Med Surg Final Review - Practice Questions, from the book and online put together PDF

Title Med Surg Final Review - Practice Questions, from the book and online put together
Author Anonymous User
Course Med Surg
Institution Gurnick Academy
Pages 7
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Practice Questions, from the book and online put together...


1. Autonomous Behavior 2. What assessment should nurse make to evaluate presence of pain in cognitively impaired patient? Increased confusion 3. What should be included in patients care plan in consideration of cultural similarities? Culture is learned shared and expressed similarly among members 4. If you have patient in acute pain and have pancreatitis, you review lab report showing elevation, what lab report do you review? Serum Amylase 5. If you have exposure to an antigen you’re explaining that the initiator of inflammatory response is presence of histamine, what releases histamines? Basophils 6. What do you have to know as pre-req for working with geriatric patients? Specialized knowledge is needed 7. What should you suspect a patient is developing when he is holding his vitals six inches from his face and reads out of his head reading from corner of eye? Macular degeneration 8. What is the basis for the health illness continuum? Variation in degree of health or illness 9. Which example best demonstrates a healthy family? Roles of breadwinner and homemaker can be shifted as needed 10. An older adult patient is quite ill and confused and begins to cry when nurse approaches bed to start IV what is best action for nurse at this time? Keep the infusion, talk slowly and divert attention of the patient 11. What is the best description of the current view of the family as a unit? Unit of 2 or more share joined together by mutual bonds and identity 12. Which characteristics are most likely to be present in a patient with dementia? Forget relatively quickly and unable to learn new thing 13. What are you going to include in dc planning for patient with laparoscopy procedure…? Have them follow a low fat diet 14. If someone is going to have tomography to enhance visualization of tissue hidden by hone, what assessment should you immediately address? Claustrophobia 15. What kind of pain do you have with peptic ulcer? Burning 16. If you have a new admit in extended care that stays in their room and doesn’t want to participate in activities and does not come out to eat much? Social withdrawal 17. A patient is hospitalized with cryptocauc pneumonia…? Hands washed before and after gloving 18. Inadequate is it a normal developmental phase for 5 yr. old to run around a give kisses…? Yes it is 19. Nutrition is patient problem applicable to patient with aggressive systemic sclerosis, what is important to teach patient? Eat smaller more frequent meals 20. 10s unit, what does it do? Stimulates both skin and underlying tissue to decrease intensity of pain 21. What should nurse suggest to patient to prevent effects of postoperative immobility of GI system? Increase fluid intake

22. How does the healthy kidney adjust the volume and composition of filtrate that prevents fluid loss? Tubular reabsorption 23. How does gerontologist at developmental process recognize the term aging? Begins at time of birth 24. Why do they make you wait 20-30 after getting IM antibiotics? Make sure you do not have allergic reactions 25. You’re taking care of patient who is immunosuppressed and trying to protect from infection and isolate attire when visitors come in? Prohibit potted plant 26. You have two people that are dehydrated; one is from heat exhaustion and other from OD of Lasix, what finding should be present in both people? Increase lab volumes of hematocrit and hemoglobin 27. What recommendations are you going to make to family of patient that has apraxia and going home? Remove scattered rugs 28. A nurse is talking with a patient who recently became paraplegic has result of cervical spinal cord injury, when home is assessed patient becomes angry…? Tell me what it is about the equipment that others you 29. If you were having someone do a post void catheterization, which one would indicate adequate bladder emptying? Less than 50 mL 30. In which stage is introspection a major characteristic? Older age 31. A nurse in conjunction with patient establishes a plan to treat pain associated with arthritis, what is most effective strategy? Apply warm moist compresses before activity 32. What do connective tissue disease effect? Bones, ligaments, cartilage and tendons

-When preparing plan of care for older adult patient nurse should consider…? Physical and psychosocial

-Which assessment is greatest priority to report for Geriatric patient? Last BM made 4 days ago -What should the nurse suspect the patient is developing, when holding bible is 6in from his face? Macular degeneration -A nurse counsels a family regarding a stage of adolescence, which development task is appropriate for nurse to include for adolescence? Maintaining open communication between parent and child -Nurses providing dc instructions to family of older patient who is not able to get out of bed, what should nurse instruct family to prevent urinary incontinence…? Set up toileting program -A post op patient is considering of pain, morphine every 4-6 hours, what do you assess first? Determine when they had last pain medicine -You have two people that are dehydrated; one is from heat exhaustion and other from OD of Lasix, what finding should be present in both people? Increase lab volumes of hematocrit and hemoglobin -Which assessment made by nurse is major sign of renal age related to age? Urinary incontinence -What do connective tissues effect? Bones ligaments, cartilage and tendons -Based on guideline from ADA act, which Q is appropriate choice to director or nurse to ask nurse with artificial leg applying for position? Are you able to lift load of 45 lbs. -- Eat nothing before bedtime -- What is the current view of health? Includes mental, physical, social and emotional adaptation to environment -- What should be the primary nursing goal when caring for a patient who is experiencing dysfunctional grieving? Resolution of grief -- If you got a patient that is going for liver biopsy what medication they take home would you question? Aspirin -- You have a daughter of older patient the patient is just coming out of surgery, daughter is distressed because he is pale, cold, what are you going to explain the reason for that? When patient have blood loss during surgery superficial veins close off resulting in cold -- You’re in the emergency room working and a patient comes in that has died almost immediately after admission, patient did not have medical history of problems or reason to have dealt, what do they do then? Contact the coroner or medical examiner -- What understanding is prerequisite working with geriatric population? Specialized knowledge -- If you’re helping older person relieve discomfort of protisi, what are you going to do? Tepid bath, then moisturizer -- A 5 yr. old patient was in accident when cousin was killed, patient starts to wet bed at night, what Q should nurse ask mother…? Do you think its related to the accident? -- Is it a normal developmental phase for 5 yr. old to run around a give kisses…? Yes it is -- Patient with diverticulosis, what could cause that? Perforation -- A patient with fecal incontinence, should be taught importance of maintaining good skin integrity, what should the focus be of teaching? Cleanse the perianal area thoroughly after each stool

