Meaning OF THE Color IN THE Drawings OF Children PDF

Title Meaning OF THE Color IN THE Drawings OF Children
Author Paula Hernando
Course Teoría de la Educación
Institution Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Pages 4
File Size 159.2 KB
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teoriade la educación (inglés) significado de los dibujos de los niños y los colores que utilizan para describir rasgos de su personalidad y poder observar alteraciones psicológicas. ...


MEANING OF THE COLOR IN THE DRAWINGS OF CHILDREN Everybody knows the real meaning of the famous spanish proverb: “A picture worths than thousands words”. Children´s drawings not only tell us their preferences and the options for the form, colors and characteristics of the traces, also talk about their experiences and concerns. Because of this, the interpretation of children's drawing is used by many psychologists as a useful therapy in the treatment of a problem. There are many cases of problems that can be better identified through drawings.

Children cannot explain what they are feeling, because they do not know how to do that, for this reason the drawing can be a great support tool. Cases of violence, aggressiveness, cases of abuse or mistreatment, fears and nightmares, anxiety, emotional dependency, family relationships... in the practice can be identified on the

drawings of children. It is logical to interpret them is required specialized training, beacuse much of what children draw is also the fruit of his imagination and fantasy, or a copy of what he saw in a book, a movie or on TV. Children's drawings Matisse says that “to create is to express what one has within himself", and it is. When we create our feelings and emotions, the picture gives us the possibility of getting to know the inner psychology of the person who drew it. Pictures speak for themselves, but to analyze them is necessary to know well the author as well as the environment in which he or she lives. Children who live in areas with conflict, war, or with abuses, for example, can express their suffering and anguish over their drawings. But that alone is not enough. To help them to overcome this type of conflict is necessary to undertake a bond of trust with them. The child's artistic development is considered as a process of organization of the thought and representation of the environment, allowing understanding their mental development. For children, art is a means of expression, the language of thought. In the drawings all the changes experienced by children while they are growing are showed. For this reason the drawing is a great document of analysis and diagnosis for psychologists. There are some keys to interpret children's drawings using color analysis, but also is necessary to know fundamental aspects for a correct reading of children's drawing:

1) The children's drawing is very rich in details its analysis should include a complete analysis that includes factors such as age, size, form of stroke, location in space. 2) In general, each color can be attributed to the expression of a number of temperament traits of the artist, the colors are presented in combination with each other. Of that combination we should be able to extract information rather than for each particular color. 3) Remember that these kinds of interpretations are very useful to detect possible problems in children. When children are drawing they are living a experience or a simple game of the childhood, but really they are reflecting many of the experiences that would otherwise be more difficult to express. 4) The characteristics identified for each color vary according to the tonality. The pastel colors applied lightly and uniformly are associated with calm and emotional temperaments. By contrast the bright and markings colors are associated with strong feelings either positive (love) or negative (aggression). 5) Another important aspect that we should take into account when analyze the color of children's drawings is their suitability (from age 7).It means, if the child represents the different elements or objects according to their true color or not. A green sun we cannot interpret the key features of that color but we are going to interpret the reason for the change by the child (disconnected environment, rule violation, impulsivity, creativity, attention, be different, tell us something hidden must decipher).

The different colors and their meanings: YELLOW: When this color predominates in the drawing may indicate the existence of certain tensions or conflict situations, usually in the family or with any of the reference figures (especially the father). Yellow is a color intermediate that unconsciously indicates caution. Also it could be considered a transition from one situation to another. If the yellow part, not predominate over the other ones, can be interpreted in key energy, dynamism, creativity and even adaptation.

BLUE: In general, the blue is a color that transmits calmness, serenity, and tenderness, lack of impulsivity, understanding, and ability to think. In short, the predominance of blue in the drawing can be understood as the ability to control oneself and emotional intelligence. Some children will fade gently to create the sky or the sea (sensitivity, affectivity). Some authors claim that an excess of blue in the pictures might mean a sign of enuresis. Some children may well represent, unconsciously, the bedwetting problem.

BROWN: Brown is a strong color that can take on different colors and on this basis, have a different meaning. We usually see this color in the trunks of trees drawn, representing the "self." A predominance of brown can mean the need to have "feet on the ground," realistic situations, premature responsibility. Also aggressive tendencies (justified as defensive) if the tone is very dark. Brown can also indicate, according to context and drawing settings: reliability, persistence, prudence and intolerance.

BLACK: The black color is stronger and is associated in our culture to different patterns contradictory to each other. The black has been used traditionally to represent the mourning family losses and death, but the color is very popular and used in current fashion to achieve elegant and sophisticated designs. A predominance of this color indicates a rebellious personality, emotional sufferer. You may also melancholy, prudish or the need to stand out from others. As we see his interpretation must be based on contextual clues from the rest of the drawing because it can take different interpretations. If the drawing shows the predominance of black in combination of red, the most likely scenario is that it is a child with little patience impulsive, hyperactive, impulsive tendencies and / or aggressive, especially if accompanied by an irregular line, angular and strong.

RED: Red is one of the children's favorite colors. Its meaning is almost always associated with vitality, energy, courage, passion, excitement and, in general, all human emotions. If its presence is combined with other colors in a balanced way, is an example of balance, controlled emotions and even healthy activity. A very dominant red usually indicates ambition, lack of self control, appetite for risk, irrationality, sexuality prematurely. A red very strong, dominant in the drawing, accompanied by sharp lines and lack of definition of design, we might point out: hostility, aggression, violation of the rules and even violence.

PINK: Pink traditionally has been associated with the female world but also very often present in young children. It is associated with sensitivity, affectivity, preference for the ideal world (princes and princesses). Also taste for quiet activities. Too much pink can indicate need to disconnect from reality (from 7 or 8 years, preferably in children).

GREEN: Green is a color we associate mainly positive tranquility, rest, hope, love of nature, sensitivity, etc... As with other colors, you can take on different hues. From the lightest green (calmness, sensitivity) to the strongest (decision, hope) through many shades. The predominance of green or use on items that are not appropriate (for example to color the water, sky, etc...) Can, but noted rebellion, nonconformity, low tolerance for frustration. Also personal or emotional imbalance.

VIOLET: We could define the violet as the most spiritual of the full range of colors. Its meaning is basically associated with a personality that is dominated idealistic principles whether ethical, religious, moral or otherwise. It also involves an unconscious expression of desire, control of passions and even melancholy or sadness. In children it is rare to find in a dominant fashion. A predominance of violet in the children's drawing, although not very common, has been associated with the expression of internal unrest related to educational patterns, by the parents, too rigid and intolerant. This creates fears in the child not be able to achieve fully meet the expectations of their parents.

ORANGE: Orange is vibrant. It's a combination of red and yellow so it shares some common attributes with those colors. It denotes energy, warmth, and the sun. But orange has a bit less intensity or aggression than red, calmed by the cheerfulness of yellow.

GREY: The meaning of grey is often seen as a very neutral, calm, quiet color that is lacking in energy. Some common properties of the color grey include: boring, calm/quiet, conservative, lacks energy, neutrality, decay/decline, drains physical body....

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