Meaning of Health Education and its importance PDF

Title Meaning of Health Education and its importance
Course Indsutrial Instrumentation
Institution Jamia Millia Islamia
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Health education is a type of education in which we aim to turn people's perceptions of their own health into actions at the individual and societal levels, so that we can ensure not just individual health but also a healthy society. We refer to all materials that provide health education as "health...


Meaning of Health Education and its importance Introduction: Health education is a type of education in which we aim to turn people's perceptions of their own health into actions at the individual and societal levels, so that we can ensure not just individual health but also a healthy society. We refer to all materials that provide health education as "health education." Health education is a theoretical and practical component of the school education programme because one of the main goals of education is to promote health. Simply said, health education is a process that causes changes in people's knowledge and attitudes, resulting in changes in their health practises. Its goal is to generate health knowledge, explore possibilities for behaviour change, their repercussions, and open and acceptable course of action choices for people affected. Physical health is, without a doubt, a pre-requisite for all forms of schooling. Platial school buildings, extensive equipment, thoroughly prepared teachers, supervisors, and other school personnel, expertly constructed curriculums, elaborate measurement techniques, and well organised and well administered guidance programmes all fail to achieve their respective purposes unless directed towards the improvement of physical, mental, and emotional health of every student, as Crow & Crow beautifully state.

Anyone who comes into their zone of influence, whether a child, adolescent, or adult." The health of students is essential for achieving educational goals. As a result, education is the sum of all experiences, both at school and elsewhere, that have a positive impact on habits, attitudes, and knowledge relevant to individual, social, and communal health.

According to the preceding remark, health is a form of life that can only be practised when one's body and mind are in good shape. According to the report of the health education committee (New York), New York, 1973): "Health education is a method of bridging the gap between health knowledge and practise. Health education encourages people to take the information they've learned and use it to improve their health by avoiding dangerous behaviours and adopting healthy habits." The emphasis on process in this concept is a strong point. We can say there are as many definitions of health education as there are definitions of health education. Dr. Thomas Wood defines health education as "the sum of experiences (in school and elsewhere) that favourably influence habits, attitudes, and knowledge related to individual community and social health." "Health education," says Ruth F. Grout, "is the educational process's translation of what is learned about health into desired individual and group behaviour patterns."

1. What is understood about health—the fundamentals of health. 2 Desirable individual and societal behaviour patterns—long-term health objectives 3. Through the educational process, translation. In simple terms, the youngster should understand the fundamental concept of health. "Why do, what do, and how do?" he should be able to answer. It is, for example, vital to wash hands before eating. Why? Because it lowers the risk of contracting diseases. Health education, on the other hand, is a human creation, and it is flawed in many ways. It's a more practical concept.

Both education and health education are important:

Education entails not just receiving an education, but also instilling mental and physical strength in a person. It encourages people to modify their behaviours and attitudes and to develop character. The old perception of the 3Rs (Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic) has now been disproved.

Ruth E. Grout has outlined some specific health education goals. These health education goals are linked to educational goals in general:

1. Individual optimal growth, with specific attention to physical and emotional development.

2. Improvement of human relationships, particularly in terms of health. 3. The application of health facts and principles to the production and consumption of goods and services in terms of economic efficiency.

4. Civic duty, particularly when it comes to health. The following are the goals of health education, according to Anderson:

1. To disseminate health information. 2. To be aware of all diseases and flaws that act as catalysts. Obstacles to maintaining and curing one's health. 3. To protect the environment in the immediate vicinity from contamination. 4.Organize a unique health programme for students. 5. Every student's health is inspected, and the needs of the kids in terms of health are identified.

6. To cultivate a positive attitude regarding their own health. 7. To raise awareness about the importance of social health.

Meaning and importance of curriculum:

1. It is critical to acquire scientific information in order to develop healthy attitudes among students. 2. To ensure that students have a thorough understanding of health-related issues, as well as how to treat and avoid them. 3. By giving good health specimens to the pupils, they will acquire an interest in good health. 4. To be interested in trying out new ways to improve one's health. 5. To improve the power to take decision regarding the health.

Education and health education are strongly intertwined. Yet health education has a restricted scope because it is related only to the health of someone whereas education has a wide reach because it brings all round development in a child/person, though both are complementary to each other.

Aims and Objectives of Health education: The terms Aims, Objectives and Goals are used interchangeably by many individuals yet they do have particular distinctions. Aims-Aims are the main, great general objects towards, which all education is oriented. The purpose of health education is to engage people actively in programmes and services which are arranged for the solution of health problems that is to enable people learn to do things themselves for their own health improvement. Health education aims at establishing such a quality of life as may enable an individual to live most and to serve best. According to W.H.O. Expert Committee on Health Education, "The purpose of health education is to encourage people to obtain health by their own activity and efforts." According to C.V.Good, "Aim is for seen end that offers directives activities. vity! Objectives:- To attain this aim of health education, there are particular to an objectives of health education. Objectives are more concrete and definite items that build up to aims and help in accomplishing them. C.V.Good defines, "Objective is an intended change in the behaviour of learners as a result of experiences directed by school."

To attain the aim of health education R.C.E.Turner has given out certain particular objectives of health education:

1. To maintain healthy environment in the schools. 2 To examine physical pupils so that they may take rational decisions for their personal those diseases. diseases and to make efforts to cure and avoid. 3. To promote knowledge and dispositions relating to health among the health. 4.Promoting desirable health habits. 5. To explore methods to safeguard from contagious diseases. 6. Developing school, home and community co-operation in health promotion. 7 Discovering physical deformities and other abnormalities in the kid and supporting their treatment, if they are remediable....

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