MCQs - Legal History - mcq for practice manual for llb online exam for the year 2020-2021 PDF

Title MCQs - Legal History - mcq for practice manual for llb online exam for the year 2020-2021
Course LL.B
Institution Savitribai Phule Pune University
Pages 25
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mcq for practice manual for llb online exam for the year 2020-2021...


Law Guru Institute

Legal History

Adv. Gajanan Choudhary

Legal History Multiple Choice Questions 1. When was East India Company incorporated? a. 1800 b. 1700 c. 1600 d. 1500 2. What was the object of the East India Company? a. To promote trade & commerce and to acquire territories b. To promote trade & commerce and to promote monarchy c. To promote trade, commerce and Christianity d. To acquire territories and to promote the British currency 3. Where did East India Company establish its first factory? a. Bombay b. Madras c. Surat d. Calcutta 4. When did East India Company establish its first factory? a. 1611 b. 1612 c. 1613 d. 1615 5. Which was the first Presidency town in India? a. Surat b. Bombay c. Madras d. Calcutta 6. Which was the first Presidency town to be fully established by East India Company? a. Surat b. Madras c. Bombay d. Calcutta 7. Who found Madras? a. Hindu Raja b. East India Company c. Chancebury Wednesday d. Francis Day

Law Guru Institute

Legal History

Adv. Gajanan Choudhary

8. Hindu Raja granted the Company a village. What was it known as? a. Madraspatnam b. Madraspata c. Madraspitta d. Madrasmata 9. Madraspatnam was located near: a. The River b. The Creek c. The Mansion d. The Fort 10. By which name Madraspatnam was known? a. Brown Town b. Black Town c. White Town d. Town 11. a. b. c. d.

By which name ‘The Fort’ was known? Brown Town Black Town White Town Town

12. What was the entire settlement of ‘Black Town’ and ‘White Town’ came to be known as? a. Surat b. Madras c. Bombay d. Calcutta 13.

Before being a Presidency town, what was the status of Madras? a. Status of agency b. Status of amity c. Status of principal d. No status


Before 1665, Madras was subordinate to which presidency? a. Bombay b. Calcutta c. Surat d. Calicut

Law Guru Institute

Legal History

Adv. Gajanan Choudhary

15. Agent and council were to refer serious criminal cases for advice to whom? a. British crown b. British Parliament c. Company’s servant in India d. Company’s servant in England 16. Agent and council was: a. Executive Authority b. Judicial Authority c. Both d. None of the above 16. The village headman who was responsible for the maintenance of law was called: a. Adigar b. Sarpanch c. Adhikari d. None of the above 17. Village headman was the judge of which court? a. Court of Revenue b. Criminal court c. Civil court d. Choultry court 18. Charter of 1661 empowered a. Agent in Council b. Governor and Council c. Village headman d. East India Company

to hear civil and criminal cases.

19. After dismissing Kanappa, who presided over the Choultry Court? a. Agent in Council b. Governor & council c. English servants d. Raja 20. In the second stage of settlement in Madras, the Court of Governor and Council was declared to be the ? a. Supreme Court b. High Court of Judicature c. Mayor’s court d. Court of agent in council 21. In 1678, number of judges in the Choultry court was increased to ____.

Law Guru Institute

a. b. c. d.

Legal History

Adv. Gajanan Choudhary

2 3 4 5

22. In 1678, choultry court was empowered to hear civil cases up to ______. a. 10 Rupees b. 10 Pagodas c. 50 Pagodas d. 50 Rupees 23. The Court of Admiralty was established under British Crown’s Charter of? a. 1683 b. 1686 c. 1661 d. 1687 24. In 1687, Mayor’s Court was established under? a. Company’s charter b. British crown c. British parliament d. Raja of Madras 25. Judges of Admiralty Court was appointed by whom? a. British crown b. British parliament c. Company d. Governor and Council 26. Admiralty Court dealt with _____. a. Martial law b. Civil cases c. Criminal cases d. Revenue Matters 27. First judge of Admiralty Court in 1686 was _____. a. John Biggs b. John Grey c. William Frazer d. Warren Hastings 28. In 1689, High Court of Judicature was presided over by governor? a. 2 b. 3

