MCQ Test-Unit One [With Keys] PDF

Title MCQ Test-Unit One [With Keys]
Course MBA
Institution Savitribai Phule Pune University
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MCQs Test of Unit One Dated: 13/8/2013 Fundamentals of Organisational Behaviour 1. A study of human behavior in organizational settings is a. Individual behavior b. Group behavior c. Organizational behavior d. None of these 2. Scientific Management approach is developed by a. Elton Mayo b. Henry Fayol c. F.W. Taylor d. A. Maslow 3. “Hawthrone experiment” which was a real beginning of applied research in OB was conducted by a. Elton Mayo b. Henry Fayol c. F.W. Taylor d. Max Weber 4. Organization Behavior is a. An interdisciplinary approach b. A humanistic approach c. Total system approach d. All of these 5. Organization Behavior is not a /an a. A separate field of study b. Applied science c. Normative science d. Pessimistic approach 6. “Cognitive theory” of learning was given by a. Skinner b. Pavlov c. Tolman d. Piajet 7. Behaviour, power, and conflict are central areas of study for _____________. a. sociologist b. Anthropologists c. Social psychologists d. Operations analysts 8. According to Robert Katz, when managers have the mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations, they possess _____________ skills. a. Technical b. Leadership c. Problem-solving d. Conceptual 9. While managing political behaviours in organization, the manager requires discouraging: 1|Page

a. Negotiation b. Relationships c. Self interest d. Dialogue 10. Which of the following is an environmental force that shapes personality? a. Gender b. Height c. Experience d. Brain size 11. ____________ refers to the network of personal and social relations that is developed spontaneously between people associated with each other. a. Formal organization b. Informal organization c. Business organization d. Government organization 12. An OB study would be least likely to be used to focus on which of the following problems? a. an increase in absenteeism at a certain company b. a fall in productivity in one shift of a manufacturing plant c. a decrease in sales due to growing foreign competition d. an increase in theft by employees at a retail store 13. Which of the following is a reason that the study of organizational behaviour is useful? a. Human behavior does not vary a great deal between individuals and situations. b. Human behavior is not random. c. Human behavior is not consistent. d. Human behavior is rarely predictable. 14. Psychology’s major contributions to the field of organizational behavior have been primarily at what level of analysis? a. the level of the group b. the level of the individual c. the level of the organization d. the level of the culture 15. Which behavioural science discipline is most focused on understanding individual behaviour? a. Sociology b. social psychology c. Psychology d. anthropology 16. The science that seeks to measure, explain, and sometimes change the behaviour of humans and other animals is known as …… a. Psychiatry b. Psychology c. Sociology d. organizational behavior 17. ------------blends concepts from psychology and sociology. a. Corporate strategy 2|Page

b. Anthropology c. Political science. d. Social psychology 18. The science that focuses on the influence people have on one another is. a. Psychology b. Anthropology c. political science d. social psychology 19. Which of the following fields has most helped us understand differences in fundamental values, attitudes, and behaviour among people in different countries? a. Anthropology b. Psychology c. Political science d. Operations research 20. The subject of organizational culture has been most influenced by which behavioural science discipline? a. Anthropology b. Psychology c. social psychology d. political science 21. Basis of “Autocratic Model of OB is a. Economic resources b. Power c. Leadership d. Partnership 22. Basis of “Custodial Model of OB is a. Economic resources b. Power c. Leadership d. Partnership 23. Basis of “Supportive Model of OB is a. Economic resources b. Power c. Leadership d. Partnership 24. Basis of “Collegial Model of OB is a. Economic resources b. Power c. Leadership d. Partnership 25. Managerial orientation of “Autocratic Model” of OB is a. Authority 3|Page

b. Money c. Support d. Teamwork 26. Managerial orientation of “Supportive Model” of OB is a. Authority b. Money c. Support d. Teamwork 27. Managerial orientation of “Custodial model” of OB is a. Authority b. Money c. Support d. Teamwork 28. Managerial orientation of “Collegial Model” of OB is a. Authority b. Money c. Support d. Teamwork 29. Employees needs met by Autocratic Model is a. Subsistence b. Security c. Status and Recognition d. Self-actualization 30. Employees needs met by Custodial Model is a. Subsistence b. Security c. Status and Recognition d. Self-actualization 31. Employees needs met by Supportive Model is a. Subsistence b. Security c. Status and Recognition d. Self-actualization 32. Employees needs met by Collegial Model is a. Subsistence b. Security c. Status and Recognition d. Self-actualization 33.” Person-Job fit” means a. Persons physical fitness match with the job b. Persons skills match with the job c. Persons contributions match with the incentives offered by the organization 4|Page