-- If you have a patient with visual impairment on the left eye, where do you put things? On the right side -- You’re taking care of a obese patient who has been bedridden for very long time and has high risk for infection, where is best location to check for moist red lesions? Between the abdominal skinfolds -- A patient whose has had hysterectomy yesterday has not been allow food or drink by mouth, doctor has ordered patient diet to be clear liquid, what do you need to check prior? Check bowel sounds -- What is responsible for releasing histamines? Basophils -- You got a patient going home that has ataxia, what kind of accommodations are you going to suggest the family makes? Remove the scattered rugs -- What should be included in a patients care plan in consideration of cultural similarities? Culture is learned shared and expressed similarly among strong members -- Patient who has urinary incontinence is at risk for UTI, what should nurse teach patient and family? Void every 2 hrs. and take 2000 ml fluid everyday -- If you have a cognitively impaired patient, what behavior is going to tell you that they are having pain? Increased confusion -- How do gerontologists recognize aging as a developmental process? Begins at the time of birth -- How does healthy kidney adjust the volume of composition of filtrate that prevents excessive fluid loss? Tubular reabsorption -- What characteristics are most likely to be present in dementia patient? They forget things relatively quickly and usually unable to learn new things -- What should nurse suggest to patient to prevent effects of postoperative immobility to GI system? Increase fluid intake -- What is a person with gout increased risk for? Kidney stones -- You have 24 yr. old man scheduled for brain surgery, and he is constantly listening for music with headphones on? Conscious coping strategy -- If you have a patient with atopic dermatitis, how can you instruct them to be more comfortable? Instruct to wear loose clothing -- You have a new resident admitted to extended care, stay in their room don’t take part in activities…? Social withdrawal -- Which behavior is best exemplifies developmental activities in 13 yr. old teenager? Going out with group of friends -- What does butler gerontologist say ageism does? Dehumanizes older people -- If you have a 34 yr. old patient that has been admitted for severe diarrhea that has been going on for two weeks, what other symptoms are you going to see with that patient? Hypotension and fatigue -- Why do they wait 20-30 minutes after IM dose? Wait to see for any allergic rxns -- What are the best kinds of diet or food you’re going to give to patient that has Alzheimer’s? Finger foods several times a day -- If you have progressive systemic sclerosis, adequate nutrition is a problem, what point are you trying to teach about their diet? Eat smaller more frequent meals -- In what stage introspection a major characteristic? Older age -- If someone is coming back after hernia repair BP is 90/60, pulse is 108, what are you going to do first? Check the incision/dressing to see if they are saturated

-- If you’re caring for a dying patient that is grieving, nurse basis patient care that grief is helpful and assist patient with realty of death? Uncomplicated -- A patient in acute pain is admitted with pancreatitis, you review lab report showing elevation that is a diagnostic for pancreatitis? Serum amylase -- What are the two most prevalent types of dementia? Alzheimer’s Disease & Vascular Dementia -- You have someone who has TPN line, they are complaining, why can’t you put it in my arm? Rapid dilution and bigger vein -- What is the most appropriate way to explain how the 10s unit works? The units stimulates both the skin and the underlying tissue to decrease the intensity of pain -- As a home health nurse, you’re assigned to follow up with patient with GERD, which primary symptoms should you consider when updating care plan? Heart Burn -- What is the most appropriate nursing intervention for patient with pustbicruss? Speak clearly and distinctly while facing patient -- What is the best description of current view of family as unit? Unit of two or more joined together by mutual bonds and identity -- What is that they do to greatly reduce postoperative pain for patients about to undergo hip replacement? Femoral nerve blocks -- You have somebody that does post void catheterization, what amount is going to tell you that it’s adequately emptying? Fit less than 50 mL -- What assessment by an ER department nurse most indicates that a burn patient might be at risk for respiratory impairment? Sooty Sputum -- An older patient with osteoarthritis complains of stomach discomfort and SOB after years of taking aspirin, what’s most appropriate for home health nurse to suggest? NSAIDs -- A nurse reminds a patient that communicates in a family involved continual exchange of information, which is best example of this concept? Accepting individual differences -- If you’re taking older person home, which environmental can lead to functional incontinence? Patient’s room located on opposite side of the bathroom -- What should be the first intervention when nurse finds patient has fallen? Assess the circumstances of the fall and an injury sustained -- How does the term old aged or aged best define? Person of advanced age -- What information should nurse provide to patient with vitilgo receiving phototherapy? Wear protective clothing -- What should a nurse often find in the medical history of patient that has diagnosed with pancreatitis disease? Alcohol Abuse -- If you have a patient that is calm and peaceful, despite assessment that injuries may be causing severe pain, which other alternative might you suggest? Playing music by favorite artist -- If you are giving bladder-training instructions to patient with urinary incontinence, what initial instructions should nurse give to patient? Void every 2-3 hrs. while awake -- You have a patient who got penthrain as an inhaled anesthetic and are complaining of sore throat and raspy voice, what should you explain? Insertion of an endotracheal tube