judges including the

Law Guru Institute

Legal History

Adv. Gajanan Choudhary

c. 4 d. 5 29. Judge-Advocate of Admiralty Court, John Dolben was dismissed on which charges? a. Bribery b. Murder c. Giving unjustified decisions d. Giving decisions contrary to the law 30. How many Alderman and Burgesses were there in the Mayor’s Court under the charter of 1687? a. 12, 60 Respectively b. 9, 30 Respectively c. 1, 29 Respectively d. 60, 12 Respectively 31. Which court was the court of record under the charter of 1687? a. Choultry Court b. Court of governor and council c. Court of agent in council d. Mayor’s court 32. Who was the first of the Mayor’s court under the charter of 1687? a. John Biggs b. John Grey c. William Frazer d. Warren Hastings 33. Which was the first European nation to acquire the island of Bombay in 1534 by cession? a. France b. Portugal c. Britain d. Dutch 34. In which year, British crown transferred Bombay to East India Company? a. 1667 b. 1668 c. 1690 d. 1683 35. At the early stage, Bombay was under the control of which Presidency? a. Surat b. Madras

Law Guru Institute

Legal History

Adv. Gajanan Choudhary

c. Calcutta d. Calicut 36. The Judicial plan of 1670 divided Bombay into 2 divisions, one of which was ………..? a. Bombay, Mahim, Parel b. Mahim, Parel, Girgaon c. Mahim, Parel, Sion, Worli d. Sion, Mazagaon, Girgaon, Parel 37. Under the plan of 1670, Court of deputy governor and council were to hear which cases? a. Civil cases upto 100rs b. Civil cases upto 200 xeraphins c. Civil cases over 150rs d. Civil cases over 200 xeraphins 38. Which charter provided for the application of English law and abolishment of Portuguese law? a. 1664 b. 1672 c. 1668 d. 1687 39. Court of Conscience dealt with which types of cases? a. Petty civil cases up to 20 Xeraphins without help of a jury b. Petty civil cases up to 20 Xeraphins with help of a jury c. Petty civil cases up to 10 Xeraphins without help of a jury d. Petty civil cases up to 10 Xeraphins with help of a jury 40. Court of Admiralty was established in Bombay in which year? a. 1683 b. 1684 c. 1690 d. 1687 41. In 1688, who was appointed as a judge of Admiralty court in Bombay? a. Dr. John b. Vaux c. John Biggs d. William Frazer 42. Whose attack put an end to the judicial system of Bombay in 1690? a. Siddi Yakub, Admiral of the Moghul Emperor b. Riddi Yakub, Merchant of the Moghul Emperor

Law Guru Institute

Legal History

Adv. Gajanan Choudhary

c. Attack by the Portuguese d. Attack by the French 43. In 1718, how many judges constituted the quorum of court of judicature? a. 2 b. 3 c. 5 d. 4 44. Court of Judicature had ………… jurisdiction? a. Civil and criminal b. Probate c. Testamentary d. All of the above 45. Appeal from Court of judicature went to which court? a. Court of Governor and Council only in cases where the amount involved was hundred rupees or more b. Court of Governor and Council only in cases where the amount involved was hundred rupees or less c. Court of Governor and council d. Deputy Governor and council 46. Which factory was constructed by the British in Calcutta? a. Fort Andy b. Fort Richard c. Fort William d. Red Fort 47. On the banks of which river was ‘Fort William’ constructed? a. Ganga b. Yamuna c. Hooghly d. None 48. In, 1698, the zamindari rights of which three villages were granted to East India Company? a. Calcutta, Sutiniti and Govindapur b. Calcutta, Sutanati and Govindpur c. Calcutta, Sutanati and Gorakhpur d. Calcutta only 49. When was Calcutta raised to the status of Presidency? a. 1699