d. Persons education match with the job 34.Organization is a consciously coordinated social unit, composed of___________________ People. a. Not less than 100 b. More than 10 c. two or more people d. any number of 35. Manager is an individual who achieves goals through__________________ a. other people b. Other organization c. Other agents d. None of the above 36. In an organization the decisions are taken by_________________ a. stakeholders b. only by CEOs c. managers d. subordinates 37. Manufacturing and service firms are _______________ a. organizations b. establishments c. group d. profit making units 38. The people who oversee the activities of others and who are responsible for attaining goals in these organizations are managers are also called as____________________ especially in not-for-profit organizations. a. administrators b. promoters c. watch dogs d. controllers 39. Five management functions has been written by French industrialist ________ a. b. c. d.

F. W. Taylor Henri Fayol Both a & b None of above

40. When a factory supervisor gives a group of high school students a tour of the plant, he or she is acting in a______________ role. a. boss role b. supervisor role c. figurehead d. CEO 41. One of the following role is not an interpersonal role a. leader b. banker 5|Page

c. figurehead d. liaison 42. ___________________The approach that emphasizes the positive and freewill aspects of human behaviour is _________________ framework. a. behavioristic b. cognitive c. a & b d. none of the above 43. ____________________, cognitions precede behavior and constitute input into the person‘s thinking, perception, problem solving, and information processing. a. In cognitive framework b. In behavioristic framework c. Social Cognitive Framework d. None of the above 44. _____________________ takes the position that behavior can best be explained in terms of a continuous reciprocal interaction among cognitive, behavioral, and environmental determinants. a. Social learning theory b. behavioristic framework c. Social Cognitive Framework d. a, b, & c 45. expectancy, demand, and intention are emphasized under________________________ a. Social learning theory b. Cognitive Framework approach c. Social Cognitive Framework d. None of the above 46. Sociology is the study of_________________ a. Psychology. b. Social system c. Societies d. Political environment 47. Anthropology is the study of__________________ a. Political system b. to learn human beings and their activities c. both a and b d. None of the above 48. Social psychology is the study of___________________ a. Human beings and their activities b. Social environment 6|Page

c. Blend of concepts of psychology & sociology d. All above 49. Political Science focuses on ______________ a. Intra-organizational politics and power b. Social interaction c. Culture d. None of the above 50. An organization consist of people so it is also a ___________ a. Society b. Politics c. Power d. None of the above 51. The origin of management in the organized way can be traced as back as the origin of ________________ a. Machine b. Industries c. Human beings. d. None of the above 52. One of the following is not a management thinker a. Elton Mayo b. Koonz c. F. W. Taylor d. Shakespeare 53. Harmony in Group Action is one of the principles of scientific management is the work of _____________ a. Frank Gilberth b. Henry Gantt c. Taylor d. None of the above 54. One of the following is not a managerial quality. a. Physical ability b. Mental ability c. Immoral ability d. Emotional ability 55. One of the following is the General Principles of Management. a. Initiative b. Emotional intelligence c. Negotiation d. None of the above 56. Organizational effectiveness is achieved when a) Employees feel satisfied b) Organizations grow in size and volume 7|Page

c) Organizations produce quality goods and services at reasonable cost, earn profits and satisfy all stakeholders

57. Which of the following is the correct statement a) Human behaviors are caused and not random b) People tend to avoid behaviors c) Human behaviors tend to be abnormal all the time

58. Sociology has recognized organizations as a) Mere brick and mortar b) Social systems c) Epicenters of unethical behavior

59. OB offers a) Technical skills b) People skills c) Communication skills

60. OB helps to understand the causes of a problem, predict the course , and control its consequences. The above statement is a) True b) False 61. A field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness. a) Sociology b) Anthropology c) Organizational behavior

62. Which of the following is not part of the basic framework for analysing Organisational Behaviour issues? a) The process of management b) Organisational context 8|Page

c) Gender and ethnic differences d) Behaviour of people e) None of the above

63. The four main dimensions which influence behaviour in work organisations are a) Individual, organisation, group, gender b) Individual, group, organisation, environment c) Group, environment, organisation, gender d) Environment, group, individual, gender

64. The main contribution of psychology to Organisational Behaviour is the study of: a) Personality, attitudes, perceptions and motives b) Social structures and relationships c) Social beliefs, customs and values d) Social beliefs, customs and values

65. Which of the following is not an influence on behaviour in work organisations? a) The environment b) The group c) The building d) The individual e) None of the above


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