MCQs Chapter 1 - Multiple Choice Questions for Digital Systems and Binary Numbers PDF

Title MCQs Chapter 1 - Multiple Choice Questions for Digital Systems and Binary Numbers
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Multiple Choice Questions for Digital Systems and Binary Numbers...


MCQ Questions for Chapter 1 in Digital Design Question 1: 1. Convert the Gray code number (11010) to decimal number. 2. Convert the Gray number 110011 to excess-3. 3. Convert the octal number (25)8 to excess-3. 4. Convert the Gray number 110011 to Hexa-decimal. Question 2: 1. What are the symbols used to represent digits in the binary number system? a) 0,1 b) 0,1,2 c) 0 through 8 d) 1,2 2. If the decimal number is a fraction then its binary equivalent is obtained by ________ the number continuously by 2. a) Dividing b) Multiplying c) Adding d) Subtracting 3. The representation of octal number (532.2)8 in decimal is ________ a) (346.25)10 b) (532.864)10 c) (340.67)10 d) (531.668)10 4. The decimal equivalent of the binary number (1011.011)2 is ________ a) (11.375)10 b) (10.123)10 c) (11.175)10 d) (9.23)10 5. An important drawback of binary system is ________ a) It requires very large string of 1’s and 0’s to represent a decimal number b) It requires sparingly small string of 1’s and 0’s to represent a decimal number c) It requires large string of 1’s and small string of 0’s to represent a decimal number d) It requires small string of 1’s and large string of 0’s to represent a decimal number

6. The largest two digit hexadecimal number is ________ a) (FE)16 b) (FD)16 c) (FF)16 d) (EF)16 7. Representation of hexadecimal number (6DE)H in decimal: a) 6 * 162 + 13 * 161 + 14 * 160 b) 6 * 162 + 12 * 161 + 13 * 160 c) 6 * 162 + 11 * 161 + 14 * 160 d) 6 * 162 + 14 * 161 + 15 * 160 8. The given hexadecimal number (1E.53)16 is equivalent to ____________ a) (35.684)8 b) (36.246)8 c) (34.340)8 d) (35.599)8 9. The octal number (651.124)8 is equivalent to ______ a) (1A9.2A)16 b) (1B0.10)16 c) (1A8.A3)16 d) (1B0.B0)16 10. Convert binary to octal: (110110001010)2 =? a) (5512)8 b) (6612)8 c) (4532)8 d) (6745)8 11. Octal to binary conversion: (24)8 =? a) (111101)2 b) (010100)2 c) (111100)2 d) (101010)2 12. Convert the binary number (01011.1011)2 into decimal: a) (11.6875)10 b) (11.5874)10 c) (10.9876)10 d) (10.7893)10

13. What is the addition of the binary numbers 11011011010 and 010100101? a) 0111001000 b) 1100110110 c) 11101111111 d) 10011010011 14. Perform binary addition: 101101 + 011011 = ? a) 011010 b) 1010100 c) 101110 d) 1001000 15. Perform binary subtraction: 101111 – 010101 = ? a) 100100 b) 010101 c) 011010 d) 011001 16. Perform multiplication of the binary numbers: 01001 × 01011 = ? a) 001100011 b) 110011100 c) 010100110 d) 101010111 17. On multiplication of (10.10) and (01.01), we get a) 101.0010 b) 0010.101 c) 011.0010 d) 110.0011 18. Divide the binary numbers: 111101 ÷ 1001 and find the remainder a) 0010 b) 1010 c) 1100 d) 0011 19. Divide the binary number (011010000) by (0101) and find the quotient a) 100011 b) 101001 c) 110010 d) 010001

20. 1’s complement of 1011101 is ____________ a) 0101110 b) 1001101 c) 0100010 d) 1100101 21. On subtracting (010110)2 from (1011001)2 using 2’s complement, we get ____________ a) 0111001 b) 1100101 c) 0110110 d) 1000011 22. On addition of 28 and 18 using 2’s complement, we get ____________ a) 00101110 b) 0101110 c) 00101111 d) 1001111 23. On addition of -46 and +28 using 2’s complement, we get ____________ a) -10010 b) -00101 c) 01011 d) 0100101 24. On addition of -33 and -40 using 2’s complement, we get ____________ a) 1001110 b) -110101 c) 0110001 d) -1001001 25. If the number of bits in the sum exceeds the number of bits in each added numbers, it results in _________ a) Successor b) Overflow c) Underflow d) Predecessor 26. An overflow is a _________ a) Hardware problem b) Software problem c) User input problem d) Input Output Error