Law Guru Institute

Legal History

Adv. Gajanan Choudhary

b. 1799 c. 1800 d. 1899 50. Who was appointed to act as Zamindar on behalf of the Company in Calcutta? a. Cashier b. Collector c. Nizam d. Sultan 51. Could collector award a death sentence? a. Yes b. No c. Yes but it had to be confirmed by the Governor and Council d. Can’t say 52. In which year was the Mayor’s Court established? a. 1700 b. 1721 c. 1723 d. 1726 53. Which King had issued the Charter of 1726? a. King George I b. King George II c. King Peter d. King Edward 54. Under the Charter of 1726, who was to be the Chief Executive officer of the Crown in the country? a. Officer b. Sheriff c. Commissioner d. Collector 55. According to the Charter of 1726, appeals now could be made to _____. a. Supreme Court of India b. High Court c. Privy Council d. Governor and Council 56. Under Adalat system in Bengal, which types of cases were dealt at provincial headquarters? a. Civil b. Criminal

Law Guru Institute

Legal History

Adv. Gajanan Choudhary

c. Revenue d. All the above 57. How many courts were established in provincial headquarters in Bengal during 1750s.? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 58. Nazim-e-Subah tried cases …………….? a. Civil appeals b. Petty civil cases c. Revenue matters d. Criminal appeals 59. Daroga-e-adalat aliah disposed the revenue matters on whose behalf? a. Company b. British crown c. Diwan d. Subedar Nawabs 60. Under Adalat system in Bengal during 1750s, court of Qazi dealt with which matters? a. Revenue matters b. Criminal matters c. Matters concerning personal laws d. Matters concerning transfer of property & inheritance 61. Court of Zamindar tried which cases? a. Petty civil cases b. Petty criminal cases c. Revenue cases d. Diwani rights 62. The concept of Dual government was given bya. Lord Cornwallis b. Warren Hastings c. Robert Clive d. None 63. Nawab was given which function under dual government? a. Collection of revenue b. Maintenance of law & order

Law Guru Institute

Legal History

Adv. Gajanan Choudhary

c. Civil justice d. Military power 64. Under Warren Hastings plan of 1772, collection of revenue was under control of? a. Nizam b. Governor c. Council d. Company’s servants 65. Warren Hastings brought how many reforms to revive the administration of justice in Bengal? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 66. Under 1772 plan, civil cases were dealt by? a. Head of Parganas b. Governor c. Company’s servants d. Moffusil Diwani Adalat 67. Under 1772 plan, when did Sadar Diwani Adalat heard appeals from Moffusil diwani adalat? a. In all cases b. When the value of civil suit was more than 500rs. c. In petty civil cases d. In all revenue matters 68. Who supervised the working of Moffusil Fauzdari Adalats under 1772 plan? a. Governor b. Qazi c. Maulvis d. Collector 69. Under 1772 plan, governor and council supervised which cases? a. Civil b. Criminal c. Revenue d. All the above 70. Under 1774 plan, territories of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa were divided into how many divisions? a. 4

Law Guru Institute

Legal History

Adv. Gajanan Choudhary

b. 5 c. 6 d. 7 71. Under 1774 plan, the decision of the Provincial Council was final in cases? a. up to the value of Rs. 1000 b. up to the value of Rs. 100 c. up to the value of Rs. 500 d. In all cases 72. Where did Sadar Nizamat Adalat shifted under 1774 plan? a. Orissa b. Bengal c. Bihar d. Murshidabad 73. The appeal from Moffusil Diwani Adalats was heard by Provincial Council ………..? a. In all cases b. Cases upto 500 rs c. Cases upto 1000rs d. None of the above 74. Which was one of the major merits of the Plan of 1780? a. Separation of Judiciary and Executive b. Separation between the revenue and judicial functions c. Separation of the Courts d. No merit at all 75. Who was appointed as the head of Sadar Diwani Adalat in 1780? a. Sir Elijah Oh b. Sir Elie Impey c. Sir Edward Omprey d. Sir Elijah Impey 76. Which was the most distinguished work of Sir Elijah Impey? a. Compilation of Civil procedure Code b. Compilation of Criminal procedure Code c. Compilation of laws relating to the land d. Compilation of laws exclusively for British 77. What was the new term of the directors of the Company under the Regulating Act of 1773? a. 2 years b. 4 years