-- You are working and you are going to put new IV of 5% Dextrose and water with potassium to an existing line, notice that there is only 25 mL of urine in the past hour? Avoid hanging the IV and inform the RN -- Somebody is going to have a tomography to enhance the visualization of tissue hidden by bone, what assessment would be immediately addressed? Reports of claustrophobia -- If you discontinue an IV, what action should you implement when you discontinue it? Observe site for redness or swelling and place a 2x2 dressing over it -- An older adult is quite ill and confused and beings to cry pitifully when the nurse approaches bed to start IV line, what is best action for nurse? Keep infusion equipment out of sight and distract them -- If you work in long-term care you find a patient that has delirium in another patients room several times, what is best action to do? Take him to the nurse’s station and let him visit for a while -- A postoperative patient who has no previous medical conditions is difficult to arouse when transferred to surgical unit from post anesthesia unit, gets pulse ox of 85%, what are you going to do? Arouse and cough deep breath -- What is it you are not going to take into the room of immunosuppressed patient? Potted plant -- A nurse assessing a patient risk for developing a pressure ulcer using Norton scale, patient scored 18, what are you going to do? Document it -- What intervention should nurse implement when assessing a patient with jaundice who has been given the nursing diagnosis of disrupted skin integrity? Mittens and socks -- What education should nurse provide to patient with anal rectal incontinence? Perform pelvic muscle exercises -- If you are trying to figure out ways to treat pain with arthritis, what is most effective strategy? Apply warm moist compresses before activities -- What is the main role of a nurse when assessing families and their coping strategies? Give Information and reassurance -- A nurse has a patient with a central line, the insertion site is covered by occlusive dressing with yesterdays date, and the nurse is to give IV drug through the central line, what should be the initial action of the nurse? Check dilution of the drug -- Why is it important to assess a patient’s limb after regional anesthesia and reposition them? Pain is not perceived although motion is possible -- A nurse is talking with a patient who recently became paraplegic result of spinal cord injury; don’t need to worry about home equipment…? Tell me what it is about this equipment that bothers you -- Family member of patient with severe dermatitis says I was always careful to bathe him I guess it was not home, what is the best response? Dermatitis is not caused by poor hygiene -- What should a nurse include in a discharge-teaching plan for a patient with laparoscopy procedure for cholestasis? Low fat diet -- What type of pain for peptic ulcer? Burning

-- A patient confides that her husband shares only the incidental happenings of his day at work as he reads the paper, he never tells her he loves her, what communication pattern should nurse recognize? Dysfunctional -- What is the most current endoscopy procedure for examining the small intestine? Capsule camera -- A patient is hospitalized with Cryptococci pneumonia and AIDS, what is most standard precaution for healthcare team to implement? Hands are washed before and after gloving -- Which chronic condition is related to the presence of chronic pancreatitis? Diabetes mellitus -- What is the basis for the health illness continuum? Variation in degree of health or illness -- A nurse is choosing an IV cannula for an older patient and will choose the smallest size that will deliver the fluid, what size is most appropriate? 22 gauges -- What kind of technique should nurse implement when changing postoperative dressing? Aseptic -- What is being administered when nurse hangs an IV bag with sodium potassium and chloride? Electrolytes -- Breadwinner and homemaker can switch as needed -- Which one of these medications can cause confusion? Digoxin -- The physician orders and anti-nuclear antibodies for patient with suspected rheumatoid arthritis, what information will nurse provide in preparation? Fast 8 hours before the test -- A nurse assess that a 42 yr old patient lives with her parents and is dependent on them for decision of her life, which mental characteristic is this patient lacking? Autonomous Behavior -- How often should nurse remove and release restraints? Once every 2 hours and 10 minutes -- For the past three evenings after their arrival parents have been arguing…? Scapegoat...

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