MCQs Visual Programming C# PDF

Title MCQs Visual Programming C#
Author Shahrukh Khan
Course Skill development
Institution Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan
Pages 22
File Size 358.1 KB
File Type PDF
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MCQs Visual Programming C#MCQs Visual Programming C#MCQs Visual Programming C#...


100 MCQs of Visual Programming

1. Which of the following is not a component of IDE… a) tool box b) start menu c) designer windows d) solution explorer Answer B

2: ——- is an example of visual objects… a) control objects b) ADO.NET c) ASP.NET d) all of the above Answer B

3: Which of the following is used to change the color of the form… a) can’t change b) properties windows c) source code d) b and c both Answer D 4: Which of the following is used in GUI… a) should be easy for a user to manipulate b) uses buttons, menus, and icons c) Both a and b d) All of the above Answer C 5:Which function call for the exit sub procedure , function procedure… a) exit for

b) break c) exit do d) exit () Answer D 6:Which of the following is used to hide the content in textbar… a) caption b) hiden c) password char d) name Answer C 7: Which of the following is used to represent the items in a hierarchical manner… a) progress bar b) tree view c) grid view d) none of these Answer B 8: Which of the following method is used to remove a dialog box in from view… a) display b) hide c) enable d) disable

Answer B

9: Which of the following box provides a set of choices to the user… a) Text b) Combo

c) Command d) list Answer D 10:Which of the following property is common for many tools… a) name b) window status c) place d) location Answer A 11:Which of the following is true about disabled menu item does not appear in the … a) title bar b) status bar c) standard bar d) menu bar Answer D 12: Which of the following arrays can be declared when the user may not know the exact size of the array at design time… a) dynamic array b) dimensional array c) two-dimensional array d) none of these Answer A 13: Which of the following appears at the top of the screen… a) menu b) title c) debug d) tool

Answer B 14: Which option is true when the user clicks a button …….. is opened… a) a method b) an event c) a property d) a setting Answer B

15: Which of the following example is true about visual programming…

a) controls object b) ADO.NET c) ASP.NET d) all of these Answer D 16.

CLR is the .NET equivalent of _________. A.

Java Virtual Machine


Common Language Runtime


Common Type System


Common Language Specification

Answer A 17.

In C#, a subroutine is called a ________. A.







Managed code

Answer C


All C# applications begin execution by calling the _____ method. A.








Answer B 19.

_________ are reserved, and cannot be used as identifiers. A.








Answer A 20. A _____ is any valid C# variable ending with a colon. A.








Answer B 21.

C# has _______ operator, useful for making two way decisions.









Answer D 22. C# doesnot support: A.





multiple inheritance



Answer C 23. Different ways a method can be overloaded in C#.NET A.

Different parameter data types


Different order of parameters


Different number of parameters


All of above

Answer D 24. In the body of a method, C# uses the variable named_____to refer to the current object whose method is being invoked A.








Answer B

25.String mystring; Creates a(n) A.







a and b

Answer c 26. An Event is A.

The result of a users action


result of a party


code to force users action

Answer A 27: Which of the following box given a set of choices to the user a) Command b) list c) Text d) combo Answer B

28: Which statements are true, IDE is… a) Integrated development environment b) Integrated dual environment c) Internet development environment d) Integrated desktop environment Answer A

29: Which of the following is true that access specifier allows a class to expose its member variables and member functions to other functions and objects? a) private b) public c) internal d) protected Answer B 30. ……………. event occurs when a key is pressed while the form has the focus. A) Keydown B) Keypress C) Keyup D) KeyEnter Answer B 31 In ……………….. keyword is used to refer to the current object. A) Current B) Me C) This D) Form Answer C

32. Form’s ………………. property is used to specify the initial position on the screen. A) InitialPosition B) StartPosition C) StartScreen D) InitialScreen Answer B

33. ………….. class is built into the .Net Framework to display messages and accept input from the user. A) Msgbox B) MessageBox C) InputBox D) DisplayBox Answer B 34: We can limit the amount of text entered into TextBox control by setting ……………… property to a specific number of characters. A) MaxLength B) TotalLength C) TextAmount D) TextLimit Answer A 35: TextBox controls also can be used to accept password if the …………….. property is used to mask characters.

A) PasswordChar B) PasswordCharacter C) MaskChar D) PasswordControl Answer

A 36: In order for the scroll bars to actually appear, the text box’s …………….. property must be True.