Law Guru Institute

Legal History

Adv. Gajanan Choudhary

c. 3 years d. No change 78. What was the composition of the Supreme Court under the Charter of 1774? a. a Chief Justice and 3 Puisne Judges b. a Chief Justice and 2 Puisne Judges c. a Chief Justice and a Puisne Judge d. Chief Justice only 79. Which case was responsible for the conflict between Warren Hastings and the Governor and Council? a. Trial of Raja Nandu Kumar b. Trial of Raja Nand Kumar c. Trial of Raja Nandoi Kumar d. Trial of Raja Nandal Kumar 80. Which period witnessed the ‘Patna case’? a. 1777-79 b. 1779-81 c. 1781-83 d. 1783-85 81. Which important case followed the ‘Patna case’? a. Quasijurah case b. Cuasijurah case c. Cossijurah case d. None 82. Which Act was passed to rectify the defects of the Regulating Act 1773? a. Pitt’s India Act, 1784 b. East India Company Act, 1784 c. Pitt’s India Act, 1784 or East India Company Act, 1784 d. None 83. Who became the Governor General of India in the year 1786? a. Lord Cornwallis b. Lord Warren Hastings c. Lord Impey d. Lord Mountbatten 84. In which year was the Muslim Criminal Law codified by the government? a. 1790 b. 1780 c. 1789

Law Guru Institute

Legal History

Adv. Gajanan Choudhary

d. 1787 85. In which year was the Act to establish the High Courts, passed? a. 1851 b. 1861 c. 1871 d. 1881 86. Letters patent empoweres the High Court to: a. enrol and remove advocates, vakils and Attorneys-at-Law b. enrol and remove the court staff c. enrol and remove the litigants d. enrol and remove anyone 87. When was the High Court of Bombay established? a. 1860 b. 1858 c. 1862 d. 1861 88. In which year was the Government of India Act for the first time, passed? a. 1910 b. 1920 c. 1935 d. 1915 89. In which area did the Government of India Act, 1915 allow His Majesty to establish the new High Courts? a. In Patna b. In Lahore c. In any part of India d. No where 90. Which Court had jurisdiction in Patna before the establishment of Patna High Court? a. Calcutta High Court b. Bombay High Court c. Surat High Court d. Lahore High Court 91. Which Act is considered to be the predecessor of the Constitution of India? a. Government of India Act, 1935 b. Government of India Act, 1915 c. Both

Law Guru Institute

Legal History

Adv. Gajanan Choudhary

d. Neither 92. The maximum number of judges provided by the Government of India Act, 1915 was ____. a. 20 b. To be decided by the King-in-Council c. 30 d. 35 93. Who could recommend the removal of the Judges according to the Government of India Act, 1935. a. His Majesty b. The Privy Council c. Federal Court d. Nobody 94. The salaries of the judges of the High Courts, could not be changed to the _____ of the Judge. a. Advantage b. Disadvantage c. Liking d. Disliking 95. Which High Court was established after the enforcement of the Government of India Act, 1935? a. High Court of Banglore b. High Court of Poona c. High Court of Nagpur d. None 96. How many High Courts were stablished during 1947 to 1950? a. 5 b. 7 c. 6 d. 1 97. During the reign of Henry II, which were the two kinds of Courts? a. King-in-Parliament and King-in Counsel b. Court of House of Lords and Court of Privy Council c. Both a and b d. Neither a and b 98. Privy Council is also known as: a. King-in-Parliament

Law Guru Institute

Legal History

Adv. Gajanan Choudhary

b. King-in Counsel c. Both d. Neither 99. Who heads the Privy Council? a. Lord Chancellor b. Lords President c. Privy Councillors d. Lords of Appeal 100. In which year was the condition regarding the valuation of the suit was removed while filing an appeal in the Privy Council? a. 1818 b. 1820 c. 1891 d. 1881 101. Under which sections of the CPC, appeals from the High Courts to the Privy Council could be made? a. 105 – 108 b. 109 – 112 c. 112 – 115 d. 115 – 119 102. What is the value of Privy Council today? a. Precedential value b. Value as a court of appeal c. Value as an advisory body d. No value at all 103. When was the Federal Court inaugurated? a. October 1, 1932 b. October 1, 1935 c. October 1, 1937 d. India never had a federal court 104. How many judges formed the Federal Court? a. A Chief Justice and not more than five puisne judges b. A Chief Justice and not more than six puisne judges c. A Chief Justice and not more than four puisne judges d. A Chief Justice and not more than three puisne judges 105. What was the age of retirement of the judges of the Federal Court? a. 60 years

