B)considerably more C)about the same.

10) Dakotah, a South Dakota-based producer and marketer of fine home furnishings, authorized Dan River Mills to produce and market a line of sheets under the Dakotah name. This arrangement is an example of A)brand extension. B)brand licensing. C)family branding D)individual branding.

for more contents visit 11) A firm may decide that all packages are to be similar or include one major element of the design. This approach to promote an overall company image is called

A)family extension. B)family packaging. C)overall packaging. D)package extension. 12) Marketers should view packaging as a major strategic tool, especially for

A)consumer convenience products. B)consumer shopping products. C)industrial products. D)specialty products.

13) The spray bottle for Windowlene glass cleaner could be considered a secondary-use package because

A)its shape is ideal for multiple-unit packaging. B)glass cleaner works on chrome as well as glass. C)customers can reuse it for other purposes. D)it has a shape similar to other glass cleaner bottles. 14) __________ packaging means that the product is packaged in line with the packaging practices associated with a particular product category.

A)Category-consistent B)Category-specific C)Innovative D)Multiple-category E)Selective 15) Multiple packaging is

A)likely to increase demand. B)the same as family packaging. C)the most effective type of packaging. D)the most expensive type of packaging. 16) Homepride Foods would probably not want to use multiple packaging for its Royal baking powder because

A)the product is used infrequently. B)storage would be more difficult. C)shelf space could not be maximized. D)transport costs would increase. 17) The package design of a bag of flour would most likely be criticised for being

A)unsafe to the environment. B)unsafe to the user. C)deceptive. D)functionally deficient. E)well suited for multiple-unit packaging. 18) The label on a soft drink can reads "cool and refreshing." For what reason are these words used?

A)To provide information B)To encourage multiple purchases C)To promote the product D)To satisfy legal requirements 19) Which of the following statements about labeling frozen vegetables is FALSE?

A)The label can be used to facilitate the identification of a product. B)Labels do not have to disclose nutritional information. C)Labeling has a descriptive function. D)The label can play a promotional function. 20) The warning label on a pack of Silk Cut cigarettes is included most directly to

A)satisfy legal requirements. B)promote the product. C)encourage the proper use of the product. D)position the product as being socially responsible. What Is Brand Positioning? Answer : Brand positioning is a process in which marketers would like to occupy the rational space in the minds of the target customers against competition. The following are the basis for positioning a brand: o Target audience o Frame of reference o Point of differentiation o Reasons. Differentiate Between Brand Extension And Line Extension? Can These Both Happen At Once? Give An Example. o Answer : o Brand Extension: Where a company uses its existing brand name to launch new products in other categories. o Line Extension: It is a type of brand extension. Line extension trap should be avoided to extend brand in products hurting the consumer’s regard for a company. o Example of both the above in a single category – Will Sports is an example of a brand extension to launch a new line of products. Assume You Are A Brand, Describe Your Strengths And Weaknesses? o Answer : o My strengths are good communication, analytical and client servicing skills and flexibility to any kind of environment. My weakness is diversified concentration.I position as a brand by means of catering to the mass market (Flexibility) with assortment of product categories (diversified concentration) across geographies (flexibility) with high quality product standards to the consumers...

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