Med Surg- Shock Lecture PDF

Title Med Surg- Shock Lecture
Author Tess Anderson
Course Medical Surgical Nursing
Institution Yale University
Pages 6
File Size 110.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 102
Total Views 156


Lecture notes on Shock for Medical Surgical Nursing. Could also be helpful for students prepping for the NCLEX....


SHOCK = a life threatening condition of circulatory failure OR pause in normal act of death  ORGANS SHUTTING DOWN Preload Afterload Contractility Either an issue w/ pump, pipes or the volume Tissue Perfusion: CO= HR x SV SV= function of preload, afterload, contractility CVP= preload SVR= afterload; pressure that left vesicle has to pump against (BP; MAP) *don’t need to know specific formulas (important equation slide) MAP below 65= problem Most important organs: 1. Heart 2. Brain 3. Kidneys

Results:  Hypo-perfusion  Metabolic acidosis o because of lactic acidosis Alpha & Beta Receptors:  B1- heart o Beta 1 agonist- increase contractility & HR (use it a lot for shock?)  B2- lungs o Don’t use this as often  Alpha 1- vasoconstriction; phenylephrine (pressure already low so don’t usually want to give unless pt is being operated on) Responses to decreased system oxygen delivery  Cellular edema  Increased membrane permeability  Hydrolysis of cellular membrane 1

Adrenal Glands:  Cortisol  Epinephrine o Flight or flight response RAAS:  Promotes inflammation in the kidney o Kidneys will become damaged much quicker Stages of Shock: (PE)  Non-progressive stages compensated stage or pre-shock o “feeling of impending doom” o Respiratory alkalosis  Progressive stage  uncompensated stage or shock o Systolic BP 38 or less than 36  HR >90  RR >20  Pa02 12,000 or 10% bands  How to assess for organ damage: (septic shock) o Less than 30mL for hour for kidneys o Lactic acid: above 2 (then septic shock) Septic Shock:  Initial Resusitation (early goal directed therapy o CVP 8-12 o MAP > or greater than 65 o Urine Output > or equal to 0.5 o CVP or mixed CVP 70% o In pt w/ elecvated lactate levels targeting resuscitation to normalized lactate  Antibiotics o Vancomycin (gram positive) o Zosin (gram negative- but depends on the hospital/where you are located)  Infection o Send for loss stools o Meticulous mouth care- brush at least 2x/day o NGT tube/meticulous oral care o Foley care o Pressure ulcers (turning every 2hr/move 15 degrees)  Hypotension o Increased vessel wall & capillary permeability  Leaking out into 3rd spacing Septic Shock Treatment:  Glucose Control o Keep at 180 o Hyperglycemia probably helpful  IV Bicarb therapy until pH reaches 7.15 o Can increase lactic acid production (this is the problem) Toxic Shock Syndrome:  Able to menstruate?  Usually either streptococcus pyogens or staphylococcus aureus  **have to take out tampon**  If no tampon then look for necrotasis fashinitis  Tx: IV immunoglobins (IVIG)  Clindamycin (DOG: risk of CDiff)  S/s


Cardiogenic Shock:  Risk factor- MI  Assess: BP down; narrow pulse pressure  Intra-aortic balloon pump  Tx: o Dobutamine (4+ beta)  Like dopamine but w/o tachy CASE:  Type: Neuogenic shock (spinal cord injuries above T6 then it takes out sympathetic nervous system; brady)  Treatment:  Clinically: o Skin is warm & dry** SHOCK= BP DOWN, HR UP Obstructive Shock: Photo- tension pneumo (first picture) Pneumo-pericardium & pneumo thorax (second picture) Multi-Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS)  Diagnosis o Cardiac dysfunction  EKG  Troponin  Echocardiogram  CXR o Lungs  CXR  02 stat  ABGs o Liver  ALT  AST (cirrohosis- would be normal)  Alkphoshate  INR; PT o Pancreas  Lipase  Amalase  CT  MRI o Kidneys 5


o o o

 Urine output (first)  BUN/Cr  Ultrasound  CT Scan Brain  CT scan to head  Neurotest GI tract  Bowel sounds (if no bowel sounds- worried) Skin  Peticciaie Endocrine  Adrenal- cortisol  Thyroid- PTH; T3/T4

P/F Ratio:  Difference= 02 delivery  PA02: P/F Ratio  PA02/FIO2 (as a number)  Normal: >300  200-300 mild hypoxia  100-200 moderate hypoxia ...

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