Law Guru Institute

Legal History

Adv. Gajanan Choudhary

b. 55 years c. 65 years d. 61 years 106. How many years a barrister, advocate or pleader is supposed to practice before being appointed as the Chief Justice of the Federal Court? a. 10 years b. 15 years c. 5 years d. 7 years 107. Which section of the Government of India Act, 1935 led down provision relating to its original jurisdiction? a. Section 204 b. Section 206 c. Section 208 d. Section 207 108. In which case was it held that “the Privy Council need not hear criminal appeals unless there is an irregularity or something outrageous as to shock the very basis of justice.” a. Mohindar Singh v. Emperor b. Joginer Singh v. Emperor c. Mehndi Singh v. Emperor d. None 109. Which section empowered the Privy Council to have advisory jurisdiction? a. Section 211 b. Section 212 c. Section 213 d. Section 214 110. Which act abolished the Federal Court and jurisdiction of the Privy Council? a. Abolition of the Privy Council Jurisdiction Act, 1949 b. Abolition of the Privy Council Jurisdiction Act, 1950 c. Abolition of the Privy Council Jurisdiction Act, 1947 d. Abolition of the Privy Council Jurisdiction Act, 1945 111. In which Indian case did Privy council exercise its appellate jurisdiction for the last time? a. N.S. Krishnaswami v. Perumal Goundaaanna b. N.S. Krishnaswami v. Perumal Goundy c. N.S. Krishnaswami v. Perumal Gound d. N.S. Krishnaswami v. Perumal Goundan

Law Guru Institute

Legal History

Adv. Gajanan Choudhary

112. In which year did Privy council exercise its appellate jurisdiction for the last time? a. 15/12/1950 b. 15/12/1949 c. 15/12/1947 d. 15/12/1947 113. Which charter made the provision for the appointment of Law Commission? a. Charter of 1833 b. Charter of 1834 c. Charter of 1836 d. None 114. In which year was the first Law Commission established? a. 1833 b. 1835 c. 1834 d. 1832 115. Who was appointed as the Chairman of the first Law Commission? a. Lord Cornwallis b. Lord Macaulay c. Lord Hastings d. Lord Impey 116. The First Law Commission consisted of ____ members. a. 5 b. 4 c. 3 d. 2 117. Which codes were the First Law Commission asked to prepare? a. Indian Penal Code b. Criminal Procedure Code c. Civil Procedure Code d. All of the above 118. The term ‘Lexi Loci’ means: a. Law of the world b. Law of England c. Common Law d. Law of the land 119. Who was the Chairman of the Second Law Commission?

Law Guru Institute

Legal History

Adv. Gajanan Choudhary

a. Sir John Jervis b. Sir John Romilly c. Sir C.H.Cameron d. Sir Edward Ryant 120. Which report of the Second Law Commission suggested that there should not be any attempt to codify the personal laws of Hindus and Mohammedans. a. First report b. Third report c. Second report d. Fourth report 121. Which code was enacted on the basis of the draft of the Second Law Commission? a. Indian Penal Code b. Civil Procedure Code c. Criminal Procedure Act d. None 122. How many reports in all were submitted by the Third Law Commission? a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7 123. Which report of the Third Law Commission drafted the Negotiable Instruments Act? a. First b. Third c. Sixth d. Seventh 124. Which is known as the golden era of the codification of the Indian Law? a. 1836 to 1872 b. 1852 to 1872 c. 1851 to 1861 d. None 125. Who recommended the government to constitute Law Commission in India? a. Lord Maucauly b. Lord Cornwallis c. Pt. Nehru d. Lord Salisbury 126. Which Law Commission was the last under ...

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