A) MultiLine B) MultiText C) Scrolling D) MultiVisible Answer A 37: The Windows Forms __________ is a component that raises an event at regular intervals. A.Splitter B.delegate C.Timer D.None of these Answer C. 38: The __________ control provides a shortcut menu that you associate with a control. A.ContextMenuStrip B.ToolStrip C.ToolStripTextBox Answer A. 39 : Choose which one is converts a type to a string… a) toSbyte b) tosingle c) toString. d) toInt64 Answer C

40: Which of the following is the data members of a class by default … a) private, public b) protected, public c) public d) private Answer D 41: Which of the following is used to define reference variable… a) $ b) # c) ref d) & Answer C 42: Which of the following method has the same name as its class name… a) class b) delete c) constructor d) none of these Answer C 43: ………. is used for the changed the colour of the form… a) can’t change b) property window c) source code d) both b & c Answer D

44: Which of the following is not true about font property… a) font save b) font bold c) font name d) all of these Answer A 45: Project is run through a shortcut key… a) F5 b) F8 c) F6 d) F9 Answer A 46: Code that targets the Common Language Runtime is known as A.Unmanaged B.Distributed C.Legacy D. Managed Code Answer D

47: Which of the following constitutes the .NET Framework? A. ASP.NET Applications B. CLR C. Framework Class Library D. WinForm Applications Answer B 48: Which of the following is the root of the .NET type hierarchy? A. System.Object B. System.Type C. System.Base D. System.Parent Answer A 49: How many values is a function capable of returning? A.1 B.0 C. Number of arguments does it use. D. Any number of values. Answer A

50: Which of the following statements is correct about constructors in C#.NET? a) A constructor cannot be declared as private. b) A constructor cannot be overloaded. c) A constructor can be a static constructor. d) A constructor cannot access static data. Answer C 51: _______ is used for finding out about objects, properties and methods. a. Object browser b. Form layout window c. Code editor window d. None of the above Answer A 52: The default property for a text box control is _____ a. Text b. Password char c. Multiline d. Enable Answer A

53: The ______ is a tool used for both the Input and output purpose. a. command button b. text box c. label d. combo box Answer B 54: A variable which is declared inside a method is called a________variable. A. Local B. Private C. Static. D. Serial Answer A 55:_______ is used to give the control a meaningful name in a control’s list of properties? (A). Text (B). ContextMenu (C). Name (D). ControlName Answer C

56: ……………… is a valid name for a variable? A. T4 Marks B. 4 Marks C. T4_Marks D. T4.Marks Answer C 57: What is the size of a Decimal? A.4 byte B.8 byte C.16 byte D.32 byte Answer C 58: Which of the following is an 8-byte Integer? A. Char B. Long C. Short D. Byte Answer B

59: Which of the following is NOT an Integer? A. Char B. Byte

C .Integer D. Long Answer A 60: Which of the following is the correct default value of a Boolean type? A. 0 B. 1 C. TRUE D. FALSE Answer D 61: Which of the following is the correct size of a Decimal datatype? A.8 Bytes B.4 Bytes C.10 Bytes D.16 Bytes Answer D

62: Which of the following are not a Logical operators in C#.NET? A. && B. || C. ! D. Xor Answer D

63: A GUI: A) B) C) D)

uses buttons, menus, and icons. should be easy for a user to manipulate. stands for Graphic Use Interaction. Both a and b.

Answer D 64: Visual Studio .NET provides which feature: A) debugging. B) application deployment. C) syntax checking. D) All of the above. Answer D 65: Which type of project can a developer choose in the New Project dialog box? A) B) C) D)

Visual Basic Projects Visual C# Projects Visual C++ Projects All of the above.

Answer D 66: Which is not a main component of the Visual Studio IDE A) Solution Explorer B) Tool Box C) Start Menu D) Designer Window Answer C

67: Which are the standard prefixes for the Button and Combo box controls respectively? A) btn and chb B.) btn and cbo C) bto and chb D) bto and cbo Answer B 68: Which are the standard prefixes for the text box and label controls respectively? A) tex and lbl B) tex and lab C) txb and lbl D) txb and lab Answer C 69: Which task is accomplished in the Code editor? A) Adding forms to the project B) Adding controls to the form C) Adding event procedures to the form D) Both a and b. Answer C 70: An object is composed of: A) properties. B) methods. C) events. D) All of the above. Answer D

71: Which is not a property of the Common control class? A) Show B) BackColor C) Font D) ForeColor Answer A 72: Which property determines whether a control is displayed to the user? A) B) C) D)

Hide Visible Enabled Cursor

Answer B 73: The CancelButton property belongs to which object? A) Button B) Form C) Label D) Timer Answer B 74: The Tick event is found only in which object? A) B) C) D)

Form Button Label Timer

Answer D

75: The Date data type does not hold which type of information. A) Seconds B) Hours C) Days D) Quarters Answer D 76: Which TextBox property should always be changed first? A) B) C) D)

BorderStyle Font Name Text

Answer C 77: Which method of a ListBox will remove all the items at a time? A) Items.RemoveAt B) Item.RemoveAt C) Items.ClearAt D) Items.Clear Answer D

78: Which two controls combined to form the ComboBox control? A) ListBox and TextBox B) ListBox and InputBox C) ListBox and MsgBox D) Label and TextBox Answer A 79:Which of the following is used to hide the content in textbar… a) caption b) hiden c) password char d) name Answer C 80: Which of the following is used to represent the items in a hierarchical manner… a) progress bar b) tree view c) grid view d) none of these Answer B...

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