27. An overflow occurs in _________ a) MSD position b) LSD position c) Middle position d) Signed Bit 28. 1’s complement can be easily obtained by using _________ a) Comparator b) Inverter c) Adder d) Subtractor 29. The advantage of 2’s complement system is that _________ a) Only one arithmetic operation is required b) Two arithmetic operations are required c) No arithmetic operations are required d) Different Arithmetic operations are required 30. The 1’s complements requires _________ a) One operation b) Two operations c) Three operations d) Combined Operations 31. For arithmetic operations only _________ a) 1’s complement is used b) 2’s complement c) 10’s complement d) 9’s complement 32. Binary coded decimal is a combination of __________ a) Two binary digits b) Three binary digits c) Four binary digits d) Five binary digits 33. The decimal number 10 is represented in its BCD form as __________ a) 10100000 b) 01010111 c) 00010000 d) 00101011

34. Add the two BCD numbers: 1001 + 0100 = ? a) 10101111 b) 01010000 c) 00010011 d) 00101011 35. Carry out BCD subtraction for (68) – (61) using 10’s complement method. a) 00000111 b) 01110000 c) 100000111 d) 011111000 36. A three digit decimal number requires ________ for representation in the conventional BCD format. a) 3 bits b) 6 bits c) 12 bits d) 24 bits 37. The binary-coded decimal (BCD) system can be used to represent each of the 10 decimal digits as a(n): a) 4-bit binary code b) 8-bit binary code c) 16-bit binary code d) ASCII code 38. If a typical PC uses a 20-bit address code, how much memory can the CPU address? a) 20 MB b) 10 MB c) 1 MB d) 580 MB

39. Select one of the following statements that best describes the parity method of error detection. a)

Parity checking is best suited for detecting single-bit errors in transmitted codes.


Parity checking is not suitable for detecting single-bit errors in transmitted codes.


Parity checking is capable of detecting and correcting errors in transmitted codes.


Parity checking is best suited for detecting double-bit errors that occur during the transmission of codes from one location to another.

40. How many binary digits are required to count to 10010? a) 7 b) 3 c) 2 d)100 41. How many bits would be required to encode decimal numbers 0 to 9999 in straight binary codes? a) 12 b) 14 c) 16 d) 18 42. The excess-3 code for 597 is given by __________ a) 100011001010 b) 100010100111 c) 010110010111 d) 010110101101 43. The decimal equivalent of the excess-3 number 110010100011.01110101 is _____________ a) 970.42 b) 1253.75 c) 861.75 d) 1132.87

44. Which of the following is the most widely used alphanumeric code for computer input and output? a) Gray b) ASCII c) Parity d) EBCDIC 45. How many bits are in an ASCII character? a) 16 b) 8 c) 7 d) 4 46. Decode the following ASCII message. 10100111010100101010110001001011001 01000001001000100000110100101000100 a) STUDYHARD b) STUDY HARD c) stydyhard d) study hard

47. The code where all successive numbers differ from their preceding number by single bit is __________ a) Alphanumeric Code b) BCD c) Excess 3 d) Gray 48. Convert the Gray code 1011 to binary. a) 1011 b) 1010 c) 0100 d) 1101

49. Convert the binary number 1100 to Gray code. a) 0011 b) 1010 c) 1100 d) 1001 50. When using even parity, where is the parity bit placed? a) Before the MSB b) After the LSB c) In the parity word d) After the odd parity bit 51. Select the statement that best describes the parity method of error detection: a) Parity checking is best suited for detecting double-bit errors that occur during the transmission of codes from one location to another. b) Parity checking is not suitable for detecting single-bit errors in transmitted codes. c) Parity checking is best suited for detecting single-bit errors in transmitted codes. d) Parity checking is capable of detecting and correcting errors in transmitted codes. 52. The NOR gate output will be high if the two inputs are __________ a) 00 b) 01 c) 10 d) 11 53. The output of a logic gate is 1 when all the input are at logic 0 The gate is either _______ a) A NAND or an EX-OR b) An OR or an EX-NOR c) An AND or an EX-OR d) A NOR or an EX-NOR 54. A single transistor can be used to build which of the following digital logic gates? a) AND gates b) OR gates c) NOT gates d) NAND gates

55. How many truth table entries are necessary for a four-input circuit? a) 4 b) 8 c) 12 d) 16 56. Which input values will cause an AND logic gate to produce a HIGH output? a) At least one input is HIGH b) At least one input is LOW c) All inputs are HIGH d) All inputs are LOW 57. The basic logic gate whose output is the complement of the input is the ___________ a) OR gate b) AND gate c) INVERTER gate d) XOR gate...

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